#jarod shadowsong



replied to your photoset

“Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books…”

I’m curious what you’ll do with Jarod! I like the idea that he’s just “basically elf” and the ultimate reference point. He’s credible, he’s observant, he thinks, but he just doesn’t think for himself that much. Which I kind of enjoy. Like he’s surprised anyone ever asks him anything. “Wait, you mean I’m a real person and you can see me? Well, that changes things!” > Proceeds to change nothing.

heyy have a priestess maiev and jarod!

Oh man, Jarod is maybe the most like.. mixed feelings for me, on whether I like him or not?  I like him as part of Maiev’s story.  I love their dynamic, I love the whole story of her just being a dick and Jarod being a wet blanket, then he gets a backbone and she’s surprised and genuinely proud and Illidan almost killing Jarod after that being the beginning of why she hates Illidan…REALLY good.  I skipped a lot of the “host” stuff with Ravencrest and Jarod tho bc god like, one scene of boring elf military mans is enough, and these books…at their worst, they are The Room.  The same ideas and scenes just REPEAT and it’s not well written so it’s hard to keep elf epithets straight.  So yeah I skipped a lot but I assume it’s all just getting at the same point lol.

The Shandris stuff tho is so fucking weird I have to just ignore it, or else Jarod is like rly ew lol.  Shandris is consistently pretty wtf-ly written.. as far as like how old she is/acts in WOTA? Like is she 8 or is she 16 lol.  The books are mostly just mechanically bad, but the Shandris Jarod weirdness is like, one of the few actually eyebrow raisingly bad bits.  

But ignoring that, he’s still just kinna like, unsure dude who it’s sort of a mystery as to why he has any station of power lol.. I guess he is smart but yeah..like, he sucks, but he’s kinna supposed to? 

So yeah anyway- anything with Maiev is brilliant, like, Knaak’s Maiev is consistently actually top tier, shockingly GOOD SHIT Maiev, and Jarod’s contrast with her is nice.  Maiev’s introduction in The Sundering is SO good.. just like… “Sup boners, yall hanging out with my dorkass bro?  I guess Tyrande sucked too much to be made high priestess so she got captured :/ K bye losers and dude who is probably a dragon” 

and Jarod’s crew is just like…. 
