#jared padalecki

dinosaurfeelings:When supernatural films in front of your apartment!


When supernatural films in front of your apartment!

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Summary:You travel to Santa Monica to get started on your new job, but your consciousness of the pandemic causes some unnecessary stress
Jared x Reader x Gen, Danneel, JJ, Neil Druckmann
Warnings:pregnancy, mild angst, pandemic related panic

I Know Your Wife - Masterpost


Apparently you were still good to go with the game developers, so long as you were available to head to Santa Monica within the next week.

They wanted to get your body and movements tracked as much as possible before your bump got too prominent, which was understandable.

You talked everything through with Jared and Gen, even bringing the kids into the conversation so that they would understand why you were going to be away.

Although you didn’t like the idea of travelling during a pandemic, you’d agreed that flying would be more sensible than taking a lone road trip cross-country. It was just over three hours on a plane, your flight being paid for by the game developers, and you’d checked that business class wasn’t going to be too crowded before booking. You chose the least busy flight on the day, meaning you had to be at the airport for 7am. 

It was definitely worth it for the quietness at the terminal.

You wore loose pants and a baggy sweater, trying to disguise your bump, and a plain black face mask stayed over your mouth and nose at all times.

Maybe you were being too paranoid, but you had hand sanitizer both in your pocket and in your purse, and disinfectant wipes ready for when you got on the plane. Your pocket sanitizer bottle had been personalised by Dallas and Shepherd before you left, MAMA written in glittery nail polish and cured under UV light, along with a neat heart in bright pink.

Looking at it as you cleaned your hands every time you so much as got too close to another person or surface made you smile behind your mask.

Once priority boarding was called, you made your way to your seat, apologising to the stewardess as she watched you wipe down the surfaces.

“I know it’s cleaned, I’m just-”

“It’s fine,” she promised. “It’s a pandemic, we’re all a little paranoid. It’s actually nice to see someone taking it so seriously.”

Business class was relatively empty, the few of you spaced out so nobody was unnecessarily close by.

The stewardess shyly asked for a picture at the end of the flight, and you agreed so long as you could keep your distance and keep your mask on.

She ended up taking a selfie with you in the background throwing a peace sign, thanking you afterwards.

You nodded, thanking her for asking rather than just trying to take a sneaky picture.

By the time you landed, it was about half nine local, and LAX was considerably busier than AUS had been.

You tried to remember Sarah’s advice when you felt yourself start to panic, breathing slowly and deeply as you avoided people on your way to the baggage reclaim.

You were, for the most part, successful, until someone bumped into you from behind, placing a large bare hand on your shoulder to apologise before continuing his journey.

You could feel panic start to rise, unwanted tears prickling at the back of your eyes, and you reached for your phone, fumbling and dropping it on the floor in your urgency.

You picked it up, grabbing a wipe and cleaning it as best as you could in your state, sanitising your hands again before instinctively calling your mom.

It took a while to answer, but when she did she sounded cheery.

This is a nice surprise,” she greeted, and you let out a wet laugh. “Oh, baby. What’s up?

You shook your head, your tears soaking into the top of your mask.

“Sorry,” you murmured. “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

‘Course you are,” she agreed. “Wanna talk about it anyway?

“I’m at LAX,” you explained. “For- for work. Someone just touched me.”

Instantly Danneel was in full defensive mom mode.

Someone didwhat?

“Not- not like that,” you placated. “It’s fucking stupid. He just, he bumped into me and touched my shoulder. It’s fine, I just-”

You’re okay,” she promised. “You’re fine. Your shoulders are covered, right?

“Yeah,” you sniffed. “Got a long sleeve tee and a sweater on. S’cold in Austin.”

Okay, you’re okay,” she repeated. “Once you’ve got all your stuff, you get to your hotel. You take off the sweater, all your external stuff from the flight, get it laundered if you wanna wear it again, and you go have a shower.

“You don’t think I’m being dramatic?” you asked, blinking back the last remaining tears. 

You’re definitely being dramatic,” she said, making you laugh in shock. “But airports don’t have the best memories for you since… well, since that bitch gave me a black eye. Plus you’ve got twins in your belly during a pandemic, so I think a little bit of drama is allowed.

You laughed again, letting out a small ‘yeah’. 

Okay baby, go get your stuff,” she told you. “You’ve got this.”

“Thanks, Mama,” you told her, wanting to wipe your eyes but not wanting to touch your face.

Call me later, I’ll get JJ on FaceTime and you can tell us what the fuck you’re doing back in Cali,” she requested.

“Of course,” you laughed. “I love you.”

Love you too, baby. You’ve got this.

You hung up, pocketing your phone and sanitising your hands again before finally making it to the carousel.

You could do this.


You did everything that Danneel told you to, spending probably a little longer than necessary in the shower, before making your way to your lunch meeting with the developers.

Your hotel was near the beach in Santa Monica, just a short walk from the headquarters, so you made your way over with a fresh mask and a pair of sunglasses concealing your face.

It was still strange to you, staying in a hotel that cost more every night than your rent did weekly when you lived in LA. But you weren’t paying, and during these crazy COVID times you were grateful for a clean suite to yourself.

Before long, you were entering the game company’s foyer, pushing your sunglasses up into your hair as you approached the receptionist.

“Good afternoon, how can I help you?” he asked, smiling from across the desk.

You smiled back before remembering that he’d never be able to tell through your mask.

“Hi, I’ve got a meeting with Druckmann?” you winced, hoping you’d said it right. “I’m Y/N Ackles, he should be expecting me. Hopefully.”

“Of course, I’ll call him down,” he smiled back, easing some of your anxiety. “You’re welcome to take a seat or look around while you wait.”

You chose to look around, taking in the posters of previous games on the walls, awards they’d won behind glass cases. You saw some with Druckmann’s name on specifically, noting that he’d won several for game scriptwriting and storyline.


You turned to see him watching you, a small smile on his face.

“Hi,” you laughed, feeling caught as he offered his elbow.

You bumped it with your own, grateful that he didn’t go in for a handshake.

“Sorry, Mr. Druckmann,” you told him, motioning to your face mask. “I’m happy to take it off when it’s just us.”

“It’s fine,” he assured you, leading you into the elevator. “And Neil, please. How was your flight?”

“Not bad,” you admitted, keeping your hands inside the sleeves of your sweatshirt. “It was actually my first flight without my daughter since she was born, so that was weird.”

“Quieter, though,” Neil joked, “I would assume.”

“Much,” you agreed, feeling yourself relax around him as the elevator doors opened. “I didn’t have to listen to Disney the whole way, so that was a bonus.”

Neil laughed, and you smiled along with him.

He led you into a meeting room, motioning you to sit in one of the chairs as he crossed the table to sit opposite you, and you grabbed a notepad and pen from your purse before taking off your mask and sanitising your hands.

You’d ordered lunch ahead, and there was a salad waiting for you with a wooden fork beside a bottle of Sprite.

“I feel like such a dork,” you admitted, placing your pocket sanitiser beside your notebook.

“For wanting to take notes?” he asked, grabbing one of his fries.

“For sanitising every time I touch anything,” you clarified, and he shook his head.

“Don’t worry about it,” he assured you. “We’re really happy you still wanted to be a part of this, given the circumstances.”

You nodded, a hand finding your small bump outside of your sweater.

“I’m grateful y’all still wanted me,” you admitted, and he smiled, realising you thought that he’d been talking about the twins.

“I meant the pandemic,” he clarified. “Your pregnancy really isn’t any of our concern. Most of what we want from you is your face, your voice. The people in digitisation and animation will get a feel for how you move this week, but past that… your body doesn’t matter, in that sense.”

He laughed, shaking his head at himself when you raised an eyebrow.

“That sounded worse than I meant it,” he insisted. “I just mean that we’re honestly not fazed by your situation. If you’re happy to work, we’re happy to have you.”

“I really appreciate that,” you smiled, opening your notebook and looking across at him, “Especially now I’ve seen your fancy awards downstairs.”

He smiled bashfully, bringing out a notebook of his own.

“I heard you never even played Part Two,” he teased, and you let out a laugh.

“It’s next on my list,” you promised. “And I loved the first one.”

He laughed with you, opening up his book and drumming on the page with his fingers.

“Wanna know more about your character?” 

“For sure,” you confirmed, uncapping your pen.

“Alright,” he cleared his throat. “Her name’s Noah.”


“She’s freakin’ cool,” you told JJ and Danneel over FaceTime that evening once you were back at your hotel. “I’m so happy that they sought me out for this.”

Will I be able to play?” JJ asked, and you grimaced a little.

“Not for a few years, sweetie,” you explained. “For one, it’s gonna take a couple years in production. But we’ve also gotta wait for you to be a bit older before you can play.”

You’re staying there for a couple years?” JJ questioned, making you laugh.

“No, but they’ve gotta digitise me,” you told her, continuing when she looked confused. “Y’know when Dad and Uncle Jared were made into Scooby Doocharacters?”

She nodded.

“It’s a bit like that,” you explained. “So Noah is gonna look like me, but she’s kinda like a cartoon.”

A bit more realistic than Scooby,” Danneel explained. “I’m so happy for you, Y/N. It’s good to see you so excited.

She watched as your smile faltered momentarily, seeing you try to plaster it back on.

JJ, baby, go find Daddy. I think it’s bedtime,” she told her daughter, and she left with a quick goodbye.

You saw Danneel wait for the door to close before looking back at you.

Alright, what’s up with you?” she asked, and you frowned.

“I don’t know what you mean,” you lied.

You were grinning until I mentioned that you looked happy,” she told you, not buying your bullshit for one second. “So what’s wrong?

You swallowed, looking down at your lap.

“I’ve been more excited about this job than I have about my babies,” you whispered. “I’d not thought about it until you said that.”

Danneel sighed, and you looked up to see her frowning.

That’s not what I meant,” she reminded you, but you shook your head.

“No, but it’s true,” you told her. “Jared told me off about it because I kept acting like it was bad news.”

She nodded, taking in what you were saying.

Do you…” she began, trailing off when she couldn’t find the right words. “Do you actually feel like it was? Bad news, I mean.

“No,” you replied, instantly. “No, fuck. It’s not bad news. I know it’s not.”

You’re just scared,” she supplied, and you nodded. “Well, duh. It’s a big surprise. I was freaking out when we found out about Arrow and Zep. And yours are identical, which is arguably more cause for a little anxiety.

You laughed, running a hand through your hair.

“I can’t stop thinking about stupid things,” you admitted.

Like what?” she asked, and you shrugged.

“Stupid shit,” you emphasised. “Like… What if they have different birthdays? That’s been on my mind this whole time.”

Danneel laughed, the sound making you laugh at yourself.

“I told you it was dumb,” you insisted.

You could always have a planned c-section,” she suggested, “Eliminate that risk entirely.

“I don’t wanna plan being cut open,” you balked. “Fuck me, that’s terrifying.”

That’s because you hate planning ahead,” she teased. “I love you, but you’re fully being an idiot right now.

“Mama,” you sighed. “It’s not just that, it’s…”

You trailed off, not knowing what to say.

“Am I a bad mom?” you asked, your voice cracking slightly.

Baby, why would you even think that?” Danneel questioned, her heart breaking for you as she watched you shrug.

“I’m working,” you murmured. “I’m over a thousand miles away from my daughter. I’m pregnant with twins during a pandemic and I’ve travelled for work.”

Because you’re a boss ass bitch,” she reminded you. “You’re a working mom. No shame in that, none at all.

“You don’t think I should take a break?” you asked, keen for another opinion.

I think you should do what you want,” she answered, honestly and easily. “You had a break from Supernatural for a few months and you wouldn’t stop talking about how much you wanted to be back at work.

“But you and Gen-”

You are not me and Gen,” she reminded you, firmly. “You’re your own person, and that person is amazing.

“But I’m leaving my kids,” you insisted, causing her to roll her eyes.

You’re not exactly leaving them unattended,” she explained. “You’re leaving them with their other parents, and occasionally a babysitter who they all adore. For like a week.

You sighed, rubbing your forehead.

You love your job,” she told you. “And you’re allowed to be excited about Noah, because she really does sound awesome.

“Yeah?” you asked, and she nodded.

I went back to work on Supernatural when my twins were young,” she emphasised. “Gen’s gone back on Walker now. You’re fine.

You nodded, allowing yourself to smile again.

“I’m… I’m excited to be Noah,” you admitted. “And I am excited about the twins, too.”

I know you are, baby,” she smiled back. “Whenever you’ve got twin concerns, you know you can come to me. Try not to stress so much.

“I’ll do my best,” you promised, breaking off into a yawn. “Sorry, busy day.”

Have you eaten today?” Danneel asked, and you nodded.

“Had a salad at my meeting,” you told her, and her picture left your screen almost instantly.

Tell me your hotel details,” she demanded. “I’m DoorDash-ing you some tacos.

“Mama,” you complained, but she cut you off.

You’ve gotta feed my grandbabies,” she reminded you. “Eat, then sleep.

You laughed, your stomach growling now that you were talking about food.

“Okay, you’ve got a point,” you allowed.

I know I do,” she replied. “Now gimme your hotel details.


The rest of your week in Santa Monica passed in a blur. 

The vast majority of your time was spent working, an intense schedule to allow your time away from home to be as limited as possible.

Danneel kept texting you, reminding you to eat, and you spent your downtime FaceTiming with the kids or Jared and Gen.

At the end of your last day with Naughty Dog, Neil came and found you before you left.

“I hope they’ve treated you well,” he teased as you zipped up your sweater.

“It’s been hard work, but a lot of fun,” you assured him, and he smiled.

“Glad to hear it,” he said, putting his hands in his pockets. “So, I wanted to talk to you before you go back.”

You nodded, putting your sunglasses on top of your head and taking a drink from your water bottle.

“We’ve got a bunch more audio we’re gonna need from you, I’m sure you know that,” he continued. “But I don’t want you to keep coming all the way out here, given the coronavirus situation, and having to be back home for your scans.”

You bit your lip, trying to figure out what he was getting at.

“I… Obviously it’s not ideal,” you allowed, “But I’ll do whatever you need me to.”

He smiled warmly.

“I know, you’re a real dream to work with,” he admitted. “We just thought, to make it easier on you, there might be a better way around it.”

“Like what?” you questioned, shouldering your purse.

“Like, if there’s a studio you could have access to closer to home, you could record the rest of the audio there,” he suggested, and you thought for a moment.

“My, uh, my dad,” you began, fumbling your words before starting again. “There’s a recording studio in Austin that my dad’s band uses for their albums. He could probably hook me up, there.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” he smiled. “Send me the studio details when you get home and I’ll try to sort something out.”

“Will do,” you smiled, hanging your mask from your ear. “And thank you again. For this opportunity.”

“Don’t mention it,” he smiled, walking with you to the elevator. “I meant it when I said you’ve been a dream.”


The whole week away, you’d only had your work phone on you.

You figured you were there to work, to get things started on the game, and your work phone had no social media at all downloaded onto it.

It was refreshing, really, to be able to switch off from the world but still be able to stay in contact with your family. It helped you focus on the job at hand with very little external distraction.

When you got home, however, you found that your socials were absolutely blowing up.

“You got papped,” Jared told you almost as soon as you got back, handing you your cell as you flopped down on the bed.

You arrived back late at night, all of the kids were in bed already, and you could feel that you were not far from sleep yourself.

“Fucking hell, I leave the house one time,” you grumbled, easily finding what he was talking about almost instantly.

Y/N Ackles, 24, was spotted without her family in LAX on Monday morning. The Supernatural actress looked to be in a state of distress shortly upon arrival, a source claiming that she was on the phone to her adoptive mother, Danneel Ackles, before collecting her luggage and entering the city.

You scrolled to the comments, finding speculation about the wellbeing of your relationship, as well as the obligatory mentions of what a terrible mom you were to not have Dallas with you.

“Fun,” you sighed, and Jared laughed softly, pulling you up into a hug as Gen entered from the bathroom.

“You’ve had worse,” he teased, causing you to huff a laugh. “Were you actually in a state of distress, though?”

You shrugged, your arms still wrapped around him as you pulled back enough to look up at him.

“Kinda?” you allowed. “I mean, I freaked out a bit but I called Dan and she talked me down. Told me I was being dumb.”

“That sounds like her,” Jared agreed, kissing you chastely before letting you go to the bathroom yourself.

Gen was biting her lip as he looked back at her, and Jared raised his eyebrows to try and get her to talk.

She didn’t take the hint, instead getting into bed.

“What’s up?” he asked her, earning a soft sigh.

“Why didn’t she call us?” she questioned, quietly. “If she was freaking out. Why did she call Danneel, and not us?”

Jared frowned, not knowing what to say as he got in beside her.

“Maybe she needed her mom,” he suggested.

“Yeah, but when I feel like shit, I call you guys, not my mom,” she explained, and he sighed.

“Yeah, but when you were twenty-four you probably did,” he reminded her. “Imagine yourself in her situation, exactly as she is now, when the world is in the state it is right now, and tell me honestly that you wouldn’t call your mom.”

Gen watched as his eyes flitted between hers, imploring her to understand.

“You’re right,” she allowed, laying back into her pillow. “You’re right, I definitely would.”

“She loves us,” Jared promised, stroking her hair.

You re-entered the room, switching off the light on your way to the bed.

“Gen’s feeling unwanted,” Jared told you, earning a protest from Gen as you got in beside her.

“We can’t have that,” you murmured, wrapping your arms around her and placing a kiss to the back of her neck. “I missed you loads.”

You felt her laugh more than you heard it as she placed her hands over yours at her waist.

“We missed you, too,” she whispered.

“Yeah,” Jared agreed, switching off the bedside lamp. “All three of you.”


HI it’s me, Jamie! Please leave questions for Ditto in the comments/IMs for a little Q&A in a later part! Thanks bbs

@monkeyluver4546​​, @pottergirlpotterworld​​, @youaremyfiveever​​​​​​​​, @capnbuck-tiltheend-oftheline​, @xoxabs88xox​​​​​​​​,@mottergirl99​​​​​​​​,@sandlee44​​​​​​​​,@i-love-superhero​​​​​​​,@i-just-wanna-run-hell​​​​​​​​, @trashforwinchesters​​, @mostly-shawn, @theashofwkm​​​​​​​​,@blacktithe7​​​​​​​​,@plaidstiel-wormstache​​​​​​​​,@emoryhemsworth​​​​​​​​,@onethirstyunicorn​​​​​​​​,@taylorlaurenthomas​​​​​​​​,@thatotherloser​​​​​​​​,@mskitty416​​​​​​​​,@sun-flower-bouquet​​​​​​​​,@holyfuckloueh​​​​​​​​,@fabinaforever11​​​​​​​​,@deansgirl215​​​​​​​​,@firefly124-writing​​​​​​​​,@a-queen-and-her-throne​​​​​​​​,@thoughtsoftheantagonist​​​​​​​​,@hillface89​​​​​​​​,@hetsgrinch​​​​​​​​,@bookofdisorders​​​​​​​​,@books-nothingbutbooks​​​​​​​​,@iamthatonechick​​​​​​​​,@ellen-reincarnated1967​​​​​​​​,@spnwoman​​​​​​​​,@american-duchess​​​​​​​​,@blancastans​​​​​​​​,@shikshinkwon​​​​​​​​,@clueless-gold​​​​​​​​,@meganwinchester1999​​​​​​​​,@samsexualdeancurious​​​​​​​​,@mija-novella​​​​​​​​,@typicalweirdbookworm​​​​​​​​, @im-super-potter-locked, @deans-baby-momma​​,@itsmycorneroftheinternet​​,@sea040561

Summary:You tell the kids about your pregnancy and go for your first scan on Gen’s birthday.
Jared x Reader x Gen, Jensen, Danneel, Tom, Shep, Dallas (OC), Amanda (OC), Alison (OC)
Warnings:pregnancy, mild angst, slight panic

I Know Your Wife - Masterpost

“Will it matter that I’m pregnant?”

You heard Amanda gasp from her end of the phone before she let out a little squeal of excitement.

You are?” she clarified, and you hummed an affirmative.

“Pretty sure,” you confirmed. “Around twelve weeks, we think. Got our first scan tomorrow so nobody knows yet.”

Oh my God, congratulations!” she gushed. “That’s so amazing.

“Thank you,” you smiled. “But it’s super hush-hush until we’ve scanned and checked that everything is okay. Nobody knows but me, Jared, and Genevieve. We haven’t even told the kids yet.”

Of course,” she agreed. “To answer your question, I don’t think it should be an issue. They’ll need to animate your face, get a feeling for the way you talk and move, but other than that it’s mostly voice work so any bump can’t really interfere too much.

You instinctively placed your hand under your sweater, feeling the slight bump that had already started to form. 

“Well, in that case, let them know I’m interested,” you told her. “I’ll discuss it with the others and get back to you tomorrow, but in the meantime they can draw up a contract, I guess.”

Fab, I’ll let them know,” Amanda replied. “Congrats again, Y/N.

“Thank you,” you repeated, saying goodbye and ending the call.

You turned to look at the door when it was pushed open, revealing Tom, shuffling on his feet.

“What’s up, buddy?” you asked, and he shrugged.

“Are you having a baby?” he asked, and you laughed softly, leaning back against the headboard and encouraging him over.

He came in and sat beside you, and you wrapped your arm around his shoulder and rested your head on top of his.

“You heard that, huh?” you asked, pressing a kiss into his hair.

“I didn’t mean to listen,” he insisted. “I didn’t know you were on the phone.”

“It’s okay,” you assured him, pulling back enough to look at him. “We were gonna tell you all tomorrow, anyway. We just wanted to have the scan first, but it’s okay.”

He nodded, leaning into you again.

“Are you okay?” you asked, softly.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Just… you still love us, right? Me and Shep?”

“Of course,” you answered, instantly. “Of course I do. You’re our boys, and this new baby isn’t gonna change that at all, okay?”

He nodded against you, wrapping his arms around your middle.

“My love isn’t finite,” you murmured, realising straight away that he might not understand you. “I mean, there’s not a set amount of love that I’m able to give. Another baby won’t take anything away from how I feel about you, or your brother or sister.”

You looked down, able to see his brows pulling down into a frown, so you kissed the top of his head.

“I didn’t carry you or Sheppy, I haven’t been here for your whole life, I know that. But my mama didn’t carry me, and I never have to doubt that her and Uncle Jay love me, regardless.”

He nodded again, and you brought your hand up to hold his head against you.

“I love you boys,” you reiterated. “And me and your dad and your mom are all gonna keep loving you whatever happens.”

“Good,” he mumbled, and you pulled back in order to look into his eyes again.

“So is it okay that you’re gonna have another sibling?” you asked, and he nodded.

“As long as they’re cool,” he agreed, making you laugh and ruffle his hair.

“With me as a mom, how could they not be?”


You’d opted to go with private scans throughout this pregnancy, wanting Jared to be able to attend despite the pandemic, and you were so very grateful that it was an option for you. 

Seeing as Jared barely got to be with you through the entirety of your pregnancy with Dallas, whether it was due to filming schedules or just not wanting to be seen together, he was understandably keen to be there for the milestones this time around.

You had both had recent negative COVID tests before the appointment, and Jared was practically buzzing with excitement as you were led to the room.

“So, how are you feeling, Mama?” your sonographer asked once you were settled, and you laughed as you lifted your sweater over your bump when prompted.

“Pretty good, considering,” you told her. “Bigger bump this time but it has just been Christmas so…”

“It’s perfectly normal to start showing sooner with subsequent pregnancies,” Alison reminded you, laughing at your quip. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling her,” Jared insisted from behind his mask. “I might have to confiscate the bathroom scales.”

“Alright,” the sonographer began, squeezing the gel onto your bare stomach. “Let’s have a look, shall we?”

She flicked the screen on, angling it so that you or Jared couldn’t see it properly for the time being.

You smiled to yourself as you heard the familiar whooshing sound, turning your head to look at Jared, his eyes crinkling in a way that let you know he was smiling behind his mask.

“Oh, wow,” Alison murmured, turning the screen so that you could see what she was looking at. “Congratulations, Mama.”

You swallowed, squinting to make sure you were seeing what you thought you were. You blinked to clear your vision, sure that you must have been seeing double, but when you opened your eyes again the same image was there.

“Twins?” you clarified, and she nodded, leaning in for a closer look herself.

“Twins,” she confirmed, moving the probe to get a better look. “Measuring at twelve and two. Does that sound right to you?”

You looked at Jared, feeling your heart rate pick up.

“Jesus,” you murmured, and he let out a small laugh of agreement.

“It’s, uh,” he began, “Yeah, about twelve weeks.”

Your mind was still reeling as you looked back at the screen, at the image of the two lives that were growing inside you.

“By the looks of things, they share a placenta,” Alison told you, and you frowned, instant panic setting in.

“What- what does that mean?” you asked, reaching for Jared. “Are they okay?”

Jared took your hand, squeezing slightly to try and calm you down while also looking concerned.

“They’re fine,” Alison assured you. “Perfectly normal. It happens in around two thirds of monozygotic twins.”

“Monozygotic?” you asked, and she nodded.


“Holy shit,” you murmured, apologising instantly for your language.

“We’ve got this,” Jared assured you, and you raised your eyebrows at him.

“Have we?” you questioned, letting go of his hand to rub at your forehead. “Have we really? I think I might be on the verge of a breakdown.”

“That’s understandable,” Alison smiled. “This is a lot of information at once, huh?”

“Yeah,” you laughed, running your other hand through your hair. “This was supposed to be a fun scan.”

“Hey,” Jared chastised, placing a hand on your shoulder.

He squeezed, making you look up at him as your hand was still tugging lightly at your scalp.

“Baby, breathe. We’re gonna be okay,” he promised, and you took a deep breath. “I know you’re freaking out, but we really have got this. We can handle two babies.”

“And a threenager,” you added. “And seven and eight year old boys.”

“Yeah, we can,” he said, with enough confidence that you actually started to believe him. “I love you, and I love these little guys or gals.”

You laughed, looking back at the screen to see your sonographer had paused on a still image of your babies, giving you a chance to get a proper look at them.

“I guess that explains the bigger bump,” you joked, squeezing Jared’s hand at your shoulder before meeting Alison’s eye. “Sorry, this was… superunexpected.”

“Nothing to apologise for,” she told you. “I’ll get some of these printed and then we can discuss how we move forward.”

“Move forward?” you questioned.

“More regular scans,” Jared explained, looking at Alison for confirmation. “Dee had them every couple of weeks with Arrow and Zep in the third trimester.”

“More scans,” Alison confirmed. “Though with identical twins it’s usually suggested to come in every two weeks from the sixteen week mark.”

You nodded, looking up at Jared and squeezing his hand weakly.

“Well,” he nodded to himself, squeezing back. “At least I’ll get to be at more of the scans this time.”


The plan had always been to put one of the scan pictures inside Gen’s birthday card. You’d known for a while that your scan would be on the morning of her birthday, she’d encouraged it, even, so you and Jared had figured it would’ve been a fun extra surprise to put the scan in her card.

On your drive home, you were having a few doubts about whether that would be a good idea.

“I just think that this is kind of big news,” you reasoned when Jared asked why you were worried. “Like, maybe we should actually talk to her about it beforehand, approach it with a bit more caution.”

“Alright, Y/N, you need to stop,” he told you, and you looked over at him as he drove, seeing his jaw tick.

“Baby,” you began, but he shook his head.

“You’ve been acting like this is bad news,” he informed you. “I know we weren’t expecting this, I know you’re feeling anxious, but this isn’t bad news. We have two healthy babies. That’s… that’s amazing news.”

You watched him carefully, not having realised how your own anxiety was manifesting in a way that was affecting him negatively.

You reached over, taking his hand that he had rested on his thigh and bringing it up to your lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.

“I’m sorry,” you mumbled against his skin.

“I get that you’re nervous,” he insisted, “I am a bit, too. But we’ve got this.”

“I know,” you agreed. “I’m sorry, I love you and these babies.”

He nodded, and you kissed his hand again before letting go.

You picked your purse up onto your lap, finding Gen’s card and opening the unsealed envelope.

“Yeah?” Jared asked, carefully eyeing what you were doing.

“Yeah,” you confirmed, putting a scan inside the card and sealing it. “It’s a fun surprise, right?”

“Exactly,” he smiled. “She’s gonna be so excited.”


She was, indeed, so excited.

“Holy sh…ucks!” she self-corrected, not wanting to swear in front of the kids. “Is this real?”

“Yup,” you smiled, her grin infectious.

“Oh my God,” she laughed, leaning over and kissing you firmly. “Best birthday ever.”

“Wassat?” Dallas asked, not following at all.

“It’s a picture of the baby,” Tom explained.

You’d decided to tell Dallas and Shep last night after Tom had found out on his own, and they all seemed to be enthusiastic about the idea of another sibling.

“Babies,” you corrected, making them frown until Jared encouraged them over to him to look at one of the scans.

“Mama Y/N has two babies in her belly,” he explained, and Shep gasped.

“Twins?” he asked, and you nodded.

“Arry and Zep?” Dallas questioned, making you laugh.

“Kinda like Arrow and Zep,” you agreed, looking at Gen. “But, uh. Identical.”

“Holy moly,” she breathed, her hand finding your bump. “That’s incredible. Congratulations, sweetie.”

“You’re not freaked out?” you asked, quietly, and she shook her head.

“Three of us, two babies,” she reasoned. “This is gonna be an adventure. I can’t wait.”

You laughed softly, carding a hand into her hair.

“Happy birthday,” you murmured, and she grinned.

“The happiest.”


You contacted your agent about your situation, knowing that needing to be at scans so often wouldn’t be ideal for starting a new job, and she said she’d get back to you after relaying the information to the developers.

After your chat with Jared in the car, and the excited reaction from Gen and the kids, you allowed yourself to be a little more enthusiastic about the idea of having twins.

“Have you told your mom?” Gen asked around her toothbrush that night, and you shook your head before spitting in the sink.

“They didn’t even know we were trying,” you told her, lifting your shirt and looking at your bump in the mirror. “They have no idea.”

“You’re gonna… you’re gonna tell them before you announce it though, right?” she checked, and you laughed, running your hands over your stomach.

“Yeah, gonna message in a sec,” you promised. “Thought I’d just ask if she still has the double stroller and see how she reacts.”

Gen laughed, rinsing her mouth.

“What?” you grinned. “Too subtle?”

“So good,” she agreed, pulling you into a kiss.

She crouched quickly to kiss your bump before grabbing your hands and leading you through to the bedroom. 

Jared was sitting on your bed, looking at the ultrasound images with a smile on his face.

“Y/N’s gonna tell her parents,” Gen told him, grinning as she handed you her phone.

You smiled at her excitement, sitting down next to Jared as he opened his arm, allowing you to curl into him as you opened up a message to Danneel.

Hey Mama, do you still have the stroller you had for Arrow and Zep when they were tiny? The one that let them lay flat, I mean?

You showed the message to Jared, getting his approval before sending it.

“You’re mean,” he joked, kissing the top of your head as you waited on a reply.

“She might be asleep,” Gen mentioned, turning the bedside lamps on and switching the main light off as Jared’s hand came to rest on your stomach.

“She’s typing,” you grinned before reading her response.

I think it’s in storage in the Austin house, why?

You bit your lip as you typed your reply, full of excited anticipation for her reaction.

Can we borrow it in like… six months?

Almost as soon as the message had been delivered, you were receiving a FaceTime request from Danneel.

“Hey,” you smiled, holding the phone so that all three of you were in the frame.

“Holy fuckin’ shit, you actually are pregnant,” Danneel said in place of a greeting.

“Who said anything about being pregnant?” Gen asked, and Danneel rolled her eyes.

Dits asks about a stroller and I call and all three of you are sat there with shit-eating grins on your faces,” she reasoned, making all of you laugh softly. “So, who is it? Am I getting another niece or nephew, or another grandbaby?

You looked at Jared, biting your lip as you nodded at him to answer.

“Another couple of grandbabies, if that’s alright with you?”

Wait, you’re actually having twins?” she asked, her eyes going wide with excitement as you confirmed it, and you watched as she got to her feet and headed into her bathroom.

You laughed as she approached Jensen, whose mouth was full of toothpaste and expression was one of mild irritation.

No paparazzi,” he complained, but your mom didn’t care at all.

Say hi to your daughter,” she insisted, her camera pointed at both herself and Jensen as he spat into the sink. “And your unborn grandbabies.

He spluttered, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he looked between Danneel and her phone in complete shock.

Babies?” he repeated. “As in, more than one?

“Twins,” you confirmed, Jared holding up one of the scans for emphasis. “Identical.”

Holy fuckin’ shit,” he murmured, making you laugh again.

“Y'all need to watch your language in front of my babies,” you teased, and they grinned at each other. “You’re happy?”

This is big, sweetheart,” Jensen smiled. “Congratulations. Were y'all trying, or…?

“Yeah,” Jared laughed. “It was actually planned this time-”

“Apart from the twin thing,” you interrupted. “I’m still kinda freaking out about that.”

Understandable,” Danneel smiled. “Took me a while to get my head around it, too. You’re gonna be absolutely fine though, baby. No need to stress.

“Thank you,” you smiled back, encouraged by their joy and enthusiasm. “D’ya think Grandma will be willing to make another couple stockings?”

Jensen laughed, putting his arm around Danneel as he nodded.

“She’s got a whole year, I’m sure she can handle it,” he assured you. “She’s gonna be so excited.

You smiled, leaning further into Jared’s side.

“This is kinda exciting, isn’t it?” you laughed, and Jared squeezed your shoulders.

Finally, she realises,” he teased, looking at Jensen and Danneel. “She’s been a real bummer about this whole thing since the scan.”

Our Dits? Having a freakout? I don’t believe it,” Danneel joked, making you roll your eyes.

“There’stwo whole people in my uterus right now,” you argued. “That’s cause for freaking out.”

“Also cause for celebration,” Gen reminded you.

Loads of celebrations,” Danneel agreed, breaking off into a yawn. “But also lots of rest. We need to sleep and so do you, look after those babies.

“Yes, ma’am,” you smiled. “I’ll call back tomorrow to tell the kids.”

JJ’s gonna freak,” Jensen told you, grinning. “Congrats again, guys. Can’t wait to congratulate you in person.

“Thanks, man,” Jared smiled.

You said your goodnights and hung up the call, smiling as you got under the covers.

“Feeling better?” Gen asked, laying down beside you.

“Yeah,” you told her. “Yeah, I actually am.”

“Good,” Jared murmured, turning out the lamp with a yawn of his own. “Now get some sleep. Got some babies to grow.”


HI it’s me, Jamie! Please leave questions for Ditto in the comments/IMs for a little Q&A in a later part! Thanks bbs

@monkeyluver4546​, @pottergirlpotterworld​​, @youaremyfiveever​​​​​​​, @capnbuck-tiltheend-oftheline​, @xoxabs88xox​​​​​​​,@mottergirl99​​​​​​​,@sandlee44​​​​​​​,@i-love-superhero​​​​​​,@i-just-wanna-run-hell​​​​​​​, @trashforwinchesters​​, @mostly-shawn, @theashofwkm​​​​​​​,@blacktithe7​​​​​​​,@plaidstiel-wormstache​​​​​​​,@emoryhemsworth​​​​​​​,@onethirstyunicorn​​​​​​​,@taylorlaurenthomas​​​​​​​,@thatotherloser​​​​​​​,@mskitty416​​​​​​​,@sun-flower-bouquet​​​​​​​,@holyfuckloueh​​​​​​​,@fabinaforever11​​​​​​​,@deansgirl215​​​​​​​,@firefly124-writing​​​​​​​,@a-queen-and-her-throne​​​​​​​,@thoughtsoftheantagonist​​​​​​​,@hillface89​​​​​​​,@hetsgrinch​​​​​​​,@bookofdisorders​​​​​​​,@books-nothingbutbooks​​​​​​​,@iamthatonechick​​​​​​​,@ellen-reincarnated1967​​​​​​​,@spnwoman​​​​​​​,@american-duchess​​​​​​​,@blancastans​​​​​​​,@shikshinkwon​​​​​​​,@clueless-gold​​​​​​​,@meganwinchester1999​​​​​​​,@samsexualdeancurious​​​​​​​,@mija-novella​​​​​​​,@typicalweirdbookworm​​​​​​​, @im-super-potter-locked, @deans-baby-momma​,@itsmycorneroftheinternet​,@sea040561

Summary:You spend your first Christmas without the Ackles’ since becoming a part of their family, and your lack of contracted work leads to a slight diversion of your career path.
Jared x Reader x Gen, Tom, Shep, Dallas (OC), Felicia Day (mentioned) 
Warnings:mild spoilers for the game Until Dawn

I Know Your Wife - Masterpost

2020 was the first Christmas in years spent entirely at the Padalecki house.

The Ackles’ weren’t even in Austin, so you’d had to make a few new traditions that didn’t involve being at your parents’ house in the morning.

It was definitely a different experience, but it was nice to have a slightly more intimate holiday this year.

Shep was still on a high from his birthday by the time the actual day arrived, and you honestly quite enjoyed waking up in your own bed on Christmas morning, all three of the kids coming into your room in their festive PJs at 8am.

You’d told them that they weren’t allowed to wake you guys up until then, but they were allowed to be up before then in each other’s rooms. When they came in, they were excitedly telling you about what Santa had brought them in their stockings, and you smiled as your daughter tried to show you how one of the silly toys you’d bought worked.

The rest of the day was relatively calm, giving the kids their presents from you all before FaceTiming the Ackles’ to open the gifts you’d sent to each other. You and Gen took the kids and dogs for a walk while Jared prepared dinner early in the afternoon, and the rest of the day was spent in a post-dinner bliss.

You had bought yourself a PS5 as a Christmas treat, so you played a bit of Overcooked with Tom once the others were in bed, and Spider-Man once he’d passed out from an exciting day. Jared came to join you after carrying Tom to his room, running his fingers through your hair from behind the couch as you continued to play.

“You’re not Peter Parker?” he asked, and you laughed softly.

“No,” you confirmed. “Miles Morales, like Into The Spider-Verse?”

“That was a fuckin’ good movie,” he mumbled, absentmindedly braiding random strands as he watched you play.

You hummed, leaning into his touch while keeping your attention on the screen in front of you.

“Game’s good, too,” you confirmed. “So far, anyway.”

Jared eventually got bored with your hair, coming to sit beside you as Gen entered with sandwiches made from leftovers.

“You’re amazing,” you told her, pausing your game and pulling your legs up underneath you as you accepted a plate.

“I can’t believe you’re still hungry,” Jared laughed kindly, and you rolled your eyes.

“I went on a big walk today,” you reminded him. “Your lazy ass has barely left the house.”

“That’s true,” he allowed, pulling Gen down onto his lap. “I just worked away in the kitchen.”

“We appreciate it,” Gen assured him, kissing him chastely before taking a bite from her sandwich. 

You nudged the controller towards Jared, nodding at him to pick it up.

“You can play,” you told him, swallowing. “Just like… don’t do anything dumb.”




“So,” you began, sitting on the edge of your bed a few days later, “I’ve been getting a bunch of DMs lately.”

“Do we need to remind people you’re not on the market?” Gen teased, and you rolled your eyes.

“Not like that,” you laughed. “Well, some like that, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Care to expand?” Jared asked, leaning down to kiss the top of your head on the way to the wardrobe.

“Basically, since I tweeted about you messing up Miles Morales-”

“Hey, I didn’t mean to,” he interrupted, and you rolled your eyes.

Anyway,” you continued. “People have been asking me to start a Twitch channel. For gaming.”

You moved back against the headboard, watching their reactions.

“Okay,” Gen nodded, pulling on a long pyjama top. “Is that something you want to do?”

You shrugged.

“I haven’t exactly got a lot going on,” you reasoned. “I like playing games, and it could be a bit of money coming in while I’m not working.”

Jared laughed softly.

“Baby, we’re not exactly short on cash,” he reminded you, causing you to let out a huff of mirth.

“I know,” you assured him. “I know, it just sounded kinda… kinda fun? I might not even get enough viewers to run ads and make any money anyway, but I guess it would give me something to do.”

“Do what you want,” Jared told you, getting into bed as you stood up to make room for Gen. “We support whatever you want to do.”

“Agreed,” Gen smiled, getting under the covers beside Jared and pulling you in after her. “Our lil’ gamer girl.”

 You scrunched up your face, letting her pull your body against hers.

“Ew,” you protested. “I don’t like that.”

She laughed softly, placing a kiss to your lips.

“Okay, just a girl who games,” she allowed, and you nodded, kissing her back.


You’d gotten into contact with Felicia the next morning, asking her for advice on the best camera and mic set up for your Twitch debut, and she was super excited to send you links to some equipment that she thought would be good for you. She also offered to play a co-op game with you and promote your channel, which you thanked her for and told her you’d definitely take her up on the offer once you were more familiar with the platform.

You’d ordered everything you could need and set up your consoles in one half of Jared’s office, all of you having decided it was the most sensible place for you to stream.

You shared a link to your channel on all of your socials, letting your followers know that you’d be going live on New Year’s Day, planning to complete all of Miles Morales in your first streaming session as you were over 70% already.

Jared helped you set up everything you needed before you politely requested that they all went to walk the dogs while you started up your stream in the early evening.

You took a grounding breath, tightening your braids before finally putting your headset on and clicking to go live.

To your surprise, people were starting to watch and commenting in the chat almost immediately, and you let out a slight laugh as you gave a two finger wave.

“Hi, y’all,” you smiled, reading the greetings in the chat as you spoke. “You’re all gonna have to bear with me today, because I have no freaking clue what I’m doing.”

You smiled as commenters assured you that you’d be fine.

“Felicia told me I should just talk to y’all for a bit before I start playing,” you told them. “Is that… do y’all want that?”

Everyone in chat seemed to agree.

“It’s to wait for more people to join,” you read from one of the comments. “That makes sense, I guess. I’ll start when there’s like 400 of you, how’s that sound?”



Is that a Mantra Labs hoodie?

You laughed as you read the messages, looking down at your sweater.

“Yeah, I stole it from Jared’s closet,” you admitted. “Unpaid advertising, I guess. It’s super comfy, though.”

It’s cute

It’s huge on you lol

How’s Dallas?

happy new year!

Where is everyone?

“I’m home alone at the minute,” you admitted. “I made them take the dogs out so I could start this alone. Didn’t want them all hearing me ramble to myself. To you guys, I guess.”

You laughed, watching the number of viewers slowly go up.

“Dallas is good, they’re all good. We had Shep’s birthday just before Christmas, and we’ve got Gen’s coming up soon so we’re super busy in celebration mode,” you admitted. “It’s been a non-stop party for the six of us.”


Happy late birthday Sheppy!

Are you still playing Spider-Man?

“Still planning on Miles Morales,” you confirmed, clicking around in the hopes that you could get the pause screen showing on the stream. “Okay tell me if I mess up.”

You moved things around until the box with your face in it was out of the way but still visible, looking to chat for confirmation that you’d done okay.

“That’s okay?” you checked, relieved when they seemed to agree. “The plan is to play this to 100%. I want all the achievements, and I reckon I can do that today.”

You got this!

should be fun

“I haven’t played for a couple of days because I got too addicted and I was gonna finish before I’d even started this channel,” you admitted. “It’s such a good down-time game.”

You saw that over 300 people were watching now, and you bit your lip as you picked up the controller.

“Can I just… start?” you asked. “People can join whenever, right?”

Go for it!

It’s your stream, do what you want

yea get started!

“Alright, let’s go,” you smiled, giddy. “Let me know if the sound’s messed up or anything. God, this is exciting!”


Jared messaged you asking if you wanted a drink when they got back from their walk, and made a brief appearance behind the camera to hand you a glass of lemonade.

“Thanks, baby,” you murmured, pausing your game to take a drink.

“No problem,” he smiled, already leaving the office.

omg is that Jared??

that was def a mans voice

Get him on camera!

I’d know that drawl anywhere

you called him baby

“Stop,” you laughed at chat. “Yes, that was Jared. He just brought me a soda and left, he’s not ready for his Twitch debut yet.”

Why not?

‘Yet’?? So one day????

“Maybe,” you offered, putting your glass down. “Look, I don’t know, but maybe one day I’ll have him on to do a co-op or something. Not any time soon though, ‘kay?”

is it because he messed up spider-man at chrismas?

Is he actually bad at games I’m genuinely curious now

“Y’all,” you laughed again, putting your headphone over your ear where you’d moved it back slightly to talk to Jared, “Leave the poor man alone. He’s fine, but he’s got a real job and I don’t at the minute so I guess this is what I do now?”


By the time you finished the game you had well over a thousand people watching, and you took a few minutes to talk to chat about what to play next.

Now there were more people, it was hard to keep track of all of the messages but you did your best to keep up.

“Okay, I’ve still got a few PS4 games I never got around to playing,” you admitted. “I was super distracted with racing games on the Xbox. And like… being a mom and going between here and ‘Couver for Supernatural. Y’know, the usual.”

You laughed, catching glimpses of chat as messages came through fast.

yeah totally v relatable

We’ve all been there

still weird that spn is actually over

What ps4 games? Anything good?

“Okay so I have, uh,” you changed your stream to just the camera on you now that you’d finished the game. “Right, so I’ve got a soccer game but I’m not good at sport games that aren’t racing. Then there’s The Last Of Us but the second one? Is it just called ‘two’? Part two? I don’t remember. Oh, and Until Dawn. That looked so good but I never got around to it.”

omg do until dawn istg you won’t regret it

Until Dawn but you’ve gotta ignore chat the whole time

If you do Until Dawn you might have to change chat to emote only

chat let’s all agree not to tell her what to do if she picks UD like let her make her own choices yeah?

“Is that Until Dawn as the general consensus here?” you asked, getting confirmation instantly. “Alright, okay. I’ll be back either tomorrow or on Monday and we’ll play Until Dawn. I’ll tweet or put it on my story before I’m planning to stream so y’all know. It’ll probably be Monday because weekends while we all aren’t filming are family time, y’know? But if y’all have played it, don’t tell me what to do because I wanna do it my way. Like, if I make it to the end I want it to be because I’ve chosen the right things, not because you’ve all told me what to do.”

Got it

have a good weekend

We’ll be good I swear!

“Alright, this has been fun,” you smiled, searching your screen until you found out how to stop the stream. “I’ll be back, and I hope you will too! See ya later, nerds.”

You ended the stream and sat back in your chair, laughing slightly to yourself. You took your headphones off, placing them over the corner of your monitor, before picking up your glass and making your way through to the kitchen.

“There she is,” Gen grinned, and you placed a quick kiss to her lips before putting your glass in the dishwasher. “I was gonna make lasagne but we don’t have any pasta.”

“Can we order pizza?” you asked. “I really want like… a veggie pizza with jalapeños. It’s been on my mind all day.”

She laughed, nodding.

“Alright,” she agreed. “I’ll order. Go through to the others, I’m sure they’ve missed you this afternoon.”

“And you haven’t?” you teased, earning a roll of her eyes as she pulled out her phone.

“Go see the kids,” she told you, and this time you did as you were told.

You found Jared laying on the floor of the front room, with Dallas on top of him and the boys cheering her on from the couch.

“Dallas Elta, are you beating up your daddy?” you asked from the doorway, but your daughter didn’t budge as Jared continued to squirm on the floor.

“He challenged her to a tickle fight,” Tom explained, making you laugh, walking in and scooping Dallas up into your arms.

“Alright, you win baby,” you told her, kissing her cheek and shifting her onto your hip.

“Mama, I’m fightin’,” she told you, trying to get down.

“I think Daddy’s had enough,” you laughed, offering Jared your free hand and helping him to his feet.

“She won,” he agreed, leaning down to kiss you firmly. “You’re all done?”

“For today,” you confirmed, handing your daughter over before sitting beside the boys. “How long has Dad been making challenges he’s obviously gonna lose?”

“All afternoon,” Tom confirmed, making you laugh.

“Will he never learn that we’re all too strong for him?” you questioned as Shep shifted to sit right beside you.

“Hey, I can hear you,” Jared complained, sitting down with Dallas in the armchair.

“Did you win?” Shep asked you, and you nodded as you wrapped your arm around his shoulder.

“I did,” you smiled. “Did you have fun without me?”

“We had a race with the dogs,” Tom told you.

“Who won?” you asked, and Shep pointed to Koda, who you hadn’t even noticed was in the room as he was curled up and asleep. “He must’ve worn himself out.”

“He’s like… super fast,” Shep announced, making you laugh again.

“I’ll have to race him sometime.”


Okay, so you loved playing Until Dawn.

The story, the butterfly effect, the fact that every little decision you made had a direct effect on the overall outcome… it was tense playing, but you were loving it.

And judging by the amount of interest you were getting, your viewers were loving it, too.

By Thursday you had nearly a hundred thousand followers on your channel, three to four thousand watching at any one time once you were into the game.

For the most part, chat was good at not telling you what to do, and even when they did you tended to ignore the advice anyway.

Drop her!

For real she’s the worst just drop her

girl let her fall

Guys, I’m trying to save them all, remember?” you had complained. “Stop trying to get me to kill Emily.

So maybe you shouldn’t have ignored that specific piece of advice, but you wanted to play your own game and you really enjoyed the story no matter if you messed up or not.

You’d already decided before you’d finished that you were going to have to go back and play through other scenarios, and your viewers seemed to support the idea.

Almost as soon as you’d signed off on Thursday, your phone started to ring.

You’d made your way up to your bedroom already, so you answered while you were letting your hair out of your (now signature) braids.

“Long time no speak,” you joked, hearing your agent laugh.

“In my defence, you told me to leave you alone until the new year,” Amanda reminded you, “And it’s the seventh. You’ve had a week for free.”

“True,” you agreed. “To what do I owe this call?”

“We’ve had an interesting request,” she told you, and you huffed a laugh, running a hand through your waves.

“No porn,” you joked, and she tutted.

“Gross,”she complained. “No, we’ve had a game developer contact us. Asking if you’d be interested in being the face of one of their games.”

You sat up straighter, surprised by the turn of events.

“They’ve seen your Twitch,” Amanda continued. “From what I understand, it’s similar to the game you’re playing now, with Malek and Panettiere, but this time it’d be your face and voice. I’m not quite sure on all the plot details, they were just reaching out to see if it’s something you’d be interested in. We’ve not discussed anything similar before so I didn’t really know what to tell them.”

“Yeah,” you murmured, dumbly.

You swallowed, trying to get your brain in gear.

“Honestly, it sounds really fun,” you admitted. “I’d have to talk to Jared and Gen but… yeah, I think I’m interested.”

“Amazing,” she agreed. “Will I let them know you’re strongly considering it?”

“Yeah, do,” you confirmed, pausing to nibble at your bottom lip before continuing. “Just one question?”

“Shoot,”Amanda encouraged.

You took a deep breath before speaking again.

“Will it matter that I’m pregnant?”


@maryleigh8796​​​​​​​,@pottergirlpotterworld​​,@youaremyfiveever​​​​​​, @capnbuck-tiltheend-oftheline​, @xoxabs88xox​​​​​​,@mottergirl99​​​​​​,@sandlee44​​​​​​,@i-love-superhero​​​​​,@i-just-wanna-run-hell​​​​​​,@trashforwinchesters​​, @mostly-shawn, @theashofwkm​​​​​​,@blacktithe7​​​​​​,@plaidstiel-wormstache​​​​​​,@emoryhemsworth​​​​​​,@onethirstyunicorn​​​​​​,@taylorlaurenthomas​​​​​​,@thatotherloser​​​​​​,@mskitty416​​​​​​,@sun-flower-bouquet​​​​​​,@holyfuckloueh​​​​​​,@fabinaforever11​​​​​​,@deansgirl215​​​​​​,@firefly124-writing​​​​​​,@a-queen-and-her-throne​​​​​​,@thoughtsoftheantagonist​​​​​​,@hillface89​​​​​​,@hetsgrinch​​​​​​,@bookofdisorders​​​​​​,@books-nothingbutbooks​​​​​​,@iamthatonechick​​​​​​,@ellen-reincarnated1967​​​​​​,@spnwoman​​​​​​,@american-duchess​​​​​​,@blancastans​​​​​​,@shikshinkwon​​​​​​,@clueless-gold​​​​​​,@meganwinchester1999​​​​​​,@samsexualdeancurious​​​​​​,@mija-novella​​​​​​,@typicalweirdbookworm​​​​​​,@im-super-potter-locked

Summary: You spend your birthday with the whole family, and watching the Supernatural finale turns out to be a bit more emotional than you’d anticipated,
 Jared x Reader x Gen, Danneel, Jensen, JJ, Arrow, Zep, Tom, Shep, Dallas (OC) 
 Warnings: some mentioned smut (not graphic), a touch of angst, some small spoilers for the finale (but we’ve all seen it by now)

I Know Your Wife - Masterpost

When Jared returned home the day after your daughter’s birthday, it was strange to know that none of you were needed back in Vancouver anytime soon. 

You didn’t like the idea of your house sitting empty and you couldn’t bring yourself to sell it, so you’d arranged with a letting agency to rent out the property and left them to find tenants. 

Jared and Genevieve both had work lined up on Walker, but you were still living in denial about Supernatural ending and therefore hadn’t even thought of your next move.

The kids were all excited to have Jared back home, and his mood had definitely lifted upon being reunited with you all.

For the next month you spent most of your days in the same kind of routine - walking the dogs in the morning, helping Gen with the other litany of animals throughout the day, playing with Dallas until the boys were done with school, taking Koda for another walk that Arlo and Bailey were too lazy to join in on with the boys in the afternoon, and having amazing sex with your partners once all of the kids were fast asleep - so domestic that you couldn’t believe it was actually your life.


You woke up on the morning of your birthday with Tom barging into your bedroom, placing something on your nightstand before bundling on top of you.

“Happy birthday!” he grinned as you squinted open your eyes.

“Thank you, baby,” you murmured, realising that besides Tom you were alone in your bed. “Where’s Mom and Dad?”

“Downstairs,” he smiled, rolling off of you so that you could sit up and stretch, “With Dal and Shep. I’m here to tell you to get up and put some clothes on.”

You looked down at yourself, wearing one of Jared’s tees as a sleep shirt.

“Somerealclothes,” he amended, crawling away as you tried to tickle him. “Stop! It was Dad’s words, I’m just tellin’ you!”

He was giggling as you got out of bed, haphazardly straightening the duvet.

“Alright, I’m getting dressed,” you told him, pulling him into a hug and kissing the top of his head. “I’ll meet you down there.”

Once he left, you were finally able to see that he’d left a homemade cupcake on the nightstand, your unlit but mostly melted orange birthday candle sticking out of the top.

You smiled to yourself, grateful that they’d kept up your tradition even when you’d made no effort to do so yourself. In a year of so much change, that one simple act of familiarity warmed your heart.


Somehow, you’d slept through the entire Ackles family entering your household. You found everybody sitting around your generous dining table, waffles on everyone’s plates and huge smiles on all of their faces.

“Y’all,” you laughed, taking your designated seat between Dallas and JJ, “This is cute.”

“Happy birfday, Mama,” Dallas told you, leaning over to kiss your cheek.

“Thank you, my love,” you smiled, overwhelmed by the scent of warm waffles, syrup, and fresh fruit as you inhaled. “This looks amazing.”

“Daddy cooked,” Shep told you, and you raised an eyebrow at Jared.

“He did?” you asked, sure that it would be Genevieve who put together such a spread.

“Mhm,” Jared confirmed. “Bambi was busy sneaking in the others.”

You laughed softly before taking a sip from your glass of orange juice.

“Well, thank you,” you smiled across at him. “Can we start?”

“Tuck in, birthday girl,” he grinned, and you wasted no time in complying.


“I can’t believe our baby’s 24,” Jensen told Danneel once you’d all finished breakfast.

You’d migrated to the front room after the meal, Gen and Tom insisting on doing the dishes so the rest of you could relax.

“We’re getting so old,” Danneel complained before grinning at you. “How are you feeling?”

“Honestly?” you asked, and she nodded. “A little rough.”

“That’s your mid-twenties talking,” she teased, making you laugh.

Jensen watched you with a frown.

“Partying too hard last night?” he questioned, and you shook your head.

“We’ve been having early nights because we’re all old,” you told him. “I’m fine, really. Just a little… lethargic?”

“Whassat mean?” Arrow asked, confused.

“Like, tired, I guess?” you tried to explain. “I just generally feel a little off today, but it’s nothing to worry about.”

“Do you want us to go home?” JJ offered. “If you’re feelin’ yucky?”

“No, God, no,” you assured her. “I wanna do whatever you’ve already got planned for me. Y’all aren’t allowed to leave me until we’ve all had cake.”

Your answer seemed to please the kids, and they all continued to talk amongst themselves while Jared tested your forehead with the back of his fingers.

“You’re not hot,” he told you, and you laughed in disbelief.

“Damn, on my birthday?” you complained, teasing. “You choose my birthdayto tell me I’m not attractive? Is it because I’m old now?”

“I meant that you don’t have a temperature, you nerd,” he laughed. “You know you’re a fine piece and we’re lucky to have you.”

“Yes, we are,” Gen agreed, Tom joining the kids on the floor as she placed a kiss to the top of your head. “We’re gonna grab your presents now, if that’s okay?”

“Could you grab me a water, too?” you asked, bringing a hand up to meet hers as she squeezed your shoulder. “I think I’m a bit dehydrated.”

“Of course,” she confirmed, looking over at Jensen. “Care to give me a hand?”

“For sure,” he smiled, getting up and ruffling your hair on the way past. “Sit tight, kiddo.”


Somehow, you were covered in glitter.

It might’ve been from the gift wrap, or maybe the twins had just covered you in it when your back was turned, but either way you found yourself scrubbing at your hair in the shower trying to get the last of the damn shiny pieces out of your mane.

You groaned in frustration as the glitter attached itself to your skin instead of falling away from you completely.

“Need a hand?” Jared asked from the other side of the shower door, causing you to laugh.

“Do you actually want to help?” you called back. “It’s not fun shower time in here.”

He huffed a laugh of his own.

“I’m coming in,” he told you, and you stepped back to allow him to join you.

“How did you get out of this glitter-free?” you complained, letting him turn you around so he could help you with your hair.

“It’s not my birthday,” he reminded you. “And I didn’t pass out on the couch halfway through Moana.”

You gasped, inadvertently inhaling shower water which made you cough. Jared had to start rubbing your back to try and stop you from choking.

“You let them glitter bomb me while I was napping?” you asked once you’d caught your breath.

“Dal and the twins made a very convincing case that it was birthday sparkles,” he reasoned, his hands still working through your hair.

You sighed, closing your eyes and giving in to the sensation. You couldn’t exactly be mad about it, the glitter had made for an excellent polaroid shot as you blew out your candles. Plus, the feeling of Jared’s fingers massaging your scalp was worth the irritation you’d felt just minutes ago.

You hummed, leaning back against his chest.

“Feel nice?” he guessed, and you hummed in agreement. “I think I’ve got everything that’s gonna come out tonight.”

You made a huff of indignation, causing Jared to laugh softly, moving his hands from your hair to your shoulders and kneading gently.

“Have my hands rendered you wordless?” he queried, and you smiled.

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” you mumbled, turning to face him and placing a gentle kiss to his lips. “I love you.”

He smiled, pecking your lips again.

“I love you, too,” he promised. “Now, get out so I can wash myself.”

You laughed, pinching his ass as you opened the door.

 “Don’t have too much fun in there without me,” you told him, wrapping a towel around yourself.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”




The weeks after your birthday, leading up to the Supernatural finale, went past in a blur.

By the time November 19th rolled around, you still weren’t feeling too emotional about everything.

Jared and Gen were getting sentimental, so you had arranged to go over to your parents’ house to watch the episode with them, giving your partners some time to reflect on the show without your indifference clouding the air. 

Just as you sat down, ready to watch the episode with Jensen and Danneel, your phone started blowing up with tags from fellow cast members on their posts about the end of an era.

“Y'all are taking this far too seriously,” you announced, making your own post before putting your phone down and paying attention.



Okay, so maybeyou cried.

Maybeseeing the empty bunker did something to you.

Maybeyou pulled yourself together again enough to shoot off a text to Jared about that fucking wig, and maybeyou instantly fell apart again when Dean hugged his brother.

“Now who’s taking it too seriously?” Jensen asked, tears in his own eyes as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him and placing a kiss to the top of your head.

“I don’t know what you mean,” you lied, wiping your eyes. 

You watched on-screen Jared and Jensen thank the fans while you were curled up under your father’s arm, trying to stop yourself from crying. 

Fuck. This stupid show,” you grumbled, pulling away and fully wiping your tears, sniffing back any more that threatened to flow.

“Dits, you’re allowed to be emotional,” Danneel reminded you. “Emotions aren’t weak, you said that yourself.”

“I know,” you assured them, getting up and kissing her cheek on your way past. “I’m going to check on Dal.”

“Alright, baby,” she answered, letting you go without question.

You headed upstairs, peeking in at Dallas to find her sleeping calmly in the nursery before heading to your old room and burrowing yourself underneath the covers.

You weren’t crying anymore, you didn’t really feel as if you were going to again, but you needed some time alone to just process your emotions.

It hadn’t hit you until now that it was actually over. The show that had taken a chance on you when you were a lonely, broke 19-year-old, that had given you opportunities and a platform you could never have imagined… that show had ended. It was gone.

The place where you’d met Jared and Jensen, by extension Genevieve, Danneel, and all of the kids, it didn’t even exist anymore. The set had been destroyed.

You’d known all of this for weeks but until you’d watched the finale it was more of an abstract thought. Now it all felt very real.

If it wasn’t for Supernatural, you had no idea where you would be right now, and you were, so, so thankful.


You must’ve dozed off, because you didn’t hear anyone coming into your room until Danneel sat down tentatively on the edge of your bed.

“It’s getting late,” she told you, and you stretched as you sat up against the headboard. “Are you staying over?”

You sighed, checking the clock on the bedside table and noting that it was almost 1am.

“I guess, if that’s okay?” you asked. “It seems stupid to go home now.”

“Of course,” she smiled kindly, brushing your hair back from your forehead. “Have you just been up here crying this whole time?”

“Not crying,” you corrected, “Reflecting. And then napping, I guess.”

You found your phone in your pocket, typing out a message to Jared and Gen, letting them know you’d be back in the morning.

“Alright, baby,” Danneel smiled kindly, getting to her feet again. “I’ll grab you a water. There’s some of Jensen’s tees in the drawer if you wanna change out of your jeans to sleep.”

“Thanks, Mama,” you laughed softly, standing up and pulling her into a hug. “I love y’all.”

“We know,” she promised. “You might change your mind when you’ve checked instagram, though.”

You rolled your eyes as you pulled away.

“More paparazzi?”

“Something like that,” she confirmed, grinning as she started to leave. “Get changed, I’ll be right back.”




You had a dream that night.

It was so vivid, so real, that you woke yourself up with a yell.

You were far too hot in your room, despite only having one of Jensen’s worn out tees on top of your underwear, so you got out of the bed and opened your window, breathing in the cool air of the Austin twilight.

You closed your eyes, taking grounding breaths as you focussed on the weight of your feet against the cool wooden floor. You tried to clear your mind, concentrating on the way the heels and balls of your feet pressed against the wood, the arches slightly raised as you pressed down through your toes, keeping your eyes shut as you took deep breath after deep breath. Every thought that tried to enter your mind was noted and then pushed aside, focusing back on your soles until breathing came naturally again.


Jensen’s voice was quiet, unstartling even though you hadn’t noticed him opening your door.

“Hey,” you replied, not turning to face him. “How long have you been in here?”

“Long enough to know you were grounding,” he admitted, and you let out a low laugh. “Wanna talk about it?”

You shrugged, finally turning to face him, finding him loitering in your doorway.

“It’s stupid,” you told him, sitting back down on the bed and encouraging him to join you against the headboard.

“You don’t have to,” he assured you. “But I’m all ears if you do.”

“It’s honestly… it’s so dumb,” you admitted, meeting his eye. “You died. My- my birth mom, she shot you”

He smiled sadly, sympathetically.

“Now I’m awake, I know it’s because of that scene,” you continued. “I know that’s fresh in my mind, but that was Dean, and this was you. Fuck. You were protecting me. It was so… so real? I’m dumb.”

Jensen wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you to him and placing a kiss to the top of your head.

“You called out for me,” he told you, quietly. “In your sleep, before you woke yourself up; I was already outside.”

“I’m an idiot,” you sniffed, leaning into him. “I could’ve woken the kids.”

“You’re fine,” he laughed slightly. “I reckon we have an hour before they’ll appear. You can get some more sleep, if you want.”

You sighed, rubbing at your temples.

“She’s gone,” he reminded you. “She can’t hurt us anymore.”

“I know,” you agreed. “I know. I’m okay.”

You broke off into a yawn, scrunching your eyes shut and fighting the urge to stretch.

“Get some rest,” he told you, getting off of the bed and letting you get under the covers.

It was as if he could sense your reluctance, and he tentatively sat down again on the edge of the bed.

“Do you want me to stay?” he asked, and you scoffed unconvincingly.

“I’m not a baby,” you protested, and he rolled his eyes as he laid down next to you.

“That wasn’t the question,” he mumbled, closing his eyes as his head hit the pillow. “Now I’m staying here whether you like it or not.”

“I guess that’s fine,” you allowed, letting sleep pull you under again.


You had to admit that you slept much more restfully with Jensen beside you.

You woke up to Dallas wandering into your room, throwing herself onto your bed.

“Mornin,” Jensen murmured, stretching his arms above his head before sitting up and pulling her onto his lap.

“Grampa,” she giggled. “We had a sleepover.”

“So did we,” you mumbled, making grabby hands at her until she crawled on top of you.

“We didn’t go home,” she told you, and you nodded.

“I got tired,” you explained. “We do gotta go home soon, though. Gotta give Daddy, Bambi, and the boys some big hugs.”

She nodded, laying down across you so you could wrap your arms around her.

“I love you loads,” you reminded her, kissing her temple.

“Yah,” she agreed. “I know.”

“Okay, Han Solo,” Jensen laughed, getting to his feet and stretching again, his back popping satisfyingly as he did so. “Come on. Let your mama wake up properly, I’ll get you some breakfast.”

The speed at which your daughter scrambled off of you was honestly impressive.

“Grampa’s speshal pancakes?” she asked, reaching her arms up for him to pick her up.

He lifted her onto his hip, asking her if she’d been good enough to warrant pancakes as they left the room.

You smiled to yourself, reaching for your phone as you heard your daughter telling your father how she totally deserved pancakes.

Gen had replied to your message last night, simply telling you they loved you, so you let them know you’d be home soon before getting out of bed and pulling on your jeans.

You picked up the rest of your clothes from the floor, not bothering to get changed fully before leaving your room and knocking on the door of Danneel’s.

“Yeah?” she replied, and you opened the door with a sheepish smile.

“Sorry,” you told her. “About last night.”

“Nothing to apologise for, baby,” she promised. “You good, now?”

“I think so,” you agreed, leaning on the door jamb. “Had a super weird dream but… I’m alright.”

“Just needed your dad, no shame in that,” Danneel smiled, a little sadly. “We’ve got your back.”

You smiled, looking down at your feet before glancing back up at your mom.

“He’s making pancakes for the tiny chief,” you told her, making her laugh, “If you wanna come join? I’m sure your kiddos will be down there, too.”

“I’ll check on their rooms and then come down,” she smiled, stretching her arms above her head. “Jay’s pancakes are too good to miss.”


You finished your breakfast, having wolfed down Jensen’s pancakes much faster than the rest of your family, and watched as everyone else polished off their plates.

You pulled out your phone, opening up instagram and starting to type what was on your mind, allowing the words to flow as you felt them come to you, under some photos you’d taken on your last day at the Men of Letters bunker.

“Are you okay?” JJ asked, frowning across at you as she reached for her cup.

“Peachy,” you mumbled, hitting ‘post’ before smiling brightly across at her. “Just thinkin ‘bout stuff.”

“Good stuff?” she asked, and you nodded.

“Good stuff,” you agreed. “Just feeling grateful for our family, y’know? Glad to have you all.”



@maryleigh8796​​​​​​,@pottergirlpotterworld​​,@youaremyfiveever​​​​​, @capnbuck-tiltheend-oftheline​, @xoxabs88xox​​​​​,@mottergirl99​​​​​,@sandlee44​​​​​,@i-love-superhero​​​​,@i-just-wanna-run-hell​​​​​,@trashforwinchesters​​, @mostly-shawn, @theashofwkm​​​​​,@blacktithe7​​​​​,@plaidstiel-wormstache​​​​​,@emoryhemsworth​​​​​,@onethirstyunicorn​​​​​,@taylorlaurenthomas​​​​​,@thatotherloser​​​​​,@mskitty416​​​​​,@sun-flower-bouquet​​​​​,@holyfuckloueh​​​​​,@fabinaforever11​​​​​,@deansgirl215​​​​​,@firefly124-writing​​​​​,@a-queen-and-her-throne​​​​​,@thoughtsoftheantagonist​​​​​,@hillface89​​​​​,@hetsgrinch​​​​​,@bookofdisorders​​​​​,@books-nothingbutbooks​​​​​,@iamthatonechick​​​​​,@ellen-reincarnated1967​​​​​,@spnwoman​​​​​,@american-duchess​​​​​,@blancastans​​​​​,@shikshinkwon​​​​​,@clueless-gold​​​​​,@meganwinchester1999​​​​​,@samsexualdeancurious​​​​​,@mija-novella​​​​​,@typicalweirdbookworm​​​​​,@im-super-potter-locked

Summary: You think back on your time in lockdown/quarantine and discuss your future with the Padaleckis. You spend Dallas’ third birthday without Jared as he finishes filming for Supernatural.
Jared x Reader x Gen, Danneel, Jensen, JJ, Arrow, Zep, Tom, Shep, Dallas (OC) 
Warnings: slight angst

I Know Your Wife - Masterpost


“I’m bored.”

You blinked, looking down at your daughter in absolute shock.

“Take that back,” JJ demanded as you paused the movie.

Dallas shrugged, seemingly unbothered by her annoyance.

“Baby, it’s a classic,” you reminded her, trying to ease the rising tension you could feel your sister emitting.

“It’sTangled,” JJ emphasised. “You can’t be bored watching Tangled. You’re not allowed.”

“I am,” Dallas told her, defiantly. “Wanna play.”

Danneel huffed a laugh, standing up and picking Dallas up onto her hip.

“Who’s daughter areyou?” she asked.

“Daddy’s,” she told her, making you laugh in disbelief.

“Daddy didn’t carry you in his belly for months and months,” you reminded her. “You’re supposed to be on myteam.”

She shrugged again, twisting in Danneel’s arms to look towards the doorway.

“You wanna go play with Grandpa?” Danneel asked, and your daughter nodded enthusiastically. “Alright then, baby. I’ll be back.”

You carded a hand through JJ’s hair, smiling when she looked up at you.

“She’s a traitor,” she told you, and you shook your head.

“She’s a baby.”

“She’s nearly three,” JJ countered. “I was three when you met me.”

The revelation felt like a slap across the face as you looked to the doorway that your daughter had just left through.

“God,” you breathed. “She’s getting so old.”

“Old enough to be a ‘Punzel hating traitor,” JJ agreed, pulling you from your momentary turmoil and making you laugh again.

“Hey,” you chastised fondly. “She’s allowed to like different things.”

JJ turned her look of disappointment to you, unable to believe what she had heard.

“EvenDaddylikes Tangled,” she insisted. “He sings along to the boy parts every time.”

You sighed, reaching across the couch and pulling her back onto your lap.

She was really getting too big to be sitting on your lap now. You were sure that, by the time she hit high school, she would be miles taller than you already.

“It just means it’s a Dits and Tex thing,” you told her, wrapping your arms around her waist and resting your head on hers.

JJ hummed, leaning back into you and fiddling with your hands at her stomach.

“Can you play?” she asked, letting go of one of your hands so you could pick up the remote.

You smiled, letting her get comfortable in your lap as you pressed play, watching as Flynn came back to Rapunzel, arms full of firewood and rambling about super-strength.

“I’m happy we can cuddle again,” JJ murmured, resting her head against your shoulder.

“Me too,” you smiled, kissing her temple.

Once everything went into lockdown, you’d had to choose which house you would quarantine with. As much as it had pained you to do so, you’d had to cut physical contact with the rest of the Ackles’ and spend a difficult few months away from them.

Of course, you could still FaceTime and, after a while, meet up while remaining socially distanced, but it wasn’t the same.

On the other hand, spending that time with the Padaleckis was somewhat refreshing.

Filming of Supernatural’s final season had been put on hold, so the six of you had spent a lot more time together than you ever had since you’d become part of their family.

Dallas was growing up fast, despite your insistence that she was still your baby, and her brothers were extraordinarily patient with her. They seemed to understand what she wanted when her vocabulary failed to express it, but helped her to fill in the blanks rather than simply cutting her off so she could still learn. 

It wasn’t just the kids who you got to spend more time with, though.

The amount of downtime spent with Gen and, more specifically, Jared, had led to a slight panic involving a missed pill and a missed period. You’d freaked out, bought a bunch of pregnancy tests, taken one a day for a couple of weeks.

Thankfully, this time, it was just a scare, but when you were able to spend time with the Ackles again, it got you thinking.

Watching Dallas with Arrow and Zep, all of them so confidently walking and playing together, none of them even resembling babies anymore… it made you miss it.

JJ mentioning that Dallas was nearly as old as she had been when you met her for the first time had just been the last straw.


You put Dallas down for a nap, popping in to check on the boys in the playroom before finding Jared and Genevieve in the front room when you returned home that afternoon.

“How was it?” Jared asked as you took a seat next to him, tucking your feet up and leaning against the arm of the couch.

“Good,” you confirmed. “Watched Tangled.”

“Of course you did,” Gen laughed. “I bet you could recreate that movie, scene-by-scene, just from memory at this point.”

“Word for word, too,” Jared agreed.

You smiled, chewing at the corner of your lower lip.

Jared caught the movement, frowning slightly at your expression.

“What?” he asked, sensing that you had something to say. “What is it?”

“I think I want another baby,” you blurted, feeling yourself blush as you did so.

You watched as both sets of eyebrows shot up, the two of them glancing at each other before looking back at you.

“Maybe. If- if that’s something you’d want,” you added, not wanting to steamroll the whole idea.

Gen laughed softly as Jared scratched the back of his neck, looking at you curiously.

“Where has this come from?” Jared asked, and you shook your head as you let your legs drop to the ground.

“Forget it,” you murmured, pushing up to your feet. “I’m being stupid.”

“Hey, baby, no,” Gen placated, gently grabbing your wrist from her spot on the armchair as you tried to walk past. “We should talk about this.”

“It’s dumb,” you told her, letting her pull you down onto the arm of her seat.

“It’s not,” Jared assured you, “I just don’t understand where this has come from. A couple weeks ago we were in panic mode about even the possibilityof another.”

“I know,” you agreed, embarrassed. “I was super freaked out because it wasn't… we hadn’t talked about it. I hadn’t even thoughtabout it. I love Dallas so much, she’s the best thing that’s happened to me, but I don’t ever want to do the whole ‘unplanned’ thing again.”

“We get that,” Gen agreed. “Dal really did kinda knock us sideways when she came along.”

Jared laughed softly and you looked over at him, your eyes softening just taking in his reminiscent expression.

“I just… I realised that Dallas isn’t a baby anymore,” you explained. “I miss having a baby around.”

"Me too,” Gen murmured, and you looked down at her, a frown pulling at your brows.

“You mean…?” you trailed off, subconsciously looking down at her stomach.

“Oh, God, no,” she laughed, leaning up to kiss the question from your lips. “I’m sodone with having babies, my body can’t take it. But really I miss holding yours.”

You let out a soft laugh, getting to your feet as Jared reached a hand out.

You let him bring you back down next to him and tuck your hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek.

“You sure?” he asked, and you swallowed before nodding.

“Yeah,” you confirmed. “God, yeah.”

He smiled, pulling you in for a kiss.

“But only if you want,” you insisted, pulling back to meet his eyes.

He grinned, placing another quick peck to your lips.

“I want.”


You didn’t tell the kids that you were planning on giving them another sibling. You all agreed that you didn’t want to get them too excited given that it would be months before they’d get to meet them anyway.

You stopped taking your pill and started tracking your cycle, almost constantly in a state of excitement, the idea of actually planning a pregnancy had you bouncing through the roof. Not to mention, the sex was incredible.

By the time Dallas’ birthday came around, you’d had no luck with tests so far, but you were enjoying the trying enough not to be too disheartened by it.

Dallas’ birthday landed on the last ever day of filming Supernatural, making for a bittersweet day for the family.

Jared and Jensen were still in Vancouver but the rest of the family were with you in Austin. You’d all had a sleepover at the Ackles’ on the 9th, asking Dallas that night what she wanted for breakfast in the morning. 

No pants,” she had told you, and Danneel had let out a bark of laughter.

I meant what food,” you clarified, and your daughter had shrugged.

Don’t care,” she admitted. “Jus’ no pants.”

You let her sleep in the bed with you and Gen, the boys in with JJ, so that you could have a little bit of Mama-Dallas-Bambi time first thing in the morning before everybody else woke up.

Jared and Jensen called on FaceTime just after you’d woken up, the two of them getting in their time with the birthday girl before they had to film.

You gotta be good for your mama,” Jared reminded Dallas towards the end of the call.

“Uh, i’s my birfday,” she replied, with all the sass that you would always deny she learned from you.

You gotta be good otherwise Grandpa and Daddy will stay here another day,” Jensen threatened, making Genevieve laugh from the other side of the room as she brushed her hair.

“No fair,” Dallas complained. “Miss you.”

We miss you too, baby,” Jared assured her. “We will see you tomorrow.”

“Yep, you better,” you told him. “Dal isn’t the only one missing you.”

“Y/N hasn’t stopped complaining that she’s not up there with you,” Gen mentioned, loud enough for Jensen to roll his eyes.

We get it, we all miss Jared,” he grumbled.

“An’ Grampa,” Dallas assured him, making him smile again.

Alright, we’ve gotta go baby girl,” he told her. “We love you lots.

Happy birthday, sweetheart,” Jared added. “I can’t wait to give my grown up girl a hug.

Dallas beamed, and you smiled at the two of them.

“Good luck today,” you told them. “Remember to make the most of it.”

The end of an era,” Jared murmured, blinking back tears as Jensen clapped him on the shoulder.

We’ll see you soon,” Jensen spoke, emotion flooding his voice , too.

“We love you,” you assured them, Dallas agreeing with a firm nod. “Go bring it home.”




Jared had messaged you as soon as they were done filming that day, asking if it was possible to call and talk to just you and Genevieve.

You showed Gen while you were all sat on the couch watching Finding Dory with the kids.

“Be good for Dee,” you told Dallas, kissing the top of her head. “Boys, you too.”

“Yah,” Shep agreed as you and Gen got to your feet to leave the room.

Danneel frowned slightly, and you just pointed at your phone, hoping that it was enough of an explanation for now before heading up to your bedroom to make the call.

Jared answered on the first ring, his teary face filling your screen.

“Oh, baby,” Gen murmured, and Jared laughed, the movement crinkling his eyes and letting more tears fall.

“Tough day?” you guessed, and he nodded.

God, I don’t know why I didn’t think it would be this hard,” he admitted, sniffing and wiping his cheeks. He was sat in the rocking chair in Dallas’ nursery at your Vancouver house, leaning all the way back so he was almost against the wall.

“To be fair, you grew up on that show,” Gen reminded him.

“She’s right,” you confirmed. “You were like my age when you started and now-”

I’m already crying and now you’re calling me old?” he asked, but he was starting to smile.

“No!” you laughed. “No, I just mean it’s been a big part of your life for so long. It would be weirder if you weren’t crying.”

Yeah,” he sighed, his eyelashes still wet but he didn’t seem to be actually crying anymore.

“For real, though, how was your day?” you asked, and he started nibbling his lip.

Emotionally taxing,” he sighed. “Felt a lot like the olden days, only with a bunch more wrinkles.

“And a couple more grey hairs, huh?” Gen teased, making him laugh.

Yeah, all Jensen’s,” he lied. “It’s just so crazy that it’s actually over.

He paused, and Gen looked at you with a sad smile.

“We owe a lot to that show,” she mentioned, looking back at the screen. “Our relationship.”

“Our kids,” you agreed, noticing that he was starting to get upset again. “Jared, if you feel like you need to cry, cry.”

He shook his head, trying to blink the tears away.

It’s stupid,” he murmured. “We chose to end it.

“Emotions aren’t stupid,” Gen insisted.

“Right,” you confirmed. “You’re saying goodbye to a big part of your life. We were on the show too but wecan’t even fully understand what you’re feeling right now, so you’ve gotta let yourself feel it, okay?”

Jared laughed softly.

You sound like-

“Our therapist?” you interrupted, smiling slightly. “Yah, I know. But she’s a smart lady. Go curl up in our massive bed and cry it out.”

“Then go downstairs and have a beer with Jay because I’m sure he’s feeling things too,” Gen added. 

You’re right,” he sniffed, getting to his feet and making his way to your bedroom. “Tell Dallas I say happy birthday again. I can’t wait to see y’all tomorrow.

“Of course,” you assured him. “It’s okay to be sad though, Jare. It’s been a big day.”

“Love you,” Gen told him, and he smiled slightly as he climbed onto the bed.

Love you, too,” he mumbled. “I’m gonna go feel things now.

“See you tomorrow,” you promised, hanging up and pocketing your phone.

Gen pulled you into a sudden hug, and you laughed softly in surprise as you wrapped your arms around her.

“Hey,” you murmured into her hair. “What’s this for?”

She pulled back enough for you to notice that she had tears in her eyes, too.

Instantly, you had no idea how to handle the situation.

Speaking to Jared on the phone was one thing. You could repeat what Sarah had said to you and hope it worked. With Genevieve there, crying in your arms, you had absolutely no clue what to do. The only time you’d ever seen her cry before was in sympathy for you when you spoke about your past, and even then she was the one being strong while you broke apart.

“Uh,” you began, stroking her hair back from her face.

“I’m okay,” she told you, sniffing. She smiled in a way that you assumed was meant to be reassuring.

“Are you?” you asked, hating the fact that she was trying to reassure you even though she was the one that was upset.

“Mostly,” she admitted, pulling away and wiping her tears. “I’m just grateful for the show.”

“Yeah,” you smiled softly. “Me too.”

You pulled her into a gentle kiss before leaving her in your room to go back to the kids.

You weren’t used to being the emotional rock in your relationship, but you just weren’t feeling anywhere near the melancholy that seemed to be hitting Jared and Gen. In theory, you were sad about Supernatural ending, but it hadn’t really affected you yet. At some point you were sure it would sink in that this was really the end, but for now you’d have to take up the mantle and be strong for all of you.

You stood in the doorway to the front room, grinning to yourself as your kids and siblings all held their hands to their heads and mimicked the echolocation sounds from the movie.

“Y’all are nerds,” you told them, earning a grin from Danneel.

You walked further in, choosing to sit on the floor with the dogs instead of shifting the kids around on the couch.

Bailey got up to lay next to you, resting her head on your thigh.

“They’re tryna replace you with a beluga whale,” you told her, petting her side. “You’re the only Bailey for me.”

“She can’t hear you,” Tom reminded you, making you roll your eyes fondly.

“She knows what I mean,” you murmured.

Dallas got up from the couch and crawled into your lap, careful not to disrupt Bailey’s new position. 

“Daddy says happy birthday,” you told her, quietly, kissing the top of her head. “Again. We’ll see him tomorrow.”

She grabbed the hand that wasn’t petting Bailey and wrapped it around her waist, playing with your fingers as she kept her eyes on the movie.

“I miss him,” she whispered, and you hugged her tighter.

“I know, baby,” you sighed. “Me too.”


@maryleigh8796​​​​,@pottergirlpotterworld​​,@youaremyfiveever​​​​, @capnbuck-tiltheend-oftheline​, @xoxabs88xox​​​​,@mottergirl99​​​​,@sandlee44​​​​,@i-love-superhero​​​,@i-just-wanna-run-hell​​​​,@trashforwinchesters​​, @mostly-shawn, @theashofwkm​​​​,@blacktithe7​​​​,@plaidstiel-wormstache​​​​,@emoryhemsworth​​​​,@onethirstyunicorn​​​​,@taylorlaurenthomas​​​​,@thatotherloser​​​​,@mskitty416​​​​,@sun-flower-bouquet​​​​,@holyfuckloueh​​​​,@fabinaforever11​​​​,@deansgirl215​​​​,@firefly124-writing​​​​,@a-queen-and-her-throne​​​​,@thoughtsoftheantagonist​​​​,@hillface89​​​​,@hetsgrinch​​​​,@bookofdisorders​​​​,@books-nothingbutbooks​​​​,@iamthatonechick​​​​,@ellen-reincarnated1967​​​​,@spnwoman​​​​,@american-duchess​​​​,@blancastans​​​​,@shikshinkwon​​​​,@clueless-gold​​​​,@meganwinchester1999​​​​,@samsexualdeancurious​​​​,@mija-novella​​​​,@typicalweirdbookworm​​​​,@im-super-potter-locked


Summary:You tell your adoptive family about your meeting with your biological family, confirming that you know that your heart is with the Ackles’. Your good mood continues as you return home to the Padaleckis.
Jared x Reader x Gen, Danneel, Jensen, JJ, Arrow, Zep, Tom, Shep, Dallas (OC) 


I Know Your Wife - Masterpost

You let yourself into your parents’ house after your shift, taking your shoes off in the entryway before being greeted by the dogs.

“Hello, boys,” you smiled, crouching to pet them both as you heard the sound of little feet rushing through the halls.

You grinned as you saw your brother running towards you, scooping him up onto your hip and kissing his cheek as you walked further into the house.

“Where’s mama?” you asked him as he grabbed your cap, putting it onto his own head.

“Kitch’n,” he told you, smiling up at you with your cap on backwards. “We’re bakin’.”

Keep reading

Summary:You tell your adoptive family about your meeting with your biological family, confirming that you know that your heart is with the Ackles’. Your good mood continues as you return home to the Padaleckis.
Jared x Reader x Gen, Danneel, Jensen, JJ, Arrow, Zep, Tom, Shep, Dallas (OC) 


I Know Your Wife - Masterpost

You let yourself into your parents’ house after your shift, taking your shoes off in the entryway before being greeted by the dogs.

“Hello, boys,” you smiled, crouching to pet them both as you heard the sound of little feet rushing through the halls.

You grinned as you saw your brother running towards you, scooping him up onto your hip and kissing his cheek as you walked further into the house.

“Where’s mama?” you asked him as he grabbed your cap, putting it onto his own head.

“Kitch’n,” he told you, smiling up at you with your cap on backwards. “We’re bakin’.”

“Looks super cool on you,” you assured him, walking through to the kitchen, seeing JJ and Arrow standing on stools and decorating cupcakes, Danneel washing her hands at the sink.

“Ditto!” Arrow grinned, and you leaned down to kiss each of the kids on their heads, gently dropping Zep back down to the ground as Danneel dried her hands.

“Hey, Mama,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around her and letting her kiss your cheek.

“Hey, baby,” she murmured, pulling back and cupping your face.

“Where’s Dad?” you asked, a pointless question as he walked into the kitchen, ruffling the rest of the kids’ hair and stealing your cap back from Zep on his way over to you.

You pulled back from Danneel in order to wrap your arms around him.

“Welcome home, sweetheart,” he smiled, kissing your temple before pulling back enough to look down at you.

He placed the cap back on your head, curiosity mixing with concern in his expression.

“So,” Danneel prompted, watching you with much the same look on her face. “How’d it go? How did you feel? Whatdid you feel?“

You looked down, nodding to yourself before looking at each of them.

“Nothing,” you told them, unable to fight the smile. “I felt nothing.”

“What do you mean?” Jensen asked, your smile infectious even though he didn’t quite understand your joy.

“I met his daughters, his wife, and I felt nothing towards any of them,” you explained, slipping out of Jensen’s arms to lean against the counter. “Nothing more than a normal fan encounter. There’s… there’s no urge to get to know them.”

Danneel smiled, looking up at Jensen as he smiled down at her, the two of them turning their eyes to you.

“I feel good,” you assured them, smiling down at JJ as she came to wrap her arms around your waist.

You stroked her hair, looking back at your parents.

“This is home, this is my family,” you told them, watching as Zeppelin picked at the chocolate chips that had been used as decoration on one of the cakes. “I’m sure of it.”


You left your parents and siblings’ house just before dinner, picking up burgers for Jared, Gen, and the kids before going home.

Tom was waiting on the doorstep as you pulled onto the driveway, and you smiled as he came to the car to help you bring in the food.

“How’s your day been?” you asked him, handing him the paper bag so you could carry the drinks inside.

“Walked the doggos with Dad and Dallas,” he told you. “Shep and Mama were workin’ the garden. How was work?”

“It was good,” you told him, kicking the front door closed behind you. “Glad to be home to you all, though.”

He smiled up at you, leading you through to the rest of your family.

Gen grabbed the drinks from you as Jared walked over to greet you with Dallas on his hip.

“Welcome home, Mama,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss you as you took your daughter from him. “I’m glad it went well.”

You had messaged home once you’d spoken to Jensen and Danneel, letting them know how the meeting with your biological family had gone.

“Michael got what he wanted, and I got the confirmation I needed,” you confirmed, going up on tiptoes to kiss him again. “I’m happy.”

“Good,” he smiled, and you blew a raspberry on Dallas’ cheek to make her giggle.

“Time for food,” you told her, moving to sit down next to Shep.

“Yum,” your daughter hummed as Gen handed over your food.

You leaned over to kiss Shep’s head, and he smiled up at you as he accepted his fries from his mom.

“Takeout for a treat,” you reminded them as you broke apart a chicken nugget, blowing to cool it down before handing half to your daughter. “Because Mama Y/N is in a good mood.”

“Mama Y/N should be in a good mood more often if it means burgers,” Gen joked, and the boys nodded in agreement.

Jared rolled his eyes, taking a drink from his soda.

“We’re just happy to have you home,” he told you, “And back to your old self.”

You smiled as Dallas reached for the other half of the nugget that you were holding, handing it to her before unwrapping your burger.

“It’s good to be back.”


Gen was checking on the kids while you and Jared got ready for bed that night, and you hadn’t really stopped smiling all evening.

You pulled on a long nightshirt and got into bed as Jared walked back in from your bathroom, running his hands through his hair.

You shifted towards him as he got in beside you, earning a smile back as he rolled onto his elbow to look down at you.

“I love seeing you so smiley,” he murmured, and you laughed softly as you reached a hand to cup his cheek.

“I’m happy,” you told him, your thumb tracing his lower lip. “I’m home. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he spoke, his lips dislodging your thumb to his chin.

You smiled, leaning up and encouraging him down into a kiss.

Jared kissed back, letting you roll him onto his back and hold yourself over him.

You deepened the kiss, carding your hand into his hair and moving one leg to straddle his waist.

“Careful,” Jared murmured, shifting his hips slightly. “Don’t want to go getting me all excited.”

You grinned, moving your kiss from his lips, across his cheek, towards his ear.

“I think that’s exactly what I want,” you told him, lightly kissing the shell of his ear before pulling back to look at him.

“Fuck,” he breathed, and you nodded.

“Unless you don’t want to…” you trailed off and he shook his head, his hands resting on your bare thighs.

You shivered at the touch as his hands moved upwards, pushing the hem of your shirt up as his palms came to rest on your hips.

“Been a while, huh?” he murmured, and you nodded, running your hands up his chest before leaning down to kiss him again.

“Haven’t been in the mood until now,” you reasoned, rolling your hips enough to feel him stir beneath the thin cotton of his pyjama pants.

He groaned as you ground yourself against him, his grip tightening on your waist.

“I want you,” you whispered against his lips before lifting yourself up onto your knees.

You moved off of him, earning a small protest before he realised you had only left to remove your panties, crawling back on top of him with a smirk.

“Don’t worry,” you told him. “I’m not that mean.”

“Thank God,” he smiled, carding both hands into your hair and pulling you in for a kiss.

You rolled your body against him as he deepened the kiss, letting him explore your mouth with his tongue as if he didn’t already know every part of you intimately.

Your hands moved down his chest, abs, towards the waistband of his pants as you kissed, allowing your nails to drag slightly and make him lean into the touch.

You broke the kiss to push his pants down around his thighs, setting his impressive erection free from the confines of cotton.

You bit your lip as your hand encircled him at the base, your fingers barely touching as you slowly stroked him. No matter how many times you’d been with the man, Jared’s cock was something to marvel at.

You leaned back over him, one hand still stroking his hard cock, to kiss him as your other hand reached blindly into the drawer of the bedside table for lube.

You smiled when you found it, pulling Jared’s lower lip between your teeth in a gentle bite.

“Fuck,” he groaned as you sat back, his hands on your thighs again as you squeezed the lube onto your hand.

“That’s the idea,” you smiled, rubbing your hands together to spread and warm the cold lube.

Jared’s hands massaged your thighs as you began to stroke him again, bringing yourself up onto your knees as your other hand moved between your legs.

“I can help with that,” Jared offered, one strong hand moving your shirt out of the way and holding your waist while the other continued to hold your thigh, his hips occasionally thrusting into your fist.

“I’m good,” you assured him, entering yourself with two slick fingers and biting your lip.

Jared was watching you with a glassy expression, his eyes not sure whether to follow the movement of your hand on his cock, your fingers working yourself open, or the look of pure lust on your face.

“You’re amazing,” he breathed, his hips thrusting involuntarily as you made yourself moan.

You laughed breathlessly, briefly teasing your clit before shifting yourself on top of him, lining his cock up with your entrance.

You held him at the base as you slowly lowered yourself down onto him, taking your time to appreciate the incredibly full feeling of him being inside you. 

Jared grabbed a tissue from the box beside the bed, handing it to you when you were fully seated. You wiped your hands, grateful to rid yourself of the lubed up feeling as you tossed the tissue into the trash and were able to place your hands on his chest again.

“You good?” Jared checked, stroking your forearms as you rolled your hips.

“I’mgreat,” you breathed, leaning down to kiss him again, wasting no time before licking into his mouth, your hips rolling against his in a way that provided friction to your clit alongside the otherworldly sensation of his cock moving inside you.

His hands moved to your waist, shucking up your shirt to get skin-on-skin, holding you tightly as he began to thrust up into you. Your hands were in his hair, breaking the kiss only to breathe and going straight back for more.

Jared groaned as he thrusted into your tight wet heat, your hips meeting his and then grinding at the base.

He rolled the two of you over and your back hit the mattress, your legs wrapping around him as he held himself over you.

“Wait,” he murmured, kissing you quickly before pulling away completely to finally fully kick his pyjama pants off. 

“Better?” you asked as he moved back over you, lining up again.

“Much,” he grunted as he thrust into you, causing your head to fall back against the pillows.

He continued to kiss down your neck as he fucked you, one arm braced beside your head as the hand of the other travelled down your body.

Your hands carded into his hair as he kissed your clavicle, the bare touch of his fingertips to your clit having you bucking up against him.

He continued to rub small circles as his hips kept fucking you, your legs around his hips holding on for dear life.

He slowed down, stilling his hips to pull back and kiss you, and you melted into the gentleness of the kiss.

“Missed this,” he murmured, and you nodded.

It hadn’t really been just the two of you since you had finished work in February, and only having one partner to focus on was a totally different experience than when the three of you were all together. Not better, not worse, just different entirely.

“You ready?” Jared asked, and you laughed softly, kissing him again.


With your confirmation, he began to move his hips again, holding nothing back as he fucked into you over and over, the stimulation on your clit combined with the fullness of him inside of you bringing you racing towards orgasm before any time at all. 

“Please,” you breathed, wrapping your arms around him and holding tight. “Please.”

Jared didn’t reply, kissing your neck as he continued his ministrations, bringing you right to the edge and pushing you over with practiced finesse.

Your body convulsed with your climax, your head thrown back into the pillow as he continued to fuck into you, chasing his own release.

Your heart was pounding, your fingers tangling in his hair as you quietly encouraged him to come.

The rhythm of his hips became less even, a few shallower thrusts before he came with a shaky breath against your neck, letting his bodyweight fall onto you for a moment.

"Great work,” you laughed softly, unwrapping your legs from around his waist as the two of you caught your breath.

“Yeah, you too,” he told you, rolling to the side with a dopey smile on his face.

The two of you laid there, the covers barely covering your feet at the bottom of the bed, basking in the afterglow.

“Y'should clean up,” you told Jared, patting his chest lightly as you rolled to look down at him. “Put your pants back on.”

“Mhm,” he hummed in agreement, pulling you down into a kiss just as the door began to open.

You quickly grabbed the covers, pulling them up enough to cover Jared’s modesty and sighing with relief when Gen entered alone.

“Smells like a good time,” she teased, tossing Jared his pyjama pants from the end of the bed and you both blushed through sheepish smiles.

“We got a little carried away,” Jared answered, pulling on his pants before getting out of bed.

“Yeah I can see that,” Gen laughed, perching beside you on the bed as she removed her jewellery.

“How are the kids?” you asked as Jared went through to the bathroom.

“Fine,” Gen assured you, continuing to change. “Dal was awake so I told her a story until she fell asleep again.”

“What story?” you asked, and she stood to remove her jeans.

“One about a princess,” she told you, pulling on pyjamas as she spoke, “Who left her wicked step-mother behind and followed her dreams, finding her family and true love along the way.”

“You’re a dork,” you laughed softly, swinging your legs out of the bed and getting to your feet.

“She loved it,” she told you, and you pulled her into a kiss. “Loves stories about her mama.”

“She loves all stories, she’s a baby,” you reminded her, and she shrugged.

“She can walk and talk,” she pointed out. “Won’t be a baby for long.”

“Can’t believe you’d say that to me,” you gasped as Jared came back into the bedroom.

“Before you know it, she’ll be at school,” Gen warned, and you shook your head.

“Nope, don’t want to hear it.”

Jared and Gen watched as you left to clean up and brush your teeth.

“She’s in denial,” Jared murmured, and Gen laughed, smiling up at him as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

“We were the same,” she reminded him. “When Tom was Dal’s age.”

Jared nodded, leaning in for a kiss as she pushed up onto her toes.

“I love being a dad,” he told her, and she grinned, pressing another kiss to his lips before pulling back to get into bed.

“Being a dad suits you,” she assured him, lifting the covers for him to get in beside her.

You switched off the lights on your way back into the room, getting in beside Genevieve and turning off your bedside lamp.

“I love y’all,” you murmured into the darkness. “You know that, right?”

“We know,” Gen replied, turning to face you. “It’s mutual.”


@maryleigh8796​​​,@pottergirlpotterworld​​,@youaremyfiveever​​​, @capnbuck-tiltheend-oftheline​, @xoxabs88xox​​​,@mottergirl99​​​,@sandlee44​​​,@i-love-superhero​​​,@i-just-wanna-run-hell​​​,@trashforwinchesters​​, @mostly-shawn, @theashofwkm​​​,@blacktithe7​​​,@plaidstiel-wormstache​​​,@emoryhemsworth​​​,@onethirstyunicorn​​​,@taylorlaurenthomas​​​,@thatotherloser​​​,@mskitty416​​​,@sun-flower-bouquet​​​,@holyfuckloueh​​​,@fabinaforever11​​​,@deansgirl215​​​,@firefly124-writing​​​,@a-queen-and-her-throne​​​,@thoughtsoftheantagonist​​​,@hillface89​​​,@hetsgrinch​​​,@bookofdisorders​​​,@books-nothingbutbooks​​​,@iamthatonechick​​​,@ellen-reincarnated1967​​​,@spnwoman​​​,@american-duchess​​​,@blancastans​​​,@shikshinkwon​​​,@clueless-gold​​​,@meganwinchester1999​​​,@samsexualdeancurious​​​,@mija-novella​​​,@typicalweirdbookworm​​​,@im-super-potter-locked 
