#james gurney


FromJames Gurney’s blog:

“Here’s a new video about sketching chickens.
The DVD version has the 40-minute production about the making of the paintings I did for Scientific American. But it also has a slide show and a special 13-minute bonus feature, where I pose the question: “What can we learn about dinosaurs by sketching a chicken?” The abbreviated YouTube video above gives you a sample of that feature”

You might want to subscribe to Mr. Gurney’s youtube channel

fanta-z:by James Gurney fanta-z:by James Gurney fanta-z:by James Gurney fanta-z:by James Gurney fanta-z:by James Gurney fanta-z:by James Gurney fanta-z:by James Gurney fanta-z:by James Gurney


by James Gurney

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james gurneyjames gurneyjames gurneyjames gurneyjames gurneyjames gurneyjames gurneyjames gurneyjames gurneyjames gurney