

listen…… that is his energy i cannot make him manifest any other way.  blizzard made an OP purple Hiccup.  He was meant to be drawn by Milt Kahl and i will not fight it

yall talking about liking these characters they never expected to like in my art and i mean…&yall talking about liking these characters they never expected to like in my art and i mean…&

yall talking about liking these characters they never expected to like in my art and i mean……..same.  nelf trio backstory was very surprising 2 me

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i had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now soi had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now so

i had some more of these dumb wota sketches i started when i was reading and I’m posting them now so I will stop fiddling with them to procrastinate drawing other dumb sketches aka three sisters redraw panels that are hard

the first one is basically right out of the book, giddy oblivious young illidan is so good…  second one is not right out of the book but is sort of smashing together a couple different scenes/themes lol

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assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage assorted Stormrage 


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replied to your photoset

“Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books…”

I’m curious what you’ll do with Jarod! I like the idea that he’s just “basically elf” and the ultimate reference point. He’s credible, he’s observant, he thinks, but he just doesn’t think for himself that much. Which I kind of enjoy. Like he’s surprised anyone ever asks him anything. “Wait, you mean I’m a real person and you can see me? Well, that changes things!” > Proceeds to change nothing.

heyy have a priestess maiev and jarod!

Oh man, Jarod is maybe the most like.. mixed feelings for me, on whether I like him or not?  I like him as part of Maiev’s story.  I love their dynamic, I love the whole story of her just being a dick and Jarod being a wet blanket, then he gets a backbone and she’s surprised and genuinely proud and Illidan almost killing Jarod after that being the beginning of why she hates Illidan…REALLY good.  I skipped a lot of the “host” stuff with Ravencrest and Jarod tho bc god like, one scene of boring elf military mans is enough, and these books…at their worst, they are The Room.  The same ideas and scenes just REPEAT and it’s not well written so it’s hard to keep elf epithets straight.  So yeah I skipped a lot but I assume it’s all just getting at the same point lol.

The Shandris stuff tho is so fucking weird I have to just ignore it, or else Jarod is like rly ew lol.  Shandris is consistently pretty wtf-ly written.. as far as like how old she is/acts in WOTA? Like is she 8 or is she 16 lol.  The books are mostly just mechanically bad, but the Shandris Jarod weirdness is like, one of the few actually eyebrow raisingly bad bits.  

But ignoring that, he’s still just kinna like, unsure dude who it’s sort of a mystery as to why he has any station of power lol.. I guess he is smart but yeah..like, he sucks, but he’s kinna supposed to? 

So yeah anyway- anything with Maiev is brilliant, like, Knaak’s Maiev is consistently actually top tier, shockingly GOOD SHIT Maiev, and Jarod’s contrast with her is nice.  Maiev’s introduction in The Sundering is SO good.. just like… “Sup boners, yall hanging out with my dorkass bro?  I guess Tyrande sucked too much to be made high priestess so she got captured :/ K bye losers and dude who is probably a dragon” 

and Jarod’s crew is just like…. 

Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books overall, but do contain some really Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books overall, but do contain some really Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books overall, but do contain some really Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books overall, but do contain some really Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books overall, but do contain some really Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books overall, but do contain some really

Read/skimmed most of the Nelf books, which are pretty bad books overall, but do contain some really great characterization moments… and I just wanna say what a HUGE crime it is that every official art of the Stormrage bros just look like constipated purple Judge Dredds, as the books do not at all portray them that way.  Malfurion is just a big soft clueless nerdy hippie and Illidan ends every sentence with an exclamation mark and is basically the embodiment of “That’s his… eager face”.  Whether intended or not, it ends up pretty cartoony so naturally I enjoyed that a lot.

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I know the last thing yall want is more malf/tyrande but TOOOOOOOO BAAAADD cuuuuz the stark diff between between the roided out hypermasculine nelf art and the extremely soft boy nelf books continues to haunt me and i must continue to right the wrongs 

Another bit from the Stormragestash:   Malf finds Tyrande suspended in the Nightmare, who is unconscious but otherwise okay bc Elune magic.  Tyrande’s been trudging through the Nightmare for days herself, probably covered in bug guts at this point bc the Nightmare-ground is covered with them and she’s been fighting all over the place, including straight up meathead brawling with Saurfang’s niece, and almost inadvertently killed Malf.  Anyway here Malf has to shapeshift into bear form so he’s strong enough to catch her safely and-


It occurs in one of the Caverns of Time dungeons, Well of Eternity, where you go back to the first demon invasion and fight with Illidan and later Tyrande to right the past or whatever.  Tyrande helps you on the final boss, then Malfurion, who’s done dick all, shows up at the end and replies to Tyrande saying “Malfurion-!” with “HUSH Tyrande.  Where is Illidan?”

 It’s a single line in the game at the end of a dungeon, why does it matter?  Well, there were articles written about it, Blizzard had to change a boat name because of it, at least one guild is named after it. It’s solidly achieved meme status in the community.  Collapsed-vacuum skulled dudebros HUEHUEHEU about it because a woman (and significant other) is getting told to shut up. Everyone else is like wow, I guess Malfurion is an asshole, or, he’s not supposed to be an asshole, and Blizz is just stupid or sexist and doesn’t realize how bad it sounds.  

Welp, now that I am cursed with the knowledge of the awful but endearing WOTA books from which this scene is taken word for word from, I feel like I should shed some light on what must have actually occurred to make that dungeon performance the way it is.  Especially because, in all my googling, I see people making jokes about the line, I see people complain about it and how horrible Malfurion is, there’s people complaining that people would complain about it….but I could not find anyone point out the fact that IT’S ACTUALLY COMPLETELY WRONG AND NOT WHAT HAPPENS IN THE BOOK.  

I’m reminded of this old gem:


So, here’s the scene:  The Sundering had just begun, the Well is starting to go apeshit.  The following scene is Azshara making her deal with N’zoth, so yeah.  Tyrande and Ilidan are trying to make their way out of the city, as they are very close to the well.  Malfurion shows up on Ysera to get them out.  Malfurion has not seen either of them in person since the previous book, when Tyrande was captured and he got all guilty and depressed.  Anyway, here you go, slightly edited to remove exposition Knaak is inexplicably putting in at the end of the book.  I have provided some visuals.



So.  Just in case someone wants to argue that it’s still him telling her to shut up, let me also say that, this author uses “Hush” a lot.  He never uses “Shh”, or you know.. describes what doesn’t need to be voiced (lol).  I don’t want to subject yall to more Knaakwardness than I need too, but it’s clear this is meant to be comforting and kind based on the rest of his writing.  In fact, an example is when the reverse situation occurs in the previous book, after Malf gets punched in the brain by Archimonde:


Like, she’s actually being sweet to him in this scene. She is not telling him to STFU.  

But as you might imagine…… with no context, and if you’d never read any of the books and JUST read what was in quotation marks…. you could easily think uh I guess he’s telling her to be quiet.  So, this was a case of whatever game “”“”writer”””” was directing the recording session definitely had not read the books, didn’t know or care what the context was, and must have just thought it was a given Malfurion would talk to Tyrande like that.

And you MIGHT also think that all the stuff Illidan is saying in this dungeon is just supposed to just be cool and edgy, and NOT being said by a lil whiny shit who’s been being a total tool to Tyrande throughout this escape and blaming all their problems on Malfurion.  As a nice little bit of final irony, a lot of responses to Well of Eternity Malfurion is “See!  Shoulda picked Illidan!”, while, at one point in the book, Illidan is LITERALLY silences Tyrande with magic because he gets annoyed with her.    

What I’m trying to say is…. the Well of Eternity dungeon was ghost directed by Illidan.


But I am also saying the dungeon is one hilarious, blatant example of someone just writing down out of context lines and devs not knowing lore and characters or giving a shit.

THank you for coming to my tebtalk

terribadger replied to your post “the night elf race has so few braincells to go around,, and they set…”
I always think of that one Legion quest where you’re running around after her while she falls for very obvious fake-Xavius-Malfurions. Like, *girl*.

Yeah Valsharah is a little too unfair to them lool, but then again…

That bit does sort of mirror the part in Stormragewhen instead of a fake Malfurion, the REAL trapped-in-the-Nightmare Malfurion is able to mind-contact Tyrande, to tell her to turn back, because her coming to him is part of Xavius’s plan.  Tyrande of course is like THIS MUST BE A FAKEMALFURION, I HAVE TO SAVE HIM HARDER and Malfurion is just like… im going to die here aren’t i 


the night elf race has so few braincells to go around,, and they set an example for their people by only taking one for the both of them,,. wow,, that’s love

MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who MORE NELF DETRITUS!!!the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who


the bottom few are more scenes from Stormrage.  just for u, other 5 people who have read stormrage uwu <3

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maybe not the fairest follow up comic to the last one LOL but yeah here’s the part at the end of the

maybe not the fairest follow up comic to the last one LOL but yeah here’s the part at the end of the wota series when Krasus tells malf “well nordrassil is here in the future so all good for a while *cough*”

Malfurion took this in with much relief. He glanced down at Tyrande, who met his gaze with an expression that left his cheeks darkening. Before Malfurion realized what was happening, she kissed him.

malf clueless to the end :’)

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i have a bunch of sketches i just haven’t been posting so gonna try and fix!!broll and malf druid boi have a bunch of sketches i just haven’t been posting so gonna try and fix!!broll and malf druid bo

i have a bunch of sketches i just haven’t been posting so gonna try and fix!!

broll and malf druid bods. no i dont think i could draw them w/o birkenstock-esque shoes and also fuck malfs chicken wings blizz doesn’t even know what’s going on there so w/e

and i still think about that lil messenger druid in elegy

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Adjusted some details in that old Seeds of Faith image to make it more lore accurate 

Adjusted some details in that old Seeds of Faith image to make it more lore accurate 

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Hi ! I’m just trying differents styles to be able to animate many differents characters so … don’t be surprised :3

This beautiful creature is Malfurion from Hearthstone ~

#malfurion    #hearthstone    #animation    
The most famous brothers of Azeroth

The most famous brothers of Azeroth

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