#japanese pottery


This small jam pot came to me from one of my great aunts. Her husband was Daddy’s Mother’s brother so I guess that this made her his aunt by marriage.

The writing on the bottom is in English, but blurred. After looking online I think the words say Maruhon Ware. Apparently, this was a Japanese company that made ceramic decorative objects for export, starting, I learned, in the 1920’s. There is a K in a circle which makes it seem like an early piece. But it has only the single word “Japan.” which I read indicates that it came from after the occupation of that country following World War II, which would date it in the early 50’s.

I don’t really eat jam or jelly so this pot is usually displayed in my large china cabinet. Then this morning, since my grass was going to be mowed this afternoon, I picked a handful of violets from the hundreds that grow in my lawn. As I searched around for a vase that had a small enough opening to support the tender stems, my eyes landed on this elegant jam pot. So now I am enjoying my violets (and one rogue grape hyacinth) in this unique way courtesy of my Great Aunt May.
