#jax writes


Book Lovers

For@sukkameetcute “grabbed for the same item at the library”

Sokka stepped into the library and looked around. This one was much bigger than the one back home, and dozens of people milled about the space. There wasn’t a single empty table or aisle between the stacks, and Sokka regretted skipping the book store.

Luckily, all he wanted was the new book in his favorite series, and that meant he only had to head to the bookshelf labeled “New Releases.” The letters were hand cut out of construction paper and coming loose from their cardboard backing, and the whole thing was cockeyed on the corner of the bookshelf. Someone had obviously tried to make it more appealing, as parts of the shelves had books on stands or turned to show their covers, thus pushing over into another section of the massive metal frame.

A little below eye level, Sokka saw the spine of the book he wanted. A woman was approaching him and he moved, bumping into her slightly.

“Sorry, just needed to grab this.” He said, tilting the book back into his hand.

“Hey!” The woman balked.

Sokka held the book to his chest and shrugged.

“You snooze, you lose!” He said, turning and walking to the checkout desk.

He heard footsteps behind him and he frowned. Was that woman really going to tell on him or something?

“Hi, I’d like to check out this book.” Sokka said, sliding the book over the counter.

The librarian took it and picked it up. Sokka and the librarian both noticed the white paper slip sticking up like a bookmark.

“I’m sorry, sir, but this book has already been reserved.” The librarian said.

“What?” Sokka replied.

“Yeah, that’s my book.” The woman spoke up.

Sokka turned and she stepped forward, brandishing her library card.

“Suki Kwan. I reserved ‘A Sigil of Smoke.’” She said. The librarian took the card and started scanning.

“That was the only copy on the shelf.” Sokka stated.

“You snooze, you lose.” Suki replied.

As the librarian handed back her card and the book, Suki smiled at Sokka and shrugged.

“Sir, I can put you on the waitlist if you’d like.” The librarian said.

“Yeah, fine.” Sokka mumbled and dug into his pocket for his wallet.

He should have just gone to the bookstore.

The bell over the teashop door jingled as Sokka entered, but neither Katara nor Zuko turned. Sokka regretted ever introducing them.

“Ahem.” Sokka cleared his throat and Zuko looked up, smiling brightly.

“Hey Sokka, did you get your book?” He asked.

Katara turned on the stool, sipping from a large mug of hot chocolate.

“Alas, the mighty hunter seems to have returned empty handed.” She said and Sokka frowned at her.

“You’re annoying.” Sokka retorted and sat down next to her.

“I didn’t think your fantasy romance thriller series was so popular.” Katara replied.

“Yeah, well, it is.” Sokka grumbled. “And it’s not a romance.”

“Is or is not the lead character in the middle of a love triangle?”

“Okay fine, but now there’s another woman so it’s more like a love rhombus.”

“Rhombus?” Zuko repeated.

“One of the love interests loathes another guy so it’s more, wenk.” Sokka said and made a tilting motion with his hands.

“Okay, is this new woman a fairy or a vampire?” Katara asked.

“She’s a dragon who can shapeshift.” Sokka spat and she snorted.

“How can Ms. Perfectly-Average-Human-Woman-With-Mysterious-Powers ever choose?” Katara asked in a mocking tone.

“Wait, so what are the other two?” Zuko asked.

“Non-binary vampire and transman werewolf.” Sokka answered.

“And the lead is the blandest woman ever!” Katara added.

“Oh, then polycule. Obviously.” Zuko said.

Katara coughed out a laugh and started to wheeze as she pounded on the countertop. Sokka sighed and rubbed his eyes.

“Why are you allowed on the internet?” He asked.

The bell jingled again and Zuko, still grinning, stepped away.

“Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon.” He said.

“Thanks.” A woman replied, making Sokka freeze.

He turned on the stool to face Katara as the woman approached the register. Katara, seeing Sokka’s strained face, stopped laughing and looked up from where she was slumped over on the counter. He held a finger to his lips and Katara raised an eyebrow.

After the register dinged and the woman walked away, Sokka relaxed.

“I think that’s her.” Sokka whispered.

“Her, who?” Katara whispered.

“The book thief.” Sokka said and Katara gasped as quietly as she could while sliding upright.

“Shestole your book?” She questioned.

“No, stop, no.” Sokka sighed and glanced to the side where Zuko was working on the espresso machine.

“I tried to get a copy but the last one was reserved. It was her book.” Sokka said.

“Oh, so you were the book thief.” Katara said.

“I hate you.”

Katara looked past him and Sokka hissed at her.

“She’s cute.” She said, leaning forward and propping her elbows on the countertop. “And she’s obviously a weirdo like you since she actually wanted that book enough to reserve it.”

Zuko poured a latte and moved out from behind the counter. Sokka turned as Zuko took the cup and saucer over to Suki’s table. When it wasn’t busy, Zuko often served tableside, but this time felt like a personal attack.

“Oh, is that ‘A Sigil of Smoke?’” Zuko asked.

In the small shop, Sokka could hear every word and felt his blood pressure drop.

“Yeah, I just got it.” Suki replied, running a hand over the plastic covered front of the book.

“My friend reads those books.” Zuko said, gesturing back toward the countertop.

Suki looked over and Sokka turned, shielding his face with a hand.

“Ah. Well, I think he’ll enjoy this one. Once he gets to it.” Suki added and Sokka grumbled to himself.

Zuko walked back over and took his place behind the bar, looking from Katara to Sokka.

“What?” He asked.

“I think Sokka is intimidated by Book Lady.” Katara stated.

“I am not!” Sokka snapped.

“I don’t know. She looks nice. She’s cute and she likes the same book you do.” Zuko offered.

“And?” Sokka pressed.

“Well it’s not like I have any hot friends you can date.” Katara said with a shrug.

“You think I’m hot?” Zuko asked, leaning over to prop his face in his hands in front of Katara.

“Cool it, Bean Jockey.” Katara said, putting her hand in his face and pushing him back.

“You two are terrible.” Sokka said.

“You should talk to her.” Katara urged.

“Maybe I will!” Sokka said and slid off the stool. Before his brain could catch up with him, he was suddenly standing next to Suki’s table.

“Hi.” He said.

“I’m not done with it yet.” Suki replied, turning a page and not looking at him.

“I was just wondering, what did you think of ‘A Flask of Fire?’” Sokka asked.

Suki did look up and Sokka cleared his throat.

“You actually read this series?” She asked.

“Yes?” Sokka replied nervously.

“You know mostly women read this.” Suki said.

“Yeah, well….” Sokka stammered “I picked up ‘A Flash of Fang’ at an airport years ago and I really enjoyed it and I then I really liked Micah in ‘A Turning of Tides’ because where I’m from wolves and the moon are pretty important and really the romance isn’t even that obnoxious, but anyway men can also like romance stories and, did I even introduce myself? I’m Sokka.”

He sighed and Suki chuckled, finally setting down the book.

“I think ‘Tides’ is my favorite so far.” She said.

Suki then laced her fingers together and rested her chin there.

“Would you like to sit down? I haven’t met another Demarkus fan that wasn’t a middle aged woman in an unhappy marriage.” She said.

Sokka slid into the seat opposite her and laid his hands on the table.

“Before we go any further, are you Team Raluca, Team Micah, or Team Mayra?” He asked.

“Not even going to give Raluca’s sire a chance?” Suki asked with a laugh. “I like that.”

Sokka smiled.

“Team Micah.” Suki said and then sat back, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Though I’m really liking Mayra after how this book opened.” She continued.

“You wound me.” Sokka said, clasping his hands to his chest.

Suki laughed again and Sokka couldn’t help but grin.

“You’re kidding. They’re all named like that?” Katara exclaimed from the counter.

Sokka and Suki turned, watching as Katara lifted her face from Zuko’s phone. She blushed and Zuko took the phone back, laughing.

“A Blush of Blood?” Katara stated.

“I’ll fight you.” Sokka said.

“I’ll win.” Katara retorted.

“Do you want to go somewhere quieter?” Suki asked.

Stunned, Sokka turned back to her.

“What?” He asked.

“I’d like to keep talking to you. Preferably without an audience.”

“Oh. Yeah. Yes.” Sokka stammered. “Food? I mean, would you like to get some lunch? With me?”

Suki smiled.

“Yes, I’d like to get lunch with you.” She said. As she slid the book into her bag, Sokka stood and looked at her nearly full cup.

“I owe you a coffee too.” He said.

Suki stood and looked down at it as well.

“What a great way to line up a second date.” She said.

“Or extend the first one.” Sokka replied.

She eyed him, the corner of her mouth hitched up in a smile.

“We’ll see.” She said.

Sokka smiled back.
