#mark tuan


A choking sound echoes from the backroom, followed by a loud clank of dishes and Seokjin doesn’t need to take a look to know it was Jungkook, knew the vampire smelt you as you approached the coffee shop and knew your scent only grew stronger when you pulled the door open and wind followed you in, wafting the lobby with the sweet smell of you. Your flowery perfume easily overrode the bitter stench of beans and Seokjin himself had the pleasure of catching a small whiff of the incredibly addicting fragrance.

Instead of making your way up to the counter, you keep your eyes glued to the shattered screen of your phone as you blindly stumble for the closest table positioned by the freshly-cleaned window.

Seokjin sighs and carefully places down the cup he was drying, drapes the cloth next to it and shoves at the swinging door to the back kitchen. He finds Jungkook standing over the coffee machines, the technology beeping loudly as every wrong button is pushed.

“Jungkook, what the hell,”

Seokjin stomps over and grabs the teenager’s wrists together, pins them against the taller boy’s chest and forces him to take a step back.

“What are you doing?”

“I need a fucking distraction Seokjin, she-“

Jungkook flinches when the hard thump of Seokjin’s finger flicks against his forehead. He frowns and rubs the spot, despite feeling no pain.


“Watch your language,”

Seokjin scolds and in turn Jungkook huffs in annoyance, decides to ignore him.

“She smells like… like rain?”

Seokjin peeks at the confused boy out of the corner of his eye, watches him rip his beanie off and scratch at his head before slipping it back on.

“Is it raining outside? She smells like rain, I smell rain and flowers and, what is that; ink? Day old ink, Seokjin, what am I smelling right now?”

“Can you wait her already? She’s been sitting too long, stop looking for a useless distraction from her and just go,”

Jungkook’s eyes widen in horror.

“Be her waiter?”

“What the hell did you do to my machine?”

Seokjin taps on the top of the coffee maker and gets an angry screech in response. He takes a deep calming breath, turning to a panicking Jungkook.

“Get out of my kitchen before I beat you. Go, go,”

Jungkook was more than strong enough to resist but he lets Seokjin throw him out anyway, long legs tangling together and causing him to fall to the tiled floor behind the counter. He quickly pops up, clears his throat out of embarrassment and locates you at the front of the store. His mouth immediately goes cotton dry, mind fuzzy and chest stiff at the sight of the tight fitting dress you wore. It was midnight black and squeezed at your every curve, heeled boots the same color reaching up a few inches below the hemline, right above your knees to teasingly leave an inch or two of glowing skin to his eye.

Your legs were crossed and bouncing beneath the table and your face was nearly fully buried into the magazine clutched in your hand. His heart skips a beat and thumps against his ribcage, causing him to suck down a painful breath before forcing himself to swirl around the counter and trips over his shoes on his way over to you.


He curses himself in his head multiple times for stuttering. He was with you for hours yesterday but he was finding it difficult to speak to you. Especially with the way your dress dipped so low in the front and placed your breasts on display as he stood over you. He nearly choked again when you looked up at him, your expression brightening at the familiar face.

“Jungkook? Hey!”

He smiles shyly and looks down at his red leather Nikes.


The sound of you swiftly closing your magazine snaps his gaze back up. You smile brightly and prop your chin on your hand.

“What’re you doing here? Do you work here?”

“What? No, no. Seokjin-”

“Your dad’s friend,”

He tries stopping the warmth from spreading through him at the fact that you remembered.

“Yeah uh, he owns it, I was just… um… hanging… out and,”

He bites his lip and you tilt your head.

“Saw me?”

He nods sheepishly.

“Am I interrupting?”

You jump to clear your other books out of the way, gesturing towards the seat across from you.

“No! Sit, please,”

Jungkook looks around first.

“Do you want a drink? I can have Seokjin make you something,”

You purse your lips in thought before reciting a request to him. When he turns and shouts your order loudly over his shoulder, you can’t hide the giggles that leave your mouth. He spins to you again with wide eyes and the corners of his lips turn up slightly when he sees your hands over your face, shoulders shaking with your laugh. Your eyes were sparkling and he thinks he better take that offered seat now before his knees gave out on him. He slips into the chair and quickly looks out the window at the sunrise to avoid eye contact with you, follows the raindrop trails as they slide down the glass pane.

“Isn’t it supposed to be hot today?”


You gain his attention and you nod at his top; another thick sweatshirt like the day before but this time pure white and greatly oversized, looking like it belonged to his father. He wore a matching white beanie and some black torn jeans, not the typical outfit for this time in the early months of summer.

“Oh, right yeah. I just, I’m allergic… to… the sun,”

He sees fearful realization flash in your eyes for a brief second before you mask it with interest.

“Really? Wow, that must be awful,”

“It’s a burden,”

He sighs, shifting in his seat.

“Staying so covered up all the time,”

He trails off and you chew on your bottom lip, your tongue briefly making an appearance before your mouth opens. He waits for you to say something but your lips press together again, your hands slowly reaching for your magazine.

“Can I get your opinion on something?”

“Of course,”

Jungkook replies without missing a beat, sits up straighter and leans his elbows on the tables surface.

“So I’m looking for an apartment right,”

His eyes rise from the book to your face, his jaw clenching uncomfortably. A war is fought in his eyes, blue threatening to shine through but sharp nails cutting into his palms due to his clenched fists bring him back.


“And I just don’t know if this is a nice enough place or not like, I’m having mixed feelings about a couple of different things,”

You flip the pages in your pamphlet until you land upon an ad for an apartment for rent in town. Many colorful pictures tagged with captions decorated the sheets and you place the book down, spin it around and slide it towards Jungkook.

“I love how spacious the living room is, the wood floors are great, the giant floor to ceiling windows leading out to the balcony are perfect too, but I feel like the walls being brick like, brings the charm down I guess?”

Jungkook looks at the picture your manicured finger was pointing towards and tilts his head.

“I think,”

You look up at him in anticipation and he takes a breath.

“Honestly, I think the brick wall brings the charm up, not down,”

“Wait, really?”

You gasp and take a second look at the photo. Jungkook hesitates, wondering if hanging out twice was enough for him to take certain actions. He goes against his brain screaming at him to hold back and carefully moves your hand so he can face the magazine towards you. Thankfully, you don’t even flinch when his cold fingers make contact with your own but the spark that passes from you to him has him yanking away all too fast.

“Look at the brick colors, they’re so light and sandy colored with the occasional dark block, plus with the flooring being that deep cherry wood, soft beige furniture, maybe almost white, would look incredible,”

When he looks up, you’re staring at him with slightly widened eyes, admiration there but so small even he couldn’t detect it.

“Are you a secret designer?”

You tentatively ask and it earns you an embarrassed chuckle and a glimpse of rose dusted cheeks.

“No, no. Seokjin’s sort of a freak about that stuff, I’ve picked up a few things,”

“I heard that,”

Jungkook and you both jump at the unexpected third party, simultaneously glancing up and sheepishly taking in Seokjin’s unamused expression.

“I didn’t mean it badly,”


He quirks his eyebrow and slides your freshly made drink in front of you with a contagious smile, gentle hand squeezing your shoulder in a friendly way.


“Thank you,”

He shoots a pointed look at the teenager perched in front of you before he makes his way back over to the counter to help another costumer. You stare after him for a moment and Jungkook uncomfortably clears his throat, causing your dazed attention to snap to him.

“Have a crush on him?”

“What? No,”

You take one last glance.

“He’s just, he’s intimidatingly attractive, and he’s hard to look away from,”

You shyly admit, swallowing thickly the same time Jungkook does.


“Is your entire family like that?”

He pokes at the inside of his cheek with his tongue, looks outside to look over the morning bustle.

“All of my brothers are very handsome, my father too,”

You whine.

“Remind me to never meet them,”

Jungkook watches you wipe your hands over your face out of the corner of his eye.

“Why’s that?”

Your palms loudly smack onto the smooth tables surface and you puff out air.

“Because if they look anything like him, or like you for that matter, holy shit,”

He turns to you fully.

“Are you calling me attractive?”

“Fuck yes,”

Your eyes grow dramatically.

“Wait no, oh god. I am so sorry; I didn’t mean to blurt that out,”

He purses his lips and shakes his head to dismiss you, drumming his fingers along the edge of the book. You follow his sight to his dancing knuckles.

“Right, the apartment,”

You take a deep breath before changing the page, thankful for the distraction.

“This other one is a lot smaller but it’s nicer, it also has the wood floors, the um, only one big window and the walls are normal in this one too but the building it’s in has a pool on the roof. Which I think is pretty neat,”

Your voice fades off to silence as Jungkook loses himself in the thought of you in a swimsuit, the image popping up in his mind. He thinks you’d look best in something red or pale blue, maybe black because the dark color looked absolutely stunning on you. He knew anything you wore would leave him speechless but before he could explore any other options, your voice breaks through his reality barrier.



He sucks his lips into his mouth and pretends he was paying attention the whole time.

“Your thoughts on this one?”

He unfolds his arms from under his chin and lays them out flat to frame the sides of the small table, his eyebrows drawing in as you push the ad closer. You copy his actions and stretch your arms out on the insides of his, your skin brushing up against the soft fabric of his hoodie sleeves. He looks over your touching limbs and hides his smile by coughing, his hand flipping the magazine back to you.

“Well, you’re right about the substantial size difference,”

You glare down at the pictures.

“But there’s a pool,”

He nods in confirmation.

“But there’s a pool,”

You take the first drink out of your cup and greedily swallow it down, loving the way it splashed on your taste buds and left a sweet caramel aftertaste.



Jungkook wonders aloud and you push the cup over to him without removing your eyes from the paper, your arm returning to its place against his. He lifts the mug and takes the smallest sip, the human liquid almost burning his tongue and making him jerk away from the dull taste. He quickly pushes it back over to you in disgust, lips smacking.

“I like this last one,”

You comment quietly, tracing your finger over the new photos he hasn’t looked at yet. You swirl the book around and move it closer to him, eyes trailing up to gage his reaction.

“This one..?”

He trails off, glancing up from behind his long thick lashes.

“Oh, this one is bigger than both of the last two. It has a second floor, an open second floor and from there I believe there’s access to the roof but not only that, it still has my cute windows and your brick walls and there’s actually a hot tub out on the balcony I think, wait,”

You lean forward and Jungkook’s airway closes up when the edge of the table pulls the front of your dress further down than it already was. Instead of staring, he turns away and looks at Seokjin, watches him smile and laugh with the costumers. To Jungkook it looked a lot like flirting and he’s surprised his dad hasn’t shown up to tear the place apart yet.

“Yes I was right, see,”

Jungkook turns back to you, eyes falling upon your exposed chest first before going lower to where you were pointing out a picture of a Jacuzzi.

“Do you like hot tubs?”

Your eyes flick up to his face for a second, thinking he’s just playing with you but when you see how serious he is you do a double take. You raise your eyebrow and lean back, prop your head up on your hand and in response Jungkook leans closer and does the same.



You ask, trying not to smirk at his obvious interest.

“Do you like hot tubs, Jungkook?”

“Me? Hmm,”

Cracking a smile, you scoff a laugh out beneath your breath; shake your head as he pretends to think about your question.

“It depends,”

This time you lean close too, squint at him when he replies. He looks over your face then meets your eyes.


“On, who I’m spending time with, because you see, if I’m with my brothers or dad, seeing them in nothing but shorts wouldn’t be my idea of a good time, but if I was with… let’s say,”


You offer yourself up and he’s genuinely surprised for two seconds. He quickly regains his composure and nods.


He repeats quietly, biting his lip. The way his eyes drag from your head down to your chest doesn’t go unnoticed.

“Probably’d like it a lot more,”

Your body gets hot at that, feels like somebody’s lit a fire beneath your chair and you try to hold off your smile as long as possible, but you break and drop your head to the table to hide it, curling your arms around you as a barrier while your shoulders shook. You shoot back up and lightly smack him on his hand.

“Stop flirting!”

He can’t contain his own wide grin, his head shaking.

“Not flirting,”


You run your hands over your warm face after whispering; willing the redness you know was there to disappear. You pick at the clumps of mascara on your eyelashes to avoid eye contact, cheeks still embarrassingly pink and flattered smile present.

“I hate you,”

Your voice is quiet, gentle and obviously playful. You drop your arm and lick your lips when you look at his smug face.

“You don’t hate me,”

You take a deep breath and let it out in a sigh, watching your arms slot together the way they were before and Jungkook’s very large hands wrap around the sides so his thumbs can comfortingly smooth between the creases of where your elbows bent.

“I don’t,”

You admit quietly and he gets a pleasant warmth bomb going off in his chest because of it. It’s his turn to be flattered and his gaze bounces around the shop again before landing upon you. You puff your cheeks out and look over the different shades of brown in his dark irises.

“Your eyes are very pretty,”

You compliment him and you could hear his swallow with how thick it was.

“Thank you,”

Neither of your voices exceed a whisper for reasons unknown, the sounds of clanking coffee cups and quiet conversations, beeping machines and the crunching of paper as newspapers are opened and flipped through, even the muffled noises of the early morning traffic outside dulled down around you both and blended together into silence.

Jungkook felt pain when you looked at him the way you were, mapping out his features with a strange interest. You wanted to comment on how full and pink his lips were, how nice they looked shining under the lights whenever he licked them, how erotic and suggestive he looked when his eyes were half-lidded like that, staring right at you like he would pounce on you in any second if you two weren’t in public, but nothing would come out. Your throat was dry and your drink was right there, but you couldn’t find it in you to reach for it to take a refreshing sip, soothe the scratch that tickled. You couldn’t find the strength in you to pull away from his touch.

Your phone blares and you jump in shock, Jungkook quickly yanking his arms back like you two were caught kissing at a time you shouldn’t have been.


You quickly answer your call and even though Jungkook can hear that it’s your boyfriend he pretends he can’t, scratches at the table laminate as a distraction from taking your phone and tossing it to the bottom of the ocean just so he doesn’t have to listen to Mark’s voice.

“Why do you keep doing this Mark? You can’t keep hiding if you’re-”

It seems like you’re cut off because you stop suddenly, tap your nails impatiently.

“Um no, I’m trying to see you as much as possible but you keep-”

You sigh deeply, your fingers rubbing circles into your temple.

“Mark, this is for you, we should be going together,”

Your voice is lower now; Jungkook can tell you’ve had enough of whatever your boyfriend was saying to you. Your eyes were closed and you rest your forehead in the palm of your hand.

“You’re the one who wanted to move, not me. This is your doing and you’re making me go alone? What are you doing right now that you can’t come? Are you with those damn boys again? In fact, are they the reason you haven’t been home all week?”

It is a few seconds of yelling on the other end.

“No! We’re having this conversation no- Mark?”

Your eyebrows scrunch and you glance at your phone screen before pressing it back against your ear.

“Mark? Holy shit he didn’t,”

You throw the device down in frustration and Jungkook stops it from sliding off of the table, slides it safely to the center while you exasperatedly rake your fingers through your hair.

“I swear to fucking God,”

You mutter to yourself, hiding your face so you don’t scream at the top of your lungs with so many people around. Jungkook frowns and sizes up your tense shoulders.

“Is everything… okay..?”


You quietly lie to him, hands dropping and revealing your face. Jungkook knows you’re lying, is trying to refrain from reading your mind and figuring out the problem himself. He respected you and wanted you to trust him, invading your thoughts wouldn’t gain that for him.

“Actually no,”

He acts on impulse, drops his arm and lays his hand up flat in innocent invitation. You notice it and the corner of your lips turn up slightly, but you don’t fully smile. You place your hand on top of his and allow his fingers to curl around yours, his hand completely swallowing your smaller one whole. His thumb gently traces over the curves of your knuckles and you train your eyes on the flashy watch strapped around his wrist so the upcoming conversation doesn’t sound as pathetic as it seems. You looked like you were about to cry and that was enough for Jungkook to want Mark’s head on a stick.

“My boyfriend, he’s been so distant lately. I don’t think it’s another girl or anything because he is so damn troubled, nobody else would know how to deal with him but his friends and me. It seems like they’re all that matter all of the sudden? He’s never home anymore and he has me do all of this stuff for him and it’s not like I mind doing things for him, it’s fine, but it wouldn’t hurt to thank me every once in a while,”

Jungkook squeezes your hand to urge you to continue.

“I’m sorry for whining to you about my problems, he just frustrates me so damn much sometimes. I swear he’s going to break up with me; that’s what happens when you guys act distant right? You make us resent you before you leave so you don’t-”


Jungkook’s voice is soft and you look up, almost burst into tears right there at his genuine concern; all of it for you.

“Jesus I’m sorry,”

You shake your head and try pulling your hand away, but he just grasps onto your wrist instead.

“We’ve just met yesterday and I’m asking you about apartments and crying to you about my boyfriend, what the hell is wrong with me?”

“Do you have anywhere to be? Can we go for a walk?”

When you don’t look up from your lap, fiery feud going on in your mind, he reaches across the table and carefully knocks a finger beneath your chin, forcing you to tilt your head up and meet his gaze.

“It will make you feel better, please,”

You blink, nodding slowly and he releases you to grab your phone and magazines, stands up and waits for you to lift your purse by your feet to join him. He pushes the door open for you and you both walk out into the foggy morning but Jungkook’s arm stops you from going any further than a foot from the entrance. You squint up at him, curiously watching him tug his beanie off and offer it to you.



“So your hair doesn’t get wet,”

You wave your hands, sweet as the gesture is.

“Oh, Jungkook,”

When you don’t take the hat he places it on your head for you, makes sure the ends are folded over the tips of your ears to keep them warm beneath thick material. He crouches down to meet your height while he looks over his work, his face only a few inches from your own as he tucks a stray hair or two up into the hem and out of your face.


He stands up straight and nods proudly, pointing at you.

“If you take it off I’ll bite you,”

The threat seems harmless enough but you can’t help but to think about it as you merge into the massive race of business people. There’s a hand as light as a feather falling upon your shoulder, abducting your attention away from the damp sidewalk.

“I was only kidding,”

Jungkook assures you gently and you nod. You knew that. His hand moves to your other shoulder, his arm firmly wrapping around you and drawing you into his side when a shiver noticeably wiggles your spine. He was cold but his jacket wasn’t and you find yourself pressing further beneath his cozy arm.



You lick your lips and lean closer, feeling nothing but care and warmth from his touches, security and safety. Things you haven’t felt in a long time.

“I just,”

He doesn’t force you to spit out whatever it was you were trying to say, stays out of your head and gives you the chance to tell him yourself.

“I’m just glad I ran into you yesterday, I like having you around. I like,”



“You like me,”

Jungkook finishes your sentence and you look up at him, thinking about his answer for a second. You snuggle back underneath his arm.


You settle for nodding, your mind not focused on how problematic your boyfriend was for once.

“Yeah, I like you,”

You feel a squeeze on your shoulder, a calming massage to say ‘I know’. The gesture encourages you to gain enough courage to ask your next question.

“Jungkook, do you have to be home anytime soon?”


He hums right by your ear while he thought.

“I don’t think so. Not for a bit, why,”

You don’t reply and he tilts his head in front of your gaze, smiling at you.

“Why’d you ask?”

You shake your head and he laughs.

“You asked for a reason, come on. Just tell me what’s up,”

“I don’t want to go look at these places alone,”

You pull out of his hold and he stops walking when you do. His face twists up in worry, his hand reaching out for you a few feet away from him.

“Are you-“

“Please come with me,”

You blurt out, tone laced with a certain desperateness you disliked. Your hands wring together as you nervously await his response. Maybe he’d think you were weird, you just met yesterday and now you were asking him to search for a house with you? It could be considered creepy but you hoped he felt as comfortable with you as you did with him already in the small amount of time spent together.

When he doesn’t say anything your heart races and you feel like you need to explain yourself.

“I just, Mark is out of town and being alone for this kind of stuff sucks you know?”

You trail off quietly, catching onto your own rambling. Jungkook was just staring at you and you didn’t know what he was thinking. But then he’s smiling at and relief is flooding through you.

“Come with me?”

it’s real long and there’s blood mentions throughout the entire thing, obviously.

part one

Mornings at the apartment were downright mad when everyone gathered together under the roof of what seemed to be the smallest kitchen to ever be constructed. Seven people; three vampires, three half vampires and one human all bustling around in the compact space got crowded and started arguments when someone’s elbow jammed here or another person’s knee bumped into there. It wasn’t a true Kim family morning without unnecessarily loud quarrels.

The blame always fell on the humans; the twins, Hoseok and Seokjin. The four who obtained energy by consuming food found it necessary to fight over what would be for breakfast every single morning. Seokjin wanted pancakes, Hoseok wanted French toast, the twins wanted rice and fish, and there were never agreements met between them. Seokjin nearly always won, partly because he was the goddamn cook and he was going to whip up what he damn well wanted, thank you. Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi would already be patiently seated at the dining table, they were all forced to eat together (blame the human for his strange family traditions), and would watch the others bicker back and forth while slowly sipping on their thick refreshments of blood.

Today was barely different. The usual four were acting out their predictable scene of bellowing over each other, Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi perched in the hard wooden chairs a few feet away, two elders slurping red liquid into their mouths with the assistance of the thinly attached tubes. Jungkook decided he wasn’t particularly hungry and skipped out on his portion of blood, went for frowning at his lap for most of meal time, even when the twins began throwing their food back and forth and Seokjin knowingly squeezed at his knee beneath the table’s surface.

He was awake last night; felt Namjoon’s chest rumble the spot between his shoulder blades as he groaned, scrunched his face immediately at the lack of security, vanishing sense of protection as the vampire’s arm reluctantly slid from the dip of his waist when the barely audible blubbers of the youngest seeped through the thick walls of their bedroom, realized Namjoon probably heard them like Jungkook was right beside him crying directly into his ear. He repeatedly contemplated on if he should go in to help but then he’d remember how Jungkook felt small and childish and too babied if he or Namjoon got even the slightest bit parent-like towards him, knew Namjoon had it under control if the careful murmurs that replaced the weeping were anything to go by. He heard the faint bicker of the twins too, figured he could help there instead but the bed was significantly warmer with his frosty Demon gone and he found it difficult to slip away when it seemed so much easier to fall back to sleep instead. Jungkook was being eased and the twins fighting wasn’t anything new, so he was able to peacefully close his eyes and drift off to a land where he didn’t have five immortal children and a few millennium old roommate.

Seokjin leaves for work at the coffee shop just a bit after breakfast is finished; once his lavender-smelling sweater and crisply ironed pants are thrown on, once he makes sure Namjoon swears to take the twins for lunch because we don’t need our building catching fire because you tried to cook again Demon, once he’s satisfied with the annoyed expressions of Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin as he leaves sloppy smooches at the crown of all three of their foreheads while they’re squished together in a line on the couch, too concentrated on their video games to put up much of a fuss.

Namjoon pitched him a coat before he, along with Yoongi and Hoseok who were on their way to the gym, disappeared behind the elevator doors. Paranoia surged through him and he waited out in the smelly, dimly lit hallway and listened until the familiar sounds of glass mugs clinking against each other rang back into his ears as the cafe was set up.

When Namjoon spun to enter the apartment, his son was leaned against the threshold of the door, bundled up in a black pull over jacket and matching beanie, leader’s shoulders jerking in slight shock since his hearing was channeled to one place and left him unaware of his surroundings, therefore startled by Jungkook’s sneak up.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Jungkook steps out to stand with his father when his brothers kick up another argument behind him, hand quietly shutting the door with a twisted arm.

“She’s leaving,”

Namjoon takes a step forward, brings himself into Jungkook’s personal space and manages to make them both feel slightly uncomfortable when he tilts his head back and their faces are close enough to be considered inappropriate between a father and son.


Namjoon could see into Jungkook’s mind, which was in shambles, chaotic jumbled thoughts unconfined and loose from their places because the simple thought of you had everything crumbling down in Jungkook’s world.


He says your name quietly, so delicately like he wasn’t worthy of speaking it out loud and if you heard him, you’d unleash the wrath from hell itself down upon him. Namjoon observes his body language, grows confused at the distressed, needy, helpless expression on his son’s face.

“Bunny,” Namjoon sighs and Jungkook glances to where he was weaving his fingers together; his tone didn’t sound promising. “Just… Remember to eat something. Don’t skip lunch too or your- Seokjin, he’ll kill me. Try to anyway.”

Namjoon himself could skip a feeding for a day or two, sometimes weeks then sometimes there’s months where he forgets to eat while trying to keep his household from falling apart, but he’d be damned if any of his kids missed even one of their three daily doses of enriched blood. Jungkook wasn’t feeling decent this morning and blood only would’ve made him feel worse, so Namjoon allowed for him to ditch his bag. But now, Jungkook was happier, sunrise depression long forgotten and he could feed without feeling like he could die, again.

Jungkook’s dull eyes flash a brilliant cerulean blue in excitement when he lifts his head at his father’s response. He easily nods, finding it hard to keep his happiness masked.

“Okay, I will-”

“You better. I mean it,”

Namjoon didn’t mean to be so stern all the time but it was the only way to get through to teenagers effectively, he learned that very quickly.


He reaches for the golden handle and Jungkook’s face at the same time, palm affectionately patting the younger’s cheek twice before the door is swung open and the leader enters the apartment.

Outside, Jungkook huddles beneath the safe shade of the building’s arch over the doors, away from the blazing sun that would have his skin bubbling after a few minutes of contact. He feels his chest explode when his eyes land upon your figure across the busy street, glimpses of you descending the stairs of your own apartment building flickering at him between the spaces of the passing cars. He couldn’t help but think about how adorable you were, dressed similarly casual like him in a hoodie and pair of sweats with unruly hair carelessly done, black rimmed pair of glasses perched on your nose. Jungkook could smell your sweet perfume from where he was stood, the supple scent riding the waves of the breeze that swirled into his nose and forced him to face the brick wall when his eyes went blue again with lust. He wanted nothing more than to nuzzle into the crook of your neck and smell you up close instead of from across the street, really hold you to his body with his hands instead of just dream about it.

On the other side of the road, you were stomping your heels and huffing the loose strands of your messy hair out of your face while you frustratingly dug into the dark confines of your bag. You had to push your glasses back up from where they slid down the bridge of your nose multiple times, only furthering your irritation. A forever long trip back up to the sixth floor of your apartment building, courtesy of the broken elevator, didn’t sound like a cup of tea and only sent your mood spiraling downwards until-

“Fucking finally,”

Your hand grips around your cellphone and you yank it out from the bottom of your pencils and notebooks and cases and scarf and everything else it decided to bury itself beneath to make your morning harder. You throw the strap back over your shoulder and continue on your journey to the coffee shop, your body easily fleeting between the traffic of passengers on the walkway while you dialed a familiar number.

“Hello, love,”


You were seething angrily through your teeth, quietly under your breath as to not attract the attention of the others around you.

“Yes, baby. That is me,”

“Where the-“

You cut yourself off when your voice unintentionally gets louder, taking a glance around to double check no one could hear you before safely lowering your voice more.

“Where the fuck is my car,”

“Oh, did you need it?”

“Mark Tuan!”

Your frustration was becoming apparent and your boyfriend was laughing on the other end of the call.

“You have god damn super speed, I do not!”

“Baby, calm down,”

“I have so much shit to do today, it’s unbelievable,”

The scratch in your voice is whiny and makes you seem like you’re on the verge of tears as you pull on the handle of the shop, and your boyfriend sighs into your ear.

“Do you need the car back y/n? I can bring it to you,”

It was your turn to slowly breathe out, exhaustion weighing down your shoulders while you walk up to the counter and comb some fingers through the front of your hair to clear your vision of curled strays. You order something hot, large and strong to help with the bags beneath your eyes, smiling at the cute barista with defined muscles and a pretty face.


You finally reply to Mark, swiveling on your heels to lean against the marbled edge of the flat top.

“I can just walk; it’s really not that big of a deal. You just have to tell me when you’re going to use my car next time Mark so I can get a head start on all the errands.”

“I will not take the car without your permission anymore love; I apologize for doing so,”

A frown adorns your face and the small flame of hope you had left diminishes with his distant tone.

“You’re not even paying attention,”


You flip around and mouth a thank you at the boy, taking your warm cup and sliding him a few bills.

“Keep the change,”

His face brightens up and his thankful wave is the last thing you catch before you’re shuffling away with hands full, purse tucked under your arm, coffee in one hand and phone in the other.

“Mark, what the hell are you doing that you can’t talk to your girlfriend for five fucking minutes? Hello? Who are you with?”

“Love, I’ve got to call you back,”

“You better think twice before you hang up on me Mark Tuan,”

It was the second time you’ve said his full name and he knew that meant you were seriously upset and just wanted him to reassure you and calm you down before your day got any worse, but he had a situation on his hands. You are turning around to open the coffee house door with your lower back when he speaks.

“I’m sorry, I love you,”


The dial tone reaches your ears and you gape in astonishment, not believing that he had actually ended the call with you. You grumble silent profanities at him, mapping out ways to kill him in your mind as you stomp your way out into the busy morning. One more step brings you in contact with the firm chest of an innocent man, a very tall innocent man. There’s sharp pain in your nose and there’s scalding liquid splashing through your hoodie and soaking your torso in burns. Your bag disappears, your phone flies and the awkward position of your feet has you falling to the sidewalk with each of your belongings.

“Fuck, are you alright?”

The man you glance up at has dark eyebrows that are turned down, soft looking pink lips pressed tight, eyes the color of your spilled drink drowning in concern flicking back and forth between your own.

“I um,”

His hand is outstretched for you and when you wrap your own around his, the yank away is inevitable with his palm the temperature of snow, icicles finding home in your veins. Your wide, knowing eyes go to his and suddenly you’re okay to help yourself up, heart skipping a few beats when you see his jacket, looking similar to your own.

“I-I’m sorry, holy shit, I’m so sorry. You’re all,”

You go to gesture to the mess you’ve made but his face distracts you, still scrunched up in mixed emotions.


“I asked if you were alright,”

He repeats himself and you can’t tell if the blush on your cheeks and neck is because of appreciation or fear.

“I’m fine I’m,”

Your eyes grow larger and you look down to search the sidewalk, knees quickly collapsing under you to bring you close enough to grab your phone. You flip it over and your face falls at the artistic cracks that tree branched over your screen, your finger delicately smoothing them over. Sadly enough, that wasn’t your biggest problem. You stuff your totaled phone into your bag and throw it over your shoulder when you stand up, facing the boy again after you grab your still thankfully intact glasses and slip them on.

“I’m really sorry again I,”

You bite your lip and his eyes are immediately on your mouth, hungrily taking in the sight of you rolling flesh between your teeth until it’s released and he’s forced to look away in embarrassment, hands scrambling to fix the beanie that was fine without adjustments.

“Can I take you to a laundry mat to clean your clothes? Maybe buy you a drink; I know I’m going to need a refill,”

You sensed the rejection even before he tried waving you off and shaking his head.

“Please. It will make me feel a lot better if I know I’m the one who cleaned them; the building is just around the corner. It’s the least I can do after running into you so roughly,”

“Really, it’s-“

“Great, let’s go,”

He’s shocked when you reach for his wrist, freezing under your tight grip but you ignore the familiar feeling to it and begin dragging him towards the closest cleaners you could remember off the top of your head. But then a thought enters your mind and you abruptly stop and turn to him, yelping when you’re met with the firm wall of his chest for the second time.


You take a step back and look up, dropping his arm and letting it fall to his side.


“My name,”

He confirms and your suspicious only grow about him but you slowly nod and recite yours back. After the uncomfortable exchange and listening to him quietly murmur your name a few times, you’re back to walking beside each other in silence. You learn quickly that he isn’t much of a talker, though neither are you, especially to people with intimidatingly handsome faces.

The heat wasn’t helping the strong stench of coffee weighing down your clothing as you made your way passed people and their judgmental stares. The uneasiness doesn’t lift from the air until you’ve both rounded the corner and the cleaning department comes into your view. Unconsciously, the both of you began to quicken your pace.

Jungkook’s arm stretches around you and beats your hand to the door, effortlessly pulling it open and gesturing you first. You thank him under your breath and duck inside the empty building quickly to avoid his notice of your pink cheeks, body weaving through the maze of washing machines and dryers with him trailing behind you. As you walk to the back, your nose catches onto the sharp stench of stinky bleach and the overwhelming perfume of mixed laundry detergents, from lavender to ocean breeze. You could’ve chosen any of the machines, given the place was vacant of anyone besides you, Jungkook and an elderly worker and all were available, but you pick the appliances closest to the vending machines and waiting tables.

You slowly lift up the lid and peek into the shiny tumbler before you fingered the hem of your coat and glanced at Jungkook.

“Is this one okay?”

He distractedly nods, eyes boring into the small sliver of skin you were revealing to him. Suddenly, you felt embarrassed to get undressed in front of a stranger, but you needed your jacket washed and you weren’t going to be the only one feeling exposed you hoped.

Upon realizing that you were a bit shy and hesitant, Jungkook steps forward and bends his arms over his shoulders to take fistfuls of the back of his hoodie. When he yanks on the material, dragging it up and over his head, his shirt gets caught on the inside but before you were able to catch a glimpse of the blindingly pale skin of his lower back, his hand is positioning his shirt back into place as he tosses his coat into the machine. Noticing his bed-infused mess of hair, you squat to pick up the beanie that had fallen off and drape it over the ledge of the machine in front of him.

“Thanks, your turn,”

He shoots you a sly smile and you puff air into your cheeks, sliding your purse off of your shoulder and prying it open to find some cash. Jungkook’s confused at the bills you shove into his hand, but you just hand him your purse and point behind you.

“Get us drinks and pick a seat? Uh, please,”

He stares down at you in amusement, completely sensing the insecurity washing over you and he nods, slides your purse on and maneuvers his way around towards the tables. You let out a breath and quickly rip off your soaking coat to toss into the washer. You scoop up the grains of laundry soap and dump them in, turn the dial until water is gushing out and you watch, mesmerized for a few seconds before you drop the lid and go to join Jungkook.

“Does this usually take a while?”

You smile sympathetically at him leaned up against the vending machine, arms crossed over his chest, and hope he doesn’t have to be anywhere anytime soon, pulling yourself out a chair to sit on.

“It’s not a necessarily fast process, the washing is about ten and then drying maybe another fifteen. Could be less since it’s not a full load you know? It’s only our jackets,”

Jungkook shrugs and you watch him push off of the drink dispenser and slowly drag his finger over the many buttons of choices, eyes locked on yours. It almost makes you choke, almost.

“What would you like?”

“Anything hot,”

You fold your arms over each other and lay your head down, a deep sigh escaping your lips. You keep your eyes closed and enjoy the darkness, basking in the loud heavy shake of your washing clothes and lemony smell of the clean table surface beneath you. You only look up when you feel warmth radiating next to your hand, groaning thankfully at the sight of a steaming drink placed in front of you. Your fingers close around the small cup, palms warming quickly while you raise the rim to your mouth and take a careful sip. Humming in satisfaction, your eyes peek over the edge at Jungkook leaning all of his weight onto his hands, curled around the sides of the vending machine while he scanned the soda options.

Under his form-fitting black shirt, you could see his shoulder blades bulging with his defined surrounding muscles, the arm holes looking about to rip at the seams at the abnormal yet beautiful size of his biceps. You tilt your head and wonder if he knows about the tear he had in his back pocket that was revealing the smallest patch of navy blue underwear.

One of his large hands swiftly blocks your view as if he had been listening in on your thoughts and it causes you to jump in surprise, eyes widening and fingers quickly tightening around your cup when it almost slips from your grip. You clear your throat and avert your eyes to the chipping paint on the wall instead, waiting for him to pick something and sit down across from you.


You try to hide the fact that you were shamelessly staring at his ass less than thirty seconds before, knew it was written all over your face in permanent marker and knowing Jungkook could read you better than your own boyfriend was able didn’t make you fidget any less under his intense gaze.

“How old are you?”


His answer is fast; so fast it takes you a few extra seconds to comprehend that he had already replied.

“Right, okay,”

Your nails pick and pull at the ledge around your cup, peeling at the paper and uncurling it as a distraction.

“Do you live around here?”

When he doesn’t respond as quick, your eyes flick up to meet his heavy glare, the way his eyebrows were frowning giving off the impression of conflict inside his head. You could tell by his shiny eyes he was hiding something from you when he spoke simply.


You decide not to pry and go with nodding, gulping down another drink. You’re scoping out the bright white of every small and big item in the space, skipping over the worker who was busying herself with a magazine straight into the old, dusty gaming area, scrunching your face up in disgust at the lack of wipe downs when Jungkook says something.

“Sorry, what?”

Your eyes are back on his and you couldn’t understand why it felt so familiar, why it felt like you stared into those same eyes every night.

“Do you?”

He repeats himself and he must notice that you’re confused because the cutest laugh you’ve ever heard come from a man tumbles from his plush lips and floats over the table into your ears.

“Live around here y/n, do you?”

Once he clarifies what he meant, you contemplate slapping yourself for forgetting about the conversation.

“Up the street, a few buildings down from the coffee shop,”

His tongue prods at the corner of his faint smile, his dark corneas glued onto yours as if he were in awe of you, unable to tear away or blink.

“Are you okay?”

You swipe your hand through his sight line but he doesn’t flinch, retracts his tongue and raises his eyebrows in questioning.


“Are you okay? You like, dozed off,”

“Yes.. yes!”

You get startled when he raises his voice and there’s an unpleasant screeching as he abruptly shoves himself backward in his chair to stand up.

“Sorry um, I’ll switch our clothes to the dryer,”

“I don’t think..”

He’s gone before you could tell him they weren’t finished washing yet, your eyes landing upon his untouched can of Mt. Dew. You wait for him to return, watching his every move as he purposely avoids your gaze.

“Do you have family?”


You could tell by the tone of his voice he wasn’t surprised by what you had asked, was expecting it to come sooner or later.

“Family, you said you were eighteen,”

“Right, uh,”

His arm is back to flexing when his fingers comb through black curls, stretching above his head to scratch the back of his neck.

“You don’t need to answer,”

You rub at the surface of the table, hoping he wouldn’t notice the way you were looking at him. He did, and you knew because he cleared his throat and had to look away, jaw clenched and hands curled into fists.

“It’s fine,”

He replies but doesn’t look back.

“My… family is pretty scattered,”

“Why did they leave?”

He finally looks at you and your cheeks flush of heat and color.


“No it’s, okay. They,”

He swallowed, carefully searching for the right words.

“My dad’s got quite a few kids, and we don’t all get along I guess? So a lot of my brothers and sisters took off when us youngers came,”

You push your empty cup away from you and fold your arms in a comfortable resting place for your head, blinking at him in interest.

“At the house now, there’s just me and a couple of my other brothers. My dad of course and his, I don’t even know what Seokjin is. He acts like such a mother sometimes, I suppose that’s what he can be,”

“You don’t have a mom?”

Your eyes widen with your rude question and you lift up, quickly shaking your head.

“I’m so sorry, that’s not what I,”

“It’s okay,”

He chuckles and waves you off and you slowly lower yourself back down to rest, embarrassed. Jungkook sucks on his bottom lip when he can’t find anything to say.

“None of us have a mom, I know that much. None of us ever knew her, about her, if she even existed in the first place. It’s always just been my dad and us, raising us all up by himself. Seokjin helps with that though, a lot. He cooks for us every day, he goes to work and spends every penny earned on us kids, he protects us, he treats us like we’re his own and I’m very grateful for him, immensely,”

“You’re the youngest?”

He nods.

“There’s me, then the twins, then Hoseok, then Yoongi. He’s the oldest and he’s the most grumpy but also the most protective. Hoseok is, he’s.. um,”

You giggle and Jungkook smiles at his lap.

“He’s happy, all the time. Very energetic and jumpy and just, loves everyone and everything. Really values life I guess. The twins, huh,”


His eyes meet yours for the briefest moment and it sends shivers down your spine.

“Actually, no,”

You nod as best you could with your chin tucked between your elbow.

“They’re completely different when it comes to looks. Tae has blonde hair, Jimin has black. Jimin’s eyes are a different shape, Tae’s nose is more defined. Jimin’s short, Tae’s taller. Their appearance plays a huge part in their differences but they’re brothers you know, they don’t care about that, only the similarities matter. They’re also something, always arguing but it’s mostly just playful bickering back and forth between siblings,”

“Then there’s me, the baby,”

“And what are you like?”

Your eyes were closed, ears greedily capturing the smooth sound of his voice, the skillfully hidden affection wrapped around the words he spoke.

“I’m… quiet. Shy, anxious about everything, constantly worried about the small things, protective. I- sad?”

When you open your eyes at the sudden drop in playful joking, Jungkook’s frowning at you in shock. Before you can say anything, you’re startled by the loud buzzer of the dryer behind you, signaling the end of the cycle. Jungkook crosses his eyes and imitates the sound in a deep voice, bringing a smile to your face while he stands up to check your clothes.

Jungkook painfully itches at the irritation blooming along his body as he walks into the apartment, skin red and flaky from the blazing sun and poisoning lights at the laundry mat. He strips his coat at the door, kicks his shoes off and makes his way into the living room.


His father offers a nod in greeting from his comfortable position in the loveseat, not tearing his eyes away from the screen of his laptop, perched on his lap as he typed away at the keyboard.

“You didn’t feed,”

It wasn’t a question but Jungkook took it that way, slumped down onto the couch and lets out a huge breath of relief.

“I couldn’t just drink a bag of blood in front of her, she thinks I’m human,”

“No, she doesn’t,”

Jungkook sighs and pouts.

“You read her mind far too many times, answered her questions too quickly. She suspected you weren’t like her. She’s been with someone of your kind, your brother, for how long? She knows the tells but she wasn’t scared of you,”

“I know Father,”

“Doesn’t change the fact that you still haven’t fed. You promised me,”

“I know, Father,”

Jungkook repeats himself gruffly, huffing his long bangs out of his eyes much like you had that morning. His ears tune into the fight happening in the kitchen, his face twisting and eyes flaring up blue when he hears his brother speak.

“I’ll eat now,”

He pushes himself up, shuffles out of the room and into the kitchen with no sure intention of feeding. He fumes with anger as he stealthily approaches the arguing twins who were stood in front of the ice box.

“At least my tummy isn’t so big that it has stretch marks on it, even your thighs have them-”

Before Taehyung could insult Jimin even further, Jungkook swipes his arm from his sides and twists it out of socket like it was an everyday task, the scream of agony that left his brother music to his ears.

“You were saying?”

Taehyung groans in response to the voice in his ear and Jungkook pulls at his arm further, feels it crack and thinks he would’ve torn it clean off if it wasn’t for the frightened look on Jimin’s face. He rolls his fading eyes and throws the injured boy to the tiled floor, carelessly steps over him and wraps his arm around Jimin’s waist in order to gently move him out of the way. When he’s pulling away to reach for the fridge’s handle, he makes sure his hand affectionately slides over the precious bump of a stomach his brother was so insecure about, gives his pudgy hip a brief, loving pinch before he’s gone with a blood bag in hand.

“And the point of breaking Taehyung’s arm was?”

Jungkook falls back into his previous position on the couch, teeth easily sinking into the corner of his plastic bag and tearing a hole for him to gulp down thick blood.

“Why do you let them argue like that,”

“They’re twins Jungkook, there isn’t a lot I can do,”

“He unnecessarily used Jimin’s insecurities against him-”

“Jimin taunted him about his darker skin-”

“I don’t care,”

Jungkook rises, wiping the slimy red from the corner of his lip as he circles around the couch, the annoyance radiating off of him so strong it catches the attention of his Father.

“Where are you going?”


Namjoon watches the teenager disappear down the hall, not questioning when Jimin appears in the doorway, longing after his younger brother with a frown. He spares Namjoon a short look before he’s trotting down the hallway and leaving the destination of his padding feet to his father’s imagination.

The sound of keys jingling outside of your front door has your eyes enlarging and your feet loudly slapping along the hard wood floor as they carry you to your bedroom. You hear the locks click and your boyfriend call out your name just as you spin your body behind the bathroom door and out of sight.


You nibble on your bottom lip and hold your breath but not even a full second after you heard the front door firmly close, Mark’s smug face is in front of yours, smirk ripping a startled scream out of your throat.

“Found you, sweetheart,”

He shoves the door out of the way so he can slip his cold hands beneath your shirt, grip your waist and slide your back up the tiled wall. He dismisses the way you smack his shoulder and buries his face into your neck, groans deeply as he inhales the feminine scent of your body wash he loves so god damn much.

“Why were you hiding, love? Hmm? Didn’t think I would find you?”

Your nails are curling into the muscles of his back as his hovering lips raise a trail of goose bumps on a path to your ear.

“I could smell your blood in the elevator, hear your heart thumping as if I was laid upon your chest,”

He talks quietly, mentioning your heart and moving to sink his teeth into the exposed swell of your breast right above to feel your pulse on his lips. His moan when your fingers tangle themselves into his grimy hair trembles through your body and straight to your core.


The sharp breath you suck in when his wet tongue swipes beneath the cup of your bra has him growling impatiently and tightening his hold on you. He spins you around, your head just missing the edge of the door, and carries you into the bedroom while kissing at your neck. You bite your lip when he tosses you onto your mattress and tauntingly crawls up your body, his red eyes glowing bright in the dark room. His teeth replace yours and you whine at the sudden sting of your flesh splitting beneath his razor fangs. You wiggle under him, causing him to pull back.

“Mmm, are you frightened of me human,”

A second whine grabs his attention, his vivid iris’ deeply boring into yours while he slithers closer, heavy body dropping onto your own when his hands switch from holding his weight to holding your cheeks. Cold thumbs trace beneath your eyes, your chest falling and rising to push against his shirt, your heart thumping loudly as he leans to the side and licks along the shell of your ear.

“You should be,”

“Mark, please,”

The breathy chuckle he releases fans across your neck as he pulls back, lovingly glares at you before capturing your bloody lips in a gentle kiss. He smirks against you when you painfully hiss into his mouth, his tongue swiping over the small punctures and effectively healing them while evading your mouth with wet warmth.

Finally growing impatient with his teasing, you desperately pull at the back of his shirt, rolling it up until he pulls away and throws it off. His hands easily rip the material of your top down the front, careful and gentle when it comes to helping you shrug the torn fabric from your shoulders.

Your thighs are spread over his cool hips while he worked at the drawstring of your pants. He silently slides from the bed once they’re untied, knees roughly hitting the floor and pinches the bottoms of your sweats to pull them off in one swift motion. In a second, he’s spreading your legs painfully wide and pressing them as far up as he can, the top of his hair all you see when he disappears between your thighs and swiftly licks over your soaked panties.

“Fuck, your scent,”

He turns to bury his face into your thigh, nose pushing into your skin as he inhales deeply.

“So good,”

He murmurs, dragging his bottom lip over you before carefully biting down, as gentle as he could manage.

“Mark, now, please now,”

He peeks at you from behind your tummy, arrogant smirk hidden but evident in his cheeks.

“You got it, sweetheart,”

One last kiss is placed to your leg then his fingers are hooking into your panties and pulling them down. Once discarded, he stands himself up, looking sinful while he removes his belt and shucks his pants off. His boxers are next and he’s on top of you after, hard cock resting against your lower stomach, leaking precome onto your pudge.

He hovers over you and gathers your wrists into one hand, pins them above your head in a tight grip to ensure you can’t escape. His lips brush over yours as he aligns himself up with your entrance.

“Don’t let me hurt you,”

You only nod once before he’s pressing inside, the heat of your core squeezing around his freezing dick and forcing him to push in faster than intended, a gasp breaking through the silence as you’re suddenly jabbed into by a seven inch stiff cock. His forehead drops to your shoulder as his grip tenses with his self restraint, hips grinding into you slowly.

“Fuck, fuck,”

Mark growls almost angrily into your neck, his free hand slamming down next to your bodies and curling into the sheets. You nose at his ear for a few seconds, patiently waiting for him to catch his breath.


He slowly releases a sigh before nodding, pulling up to look at you with red eyes and a strained smile.

“Let me kiss you,”

His whisper is quiet yet dangerous and you nod anyway, accepting the plush pressure of his mouth against yours with a soft moan. His hips pull back and jerk forward in the first thrust and in turn the sheets shift beneath you both as he struggles to hold back from just pounding into you endlessly. He whimpers into your mouth, body shivering above you in torture.

“Mark, just go,”


He grunts in warning, testing for a second thrust before setting a steady pace for you. You throw your head back at the feeling of him pressing inside so deep and pulling back so slow, eventually losing his control and grinding up into you faster. His breathing becomes shallow by your head, fingers impossibly tight around your wrists but hips circling in such a way that has your back arching.

You call out your boyfriends name, encouraging a snarl out of him that has him moving quicker. Before he turned to bite your neck and cause a mess, you break free of his grasp and hook your nails into his shoulders, the pain dull but grounding him slightly enough to moan and switch back to careful grinding. You go to pull away and he chokes.

“Scratch me, make me bleed, sweetheart,”

He pulls back and you notice the vein straining on his forehead.

“Own me, own me,”

He starts chanting in whispers, dropping quick kisses to your chin and jaw, hand pinning your hip to the mattress so he can pound into you faster. You both ignore the squeaking and creaking of the bed, the sounds quiet compared to your moaning while he stretched your tightness around him. You’re scratching at his flexed biceps, gripping so tightly he’s hissing into your ear, when he’s suddenly laid on his back and holding onto your waist as you sat on his lap. You’re shocked, looking around with wide eyes but him whining impatiently and pushing up into you brings you back.

You smack your hands onto his chest and lift yourself up, dragging your tight rim over the entire length of him and dropping back down in circles. His hands on your hips assist you in bouncing in his lap faster, his fangs sunk into the flesh of his own bottom lip as he watched you ride him into the mattress. His fingers curl around your body, easily leaving dark bruises in their wake as he comes closer.



You sit up and bend your back, slipping him in deeper and ripping loud groans from the both of you. He scrambles to capture your wrists and clasp them together behind you, keeping you restrained as he begins to push up and meet your falls.

“Baby, I have to, I can’t,”


Your warning isn’t enough to hold him off, his hips slapping up into you in one last powerful thrust, the stretch almost painful as he discards your human sensitivity.

“You can’t-!”

Mark’s head tosses back and everything tenses beneath you, his stomach muscles, his chest, his arms as his grip tightens impossibly on your waist and hair, your shout too late as he empties himself inside of you with a demonic-sounding groan that scarily echoed off the walls of the room.

Your neck was sore and pain throbbed through it and down your spine when he gently pushed you from on top of him, rolling himself over and burying his face into the blankets. Frowning, you scramble to grab for the sheet and cover yourself up, body heated and slick steadily leaking out of you, wide eyes drilling into the back of his head.

His shoulders rose and fell with his controlled panting, a scream slicing through the silence when he appears an inch in front of your face. Eyes returned to natural color, he cradles your cheeks with shaking hands and scans over your bruises with concern.

“Fuck, baby I-I’m,”

You try leaning away from him but he surges forward.

“I’m so sorry. I never meant to, sweetheart, I’m sorry,”

He kisses over every purple fingerprint, every sore spot, the pain disappearing with the careful pressures of his soft, healing lips on your skin. It ends with him pressing a hesitant kiss to the corner of your mouth, worried eyes flicking to yours in search of any left fear. None found, he captures your lips in the sweetest kiss he could manage, tongue gentle as it soothes over the tip of your own in desperate apology.

“It’s okay,”

You murmur but he whines and grasps at your sides, pulls you and the sheet into his lap, wraps it around you so you aren’t exposed.

“It’s not,”

He disagrees, kiss growing deeper, tongue reaches further back, lips sliding faster.

“I told you not to let me hurt you, I,”

“You didn’t,”

He pulls away and looks for the lie in your face, frown weighing the corners of his lips down when he finds that you actually believe it.

“I did-”

“You didn’t,”

You repeat yourself, comb your fingers through his messy hair for reassurance and pull his head to your chest. His arms circle around your waist, squeezing you close and he relishes in the silence and your warm touches. You know he hears the way your heart skips beats and drops when he mumbles quietly under his breath.

“I can’t stay,”

Got7 Mark FireBible 7th issue LOOK 2 LockscreensGot7 Mark FireBible 7th issue LOOK 2 LockscreensGot7 Mark FireBible 7th issue LOOK 2 Lockscreens

Got7 Mark FireBible 7th issue LOOK 2 Lockscreens

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Interested in having this blog?

Hey y’all!

I come bearing news- which may upset or confuse people so I’m saying sorry up front.

I really don’t feel like blogging about Got7 anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I love these boys and the music/ideas they promote, but I just don’t feel a drive to actively tag and reblog and keep up with their activities. That, among a few other minor things, is the reason for me stepping down.

So, I did some googling and there’s a way to transfer side blogs to a new/different email account. (link to what I’m talking about: https://socialshire.com/move-tumblr-blog-account/ ) If any of y’all out there would like this account, drop on in and let me know. Please realize this will require some coordination and you giving me your tumblr email for the transfer to happen!

Edit: if there are more than one person interested, I’ll ask you why you want it and make a judgment based on that


Thanks and sorry for the news

Anonymous : Could you do a Got7 reaction where their S/o has a British accent that switches to American and back to British while she speaks?

A/N : this is my first reaction and first got7 request !! y’all should know that got7 is my ult group so i’m hoping i’m as accurate as possible i wanted to add gifs but i still haven’t figured out how to post more than 3 someone help !!!!! anyway enjoy ehe

tee xx

Mark : he’s claimed before that he likes british accents so he’d love listening to you talk and pronounce things differently to him. But when you slip a word in american he’d laugh and teasingly accuse you of trying to copy him

Jaebum : tbh this guy would be a sucker for you . he’d love hearing your accent just because it’s different and he’d especially love it when you spoke korean and your accent was clear. i don’t think he’d really notice if you switched accent and you’d have to tell him then he’d ask how it’s said with a british accent.

jackson : oh my god he would be the most extra about your accent. if you said anything he’d mimic you and squeal exclaiming just how adorable you are. he would always try to speak in a british accent too which would make you cringe and make him pout. if you said something in an american accent he would say he had a better american accent and show you the right way to say it.

jinyoung : he would love your britihs accent so much !! he would find it sophisticated and he’d just like listening to it. he’d get jokingly sassy if you said something in an american accent and tell you you were hanging out with mark too much and couldn’t even get his accent right.

youngjae :this sunshine would see the change in expression whe you said something in an american accent and would just start laughing. he would adore your british accent but love when you switch just because he loved the face you made.

bambam : king of being extra, he would always exaggerate when copying your accent even though he loved it. if you said something with an american accent he would definitely copy you and make fun of the way you said it earning a pout or smack on the arm.

yugyeom : he would always try to speak to you in english because he wants to get better at it . he’d also try to speak in a british accent because he believe he’s good at it and it makes him look good. he’d like when you spoke in an american accent tho because he’s into america and would just like to hear the accent.

Anonymous: Got7 reaction to their s/o not wanting them to pick them up because she thinks she’s 2chubby and might hurt them

A/N:  This is actually my first time doing a reaction so i hope it doesn't suck too much.

Mark: Mark is a really quite person, he tends to keep to himself a lot. So it wound’t be much of a difference in this situation. He’s be a bit mopey and would tell you how silly you are and continued to pick you up and be cuddly, he isn’t really good with words so you’d definitely feel his love through his actions. But if you continued with the worry, he’s mood  would probably drop 100%. He’d feel like its his fault for not reminding you everyday of how beautiful you are. Would probably do anything it takes to make you feel good about yourself, and you don’t have to worry about yourself cause you are absolutely beautiful..


Jackson: He’d scoff at your silly worry and will continue to make jokes and carrying you, but once he sees the look of uneasiness, his mood will change. He’s be serious and will probably sit you down, making you tell him why you thought that way. Anger obviously radiating of him as he listens to all reasons as to why you feel that way. He would try to calm down, tying not to show you how angry he felt cause of this, since he knew it’ll make you feel just as bad.  He would show you just how much he loves you and your body. And if you still feel uneasy, he would write 100 reasons as to why you’re perfect. Until you smile again..


Youngjae:  He’d highkey be so confused. He’d be asking all kinds of questions on why’d you think you’ll hurt him. He’d tell you that he loves picking you up and that it maid him feel really bad that you think like that. I think he would start to make types of jokes and puns just to make you laugh and get your mind of the negative stuff. He would cuddle you and eat all kinds of sweats with you, making sure you were happy with yourself, and telling you that he loves everything about, and loves carry you in his arms.


Jaebum: I feel like he would react the same as Jackson, but he’d be more calm. Taking your hand in is and sitting you down, asking why you would ever say something like that. He’d cut you half way, to angered at your silly thoughts of yourself. He’s pull you into a hug, not saying much, but he’d definitely make you feel his love. kissing your head lovingly and telling you that you are perfect. He’d give you kisses in places you felt most insecure. leaving loving messages before each kiss. But if you really had a problem with your weigh, he’d offer you to go to the gym with him, although he’d tel you that you didn’t need it.


BamBam: He’d go along with it, taking your remark as a joke. But as soon as he saw your face fall he’d start apologizing and hugging you as you bury your head in his chest. He’d rub your back, telling you that you shouldn’t feel that way. He would kiss your temple, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, also whispering dumb jokes or embarrassing moments of the members to make you laugh and happy again. He’d for sure be more careful  next time cause he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but will always remind you of how precious you are to him.


Jinyoung: As soon as he picked you up, and felt you tense he’d know right away. Unlike the other members, he’d be straight up and tell you he truth. He would still be holding you in his arms, tightening his grip on you as he gave a stern look. He’d tell you that you are perfect and loves the size of your body, oves holding you to him and feeling it pressed against him. He would kiss your neck softly, not letting you go, telling you that his savoring the feeling of your beautiful body pressed against his, making you blush ad smile.


(best gif ever istfg)

Yugyeom: He’d be just as devastated and sad. He’d slowly let go of you and look at you with concern in his eyes. He wouldn’t ask any questions and just sit next to you. He’d rap his arms around you and kiss your head. After a while comfortable silence, he’d tell you that you were the most beautiful human being that he has ever laid eyes on. Telling you that he loved carrying you, cause it made him feel like the ultimate boyfriend. He’d tell you that he wouldn’t change your weigh for the world cause you were just so perfect to him.


A/N I hope you enjoyed this little reaction and please don’t ever think less of yourself. Cause you are beautiful just the way you are, don’t let society’s standards bring you down, cause you are unique in your own way. Nothing wrong with that.


American, Canadian and Autrailian!

I’m sure I didn’t get all of the idols out there, but these are just a few that popped into my mind, so I hope you enjoy~ (also just to let you know, I chose them based off of birth place!)


미국 사람 (miguk saram)

Here we have the lovely Mark, Ailee and Amber.

If you wanted to express to someone that “Mark is American” you could say:

마크는 미국 사람입니다.

(Mark-neun miguk saram-ibnida)

(Don’t forget, this is all in Formal Korean!!)


캐나다 사람 (kaenada saram)

I chose the amazingly talented Henry for this one.

If you wanted to tell somebody (in korean, of course ) that “Henry is Canadian” it’d go something like this:

(I’m choosing to write his name in English because he also has a korean name and I won’t want to confuse anybody!)

Henry는 캐나다 사람입니다.

(Henry-neun kaenada saram-ibnida)

Lastly~ Australian:

호주 사람 (hoju saram)

I’m sure a lot of you have either heard of or are avid fans of Stray Kids (I am too, how could you not love them?!?!???) which brings upon two special boys from Australia: Felix and Chan!

If you are as excited as I am and want to tell everybody that Felix and Chan are Australian, you would say:

피릭스는 호주 사람입니다.

찬은 호주 사람입니다.

(Felix-neun/Chan-eun hoju saram-ibnida)

Thank you very much for the support provided to my blog! 

I’m so grateful for that!  

I’ll keep giving my best… infinite thanks!  

Remember to stay healthy physically and psychologically. 

I love them!
