#hello darkness my old friend



finding out gr8 artists followed u back for a while now and you’ve been making a fool of urself this entire time

So some of you may recall me letting you know the synopsis of the movie before the trailers did, and that I was… displeased. 

So. There’s been a leak about the movie’s villain. Now, take this with a grain of salt - on the one hand, I got this from a pal I trust, but on the other hand, this is the Internet, where lying comes as easily as breathing. 

That being said… Here you go.

… This might have worked as a Robot Chicken sketch. Something for like. Twenty seconds on a comedy show with plenty of parodies. 

But a full-length movie. I… /sigh/

I can’t even muster the energy to get angry. This is just pathetic.

There was once this great fic for The Dark Knight Nolan movies where Bruce Wayne was being targeted by a series of murders that were staged to look like his parents’, and so Renee Montoya was assigned as his protective detail and he just had to grit his teeth and pretend like he wasn’t trying to lose her so he could go out and be Batman. It was like circa 2012 or something, and that was my first real introduction to Renee Montoya as a character.

Ithink it was called “until our city is aflame” but I can’t confirm that because IT SEEMS TO HAVE DISAPPEARED OFF THE INTERNET.

(There was also an angry old rich lady that Bruce used to hang out with when he was a kid because she was his neighbour and she and Alfred had a thing, but that was mostly irrelevant to the rest of the story.)

Japhet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos. @theorcabatterJaphet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos. @theorcabatterJaphet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos. @theorcabatter

Japhet: I hear my upcoming doom aproaching me…and it sounds like pedalos.


Post link


i may be terminally online but at least i have fun and curate my experience to cater to my interests and don’t intentionally seek out things that will make me feel worse and don’t take out my personal issues on strangers on the internet


Photography by Denice Bergstedt

Your heart requires moonlight.

~Virginia Woolf

Tan pronto como estoy en el Cielo, paso a sentirme en el Infierno, porque quise volar tan alto que, como Ícaro, me quemé contra el Sol y caí en picado. Agotada de todo, cierro los ojos y trato de perderme en el mundo de lo onírico, sabiendo que cuando los abra se derramarán las lágrimas que se agolpan contra los párpados.

Pasa el tiempo, se consumen los segundos como el cigarro que se mantiene encendido entre mis dedos, echando su humo gris y frío. Sigue ardiendo, consciente de su irrevocable destino a perecer y desaparecer.

Como yo. Como mi alma.

Todos mis errores me recuerdan lo efímero de la felicidad, intangible pero tan rematadamente cara, mero espejismo en medio del desierto. Lleno mi cuerpo de caladas que después exhalo sin dejar de mirar cómo salen por mi boca, comprobando que la realidad continúa a mi alrededor, confirmando que sigo despierta.

Me dicen que tengo la mirada triste y pena en el rostro, y con una suerte de mueca simplemente respondo que estoy cansada. Porque no tengo fuerzas para hablar, porque el vacío devora imparable en mi interior todo a su paso dejando un paisaje desolado.

… Porque mientras otros viven sus sueños, yo sobrevivo mis pesadillas.


Here’s another Pandora Hearts inspired DGM drawing (It’s just a wip)
This time it’s Mana and Nea as Intention and Alice, because twins-twins. Also I thought about it and they have quite a bit in common so that’s cool
I had 0 idea what to do with Mana as Intention since I didn’t want to put him in a dress
I ended up giving him a jacket similar to Nea but poofier
I also gave him a bow that’s similar to Leo’s but instead of a gem there’s a rose in the middle
I’ll try to tweak it more tomorrow

Hell yeah, fantastic idea! They really symbolize the vibes of the twins and it suits them, especially for those who’ve read the Pandora Hearts Manga and know what happened to Alice to make her end up in her signature Rabbit outfit…

Celebrimbor, desperate, himself withstood Sauron on the steps of the great door of the Mírdain; but he was grappled and taken captive, and the House was ransacked. There Sauron took the Nine Rings and other lesser works of the Mírdain; but the Seven and the Three he could not find. Then Celebrimbor was put to torment, and Sauron learned from him where the Seven were bestowed. This Celebrimbor revealed, because neither the Seven nor the Nine did he value as he valued the Three; the Seven and the Nine were made with Sauron’s aid, whereas the Three were made by Celebrimbor alone, with a different power and purpose. Concerning the Three Rings Sauron could learn nothing from Celebrimbor; and he had him put to death. But he guessed the truth, that the Three had been committed to Elvish guardians: and that must mean to Galadriel and Gil-galad.

In black anger he turned back to battle; and bearing as a banner Celebrimbor’s body hung upon a pole, shot through with Orc-arrows, he turned upon the forces of Elrond.


Telperinquar, nirna, immo tyultanë Þauronna i ambalissen i andono Míretanoron, mal anes mapaina ar mól carna, ar i Coa né amaptaina. Tassë Þauron mapanë i Cormar Nertë ar exë nimpi tanwi Míretanor; mal i Otso ar i Neldë úmes hirë. Tá Telperinquar né nwalyaina, ar Þauron parnë sen yassë i Otso ner mandossë. Sina Telperinquar pantanë, an lá i Otso hya i Nertë namnes vë namnes i Neldë; i Otso ar i Nertë ner carnë i mánanen Þaurono, mal i Neldë ner carnë Telperinquárnen eressë, cévë túrenen ar telmanen. Cormaron Neldë, Þauron hanyanë munta Telperinquárello; ar nahtaneryes. Mal intyanes i anwanna, i Neldë ner antainë tirnoin Eldaliëo, ar sië Altariellen ar Artanáron.

Morë rúþessë lendes ohtanna; ar cólala vë tulwerya hroa Telperinquáro panyaina vandildë, quátina pilindinen urquion, quernes i hossenna Elerondo.
