
The rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wanThe rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wanThe rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wan

The rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 27 - Your words speak to your values. You have to make it clear what you condemn, and what you uphold. You have to condemn characters’ bad values in the story or it can seem that you are excusing/encouraging those values.

Things to condemn include but are not limited to:

  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Homophobia
  • Transphobia
  • Exclusivism in the LGBTQIA+/Queer community
  • Ableism (physical disabilities and mental disorders)
  • Abuse (physical, psychological, and financial)
  • Not asking for consent/ignoring boundaries

#WritingTipWed 28 - Listen to your characters. If it feels like you’re making them say or do things they wouldn’t say or do, stop and think it over. You may be writing them how you think they should be (norms/tropes), not how they need to be.

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The rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every W

The rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.

Stay safe out there y’all. Keep track of your mental health.


#WritingTipWed 17 - If you can’t find the word you’re looking for you can use onelook.com/thesaurus/ to describe the concept/definition of the word you’re trying to find. The description can be a single word, a few words, or even a whole sentence. 

#WritingTipWed 18 - “That”: gives essential information to a sentence.
Ex: The article that covers math was boring.
“Which”: can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Ex: The article that covers math, which I didn’t read by choice, was boring.

#WritingTipWed 19 - Definitely vs Defiantly
Definitely: adj; without doubt (used for emphasis)
Ex: I will definitely be going.
Defiantly: adv; in a manner that shows open resistance or bold disobedience.
Ex: She defiantly refused to follow orders.

#WritingTipWed 20

#WritingTipWed 21 - According to “The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase” by Mark Forsyth adjectives in the English language follow this order to make sense:
“opinion-size-age-shape-color-origin-material-purpose Noun.”

#WritingTipWed 22 - I cannot stress enough that as this year comes to a close, it’s okay if you can’t find the motivation to write. Don’t feel guilty. We are living through something very traumatic. Your mental health takes priority.

#WritingTipWed 23 - Holidays, weekends, or scheduled “rest days” shouldn’t be the only time you take a break from writing. Sometimes what’s best for a story is to let it stew in your brain, even for months. Let your subconscious work for you.

#WritingTipWed 24 - Do not beat yourself up if you didn’t meet your writing goal(s) this year. This year’s been insanely stressful and just be proud that you made it through. You are still an author, whether or not you’ve put words on paper.


#WritingTipWed 25 - It’s the new year, but the hardships of the previous one carried over. Don’t feel obligated to make/stick to writing goals or strict deadlines. Take this year one day at a time and do what is best for your mental health.

#WritingTipWed 26 - Insurrection. More threats of violence. If you’re like me, you’re glued to your phone, to the tv, anxious, afraid. Don’t worry about meeting any writing goals you’ve set for the near future. Take care of your mental health.

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