#jax x mc




Pairing: Jax X MC

Rating: NSFW/18+

Note: So after I saw this exchange in the first chapter of Book 2:


I felt like there could be a good story or some sort of inside joke there, so I thought up this fic. By request from a few people in the tag list, there are some references to a previous fic  Performance Review.  

Tag List:@choicesarehard@lizeboredom@a-whore-of-rome@ladynonsense@boneandfur@debramcg1106@tmarie82@teamtomsato@srta-give-me-my-jax-rl@lorirwrites@backalleykat@choiceslife@blackcatkita@thatspicegirlssong@fairydustandsarcasm@alegria1580@alesana45

Word Count: 1439

“Okay, now what about this one?” Lexi twirls around to show off the new clothes she just bought.

“Yeah, looks great,” Jax murmurs, not even bothering to look up from the papers on the desk. Lexi had turned Lily’s bedroom into office after she moved to the Shadow Den. It had been nice for her and Jax to be able to spend more time together instead of being at their respective offices all the time, but sometimes it felt like Jax worked even more than he would otherwise.

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I decided to take a brief venture back from my tumblr hiatus tonight to read a few choice fics. And DAAAAYYYMMMNNNN … I picked a good one to start with.

I love the way you write dirty Jax @walkerismychoice. You may actually be converting me to the Jax side
