#jayce x yn



Arcane Characters as Shit my Friends and I have Said Pt.2

Caitlin:In a menstruator’s life time, they bleed enough to forge a sword out if the blood they discard



Jayce: Viktor, what’s your favourite kind of wood?

Viktor, without missing a beat:Dick

Jayce: Fuck you

Viktor: Right back at you, you cock gobbling hobgoblin :D

Jayce: Pretty original, I like that

Vi: 72 inches? That’s the size of my pp

(A/N: This next one was from the same convo as the first one.)

Viktor: Somebody S e d a t e M e

Jinx: Literally same

Viktor: I wish to temporarily remove my legs

Jinx: I want to remove my uterus and have it preserved in resin to turn into a sword so I can have a sword embellished with my discarded uterus to slay my enemies

Viktor: That would be fuckin’ metal, ngl

Viktor: You ever lay down in a certain position and one of your bones just like, juts out

Viktor: and then you spend a solid minute just poking at your bones because your brain just can’t comprehend that there is literally just a layer of skin and muscle preventing you from actually touching them

Jayce: Nah, my flesh onezie is too THICC for that

Viktor: I wish to feel my meat suit scaffolding

Jayce: I have made a grave error

Jayce: I drank two coffees out of a really big mug even though I’ve been having stomach problems lately ‘cause I’ve gotta get my fix of caffeine

Jayce: and now I’m shaking and nauseous as hell

Jayce: But I also feel like I could fight god and absolutely knock his ass on the floor

*a beat of silence*

Jayce: I’m still gonna workout ‘cause I have no sense of self preservation

Jayce: Hopefully my heart doesn’t explode! :D

Viktor, absolutely done with this man’s shit: Jayce, sit your ass down, eat some bread and chug some water
