

Wet T-Shirt Contest


[gif is mine via sideblog]

pairing: justin foley x reader

prompt:garden hose

A/N: writing freestyle/without a plan is usually difficult for me, but this one flowed out, i just hope it’s good :)


“Fuck, it’s hot today!” Justin yells from where he is stood in your back garden, bouncing a football on his knee. “Sweatin’ balls over here.”

"You want some water?” You shout back over the loud music that blasts from your speaker. “I’ll go grab you some from the fridge if you want.”

Justin catches the ball and glances over to nod at you. “Thanks, babe.”

“No problem.” You wander inside, heading straight for the fridge and enjoying the coolness for a while. You let out a sigh, running your hand through your hair. Apparently, you stand there too long, as you hear the calls of your thirsty boyfriend from outside.

“Y/N? Water?" 

"Yeah, shit, sorry, I’m coming. Hold ya horses.” You grab four bottles of water: two each, and then head back outside. 

You throw the bottles to Justin, and he blows you a kiss in thanks. You pretend to catch it, and he grins. You chuckle at the small gesture that had become your ‘thing’ since you had started dating. You watch as he opens the first bottle and downs it in one, then proceeds to do the exact same thing with the second. “Jeez, Justy, you’re gonna get brain freeze.”

He rubs his head as if feeling for a temperature. “Nah, I think I’m good.”

You laugh, and then your eyes make contact with something on the ground. The garden hose is sitting there, attached and ready to be used as a weapon. You smirk and giggle, and when Justin hears this, he looks over. When he notices what you are looking at, his eyes grow wide. “Y/N… no. No!”

You laugh maniacally and then dive for the hose, just as he starts to run forwards for it too. You quickly turn on the tap and then look up at your boyfriend, putting on the evilest face you can make. “You better run.” You mutter.

“Shit.” He sighs, and then you jump into action, spraying him with the freezing cold water and chasing him around the garden. He runs and yells, though he is trying very hard not to let his joy and laughter take over.


Twenty-ish minutes later, you are both sprawled out on the wet grass, trying to capture your breath. You sit up and cross your legs, and Justin follows, shaking his hair around so that droplets hit your skin. “You feel cooled down now, huh?”

“Yes…” He rolls his eyes but smiles upon seeing how amused and happy you look. “Very, thanks very much.”

“You, um, might need to change. You’re looking like you should be entering a wet t-shirt contest right now.”

“Oh, really?” Justin reaches behind him to grab one of your bottles of water from the deck chair. Before you can even try to move and run away, he grabs you by your hip, quickly uncaps the bottle and pours the entirety of it over you. “Looks like you should be entering now, too.”

“What?” Justin raises his brows at your sudden annoyance. He looks down at your chest, your black bra now showing through the dripping shirt. He smirks at you, “oh.”

Justin pulls off his own shirt, and you are momentarily distracted with ogling him. But then you feel the breeze hit you and make the wet shirt feel freezing against your skin. “Shit!” You squeal and look down at your now-soaked shirt, which is clinging to your body and basically see-through. You frown up at him. “Great.”

“Ugh!” You whine, pulling your shirt over your head, so you are left in just your bra and denim shorts. “This is.. a mess.”

“A hot mess.” Justin corrects, wiggling his brows. “I think we should go inside and get changed together; what do ya say?”

“I say…” You stand up and start to walk towards the door, but instead of going inside, you quickly turn on the hose again, plucking it off of the ground where you had thrown it before. Since Justin had been about to follow you in, he is right behind and has barely any time to run before you are dousing him in the cool water again. “Time for round two!”

A Bet Is A Bet


[gif is mine via sideblog]

pairing: justin foley x reader


A/N: it’s been a long while since i wrote any 13rw fics, i hope you like this

You line up your shot and then kick the ball so hard that your loosened shoe slips off and flies across the field. You glance around for it quickly, brushing your hair behind your ear and holding it so you can see better in the evening light. All of a sudden, you hear your boyfriend yelling your name. You look in Justin’s direction to see a massive smile on his face as he jogs towards you.

“Y/N! You scored. That was amazing!” He slams into you, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing tightly. “Damn, girl/boy, you should join the team.”

“I told you I could. Now you owe me fifty bucks.” You giggle, though you try to wriggle free from his hold, wanting to find your shoe. “Where on earth did it go?”

“What?” He looks around the ground.

You point down to your feet and wiggle your toes. “My shoe.”

“Uh…” Justin runs past you a little, looking around with his phone torch. “Ah! Here it is.”

“Oh, yay. Thanks!” You swivel around to see him plucking it from the ground and coming back towards you.

“M'lady.” He says, gesturing for you to walk with him. He points to the bleachers, and you plop down into a seat. “May I?”

“Sure.” You sigh, shaking your head.

“Here.” He is kneeling down as if he were about to propose, glancing up at you with glee in his eyes. He pats his knee. “Put your foot right here for me.”

“There we go.” He says, sliding the sneaker back on as he reties the laces. “A perfect fit, Miss Cinderella.”

“Oh, God.” You mutter, though your heating cheeks betray your faux embarrassment at Justin’s cheesy comment. 

“All done, princess.” Once he is finished, he taps your foot, and you slide it off of his leg. 

Before you know it, you are back in his arms as he swings you around in circles. You squeal, trying to hold on to him for dear life. “Justin!”

“Seriously, Y/N, you should definitely join the team.” He finally stops, letting you slide down the front of his body to put you back on your feet. “That kick was amazing.”

“Why, thank you.” You wrap your arms around his neck and peck his lips. “I told you, Foley. You shouldn’t have challenged me.”

Ah, yes.“ Justin slides one hand from your waist and into his pocket. He pulls out the money and waves it around in the minimal space between the two of you. "As promised, fifty bucks. A bet’s a bet.”

“Hm. Actually…” You take the notes from him, shoving it back into his pants pocket, before zipping it up and moving your arms down to circle his midsection. “I think…” You pull him as close as you possibly can, enough that you can feel each others’ breaths on your faces. “I would like to change my prize.”

Justin smiles. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” You whisper, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.

“Yeah?” He repeats again, his eyes darting to your mouth as his thumb comes up to gently swipe at your lip, releasing it.

You take ahold of his jaw in both hands and pull him to you, “Yes.” You breathe before kissing him, long and hard, enjoying the way he chases your lips after you pull away. You watch as his mouth hangs open and his eyes remain closed for a few seconds, lost in the heat that is palpable between you. “Come on.”

Quickly, you break free of his hold and offer him your hand instead. He smirks, taking it gladly as you head for the direction of home.
