#jenny redford



Shane Taylor is playing with fire. The lawyer renegotiating the contract with his players’ union is sexy, smart – and her brother owns his team’s biggest rival. Oh, and he already slept with her. Is it wrong to want more?

Buy on Amazon or read on Kindle Unlimited


I can’t believe it, but I just published by fourth book! Four! And this crazy journey all started with a Captain Swan AU I decided to rewrite and publish as an original novel. So crazy. It’s been awhile since I last published a book so sorry it’s taken a bit, but I hope the wait was worth it. And holy crap, amazing betas @spartanguardand@ultraluckycatnd were amazing. Hope you guys like this one!

Ryan McCloud just wanted to stay in a cottage on Harbor Lake to give himself a mental reset after a heartbreaking loss in the playoffs. He didn’t expect to find a woman he actually knew staying in the quaint cabin next door. He wanted to forget everything about his life in Detroit, but now that Lucy was so close, he couldn’t keep his mind off of her.

Sure, Lucy Evans knew a Detroit Pirate, but that was only because he lived next door to her best friend in an amazing building in the city. Seeing Ryan without a shirt on in a cottage up north? Well, that made her think things she hadn’t before about the immature hockey player and his muscular body, especially after he has his way with her on his kitchen counter.

But things change when they have to face the real world in Detroit, and it won’t be easy to overlook their differences anymore. Will Lucy be able to get over the fact that this Detroit Pirate may not be mature enough for a relationship with her? And can Ryan prove that he’s worthy of the love of a smart and sophisticated lawyer?

Available on Amazon for $2.99 (less than the cost of a pumpkin spice latte)

And Buried Treasure is on sale on Amazon for only 99 cents!

Hey, everyone! In case you didn’t pick up “For the Captain” already, it’s on sale for a limited time!

Jordan King is known as the most eligible bachelor in the Motor City, especially now that he’s been named the captain of the legendary Detroit Pirates. But Jordan realizes the title carries with it a new-found sense of responsibility. He needs to be a leader if he wants the team to win it all this season, which means leaving behind his reputation as a partying ladies’ man.

Charlotte Stone is a best-selling author and Manhattan socialite who is sick of the city. She’s determined to live somewhere different that doesn’t include being a guest star on her mother’s reality show. But places like London or Los Angeles would just be more of the same. Then she hears about a building renovation project in Detroit and decides a move to somewhere completely unexpected is exactly what she needs.

What Charlotte doesn’t need is another hockey player in her life. Two years ago, she dated the biggest pest in the league who ended up breaking her heart. So why is she trying to find excuses to see the all-star captain of the Pirates?

And how did she become the only woman who could derail Jordan’s plan to win it all?

Contemporary series second runner up, Washington Romance Writers’ Marlene Contest (2016)

Sydney Barton had a good life with a nice apartment and a great job. Then she went to work one day and found out her boss had embezzled millions of dollars from his clients, leaving her with no career and no future. Sydney never saw it coming and realizes there’s no way she will ever trust anyone again, professionally or personally.

Then Andy Mitchell showed up at her door.

Andy enjoyed his job as the trainer for the Detroit Pirates for the most part, except for mornings like the one when the team’s rookie sensation collapsed in the locker room with a rebellious appendix. With Ryan McCloud on the injured reserved list, it’s up to Andy to get started on a recovery plan.

If Andy had just remembered the keys to Ryan’s apartment, he would’ve never knocked on the door of the rookie’s neighbor, Sydney. But now that he has, can Sydney and Andy put their trust in one another when it’s so hard for each of them to remember what that means?

Buy it on Amazon or add it to your KU reading list!

Jordan King is known as the most eligible bachelor in the Motor City, especially now that he’s been named the captain of the legendary Detroit Pirates. But Jordan realizes the title carries with it a new-found sense of responsibility. He needs to be a leader if he wants the team to win it all this season, which means leaving behind his reputation as a partying ladies’ man.

Charlotte Stone is a best-selling author and Manhattan socialite who is sick of the city. She’s determined to live somewhere different that doesn’t include being a guest star on her mother’s reality show. But places like London or Los Angeles would just be more of the same. Then she hears about a building renovation project in Detroit and decides a move to somewhere completely unexpected is exactly what she needs.

What Charlotte doesn’t need is another hockey player in her life. Two years ago, she dated the biggest pest in the league who ended up breaking her heart. So why is she trying to find excuses to see the all-star captain of the Pirates?

And how did she become the only woman who could derail Jordan’s plan to win it all?

Amazon: Buy it for $2.99 or read it on Kindle Unlimited
