#japanese and haitian

 We are so proud of Naomi Osaka, Haitian and Japanese, who just won the Australian Open, the first G

We are so proud of Naomi Osaka, Haitian and Japanese, who just won the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tennis event of 2019! At age 21, she wins $4.1M for winning the Australian Open bringing her career earnings to $11.8M. Naomi will now be ranked the #1 woman’s tennis player in the world, and the first Asian female player to ever be ranked #1! In the last eight years, Naomi becomes the only woman’s tennis player other than Serena Williams to win back to back Grand Slam events having won the US Open at the end of 2018, and now the Australian Open at the beginning of 2019! We love Naomi and wish her and her family continued blessings, grace, and abundance!!

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