

I’ve heard you, @butchbatter:>

THANK YOU SO MUCH, by the way, I really really appreciate the comments you leave in the tags when you reblog ★

So, eh, have a cool coloured Japhet! It’s kinda a color palette challenge, which explains our beloved big bird being blue (poetry, amirite—)

If it’s a little weird in terms of proportions, just know I barely ever draw bird-like beings

ink-the-artist:Local Bird Declares Himself King


Local Bird Declares Himself King

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mybeingthere:Rae Klein (b 1995)She graduated in 2017 with a BFA in Painting from Eastern Michigan Un


Rae Klein (b 1995)

She graduated in 2017 with a BFA in Painting from Eastern Michigan University.


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euqinimodart:Nel Blu Di Pinto Di Blu


Nel Blu Di Pinto Di Blu

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 Some of my personal favorite panels from various different chapters from my OFF comic. Comic update Some of my personal favorite panels from various different chapters from my OFF comic. Comic update Some of my personal favorite panels from various different chapters from my OFF comic. Comic update Some of my personal favorite panels from various different chapters from my OFF comic. Comic update Some of my personal favorite panels from various different chapters from my OFF comic. Comic update

Some of my personal favorite panels from various different chapters from my OFF comic. Comic updates will start up again soon ;)

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Japhet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos. @theorcabatterJaphet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos. @theorcabatterJaphet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos. @theorcabatter

Japhet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos.


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Japhet: I even put on my reading glasses to prove it! All that really matters is if you are happy wi

Japhet: I even put on my reading glasses to prove it!
All that really matters is if you are happy with yourself! I know I’m a nerd bird and I’m proud of that because that is part of who I am!!
nerd birb AWAY-

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Japhet: ah Thank you!! You’re shaped like a friend too!!! *the I love you flustered him into f

Japhet: ah Thank you!! You’re shaped like a friend too!!! *the I love you flustered him into floofing his feathers*


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Japhet:what is this happy little thing and can I keep it?! @asilverglowingmoon

Japhet:what is this happy little thing and can I keep it?!


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Japhet:this is amazing amazing of you to say but I won’t send it to ten others in fear of spamming.

Japhet:this is amazing amazing of you to say but I won’t send it to ten others in fear of spamming.
Anyway five things I like about myself!
One floof, when in certain moods if fluff up my feathers. It’s actually confortable!
Two I like how much I read! My favorite book is actually one bout flowers believe it or not!
Three I love how I try my best!
Four I like how I can get serious when needed
And finally five I like how I go out of my way to help people! I’ve been told several times I do this and it makes me rather proud!!

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Japhet: two can play at that game. Even tho I respect you and mean no disrespect in my words.

Japhet: two can play at that game. Even tho I respect you and mean no disrespect in my words.

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Japhet:I eat lots of things but normally my mood affects my decisions!

Japhet:I eat lots of things but normally my mood affects my decisions!

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It has an end to it also, A few years back when things were not so developed yet on its way, there wIt has an end to it also, A few years back when things were not so developed yet on its way, there w

It has an end to it also,

A few years back when things were not so developed yet on its way, there were two friends… well at the time they were not friends more like…acquaintances. They knew of each others existence yet… they were not interested in finding the other, well one day they did meet and something clicked persay, they were polar opposites yet that attracted them to each other made them want to get closer, they became best friends. No one could separate them, they met whenever they could, even though the brother of one was adamant against it, that did not stop them, for years and years they met, they talked, they understood. However eventually the visits became less frequent and less friendly as time went on, it went from long conversations to quick snappy argurments, the other didn’t understand, what did he do wrong to recieve such harsh words. What did he do to recieve such loneliness again? As time went on, he became angry too, eventually asking why…He got no response as the other stalked away.

A year passed, the other encountered his friend, the one asked if he could join him, the other jumped with joy saying yes of course and they started work together, how foolish of the other… The one snuck up and pounced on the other swallowing him, a cry of fear came from the other as he was swallowed, confused and angry and betrayed he did everything in his power to get out of his “friend”, however when he did get out and turn to the one to ask why…. He was already gone. The other realised his mistake he did not mean to cause this! But most importantly what would his friends brother think if he saw this?! He’d be out for revenge for sure! So he took his friend and used his body as a puppet for years to come, however he could never truly face what he did… so he locked himself away only coming down when needed and truly never making any friends again, as to not risk the same mistake twice.

Ah sorry that was rather depressing!! But it’s another story none the less, I hope you enjoyed that one none the less.


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Well what story would interest you hm… Ah here is a good one! A long time ago, what you see b

Well what story would interest you hm…
Ah here is a good one!

A long time ago, what you see before you did not exist. Everything was quieter, less productive, different to say the least…lonelier in its own way, only a few beings existed, all young, all hopeful. As the years went on they all eventually met through fortunate accidents, they all became the best of friends, getting to know each other. However they one day all had an idea, a way to make things less lonely more productive in its own way, as all of them worked together they created that dream, however most forgot the pure base that was the foundation of that dream, they started to focus on only what they had built and friendships were pushed aside. Visits were only business and benefits only, well for a while, some times they would meet for other purposes but that was a rarity, things were changing everyday and in a way no one could predict and still are…The story doesn’t really have an end as you choose the end by your decisions for such a story.

Ah sorry, I hope this story was to your taste? I have others if you wish for another one!


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Ah hey hello fellow friends, I am back.I am so sorry for the wait, I was supposed to be back earli

Ah hey hello fellow friends,

I am back.
I am so sorry for the wait, I was supposed to be back earlier but I recently got inyo college so I’ve been working on work if that makes sense?? Also I’ve been trying to get colour and uhh work on my style a bit ahaha

So sorry for the wait, I am here and alive. Just gonna revamp stuff I guess cus it’s an o l d blog jeez!!! Thanks for everyone who’s stuck wit h me anyway so yeah.

Ask away n stuff xD

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*Japhet started to say something then decided it was better to fly away before his head became a ped*Japhet started to say something then decided it was better to fly away before his head became a ped

*Japhet started to say something then decided it was better to fly away before his head became a pedalo*


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