

️ Synopsis: Y/N grew up with Iwaizumi and Oikawa. You were inseparable through middle school and high school, until Oikawa’s love life started to have increasingly negative repercussions for you. After an unexpected incident forces you out of Aoba Johsai and into Tokyo’s Nekoma your bonds are tested. Will your friendship with the duo be able to survive?

️ A/N: Repost from my old blog. The end of Kuroo’s route! Next up is Iwaizumi’s route!

️ Warnings: insecurity/anxiety

️ Word Count: 1.9k

Series Masterlist

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

Kuroo’s finger hovered over the call button. He hadn’t really thought about what he would actually say to you. He wasn’t even sure he would be able to handle looking at you without breaking down. He knew that he had messed up. He had let his own insecurities lead him down a dark road of overthinking, and when the path had completely enveloped him in darkness he had rejected the light you offered in favor of finding his own way out.

He didn’t want to lose you even though he was the one who had been pushing you away for weeks. He knew that he didn’t deserve you, but he wanted to try to make things right.

Taking a deep breath he let his finger fall, pressing the call button. Your image flickered into view on the screen. Your eyes were red and puffy, your hair disheveled. You looked like you hadn’t slept in days. His words caught in his throat as he looked at you. You had your eyes averted, looking out away from the camera, away from him.

“I’m an idiot YN” he breathes, trying to hold back the tears he could feel prickling at the corners of his eyes. You were a mess and it was his fault, and it broke his heart to see you like this. You scoffed, agreeing with his obvious statement but remaining quiet. “I failed at the easiest and most important part of relationship- communication. I let myself get overwhelmed and instead of relying on you to help me through it I pushed you away.”

He paused, settling back on his bed as he decided what he wanted to say next. “School was always easy for me. As long as I put in a little effort I could accomplish anything with ease. Realizing that college wasn’t like that was unsettling. I had to work harder this past semester than I did in all three years of high school. I struggled to balance my course load. I struggled to find time for my family, my friends, for you. I was overwhelmed by the small amount of time I could find to spend with you. Watching you only made me feel worse.”

He watched as your eyebrows scrunched together at his words, an uneasy frown forming on your face. “Everything you do looks effortless. The way you appear to perfectly balance school work, family, friends, me. Watching you work your way through the semester seemingly worry free heightened my own insecurities. I felt like I was falling behind, and that feeling naturally escalated into worrying that I was also holding you back. So I pushed you away, not wanting to be the reason why you didn’t reach as far as you could go.”

He took a deep shaky breath, feeling his emotions surging up within him. “I am sorry that I failed you YN. I’m sorry that I pushed you away instead of letting you support me. I’m sorry that I didn’t just talk to you when I started to feel this way.”

There was wetness on his cheeks, he reached up feeling the tears fall from his eyes. He had his gaze averted, staring at this ceiling instead of at you. He wiped at his eyes, frustrated that he was breaking down in the middle of his apology. Finally, he turned his gaze back to you, watching the tears roll from your (e/c) eyes. “Most importantly I am sorry that I hurt you.”

Kuroo listened as you choked out a sob, burying your face in your arm as you pulled your knees to your chest. You had dropped your phone, so he could only listen to you cry as he stared at his ceiling. He sat with tears rolling freely from his own eyes. How he wished you were here. He would have pulled you into his arms to comfort you. Instead, you were a world away, alone in your friends apartment.

He felt like the shittiest person to walk this earth.

When you stopped crying he quickly wiped his face, removing his own tears before you picked up your phone. “What do you want from me Tetsu?”

“I want you to be with me” he answered instinctively. He huffed out a breath, running his fingers through his hair. “Let me rephrase that. I know I don’t deserve it, but would you consider giving me time to fix things between us?”

He watched as your eyes searched his face before you laid your head sideways across your knees looking out into the room. “I’m staying in Argentina for a while, I’m not sure when I’ll be back.” Your eyes focused on him again. “But, if you want, you can pick me up from the airport. We still have a lot to talk about, and I’m not promising you anything, but I still feel the same about you today as I did a week ago. I am absolutely hurting, but I still want you Tetsu. I want to make this work.”

He let out the breath he had been holding, relief flooding through his veins. Things may not be perfect but you weren’t going to give up on him and that was all that mattered to him. “Just let me know what time your plane will arrive and I will be there.”

He watched as you stood, stretching out in that familiar lazy way. “I’m going to hang up the call now Tetsu. We will talk again when I get back.” He nodded, eyes never leaving yours as your image flickered off the screen. One week, Kuroo thought, one week to get my shit together so that I don’t lose you.

Your brief vacation in Argentina paired with the long layovers between your flights back to Tokyo gave you time to think about everything that had happened between you and Kuroo.

When your flight landed you were glad to see that he was waiting for you. “Hello” you said awkwardly as you approached him. He was fidgeting, you could see him struggling with the uncertainty of how he was supposed to act. There were to many questions still lingering in the air. Too many issues that needed resolved, but you had missed him.

He may be an idiot, and he may suck at communicating with you, but he was your idiot. You stepped forwards, laying your forehead against his shoulder. He tentatively wrapped his arms around your back. The two of you stood there for a few minutes, then you stepped back. “Let’s order food and go to my apartment. I’m pretty tired.”

You walked side by side and took a cab to your apartment. You had barely sat your belongings down in your room when a loud knock came at the front door. Kuroo collected the take out from the delivery person while you grabbed a quick shower and changed into clean, comfortable clothes. The two of you sat on your couch, eating. He asked you about Argentina, listening intently as you told him the details of your stay there. An awkward silence fell over the room after you had finished eating. You were exhausted, but you knew that if you didn’t have this conversation now it would only make you both feel worse.

“I thought a lot about the things you said on the call last week Tetsu. I have a lot to say and I ask that you let me get it all out before you speak. Will you listen to what I have to say?” He nods, turning on the couch to face you so that you have his full attention. You drew in a deep breath, this was going to be a long talk.

“Growing up with my barely there mother I relied on Iwaizumi and Oikawa and their families a lot. They are more my family than my own mother is at this point. I watched the two of them push themselves fully into everything they did, especially volleyball. I mimicked that commitment and it easily became second nature for me to push myself too hard.”

“For all the times Iwaizumi and I have had to yell at Oikawa for overextending himself, they’ve probably had to do the same for me double that amount. A lot of the classes we took in school were easy for me, yes. Even now a lot of the classes I am enrolled in are not as difficult as I would like them to be. A lot of that comes naturally to me. I love to learn, it’s just part of who I am.” You paused, taking a moment to realign your thoughts.

“My biggest fault, as Oikawa says, is that I am too willing to push myself beyond my limits for the people I care about. No, this semester wasn’t as rough for me as it was for you. But I pulled an obnoxious amount of late nights, sometimes running on only three or four hours of sleep a day. I pushed myself to study hard and get all of my work done quicker so that I would have time to spend with you and everyone else.”

You ran your hands through your hair. “I am sorry, Tetsu, if I unintentionally made you feel as if you weren’t good enough for me. You are so smart, so hardworking, kind, funny, and just incredible overall. The fact that you are struggling will never change my opinion of you. I am your partner and I am here to help you when you feel as though you are sinking.”

You scoot forward, pressing your hand to his chest. “I want to be with you. I want you to rely on me and talk to me when you are stuck. I want the good and the bad, because I love you Tetsu.

His eyes are watery with unshed tears as you reach up to cup his cheek. “I am not going anywhere, but you have to trust me. If you can’t put the same faith in me that I have in you, this will never work. Can you believe in and rely on me Tetsu?”

Tears are falling down his cheeks now. You don’t move, waiting for him to gather his thoughts and reply.”I am an idiot,” he starts, “but I want nothing more in this world than to be your idiot. I cant promise that I won’t make mistakes, but I want you there to put me in my place. I want you by my side through my struggles. Watching you believe in me pushes me to believe in myself. I need you with me.”

You pull him against you, letting him cry as you rub soothing circles across his shoulder blades. When he calms down, he pulls back, his hands coming up to grip your face.

“I will be better for you. I love you so much kitten.”

You press your lips against his, a soft kiss at first, but the longing for him quickly deepens the kiss. You kiss hungrily, all of the emotions the two of you have been holding back for the past weeks seeping into the movement of your lips. You kiss until your movements become lazy.

“Will you stay the night with me?” You breathe your question against his lips, your forehead pressed against his. You hold your breath as you wait for his response.

“I would love to stay with you YN.”

The two of you retreat into your bedroom. You lay on the bed, your chest resting above his heart, eyes drooping sleepily. “We will make it work Tetsu, we just have to work together.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head, his fingers tracing patterns against your arm and across the small of your back. 

“Together” he whispers.

️ Synopsis: Y/N grew up with Iwaizumi and Oikawa. You were inseparable through middle school and high school, until Oikawa’s love life started to have increasingly negative repercussions for you. After an unexpected incident forces you out of Aoba Johsai and into Tokyo’s Nekoma your bonds are tested. Will your friendship with the duo be able to survive?

️ A/N: Repost from my old blog.

️ Warnings: Underage drinking. Kuroo is a jerk.

️ Word Count: k

Series Masterlist

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

Your first semester of college has finally drawn to a close. You’re exhausted from the stress of finals and ready for a solid vacation. During one of your brief lunch conversations you mentioned to Kuroo about going somewhere together during the break, but after learning that he picked up a part-time job and would be working you opted to stay in Tokyo and just enjoy the moments he could spare.

You have never really classified yourself as a clingy person. You love having your own space and thrive in the silence that came with it. You especially love being able to just sit in the same room with your boyfriend, each of you doing your own thing. You also love the physical contact that being in the same space allows. You can easily curl up against his chest while he studies.

Those moments had grown exceedingly rare over the past two months. Kuroo having a large course load of group projects, and you having joined a study group. Now that summer has arrived you can’t contain your excitement- you can finally fall back into the pattern of regular sleep overs and cute dates.

The first day of summer break is the first day the two of you will get to see each other. Bokuto’s team is holding a party to celebrate their season, and the two of you will both be there. Kuroo has work at his part-time job beforehand, so you plan to meet him there.

You decide to spend your day with Akaashi, taking the time to go shopping and buy a new outfit for the evening. You know it’s just a regular house party, so you opt for something casual but formfitting- very intent on attempting to convince your boyfriend to call it a night early so that you can finally have him to yourself for a while.

Akaashi had met most of Bokuto’s teammates already and gave you the basic rundown of who was who while you were getting ready. There were a few peculiar gems among the team which had you laughing. You knew Bokuto had found the place he truly belonged just based on your cousins descriptions.

The music was already loud, a steady thump of base emanating through the front door, as you climb out of the cab you’d taken. The party isn’t as packed as you imagined it would be, but you’re grateful as this makes it easier for you to seek out the tall bed head you are longing for. Searching through the crowd, you follow Akaashi into a living room.

“HEY HEY HEY THERE’S MY FAVORITE PEOPLE!” Bokuto’s voice booms above the music. You turn to him, beaming, as he swings you into a quick hug before clinging to his boyfriend. “C’mon YN! You gotta meet the team!” Bokuto ushers you forward through the crowd to the kitchen where most of his teammates linger.

“Now ya decide to come crawlin’ back huh?”

You stop, eyes closed and face pulled in annoyance at the unexpected but familiar voice. An arm wraps around your shoulder. Opening your eyes you peek to the side to see none other than Atsumu Miya, one of the twins you had temporarily befriended in Hyogo during the summer of your second year of high school.

You brush his arm off, rolling your eyes at him. “As if you ever had a chance with me to begin with Atsumu” you taunt.

“Don’t deny it doll, you couldn’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout me. I can still dick ya down if ya beg for it.” He makes no attempts at keeping his voice low, his comment drawing the immediate attention of everyone in the room.

You can feel your blood beginning to boil. Back when you stayed in Hyogo he and his twin brother Osamu were your only friends. Sure they were both equally annoying, and they never stopped picking stupid fights with each other, but they made your stay fun.

Atsumu has always had a way of pressing your buttons just right to rile you up, and you know that he’s only saying this to get a reaction out of you. Logically, you know you should brush him off and step away from the scene. Instead, you lean forward, taking his bait. “I’ve already kicked your ass once in this lifetime piss head, and I will gladly do it again.” Atsumu smirks, and you would love nothing more than to knock the look right off of his face, but you’re saved when a hand comes down on his shoulder.

“Stop pickin’ fights with people stronger than ya, shithead. ’m not taking care of yer dumbass when YN beats ya up again.”

You can’t help the small smile that tugs at your lips as you lean away. The smirk disappears from Atsumu’s face as he shrugs his brother’s hand off.

“Just havin’ some fun ya bastard” he grumbles, walking away.

You turn to study Osamu, his face bank as he looks back at you. “If it isn’t my favorite Miya twin!” You’re grinning as you turn back to where Bokuto and Akaashi are standing.

Bokuto’s eyes are wide, a look of light concern on his face. “How do you know TsumTsum YN?” he asks.

“TsumTsum?” you copy, letting out a loud giggle.

“Shut yer whore mouth YN” Atsumu shouts from across the room.

“I went to visit my grandparents in Hyogo the summer of my second year of high school. My mom was supposed to be there with me, but left after one day for work stuff. Those two idiots were my neighbors for the summer. Naturally I was dragged into their antics.” Atsumu has made his way back to the group now, an extra drink in his hand. He offers it to you. You eye it warily, watching as he rolls his eyes and takes a sip before pushing it into your hand. “Thanks TsumTsum.

“So Bo, you gonna introduce me to the important members of your team or is it just this neanderthal and his reasonable twin?”

“‘Samu ain’t on the team doll, and if ya want the most important team member yer lookin’ at him.” Atsumu says.

You’re slightly surprised to hear that Osamu had given up volleyball. “So if you left volleyball does that mean your opening your own restaurant finally ‘Samu?”

The corner of his lips turns into a brief smile as he answers you. “Surprised ya remember that YN, but yeah. That’s the goal anyways, gettin’ a business degree to help with the process.”

You nod in understanding, opening a restaurant successfully couldn’t be a simple or easy task. “Let me know when you finally open it up and I’ll stop in to support you.”

Bokuto draws your attention away from the twins quickly introducing you to everyone else on his team. In the corner, away from everyone else, is the most intriguing of the teammates Akaashi had mentioned. As you approach with Bokuto, you watch his face twist in displeasure. You stop a few feet away from him as Bokuto gets distracted by someone else’s arrival in the room.

“You must be Sakusa?” He eyes you warily, eliciting a small laugh from you “Don’t worry, I have no intention to get any closer than I already am. Akaashi told me that you value your personal space, and I respect that. Although I’m not quite sure how you manage being on a team with Bo. That boy has no understanding of the concept of personal space, never has.”

His face relaxes a bit as he listens to you. You can tell by his posture he is still very guarded, but he answers your question, willing to converse with you from a distance. “It was horrid the first week or two after joining the team. I don’t think I have ever showered so many times in a day as I did then. He has gotten a lot better though. Mostly because I sprayed him with a can of Lysol once or twice.”

You chuckle at the image your mind conjures of the germaphobe spraying Bokuto with Lysol. “If it worked that’s all that matter right?”

He nods in agreement. “You are not what I expected… I don’t know your name actually.”

“Oh, I apologize. Poor form not introducing myself before starting a conversation. I am LN YN. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

You are enjoying your conversation with Sakusa when you feel an arm wrap around your waist. “It’s a party YN, ya can’t just stand in the corner talkin’ to Omi the whole time!”

You step forward, unintentionally encroaching on Sakusa’s personal space as to turn to face Atsumu again. “Put your hand on my waist again and I’ll break your fingers ‘Tsumu.” His eyes go wide, but before he can respond you see a familiar mop of dark bed head wander into the room. You offer a quick goodbye to Sakusa. “If you are ever in town and in the mood for peaceful company feel free to get my number off of Bokuto. I couldn’t imagine being surrounded by these obnoxious children all day every day.” He nods, as you walk away.

You find Kuroo on the other side of the kitchen, leaning against the counter talking to a short brunette. She touches his forearm as she laughs at whatever he said, and you feel your aura shift angrily. You approach the two of them, clearing your throat when you are close enough for them to hear. The girl looks at you, and shakily takes her leave. You’re used to the way some people react to you. You’ve been dealing with accidentally making younger, easily intimidated people cry with just your natural presence.

You aren’t really a scary person,” you remember Oikawa and Iwaizumi trying to explain to you, “it’s just the way your face is unreadable. No one knows what you’re thinking and that paired with the confidence you expel can come off as really intimidating.” “You’re fine the way you are YN-Chan! Iwa-Chan has a naturally scary face too!” Oikawa has added earning himself a disgruntled smack to the back of his head from Iwaizumi.

You smile at Kuroo, moving to slide your arms around him. “That was petty YN” he huffs. You freeze, staring at him with a dumbfounded expression. You have barely seen in each other in weeks, barely even spoken outside of the short text messages you exchange, and the first thing he says to you is that you’re being petty for not wanting some random girl to flirt with him. You come back to your senses, choosing to brush the comment off in favor of not spending your evening arguing, but are interrupted as Bokuto appears.

“Kubroooo!!! Let’s go show these fools who the real pong champions are!” He shouts loudly as he drags your boyfriend away. You stand in the kitchen, staring after the duo. A pit is forming in the bottom of your stomach and you can’t quite shake the feeling that something is wrong. You shake the feeling away, burying it as best you can, before venturing after them.

They win several rounds of the game before finally giving up to do other things. You take advantage of the opportunity to sneak your arms around Kuroo from behind. You tense at the unfamiliar huff he lets out. “Why are you suddenly so clingy tonight YN?” He asks, the annoyance in his voice pulling that pit back to the front of your mind.

You pull away instinctively, feeling the familiar sting of tears as they make their way into your eyes. “I’m just excited to be able to spend some time with you Tetsu. I’ve missed you.” Your voice is shakier than you wished for it to be. 

Kuroo turns to look at you, an unfamiliar look in his eyes. “And I’m just trying to have a good time at a party with my friends, not have you stuck to me like a koala.”

You can’t help the gasp that escapes your lips. You bite your cheek, nodding slowly. “Okay” is all you say, turning and walking away.

You find Akaashi, locked deep in a kiss with Bokuto, but you quickly interrupt. He promises to make sure Kuroo doesn’t do anything too stupid. You make your way to the front door of the house, stepping outside to call for a taxi. A car pulls up to the front of the curb, the window rolling down to reveal Sakusa. “If you are leaving I can give you a ride back into town” he says. You nod, making your way over.

He hands you a bottle of hand sanitizer when you enter, and you breathe out a small laugh before using it. He eyes you cautiously. He can easily see the difference in your demeanor between now and when you first met this evening. He chooses not to prod, not willing to involve himself in your business. You enjoy the ride to your apartment building in silence, offering a quick thank you before he drives away.

You’re back in your apartment, a hot shower doing nothing to calm the emotional hurricane you are experiencing. You lay on your bed, finally letting the tears from the evening wash over you. You aren’t sure when you fell asleep, you only remember waking in the early hours of the morning. You check your phone, a few missed notifications awaiting you. You open the messages from Kuroo, phone falling to the bed as you read them.
