#fic challenge


Daya’s First Pride (Crygi) - Strawberry

Summary: Crystal and Gigi take Daya to her first ever pride.

A/N: Here’s my fic for Pride Bingo! I chose parade <3 ao3 link

“Are you almost ready?” Gigi shouted from the living room as Crystal made her wait as she finished up applying her makeup.

“Yeah! I just need to finish putting on my eyelashes!” Crystal yelled back, trying her best to hurry so they could leave. It was a rare occasion that Gigi would be ready to go before Crystal was, but she was running a bit behind because she had misplaced the busy button up she had planned to wear under her overalls. 

“Okay, I think I’m ready!“ Crystal announced as she finally emerged from their shared bathroom, hair and makeup finished. “I hope we aren’t too late; I don’t want to ruin Daya’s first pride by being stupid old Crystal.”

The two girls had gone to pride together every year since they had gotten together. It was a tradition, and this year would be extra special because her half-sister, Daya, had come out to them a few months prior and they both wanted her to join in on it.  

“You won’t. She loves you and I could hear her excitement over text when you invited her to join us.” Gigi pressed a kiss to her girlfriend’s cheek, handing Crystal her own mini lesbian flag. The ginger had gotten a mini trans flag for herself, two little lesbian flags for them to share, and a tiny pansexual flag that she would give Daya once they had picked her up. “Let’s go get her.”

The ride over to Crystal’s parent’s house included them blasting queer music, exchanging kisses at stoplights and talking about they wished they were able to do things like that when they were younger since both of them had come out officially during their first year of college.

When they pulled into the driveway, Daya was sitting on the front steps, ready to go. 

“Has she gotten even taller since the last time I saw her?” Gigi whispered as they watched the teenager run up to Crystal’s Subaru.

“I don’t know. Probably.” The green haired girl replied as Daya climbed into the backseat. “Hi, Daya! I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. You need to stop being so busy with school all the time so we can hang out more. Hi, Gigi!” 

That sentence made Crystal’s heart sink. Daya was barely ten when the green haired girl graduated high school and the art school one town over had become her main priority, she had felt like she had missed a huge chunk of her baby sister’s life. “I just saw you at your middle school graduation last week!” 

“I heard you didn’t dress up for it.” Gigi chimed in, reaching into the backseat to hand Daya the pansexual flag she brought for her. “How come?”

“Thanks, Gigi. And I didn’t know I was supposed to dress up!” She defended herself, making the older girls snicker, “Even if I did know, I still wouldn’t have put on a stupid dress.”

“Fair enough,” Crystal chimed in, making Gigi gasp.

“You both are so weird. I love dressing up!”

“Daya, she’s started designing the dress she wants to wear at graduation. A yearin advance.” The Latina enlightened her younger sister, making her laugh. Gigi rolled her eyes, and Crystal knew why since she had gone into great detail about how fucking fantastic the ginger would look in the dress once she finally got around to buying the fabric and making it. 

The drive downtown was enjoyable, Crystal had missed spending time with her sister. It was a huge bonus that Gigi and Daya got along well. The two girls talked about sewing, the younger girl telling the ginger how she had made a stuffed bear out of fabric scraps while Crystal struggled to find a good parking spot that was close to the city block that had been marked off for pride. 

Parking the car, the green haired girl turned back to look at Daya. “Are you excited?”

“Yeah! This is so cool!” The younger girl squealed, grabbing her backpack and her mini flag, “I can’t believe you two wanted to hang out with me.” 

“Of course we want to hang out with you, you dork. You’re my baby sister and Gigi has no other friends.”

“Hey!” Gigi yelped, reaching across the center console to pinch her girlfriend’s side, “That is not true! I have tons of friends.” 

They went back and forth for a while until Crystal remembered that it wasn’t just them and that Daya was in the backseat. After that, they finally exited the car and made their way down the street and to the event, the two holding hands as the fourteen year old walked ahead of them, waving her flag around.  

“I think she likes that little flag more than what I got her for her birthday,” Crystal observed, Gigi squeezing her hand tighter.


The three explored the area together, hitting up all of the stops before the parade started. There was a smaller stage where local bands, dancers and drag queens would perform, which was Crystal’s favorite part of pride. Her and Gigi would usually spend most of their time standing around and enjoying the music and performances, but they wanted to make sure Daya experienced everything.

The younger girl was really drawn to the vendors, which was a mix of actual businesses owned by people in the community and rainbow capitalism. Being a baby gay, Daya did not know the difference but Crystal tried to sway her towards checking out the things that the queer owned businesses were selling.

After Daya had bought a bigger flag to hang in her bedroom and a couple of pins to put on her leather jacket, Gigi dragged the sisters to a booth where a younger girl was selling crochet animals with pride flag colors. Crystal gasped while picking up a lesbian pride opossum while a pansexual axolotl caught Daya’s eye. 

“These are the cutest!” Daya squealed, jumping up and down in excitement. Crystal immediately matched her half-sister’s energy. 

When Gigi had finally picked up a trans jellyfish, she ended up buying the sisters the animals they were holding as well. That was the first time in the three years they had been dating that Crystal had seen Daya hug Gigi, and it made her heart melt.  

Not that she had doubts that her half-sister would get along with her girlfriend, but the girl with green hair was really glad they liked each other, especially because she was planning on Gigi becoming her fiancée before the year ended. 

After buying some food, the three made their way back over to the stage, where Daya was left memorized by a drag queen who had done an amazing number. Gigi quietly explained tipping to the younger girl, Daya pulling a couple of one dollar bills out of her backpack and stuck her arm out for the drag queen to grab as she made her way around the stage. 

People started lining up on the streets as they threw their plates in the trash, The girls ended up standing by a group of girls decked out in pride themed clothing, and Daya started interacting with a talkative blonde girl wearing a trans flag as a cape who appeared to be around the same age as her as they waited for the floats to come down the street. 

Crystal gave Gigi a knowing look after the blonde started complimenting every single thing about Daya, the two watching as the brunette grew flustered. 

The parade started soon after that, Crystal and her family watching as the colorful floats passed by along with people carrying pro-gay and trans signs along with flags. Loud music had started playing as well but somehow, the girl Daya was talking to was able to talk over it.  

After the parade, they had done everything, so Daya and the blonde said their goodbyes before parting ways. 

“Jasmine gave me her number! She went to the other middle school but we’re going to the same high school in September!” She babbled excitedly as they made their way back to the car. 

“That’s great, Daya. Did you have fun?” Crystal asked, figuring that this was what Gigi dealt with whenever she got too excited. 

“I had even more fun than I thought I would have! Thank you so much for bringing me.” She wedged herself in between the couple, wrapping her arms around the older girls. Crystal couldn’t remember the last time she had seen Daya this happy, and neither could Gigi. Thus, her baby sister’s first pride was a success.

It takes a village (Lemon&Gigi, Family Fic) - Mar

A/N: Found families my beloved. This is both for the Pride 2022 challenge and May Mayhem Tropes (day 19).
Part of the Jankie Parenthood Universe, featuring Lemon as a reluctant last resource babysitter, and Gigi as the judgiest kid ever.
Some background about this universe: Lemon, Jan and Jaida are (step)sisters, Jan is dating Jackie, Jackie is Gigi’s mom. Gigi is five, and the sisters are all in their t

Tags: rpdr fanfiction, may trope mayhem, lemon, gigi goode, jaida essence hall, jan sport, found family, kid fic, jankie parenthood au, mar-@duckprintspress


“You can’t get a new babysitter?” asks Jaida.
“Not one we know. We can’t just leave a five year old with a stranger,” Jan says.
“Well, who else is left?”
A little notification chimes from Lemon’s phone. Both of her sisters turn to look at her, and Jan’s face lights up.
“Lem, please,” Jan says, sitting down next to her sister as if to better plead her case. “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”
“Wiping kids’ butts and feeding them beet puree is not my idea of a good time.”
“How old do you think Gigi is?”

“Alright. No, I– no, don’t worry, honey, feel better.”

Jan hangs up the call and groans, throwing her head back.

“What?” Jaida asks from the couch, where she and Lemon are spread in an unmoving pile. They collapsed on the couch after their respective dance classes and have not moved since.

“Freaking flu season.” Jan drops her phone on the table. “Both of our babysitters are sick, and now there’s no one to watch Gigi tonight. We’re gonna have to cancel.”

“No,” Jaida says, grunting as she gets up from the couch, ignoring Lemon’s protests. “You’ve had those tickets for months! You both need a night out, just adults. It’s healthy.”

“What else can we do? Pri’s busy, Jackie’s dad is sick too, and Shea and Sasha are still in Mexico.”

“What about Brita?”

“I already asked, she’s helping her sister paint the nursery.” Jan rubs her neck, thinking. “You are not free tonight, are you?”

“I would, you know I would,” Jaida says, taking her hand. “But I promised Nicky I’d model her dresses so she can finish them. You can’t get a new babysitter?”

“Not one we know. We can’t just leave a five year old with a stranger.”

“Well, who else is left?”

A little notification chimes from Lemon’s phone. Both of her sisters turn to look at her, and Jan’s face lights up.


“Lem, please,” Jan says, sitting down next to her sister as if to better plead her case. “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

“And I wouldn’t say no if I could help.”

“We’ll pay you.”

Lemon rolls her eyes at the ‘we’. It’s like in everything Jan does lately, Jackie is included.

“It’s not about the money, Jan.”

“What is it, then?”

“Wiping kids’ butts and feeding them beet puree is not my idea of a good time.”

“How old do you think Gigi is?” Jaida says.

“Whatever, all kids are the same. I don’t even teach the tween classes because I don’t wanna waste my precious energy screaming at them to stop being little shits.”

“But this is not a normal kid,” says Jaida. Jan slaps her arm. “You know what I mean! Gigi’s special. Other kids, yeah, you gotta stop them from bouncing off the walls and covering your couch in Nutella, but Gigi’s different. She just wants to paint her pictures and read her stories. Maybe play dress up. You love playing dress up.”

Lemon uncrosses her arms, though her scowl is still present.

“Some conditions: I’m not playing any dumb game were I have to be a unicorn that poops rainbows, or whatever kids do.” She sits up and digs her pointer finger in Jan’s chest. “No games, no dumb songs, no letting her draw on my face. Got it?”

“Got it. And Gigi likes playing by herself. This is more supervision than care, really. At most, you’ll have to make her a sandwich.”

“I can make a sandwich…” Lemon says, her voice small.

“I know you can,” Jan smiles, encouragingly. “So you’ll do it?”

“Ugh, fine! But this is a one time thing, and you owe me.”

“Yes!” Jan engulfs her in a suffocating hug and they fall back onto the couch. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Yay!” says Jaida, and piles on top of them.

Jan jumps up, knocking Jaida off the couch.

“I’m gonna tell Jackie. And pick out an outfit!”

“You get four hours, tops!” Lemon yells after Jan’s retreating back. Then she looks at Jaida, half panicked. “I’m going to survive this, right?”

“Lem, it’s just a few hours. You’ll watch a movie, have a snack and read a book. In and out. You’ll be fine.”

Lemon’s shoulders loosen, and Jaida rubs her back up and down.

“Hell, you might even have fun and everything.”


Lemon is not having fun.

The grown ups left less than five minutes ago, and she already regrets everything.

Gigi and Lemon stare at each other from opposite sides of the couch, two mirror images of crossed arms and distrusting stares.

It’s almost like Gigi is appraising her. Lemon does not care for that at all.

“Aren’t you gonna go play, or something?”


“Are you hungry?”


“Your mom said we could watch one movie.”

Gigi seems to perk up.

Okay. Maybe they are getting somewhere.

“You wanna do that?”

Gigi nods and climbs off the couch to get the TV remote.

Lemon flicks through the movies available, losing faith in finding anything remotely tolerable and kid friendly.

“Okay, what do you wanna watch? Like, the Paw Patrol Christmas special, or something?”

She does not mean to sound so condescending in front of the kid, it’s just hard to turn it off. But she can try.

“Do you like Peppa Pig?”


Lemon smirks, surprised. The kid is funny. She keeps flicking through the movies until she sees Gigi jump up in her seat.

“That one.”

Frozen? You wanna watch that one?”

Gigi nods excitedly, and then remembers her manners.


Lemon clicks play.

“You have good taste.”

The first song starts and Gigi is already engrossed, her eyes wide, her lips quietly forming the lyrics.

The avalanche of questions and commentary that Lemon expected never comes. Gigi watches movies in silence, which suits Lemon just fine. She loves Frozen.

She finds herself dancing a little to Love is an open door, and it gets her the first smile from Gigi since she got there.

“Alright,” Lemon thinks. “This isn’t so bad.”


Shockingly, Jaida was right. They do have fun.

After the movie, they move to the kitchen to make peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Lemon lets Gigi handle a butter knife, which makes her feel like a one of the cool grown ups, and they bond over the need to cut the crust of all their sandwiches. Crust is gross.

Jan texts her every now and then, and when the three hour mark arrives, she tells Lemon they will try to be home soon. But Lemon stops her, and tells her to stay as long as they need. Jan asks if she’s sure, Lemon promises to call if there’s an emergency, and that’s that.

Gigi’s books are more fun than expected, and once she gets past the embarrassment, Lemon enjoys making all the silly voices for the characters. She changes some words here and there, but Gigi catches her every time, like she has them memorized. Lemon starts adding ridiculous sentences in the middle of the stories, making Princes fall on their butts from their horses and making the witches curse Princesses to sneeze spiders. Gigi laughs on the floor and eggs her on, and book reading turns into storytelling. They bring out every toy Gigi has to play characters in their game, and they take over the whole house.

For dinner, they order pizza, because Lemon draws the line at cooking. Gigi cleans up all her toys without being asked, which honestly stuns Lemon more than anything else, but she sits one stuffed animal on the table. He’s Flame the Dragon, Gigi explains as she sets a plate and a cup for him, and he joins all their meals. Lemon feels free to bring up the collection of plushies that live on the shelf above her bed, their names and their stories, and even dares to say Gigi can play with them sometime. It’s not a big deal, she’s a chill kid. Lemon will make her wash her hands first, maybe.

Lemon cleans up, Gigi brushes her teeth and gets in her pajamas. It’s early, and Gigi refuses to go to bed because her mom promised she would be home for her bedtime story, so Lemon still has a good hour to kill.

Drawing is the solution. Jan and Jackie find them like that, working on their drawings at the table, surrounded by color pencils and crayons.

“Hi, baby,” says Jackie, kissing the top of Gigi’s head. Gigi doesn’t look up from her picture, but she leans against her mom’s body, happy to have her back.

Jan kisses Lemon’s cheek in passing, then stands next to Gigi, scritching her nape.

“Did you have fun?”

“Mhm,” Gigi nods, still focused on the drawing. “We watched Frozen and made sandwiches with no crust and we made stories. I like Lemon. She doesn’t tell me to use my words, like the teachers in school. She understands.”

Gigi is too focused to see the impact her words have on everyone else. Jackie looks at Lemon with gratitude. Jan, with pride. Lemon, for her part, is dangerously close to getting emotional, and wants the attention off of her.

“Tell them what you’re drawing,” she tells Gigi, who lifts her pencil to show a page almost completely covered in blue.

“It’s the ocean, but inside the mouth of a whale. These are the teeth, this is the tongue, and these are the fish the whale eats,” Gigi says, pointing at the small dots of orange and red. “They’re swimming now, but they’ll be eaten.” She resumes her coloring.

“I made a picture too,” Lemon says, stupidly proud. She shows them a drawing of what is clearly Jan with a mustache and warts all over her face. “Do you like it?”

Jan frowns.


“No swearing in front of the kid,” Lemon says mockingly. Gigi nods in agreement.

“It’s almost bedtime,” says Jackie to Gigi. “What do you say you finish that drawing and we go read in bed?”

Gigi nods and starts painting faster. She’s done in two minutes and rushes to her bedroom. Halfway down the hall, she turns back.

Lemon gets an armful of child as Gigi crashes against her side.

“Thank you for playing with me today,” she tells Lemon.

Lemon can only pat Gigi’s head awkwardly.

“Sure. It was fun.”

“Yes. Come back another day.”

With that, she goes back to her room, leaving everyone stunned.

“That’s new,” says Jackie, smiling in spite of the shock.

“Gigi rarely hugs anyone,” Jan explains. “She must like you a lot.”

Lemon recovers quickly.

“Yeah, well, who doesn’t?”

She starts getting ready to leave, and Jackie asks how much she owes her.

“Nothing, don’t be stupid.” Jan scowls disapprovingly from behind Jackie’s back. “I mean, nothing, I had fun. Gigi’s… she’s actually really cool.”

“Yeah. She is.”

Jackie’s proud smile reminds Lemon of her own parents, of the way they talk about their three daughters like they are the best thing on Earth. When she sees that same smile on Jan’s face, all that she can think is that Gigi’s a lucky one.

When Lemon gets home, Jaida’s back on the couch, watching Survivor without her, like a traitor.

“I leave for one day…”

“How was it?” asks Jaida, already rewinding to the beginning of the episode.

“Good,” Lemon says, plopping down on the couch. “Though I feel exhausted, for some reason. We only played and watched a movie.”

“Yeah, kids will do that to you. Have you noticed Jan is less bouncy now?”

“I thought it was just old age.”

“Hey!” Jaida kicks her. “I’m only a year younger.”

“Yes, you’re both decrepit, and I’m young, gorgeous and thriving.”

“You know, with Gigi, you’re no longer the baby of the family.”

“What? No!” Lemon whines. “I never agreed to that.”

Jaida laughs at the pout on her sister’s face. Twenty-one and still a brat.

They watch the intro in silence, drinking the beers that Jaida gets from the fridge.



“Do you think Gigi would go with me to Build-A-Bear?”

Amp It Up (Biadoryssa) - Melyssa

“Wait where’s Alyssa?!” Bianca grabs her arm, now finding it rather absurd for her girlfriend to be missing ten minutes before Adore’s performance.

Adore pulls away her arm with a smirk, dashing off without answering the question.

“Watch over my bag in room 12!” she yells over her shoulder.

“Wait-” but Adore had already disappeared among the crowd of staff members, leaving Bianca to groan at the younger.

“Why in the hell is she leaving her bag in random rooms?!” Bianca mumbles under her breathe as she stomps to retrieve the younger’s bag.


Bianca breathlessly yet giddily made her way backstage, the curtains swishing behind her in exit. The crowds were still cheering, the noise still going as long as the smile she had on her face. The smile only grew wider when her eyes immediately landed on the tall figure waiting for her there. 

  “Wiiilloooww” Adore yelled happily, wasting no time to wrap her arms around her girlfriend and pepper her face with kisses. “You were soo cool there did you know that?”

  “I don’t see how reading strangers to filth would be considered Pussyface” Bianca snorts, pushing Adore’s face away with a roll of her eyes. Of course it was more out of playful sarcasm rather than anything. How could she ever hate Adore, when just the sight of her still makes her heart race throughout these years. Especially now, when its not usual for them to perform in the same venues. 

  She presses a kiss of her own on the younger’s lips, taking a second to stare fondly into those wide doe eyes she and the world fell in love with. Adore looked gorgeous today, her long silky black hair flowing effortlessly until her hips. She was dressed in her favourite black leather jacket for tongiht’s gig, topping over a flashy set of leopard-printed tanktop and denim shorts, finishing the grungy outfit with a pair of combat boots and make-up. 

  She notices how breathy the younger was, a small sheen of sweat on her warm skin and her smudged lipstick drawing a chuckle out of her. 

  “Been getting frisky backstage Dory?” Bianca eyes her knowingly. Adore responds with a laugh of her own as she wipes the red edges along. 

  “You could call it a good luck charm.” The younger winks. 

  “Where is Puckerface anyway?” Bianca asks, looking around for her second lover which was unusually missing from their embrace. Normally, Alyssa would be there, jumping excitedly as she rambled her praises for her performance a hundred words per minute. 

  “You know she doesn’t like you calling her that right?” Adore snickers, nuzzling her hand. 

  “Yeah but where is that bitch-” “Adore your cue starts in ten minutes!”

  Both girls turn around at the staff’s announcement. The boy says nothing else, scurrying away and leaving the lovers. 

  Adore smiles excitedly at Bianca, her face glowing like a Christmas tree just like every single time she performs on stage. “Well I got to go Willow.”

  “Wait where’s Alyssa?!” Bianca grabs her arm, now finding it rather absurd for her girlfriend to be missing ten minutes before Adore’s performance. 

  Adore pulls away her arm with a smirk, dashing off without answering the question. 

  “Watch over my bag in room 12!” she yells over her shoulder.

  “Wait-” but Adore had already disappeared among the crowd of staff members, leaving Bianca to groan at the younger. 

  “Why in the hell is she leaving her bag in random rooms?!” Bianca mumbles under her breathe as she stomps to retrieve the younger’s bag. 

  Nobody paid attention to her, staff and other performers alike passing her by without a single glance. Yet, Bianca notices, not one of them was her blonde girlfriend. 

  ‘Maybe she’s already in the seats’ Bianca thinks, longing to hurry up to catch a front row to Adore’s performance. 

  She hastens her step, heels clacking against the floor, eyes glancing through the the numbered stars on the doors. 


  “Aha!” Bianca mutters in triumph as she grabs the handle of room no. 12. It’s unlocked, swinging inside easily to reveal a mutely lighted room and-

  Bianca’s mouth drops open, eyes widening at the sight that greeted her. 

  On the center of the room was one giant amplifier, a wire connecting it to the corner of the room, probably to some part of the stage. It was odd, the sound system being here instead of the stage, yet that wasn’t has Bianca gaping. Her eyes were focused there, on the girl sitting atop the speaker, legs spread over its sides, squirming against the rope binding her two hands together. Familiar green eyes meet hers, widening in shock under long lashes before Bianca hears what could probably be a sigh of relief through the gag over her mouth. 

  “Alyssa!” Bianca yells, running towards the bounded girl to take off the gag. 

  Alyssa gasps as the fabric comes off, dissolving into a coughing fit as she tries to get air back into her lungs. 

  “Who did this to you?!” Bianca growls angrily as she moves to undo the ropes. “I’m going to kill them-”

  However, Alyssa jerks her hands away, choking out a breathless “Wait!”.

  Bianca’s hand freeze allowing Alyssa to take a couple more seconds and gasps of air as she visibly tries to fix her composure. 

  “Don’t you-” Alyssa reaches for her lover “Don’t you do no killing now, I ain’t wasting my cash bustin your ass out of jail.”

  These words has Bianca doing nothing but deadpan at the Texan woman. “I just walked in on you-”

  “N-now I can explain-” Alyssa hastily cuts her off.

  “-on you acting out a kidnapping scene.” Bianca groans into her hands. She permits herself  couple more seconds before parting her fingers to further glare at Alyssa through them. 

  “And I’m guessing there’s more to the explanation than a bag Adore had sent me to watch over isn’t there Puckerface?” Bianca remarks, voice steady yet laced with a hint of malice that often anyone who knew and didn’t know her into a fit of anxiety. 

  And Alyssa looked nervous alright, biting her lip as her eyes darts between Bianca and the corner of the room. 

  Bianca never stops glaring at her, keeping her hawk eyes focused on her girlfriend who was still in the black and neon dress she wore for her lipsynch gig that night. Its pink tassels sway slightly, moving as Alyssa shifts above the speaker. Strangely enough, Bianca doesn’t miss the split-second shudder that seems to run over her girlfriend, who still makes no move to get off the make-shift chair.

  “I-I made out with Adore.” Alyssa gulps again. 


  That was obviously nothing new. If platonic people make out with a bit of alcohol in their system, people in a relationship would definitely be making out too. Nevermind that their relationship composed of three personality-clashing women, Adore has done worse things to Alyssa anyway. 

  “Is that all?” So what was her gig. 

  “I-we-uh” Alyssa shifts again, a small yet audible breathe leaving her as she does so. Bianca stares closer, only now noticing Alyssa’s increasingly reddening cheeks and the inconsistent shading of the pink lipstick the Texan queen was always so fussy about. 

  Adore was wearing red lipstick if she remembered. 

  “See we-” Alyssa clenches her eyes shut as she speaks in a single breathe “theresapluginsideme”

  Bianca blinks. “What?”

  “Dear god the woman is making me say it again.” Alyssa groans frustratedly. “I said-”

  “Yeah no I heard you the first time” Bianca quickly cuts her off, thoughts racing a mile a minute as the words slowly begin to repeat in her head. “You’re wearing a-”

  “Yes” Alyssa hisses, body tensing as she adjusts her position. “The kid done actually pulled it out of her clutch and-”

  “And placed it in there”


  “And you allowed it”

  “Yes” Alyssa admits, the pitch of her voice raising a little in irritation and humiliation. 

  Bianca is too shocked for anymore words. 

  Suddenly, all her previous annoyance flooded out of her body. Replacing it was the hyper-awareness she had of the way Alyssa’s body tenses or shudders when she shifts, and the slightly glazed look she had in her usually sharp eyes, and-

  And it wasn’t their first time. Oh for god’s sake, Adore was basically a horny teenager. Any kinks and fetiches she brought up, Bianca and Alyssa entertained for her sake. Bianca was already used to just not being surprised by this, but Alyssa, being the latest one to join their relationship and growing up in a bubble, adapted to them slowly. So now, watching her girlfriend tied up and sitting on the amplifier in a room of their venue, Bianca was still having a hard time choosing between being impressed and remaining in shock. 

  Instead, she slowly stands up, feeling Alyssa’s eyes follow her as she does. 

  Bianca places a hand a few feet away from the dancer’s skirt, eyes meeting her in her new nervous-curious state. “May I?”

  It takes a few seconds for Alyssa to get what she meant, but she replies with a sheepish nod of her head nonetheless. 

  Bianca feels her body tense again as she lifts her short skirt. If she didn’t believe her before, she did now. 

  Alyssa had no underwear, the piece of fabric missing, its absence being emphasised by her girlfriend’s pink glistening folds parted with a familiar indigo base plug. Adore’s favourite. 

  Bianca reckons she spends another minute staring wordlessly at Alyssa’s pussy, feeling a familiar warmth pooling in hers. 

  “Well damn-” Bianca chuckles in disbelief “Didn’t think you had it in you Puckerface.”

  “She was really convincing alright?!” Alyssa squirms and whines in embarrassment “And she was given me those wide jesus eyes of hers and-”

  “And you couldn’t say no.” Bianca now gives a small laugh. Everyone falls weak at the sight of Adore’s puppy eyes. “Whore”

  Alyssa’s eyes flashes dangerously as they meet her’s again. “Hey! I aint a- AH~”

  Alyssa isn’t quick enough to stop the moan that escapes her, feeling the toy move as Bianca pushes it deeper. She glares her, glaring harder as Bianca only gives her a cruel smirk of amusement. 

  “Bitch stop that!” Alyssa hisses, only to muffle another squeak as Bianca moves it yet again. 


  Bianca chuckles, always having found so much pleasure teasing her partners. Alyssa releases a shuddering breathe, preparing for any movement of any kind from her sadistic girlfriend, only for both of them to perk up as the hear the announcer from the stage yell into his mic.

  “Alright ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to welcome the ever so gorgeous mermaid of the dancers-”

  “You’re not watching?” Alyssa questions as Bianca stands up and sits behind her.

  Bianca snorts “As if I’m going to leave Adore’s important baggage now.”

  Alyssa chuckles. “She aint gone be happy that we missed her gig”

  “I’ll make it up to her later, she probably deserves it anyway.” 



  Adore was the kind of performer who cherished her fans. She loved them, always taking five minutes to greet and chat the bar up before her number. During this time, Bianca comfortably situated herself behind Alyssa who was already feeling regretful of allowing her younger lover to leave her like this. 

  She sighs a little, placing her bounded hands in front of her as she tries to get herself comfortable. Well as comfortable as one could get with a toy nestled in your throbbing pussy, legs spread over a sound equipment. 

  “Is she gone be talkin there all night?!” Alyssa sighs exasperatedly. 

  Bianca only chuckles “It’s just one song. You’re only being horny, calm down.”

  A scoff was all Alyssa could give. Sometimes, Bianca was insensitive. Anyone could blame it on her line of work and all, but Adore didn’t even let Alyssa come when she tied and filled her up. She only told her to stay where she was and that she’ll get a reward later. 

  So here Alyssa was, over an amplifier as she tried to stop getting turned on by the piece of silicon inside her. 

  Then, they hear Adore end her speech, a moment of static indicating that she had passed the mic.

  “Finally” Alyssa grumbles as she settles herself down to listen to her girlfriends performance.

  When the first few chords of the song played, both queen could hear the entire venue go wild. It was one of Adore’s popular songs, so it was expected that it would emit such a response. 

  What Alyssa didn’t expect was for the amplifier to sound underneath her, not having been aware that it was even connected. 

  The movement sent vibrations running up her entire body, from her legs spread over it, to her unsuspecting pussy pressed against it. 

  Another chord played and Alyssa cannot stop the way her body from flinching as the vibrations travel the base of the plug all the way to its tips, the toy stimulating her insides as well. 



  Bianca swears behind her, getting off the sound device as its movement sends her into a momentary fit of shock and annoyance. 

  “Piece of shit.” Bianca curses “Should’ve told us it was on, now it’s- hey are you okay?”

  Alyssa could only answer in a gasp of breath as the waves of pleasure continues. By now, the song has picked up a steady rhythm, sending a pattern of vibrations to reverate through her just the way her other toys do. 

  “Oh g-god-” Alyssa whines as she digs her hands on the vibrating surface to steady herself. 

  When Adore had told her to get into this position over a speaker of all things, Alyssa didn’t know that this what she had in mind. That little fucker, she’s gonna get her so bad when they get home.

  A little moan escapes her as a particularly loud chord sends a stronger wave of vibration running through her. Alyssa doesn’t know what to do, except for gasp and and flinch against the movements. This was ridiculous, Alyssa thinks painting a mental image in her head. Had Bianca chose not to come and get her, she would have had to suffer through this alone with the door unlocked. Atleast with her girlfriend here, she feels her familiar arms wrap around her waist. 

  “That kid is stupid” Biana chuckles, warm breathe ghosting over her neck. “But she can be a genuis sometimes.”

  “Hmmpph” Alyssa clenches her eyes tight. Just for a couple of seconds, she is able to focus just enough to figure out what part of the song they were on. They were on the pre-chorus, a few lines Adore is already singing into her mic. And that was all the warning she got before the song descends into an upbeat rhythm. 

  “Ahh~” Alyssa moans as faster stronger vibrations begin to travel through her. Her hips unconsciously begins bouncing over the speaker, not sure if she was trying to get more of the sharp pleasure that shoots through her or not. 

  She clenches around the toy, as it rubs her walls in all the right and wrong ways, having Alyssa’s mind short-circuiting. 

  “Please” She begs for no one in particular as she feels her stomach begin to tighten. Ayssa presses harder against Bianca as her orgasm begins to build up. She doesn’t think she’s ever been drive to the edge this quickly before, but the situation itself was already too much and the vibrations were merciless, driving her insane and driving the toy deeper inside her. 

  With another intense chord, the toy is driven deeper again, hitting right in her g-spot and Alyssa prays that the crowd was loud enough to drown her half-scream as she came. 

  She continues helplessly bouncing on the speaker, riding out her orgasm as the song somes to an end and Alyssa could only whimper as the final waves of vibrations send her trembling in overstimulation. 

  The vibrations stop completely, the music turning off as the audience only cheers loudly from the outside. Alyssa hears nothing but a ringing in her ears and Bianca’s small whispers of praise as she traces comforting circles into her hip, waiting for her to come down from her high. 

  However, Alyssa is still incoherent when the door suddenly opens, freezing both girls in thrie wake as they meet familiar eyes and smirk. 

  “Did you guys enjoy my performance?” A sweaty Adore pants as she enters the room. 

  Immediately, her eyes land on a panting Alyssa, leaning heavily on her other girlfriend with tears peeking out from the corner of her eyes and juices pooled beneath her. 

  “Alyssa enjoyed it alright” Bianca snickers. 

  Adore smirks even wider and rushes to kiss her. Alyssa doesn’t fight it, a soft sound of approval escaping her as the younger’s lips press against hers. 

  Adore pulls away, eyes gleaming with heavy lust as she licks her lips. 

  “Ready for your reward?”


New Fic Challenge! This one is going to be a community activity, where we all work together to fill in the colors on the progress flag! 

Deadline: June 30, 2022

Here’s how it works! Anyone can submit fics for any category on the board/list below. (You are welcome to keep track of your own progress using the board.) Once 3 fics are submitted in a category, that color will get filled out on the flag! 

Thank you so so much to @petitmonde for creating the images!


  1. Choose any category from the below board/list. 
  2. Write a fic that incorporates that genre or prompt in any way you wish. 
  3. As usual, your fics can be any genre, any pairing, any length: a drabble, a oneshot, a multi-chapter fic, or even a chapter that’s part of a larger universe/series.
  4. Collabs encouraged! And if you’d like to brainstorm with other authors, check out our Discord Servers.
  5. Submit as many as you like, for as many categories/colors as you want! You can also submit one fic that counts for multiple categories.
  6. You may absolutely continue to submit for categories after we fill in the colors!
  7. Also: we have an AO3 collection for this challenge as well. If people like that, we can keep doing it for future challenges: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AQPride2022Bingo

Submission instructions: Please tag your submissions with “fic challenge” and “pride 2022”. In your author’s note, tell us which color/category you are doing.  


  1. White - Party
  2. Brown - Found Family 
  3. Yellow - First Kiss
  4. Green - Make it Rain
  5. Pink - Lust (Doesn’t have to be smutty/explicit)
  6. Black - Parade
  7. Orange - Hurt/Comfort
  8. Blue - Domestic Fluff
  9. Light Blue - Beach Day
  10. Gold/Purple - Joy
  11. Red - Protest
  12. Violet - Soulmate AU


The challenge: Write any AU using no more than 5,000 words

✨ open to all fandoms & ships
✨ original fiction welcome too!
✨ posts throughout August

how it works & FAQs|sign up


first of all, i just want to say thank you for 3k. It really means a lot, especially considering how many breaks i’ve taken away from this site—to have people continue to follow and support my writing means a lot. To all my moots, i literally adore u sm, ty for being here baes <33


  • There is no deadline for this writing challenge. I know people have lives outside of tumblr so i’m not going to add pressure—this is for fun!!
  • There can be up to two people per prompt. You can submit more than one fic if you want to choose more than song!
  • Pleasesend an ask with the character you want to write it for along with the prompt(s) you want with it.
  • Forfandoms, the main ones i read for are—Harry Potter, Marvel, Lotr, Stranger Things, Potc, Criminal Minds and Gilmore Girls, but if you really want to, you can write for another fandom.
  • Pleasedon’t submit any fics that include smut, marriage or pregnancy.

Keep reading

congratulations love :)) soproud of you. literally can’t think of another person that deserves this more!!!



Just a reminder now that the trailer’s out that the third season of The Masked Author is coming up and prompt submissions are live!!! 

The prompt submission form is located here!!

The available info for 3MA is here, and you can look at the prompts other people have submitted so far here

Also, you can find our spoiler policy here!!

Remember that this event is gen-only, so please keep the prompts gen as well!

Looking forward to what you all come up with

There have been some great prompts so far! Just a quick reminder that prompt submissions are still open, so don’t be shy, pop in a prompt!

And in case you’re new to the event, don’t worry, all prompts are anonymous!
