#jay halstead imagines


Dangerous Jobs - Jay Halstead

Jay x reader severide

Kelly x sister reader


Word count: 681

Summary:Both Jay and Y/n have dangerous jobs, but will Jay be a hypocritic?

Authors Note: My first Jay Halstead Imagine! Feel free to Request for him.

P.s - Might eventually change Chicago fire masterlist to One rChicago masterlist so everything will be und theree


Chicago Fire Masterlist


“You know my brother’s gonna flip, right?” Wil said as he entered the hospital room seeing Y/n there wasn’t to much of an unusual sight. But she was there a lot less often then his own brother. He knew Jay would flip out once he heard she was here for any reason. So would her brother.

“Yeah, so is mine.” Y/n let out an unamused laugh.

“Your gonna have 2 men to deal with. Sucks to be you.” Will smirked teasing her.

“Jackass.” she responded and they both broke out into laughter. It was nice to be good friends with her boyfriend’s brother. The two ended up getting to joke around a bit longer before the door to the room opened. Upon seeing who had opened the door, Will took that as his queue to leave.

“What were you thinking?!” Jay yelled as he entered the room, Kelly following not far behind.

“I’m guessing you told him what happened?” Y/n asked tilting her head to the side looking at her brother.

Kelly shrugged his shoulders. “He was gonna find out sooner or later.”

“Why would you risk your life like that?” Jay scolded her crossing his arms over his chest.

“Hey-” Kelly raised his voice cutting Jay off before he could scold his sister anymore for doing her job. “As much as I hate it to Halstead. She saved a young girl’s life, and your one to talk about life risking stuff.”

It was silent for a few minutes but Jay did stop. He couldn’t argue he got hurt way more than Y/n did. She did save a life.

“Hey Kelly, can you give us a minute?” Y/n aksed licking her dry lips.

“Yeah, Y/n/n.” Kelly nodded, he understood there was a conversation that needed to be had between the couple. “I’ll go get you a drink, okay?”

“Hmmmhmmm, thanks.” Y/n smiled gratefully to her brother.

“y/n-” Jay went to start after Kelly left the room but Y/n cut him off.

“No, Jay. I watch you get shot and beat up all the time. More than I and I’m sure Will would like. This.” Y/n gestured with her hands across her body. “This is nothing. Hell, I even get to be discharged tonight and back to work next shift.”

Jay listened till she was done. He knew he overreacted but it scared him that he could have lost her in the blink of an eye. “I know, I know. I just don’t like seeing you hurt.”

“I don’t like seeing you hurt but that’s practically a weekly thing.” Y/n stated, she understood Jay’s feelings completely. But it doesn’t change the facts. They have dangerous jobs getting hurt happens. Y/n let out a sigh looking down at her hands in her lap as Jay moved to sit in the chair next to her hospital bed. “I saved a young girl’s life. I don’t regret it. I know you love what you do and I support it but…”

“I can’t be a Hippocratic?” Jay finished smiling at her.

“No offense.” Y/n dropped her head to the side smiling back at him.

“None taken.” he shook his head, dismissing the form of apologies. “I’m sorry I got mad at you. I just worry about you.”

Y/n reached out, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together. “An I appreciate it. But we both have dangerous jobs. I promise if it was something serious-”

Jay nodded in understanding. “I know. Me too.”

“Is it safe?”Kelly asked as he popped his head through the door after opening it. He could tell by the lifted mood in the room that they had worked out their little issue.

“Yeah, it’s safe. You know Kel I find it off-ly convent that you decide to happily fill in Jay when I happen to be hurt.” Y/n smirked at her older brother.

“More people to watch over you the better.” Kelly shrugged his shoulder smiling guiltily. Jay couldn’t agree with the lieutenant more.
