#jayce the defender of tomorrow


Jayce, dramatically flopping on the work bench: Viktor, tell me I’m pretty

Viktor, smiling sweetly: you’re pretty fucking annoying is what you are

Jayce: if being sexy is a crime, than I should be jailed for 100 years

Viktor: 100 years? For a crime you didn’t commit?

Vi: I can haunt you

Jayce: pfft go for it

Vi: an octopus is just a wet spider

[later that night]

Jayce, staring at the ceiling thinking about wet spiders:fuck

Vi: you’re my best friend, but I’d fuck you if you asked



Jayce, from across the room: SHE SAID SHE’D FUCK YOU IF YOU ASKED!

Jayce: my cat ran away…

Viktor, who was only dating Jayce for his cat: I have more bad news

Vi: I hate being touched. The only physical contact I would tolerate is punching someone in the face

Jayce:Caitlynis literally hugging you, right now

Vi: t-this is completely different

Sky: yesterday I overheard Jayce saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Viktor replying “Trust me.”

Sky: I have never moved from one room to another so fast in my life

Jayce: if I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?

Vi: you’re weak

Caitlyn: you’re strong

Viktor: you’re stupid

Jayce: did it hurt whe-


Jayce: you didn’t let me fin-

Viktor: everything hurts

Jayce: what’s worse than a heartbreak?

Viktor: stepping on a cats tail and not being able to explain how sorry you are

Jayce: I’m seriously trying to tell you, I’m NOT GAY!

Jayce: I mean my boyfriend is gay as hell, but ME?! No way


Jayce: I got arrested last night for being to handsome ;)

Viktor: and you got released this morning due to lack of evidence :|

Mel: I’d say I’m a early bird

Jayce: I think I’m more of a night owl

Viktor: I’m sort of a permanently exhausted pigeon

Cashier: did you find everything okay?

Jayce, who spent three hours looking for chips: yes, thank you
