#jamie fraser

ashaeradayne: character posters » jamie & claire fraser It has always been forever for me, Sasashaeradayne: character posters » jamie & claire fraser It has always been forever for me, Sasashaeradayne: character posters » jamie & claire fraser It has always been forever for me, Sasashaeradayne: character posters » jamie & claire fraser It has always been forever for me, Sasashaeradayne: character posters » jamie & claire fraser It has always been forever for me, Sasashaeradayne: character posters » jamie & claire fraser It has always been forever for me, Sas


character posters » jamie & claire fraser

It has always been forever for me, Sassenach.

Czytaj dalej

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–No fuiste la primera mujer que besé –susurró–. Pero te juro que serás la última.

Forastera, Diana Gabaldon

“Cuando pregunté a mi padre cómo sabría cuál era la mujer correcta, me respondió que llegado el momento, no tendría ninguna duda. Y así fue. Cuando desperté en la oscuridad bajo aquel árbol en el camino a Leoch, contigo sentada en mi pecho y maldiciéndome por dejarme sangrar hasta morir, me dije: «Jamie Fraser, a pesar de su aspecto y de lo que pesa, ésta es la mujer.»”

Forastera, Diana Gabaldon

Dije: «Señor, si alguna vez en mi vida he tenido valor, dámelo ahora. Permíteme ser lo bastante valiente para no caer de rodillas y rogarle que se quede». –Apartó la vista de la cabaña y me sonrió–. Ha sido el momento más difícil de mi vida, Sassenach.

Forastera, Diana Gabaldon

Las heridas no estaban cicatrizadas. Nos habíamos perdonado, pero nuestras palabras perduraban en la memoria, inolvidables.

Forastera, Diana Gabaldon

–¿Se acaba alguna vez… este deseo por ti? –Su mano acarició mi pecho–. Incluso después de tenerte te deseo tanto, que me cuesta respirar y me duelen los dedos de ganas de tocarte otra vez.

Forastera, Diana Gabaldon

Outlander 05x06 thoughts while watching

Here be spoilers!

Happy Quarantine everyone! My state just declared a stay at home order and my company closed on Friday so I’ll be quarantined at home for the next two weeks. Hope this makes just one person smile! Without further ado!

Weekly hampering of theme song… sigh

Aw young Jocasta

Omg this is heartbreaking! They just leave their daughter there they could have taken her with them. Like seriously?

That’s her husband to be? I wasn’t expecting someone so crusty. She clearly doesn’t like him why is she marrying him then? Ugh Jocasta is a strong independent woman who don’t need no man!

Jamie in glasses!!!!

Oh she’s left handed… interesting


It’s a plague of locusts! How biblical

Did they build that pretty structure just for the wedding? If they did that’s a total waste

Big Gay Energy is here! Love John Grey so much! Though it was not enough of him at all!

Governor Dickbag is here. Boo go away!!! Wait he’s gonna leave for New York. Yas!

Ok I kinda love his wife. She’s a passive aggressive savage

Oh come on people give Roger a chance. No wonder his self esteem is so low!

I don’t remember this Wylie guy. Can someone remind me? He’s a total fop

Roger had a eureka moment. Also love the soundtrack here

Blah blah blah politics politics blah blah… literally tuned out for this scene

Brianna am I sensing… tone???

Omg Claire just punch this bitch in the face. And now he’s mentioning bonnet, please punch him. Now he’s bringing up frank and the rings. Just punch him!!!

Claire is trying to do secret business with him. Why?

What a beautiful horse

Oh hell no!

Jamie to the rescue! Somebody should have punched him though. The bitch deserves it

Jamie sees right through your lies!

Gah my heart! I hate seeing my babies fight! And taking those rings off. Damn my soul

Haha Roger was right and now he’s got the respect he deserves. Take that you naysayers

Hmm a guest is it you know who?! Yes! Murtagh!!!

Aw he’s jealous! Kinda cute when he’s jealous

Holy crap that scene! Jocasta has always seemed kind of soulless to me but this scene was so brilliant and I truly see the soul within her now. I have a newfound respect for this woman. Brilliantly acted as well! Bravo, Maria! (And Duncan too, I guess)

Omg that scene! Holy shit! I didn’t realize how horny i was for a scene like this. I didn’t realize how much i needed that scene! My heart rate is still racing good lord! These two! I can’t! And to have all that fluff afterwards! This is the kind of ish that I’m here for!!! (And FYI, totally did not appear she was looking, js)

Overall thoughts

Great episode! Sophie actually had tone in her voice this week and she gets better each episode for me. Really enjoyed seeing more of Jocasta’s past makes me actually care about her more and that scene was heartbreaking. And the Claire and Jamie scenes. No words! I’m a horn dog for those kinds of sex scenes. I’ve been wanting a hot and heavy scene and now I’m satiated. What can I say? I’m trash. I’ll go crawl back in to my hole now

Looks like we’re getting a battle next episode. It’s 7 episodes in. Love how this show doesn’t rely on battles. It also looks like there’s gonna be story too. Can’t wait to see it!

Outlander Season 5 episode 5 thoughts while watching

In light of the messed up world we’re currently living in, hope this can bring a smile to some faces. Without further ado, here be spoilers!!!

Ooh modern Claire. Interesting. What does this mean?

Omg I love Marsali and Claire moments! Eureka!

Weekly hampering of the theme song. Still don’t like it. I’m gonna keep saying it until it changes.

Omg i can’t handle all these flashbacks! All the roads lead to Jamie!

Ok i don’t see much chemistry between Richard and Sophie usually but this was actually very sweet

I still love watching Jamie get off a horse like that!


So why is governor bitch boy going to pardon the Regulators? Doesn’t that include Murtagh? Then why are they still gonna look for him?

Jamie totally missed on purpose

They named this guy after Tobias Menzies didn’t they! Hope this isn’t the patient she loses. It is isn’t it? Aww that’s sad he reminds me of Jamie. And he obviously does with Claire too

I love watching Claire be a doctor! Like a lot especially with these old time surgeries!

Uh oh roger found the gem!

Omg this scene was so good between these two! Probably the best I’ve ever seen from Sophie. Did anyone else see her clutch her stomach after he left?

Ok as someone who was raised Catholic and have been to many churches: in a church like this even whispers echo like nobody’s business. Especially when there’s not many people in them. The fact that there’s no echo is unrealistic and makes me sad

I love Claire and Roger bonding! So sweet!

Finally Bree told someone about fuck boy being alive! Another good scene between them. Sophie has done decently well in this episode

No, no, no, no, no, no Knox isn’t gonna be Lord John Grey 2.0. No. No. No!!!!

Joe!!!! I love him!

Holy crap this ish got real so fast!!’ How you gonna cover this one up Jamie? Omg I’ve never been so scared for my boo right now. I’m still not sure if he had to do it. Someone help ease my conscience… Now he’s gonna commit arson?! What is happening?!?!?!?

Adso!!!!!! And Jamie and Claire are together again!

When their theme plays my heart beast so fast!

Overall thoughts:

This kind of episode is my favorite. It’s got all the great things: fluff, angst, someone doing something illegal for the right reasons, leading up to some inevitable drama, just enough exposition. It’s great! Only think missing was some sexy times between my ship, other than that it would have been perfect. Contrary to most people, big battles do not equal best episodes, for me. These kinds of episodes are my jam! Next episode looks like some drama between my babies next and a plague of sorts. Sounds interesting!

Outlander 05x 02 Between Two Fires thoughts while watching

Here be spoilers!

Tarring and feathering is always fun. (Sarcasm) Anyone remember when they did it in John Adams? That was much more graphic than this luckily


Still don’t like the new theme song. Still miss the pipes but it’s growing on me!

Seriously Brianna it’s not safe keeping that kind of a secret or it will tear you up inside

Aw damn, I was not expecting a death so quickly.

Jamie please out the kilt back on!

All these red coats are such dicks! Run Jamie run!

Love Claire and Brianna moments. Need more!

I really don’t need to see an animal getting cut up like that, but go Marsali you cut that goat! (It was a goat right?)

Jamie still gets off a horse like he’s wearing a kilt!!!Anyone else notice that? I love it!

Will the real Murtagh Fitzgibbons please stand up!

Jamie’s theme song right now is Torn by Natalie Imbriglia. Shoulda thrown that redcoat under the bus

Aw poor roger he probably feels so inadequate right now. I love how Bree is the better shot btw!

So this redcoat bitch is gonna be above the law and not pay for what he’s done? That doesn’t seem fair

Omg I love Marsali! She never fails to make me laugh! Side note I love Claire’s hair in this scene!

Ooh Jamie’s up to something. I love it! Ah he’s breaking those guys out! You go Jamie!

Ah Claire is using a man’s alias to pass of medical advice. Oldest trick in the book

Please no war this early on. I don’t need it yet.

I like this Claire and roger bonding. And I hear you stones theme.

There’s a lot of light in that regulator camp. Hope they’re not discovered.

You ok there Claire Bear? You’re starting to worry me honey

Roger singing to Jemmy aww so cute!

Uh oh he’s gonna find the drawing. Uh oh! He found the drawing.

Jemmy seems to be aging up rather quickly is he not? How old is he supposed to be? It’s only a little over a week past the wedding right?

What is this, girl fight club? Aren’t those two of Briannas suitors? Oh no fuckface is here! Someone kill this bitch already please!

Final thoughts

The music is amazing this episode again. Bear McCreary is a musical genius! I love how the soundtrack is hitting all the parts I love from the first season soundtrack while also being its own thing. I love how the music is keeping its roots!!

I love how all the stories paralleled. All our characters were walking between two fires and it was so poetic! Great episode to move the story along. I’m getting a little worried about our beloved characters being so torn between things.

No Claire and Jamie… boo!

Sophie was so much better for me this episode! Not sure if it was the scenes she had or what but she definitely seemed different this week

Next week looks like a bit like a horror movie. Not sure I’m ready for it!
