#janurary full moon



Christopagan drawing down the Wolf Moon Ritual:

Wolf Moon: (January)

• Four Elements/Quarters Candles

• Gold and Silver Candles

• Chalice/Bowl

• Drinking Water

• Cakes and Ale

• Crystals for charging: Amber, amazonite, beryl, chrysoprase, garnet, hematite, jet, onyx and rubellite.


During this month the wolves once roamed the countryside, thus suggesting the name wolf moon. This is a good time for planning your year, what do you want to accomplish this year? Set some goals and plan how to achieve them.

Before you start make sure you have all that you need for the ritual by laying out your crystals, fill up the chalice/bowl with drinking water, place your candles and put out your food on a separate table. Then sage the area to make your sacred space and cast your circle. Invoke the elements, then God and Mary. Once you are done with the invocations turn to your altar and hold your arms open wide looking up to the Moon and chant:

Oh, Mother Mary bless (me or us) with this Wolf Moon,

I ask that you guide (me or us) with heightened awareness, fill (me or us) with Determination and focus (my or our) energy for this New Year.

Take this time to reflect upon the goals that you want to achieve this month. Once done, raise up your chalice/bowl and chant:

The moon is the symbol of our holy mother, her purity and wisdom are great and all-knowing, and (I or we) honor her on this holy night.

Until the time when the moon becomes full again, please keep a watchful eye over (me or us) Oh blessed mother. In God and your name, we pray. Amen

Take a drink from the chalice/bowl now that’s has turned into moon water and share if you have others participating in the ritual.

Thank God and Mary, then release the elements, and you are done! Keep your crystals out for this moon and make sure you remember to take them in the next day.

Have fun after the ritual, you can either have a party or just celebrate by yourself; it’s up to you.
