#jasmine kennedie


Daya’s First Pride (Crygi) - Strawberry

Summary: Crystal and Gigi take Daya to her first ever pride.

A/N: Here’s my fic for Pride Bingo! I chose parade <3 ao3 link

“Are you almost ready?” Gigi shouted from the living room as Crystal made her wait as she finished up applying her makeup.

“Yeah! I just need to finish putting on my eyelashes!” Crystal yelled back, trying her best to hurry so they could leave. It was a rare occasion that Gigi would be ready to go before Crystal was, but she was running a bit behind because she had misplaced the busy button up she had planned to wear under her overalls. 

“Okay, I think I’m ready!“ Crystal announced as she finally emerged from their shared bathroom, hair and makeup finished. “I hope we aren’t too late; I don’t want to ruin Daya’s first pride by being stupid old Crystal.”

The two girls had gone to pride together every year since they had gotten together. It was a tradition, and this year would be extra special because her half-sister, Daya, had come out to them a few months prior and they both wanted her to join in on it.  

“You won’t. She loves you and I could hear her excitement over text when you invited her to join us.” Gigi pressed a kiss to her girlfriend’s cheek, handing Crystal her own mini lesbian flag. The ginger had gotten a mini trans flag for herself, two little lesbian flags for them to share, and a tiny pansexual flag that she would give Daya once they had picked her up. “Let’s go get her.”

The ride over to Crystal’s parent’s house included them blasting queer music, exchanging kisses at stoplights and talking about they wished they were able to do things like that when they were younger since both of them had come out officially during their first year of college.

When they pulled into the driveway, Daya was sitting on the front steps, ready to go. 

“Has she gotten even taller since the last time I saw her?” Gigi whispered as they watched the teenager run up to Crystal’s Subaru.

“I don’t know. Probably.” The green haired girl replied as Daya climbed into the backseat. “Hi, Daya! I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. You need to stop being so busy with school all the time so we can hang out more. Hi, Gigi!” 

That sentence made Crystal’s heart sink. Daya was barely ten when the green haired girl graduated high school and the art school one town over had become her main priority, she had felt like she had missed a huge chunk of her baby sister’s life. “I just saw you at your middle school graduation last week!” 

“I heard you didn’t dress up for it.” Gigi chimed in, reaching into the backseat to hand Daya the pansexual flag she brought for her. “How come?”

“Thanks, Gigi. And I didn’t know I was supposed to dress up!” She defended herself, making the older girls snicker, “Even if I did know, I still wouldn’t have put on a stupid dress.”

“Fair enough,” Crystal chimed in, making Gigi gasp.

“You both are so weird. I love dressing up!”

“Daya, she’s started designing the dress she wants to wear at graduation. A yearin advance.” The Latina enlightened her younger sister, making her laugh. Gigi rolled her eyes, and Crystal knew why since she had gone into great detail about how fucking fantastic the ginger would look in the dress once she finally got around to buying the fabric and making it. 

The drive downtown was enjoyable, Crystal had missed spending time with her sister. It was a huge bonus that Gigi and Daya got along well. The two girls talked about sewing, the younger girl telling the ginger how she had made a stuffed bear out of fabric scraps while Crystal struggled to find a good parking spot that was close to the city block that had been marked off for pride. 

Parking the car, the green haired girl turned back to look at Daya. “Are you excited?”

“Yeah! This is so cool!” The younger girl squealed, grabbing her backpack and her mini flag, “I can’t believe you two wanted to hang out with me.” 

“Of course we want to hang out with you, you dork. You’re my baby sister and Gigi has no other friends.”

“Hey!” Gigi yelped, reaching across the center console to pinch her girlfriend’s side, “That is not true! I have tons of friends.” 

They went back and forth for a while until Crystal remembered that it wasn’t just them and that Daya was in the backseat. After that, they finally exited the car and made their way down the street and to the event, the two holding hands as the fourteen year old walked ahead of them, waving her flag around.  

“I think she likes that little flag more than what I got her for her birthday,” Crystal observed, Gigi squeezing her hand tighter.


The three explored the area together, hitting up all of the stops before the parade started. There was a smaller stage where local bands, dancers and drag queens would perform, which was Crystal’s favorite part of pride. Her and Gigi would usually spend most of their time standing around and enjoying the music and performances, but they wanted to make sure Daya experienced everything.

The younger girl was really drawn to the vendors, which was a mix of actual businesses owned by people in the community and rainbow capitalism. Being a baby gay, Daya did not know the difference but Crystal tried to sway her towards checking out the things that the queer owned businesses were selling.

After Daya had bought a bigger flag to hang in her bedroom and a couple of pins to put on her leather jacket, Gigi dragged the sisters to a booth where a younger girl was selling crochet animals with pride flag colors. Crystal gasped while picking up a lesbian pride opossum while a pansexual axolotl caught Daya’s eye. 

“These are the cutest!” Daya squealed, jumping up and down in excitement. Crystal immediately matched her half-sister’s energy. 

When Gigi had finally picked up a trans jellyfish, she ended up buying the sisters the animals they were holding as well. That was the first time in the three years they had been dating that Crystal had seen Daya hug Gigi, and it made her heart melt.  

Not that she had doubts that her half-sister would get along with her girlfriend, but the girl with green hair was really glad they liked each other, especially because she was planning on Gigi becoming her fiancée before the year ended. 

After buying some food, the three made their way back over to the stage, where Daya was left memorized by a drag queen who had done an amazing number. Gigi quietly explained tipping to the younger girl, Daya pulling a couple of one dollar bills out of her backpack and stuck her arm out for the drag queen to grab as she made her way around the stage. 

People started lining up on the streets as they threw their plates in the trash, The girls ended up standing by a group of girls decked out in pride themed clothing, and Daya started interacting with a talkative blonde girl wearing a trans flag as a cape who appeared to be around the same age as her as they waited for the floats to come down the street. 

Crystal gave Gigi a knowing look after the blonde started complimenting every single thing about Daya, the two watching as the brunette grew flustered. 

The parade started soon after that, Crystal and her family watching as the colorful floats passed by along with people carrying pro-gay and trans signs along with flags. Loud music had started playing as well but somehow, the girl Daya was talking to was able to talk over it.  

After the parade, they had done everything, so Daya and the blonde said their goodbyes before parting ways. 

“Jasmine gave me her number! She went to the other middle school but we’re going to the same high school in September!” She babbled excitedly as they made their way back to the car. 

“That’s great, Daya. Did you have fun?” Crystal asked, figuring that this was what Gigi dealt with whenever she got too excited. 

“I had even more fun than I thought I would have! Thank you so much for bringing me.” She wedged herself in between the couple, wrapping her arms around the older girls. Crystal couldn’t remember the last time she had seen Daya this happy, and neither could Gigi. Thus, her baby sister’s first pride was a success.
