#jeno timestamps


TW: mentions of sexual assault and violence

[9:59] You should’ve known better, you were taught to know better. You wore modest clothing at work, you never got excessively drunk alone, you chose all your words carefully, you were kind towards all unwanted advances, you never stayed out super late. You told yourself a million times that you did everything right but you still found yourself in this situation. Where your boss tried to force themselves on top of you.

Luckily, you were able to get away before anything actually happened. You had run out of the room so fast that you didn’t notice, Jeno walking towards you. Jeno was gonna visit you, thinking about all the times you visited him during late night practices, he wanted to do the same.

When Jeno noticed you running towards him, not paying attention, he dropped the bag of snacks he was carrying, catching you instead.

As soon as you collided with Jeno, you were trying to push away. Jeno was trying to physically hold you still, but your body still being in flight mode, was doing anything to get away.

“(y/n),” Jeno said firmly to get your attention, his demeanor stiff from trying to hold you. When you finally looked up and seen it was him, did you start to calm down a bit. Tears were already falling from your eyes, Jeno’s demeanor softened. “What’s wrong?”

You tried to answer, but you couldn’t get the words out. And at that time your boss had caught up to you. “(y/n),” your boss called out, you didn’t have to turn around to see him wear that fake smirk, “so glad I caught you before you left, I hope you don’t misunderstand earlier.”

You physically flinch at the mention of prior events, Jeno took notice of this. Jeno didn’t know what happened, but he understood enough. His demeanor changing once again, you could feel him go into a more protective mode. Jeno stared down your boss, as he moved you to be behind him.

You heard your boss chuckle, “this is all just a big misunderstanding, (y/n) tell him,” your boss tilted himself trying to catch your eye.

“You tried to rape me,” you spoke just loud enough for your voice to be heard.

“You bitch,” your boss spat as he tried to charge at you. Jeno stopped him, taking your boss’ throat in his hand.

Jeno was a normally very strong person, that was accustomed to using his strength to get his way. You’ve had to remind him on multiple occasions about just how strong he was, considering that more than once he hurt Haechan worse than he initially thought. In this moment you didn’t want to remind Jeno about the damage he could do, as he lifted your boss like a paper weight. You could see his grip get tighter around your boss’ neck. As your boss began to turn a little too pale.

“Jeno,” you called out softly, “I want to go home please.”

Jeno would’ve killed your boss right then and there if you let him, but you didn’t. Instead Jeno dropped your boss on the floor, and turned to take you home.
