#japanese and black

 Say bom dia to Animal King, aka Jorge Da Floresta, Brazilian and his wife, Vivian Mayumi Sakahara,

Say bom dia to Animal King, aka Jorge Da Floresta, Brazilian and his wife, Vivian Mayumi Sakahara, Japanese Brazilian. Animal King is an actor, stuntman, and martial artist who is a master of capoeira, kobudo, and parkour. With Vivian, when she is not a kunoichi (female ninja), she is a marketing and art director. Jorge and Vivian have been together since 2018 and now live together in Paris, France. We wish them a lifetime of love and happiness! Check out Animal King’s demo reel at https://youtu.be/aJm-SJ73qLM

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 Congratulations to Chadwick Boseman, AfrAm, and his new fiance Taylor Simone Ledward, Japanese and

Congratulations to Chadwick Boseman, AfrAm, and his new fiance Taylor Simone Ledward, Japanese and AfrAm. Chadwick, of course, is the superstar AfrAm actor who will likely forever be known for playing T'Challa, in Black Panther! Indeed his acting credits run very deep and he has played many iconic figures including Jackie Robinson, James Brown, and Thurgood Marshall. Chadwick and Taylor have been dating since 2015 and while they typically keep a low profile, several outlets are now reporting their recent engagement and expected wedding in 2020! We are very happy for Chadwick and Taylor and wish them a lifetime of joy and happiness! Many blessings!


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Say hello to Pastor Marcel Jonte Gadsden, AfrAm, and his wife, Chiaki Selah Gadsden, Japanese. Marce

Say hello to Pastor Marcel Jonte Gadsden, AfrAm, and his wife, Chiaki Selah Gadsden, Japanese. Marcel is the pastor and founder of the Japan Kingdom Church in the Akishima section of Tokyo, Japan. The church started in 2016 with a bilingual service in both Japanese and English to accommodate both the Japanese and non-Japanese church members. Chiaki is also very active in Japan Kingdom Church as a co-founder and she manages many activities at the church. Marcel and Chiaki have been married for 5 years now and we wish them continued success and many blessings! Check out Japan Kingdom Church at https://www.jpkb.org/church

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 We are very proud of Rui Hachimura, Japanese and Beninese, who was just drafted #9 in the 2019 NBA

We are very proud of Rui Hachimura, Japanese and Beninese, who was just drafted #9 in the 2019 NBA Draft by the Washington Wizards in Washington, DC!! Rui is the first Japanese born player to be drafted in the first round of the NBA draft. Three other Japanese born players have either played with or been drafted by NBA teams, but none of them have had any significant playing time or results in the NBA. Rui will undoubtedly be the first Japanese born basketball star in the NBA and he already has a huge following in Japan! We wish Rui continued success with the Wizards and many blessings! Here is a link to an awesome video of Rui and his parents when he was selected #9 by the Washington Wizards!


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 Congrats to Aio Fukuda, AfrAm/Japanese and Yui Tanaka, Japanese, who are now dating after meeting o

Congrats to Aio Fukuda, AfrAm/Japanese and Yui Tanaka, Japanese, who are now dating after meeting on the popular Japanese reality show, Terrace House, on the most recent Opening New Doors season! Aio is a former Japanese professional soccer player and he is the 2nd Japanese Blasian to ever appear on Terrace House. Yui was a college student while on Terrace House and she just recently (2019) graduated from college in Japan! Terrace House is very similar to the old MTV The Real World and follows the day to day lives of 3 Japanese young men and 3 Japanese young women who all live in the same house. You can find Terrace House: Opening New Doors on Netflix. We wish Aio and Yui incredible happiness and much love forever!

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 We are so proud of Naomi Osaka, Haitian and Japanese, who just won the Australian Open, the first G

We are so proud of Naomi Osaka, Haitian and Japanese, who just won the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tennis event of 2019! At age 21, she wins $4.1M for winning the Australian Open bringing her career earnings to $11.8M. Naomi will now be ranked the #1 woman’s tennis player in the world, and the first Asian female player to ever be ranked #1! In the last eight years, Naomi becomes the only woman’s tennis player other than Serena Williams to win back to back Grand Slam events having won the US Open at the end of 2018, and now the Australian Open at the beginning of 2019! We love Naomi and wish her and her family continued blessings, grace, and abundance!!

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Nice music video collaboration between Koda Kumi, Japanese musical artist, and Omarion, AfrAm musica

Nice music video collaboration between Koda Kumi, Japanese musical artist, and Omarion, AfrAm musical artist, on the 2012 J-pop song “Slow”. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/dGz-AHgEFCo

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