#13rw fanfic


hey! i’ve been rewatching 13rw so muchly lately and i really wanna write more fics for it. mostly clay x reader and justin x reader. but should i also take a crack at writing for jess? i was thinking of trying to write for tyler, zach and tony too??? also do you prefer fluffy stuff with justin or clay? smutty with justin or clay? both? like i just wanna get some idea of what you would wanna see(if anyone in the 13 fandom is even still here)etc.


pairing:justin x fem!reader

word count: 1k+

warnings:drinking/drunk reader

a/n: i had this little idea for a long time and when i came back to it… idk, it just didn’t come out the way i wanted, but i hope maybe someone will enjoy it anyways :)


Justin rushed out of bed when he got the call. Jessica had rang six times before he picked up and was forced awake by the booming music playing in the background. He and his friend tried to communicate, but Clay had started to stir from his side of the room and then huffed loudly enough to get the message across that they needed to be quiet, he was trying to sleep. So, Justin had ended the call and then instantly texted Jessica. 

2:05am, Justin F: clay yelled at me, what’s up, it’s late

2:05am, Jess D: sorry. y/n is *very* drunk, can you come and get her

2:06am, Justin F: shit. yes ofc. is she okay?

2:06am, Jess D: she threw up a few minutes ago and i would take her home, but, you know… this is my house and i can’t leave everyone here 

2:06am, Justin F: yeah, i get it. i’m on my way, just gonna walk since it’s not far. let her know

2:07am, Jess D: she said, and i quote “yay. my bf is comiiiiiiiiiing”

Justin didn’t reply after that, he ran to Jessica’s house, rapidly knocking on the door in under ten minutes. “Jess!?”

When the door opened, he was met with girlfriend, grinning widely before wobbling down the step and into his arms. He stumbled a little but caught himself, and her. “Hey babe, where’s Jess?”

Half-lidded and still smiling, Y/N pointed behind her to where a group of people were playing suck-and-blow. “Behind… them, helping Zach.” She spoke between small hiccups. “He’s… drunk. Worse… than me.”

“You sure about that? You can barely stand, how much did you have?”

“Uh…” She lifted one of her hands from where they had landed on his chest. She squinted, concentrating on the movement of her fingers while she counted them. “One, two… three? No, five. Maybe more, pffffffft. I think I lost count.”

“Baby, that’s-” Justin was cut off when he finally spot Jess as she waved at him from the kitchen, then gave him a thumbs up. “Hold on.” He mimed a thank you, and then he slowly turned with Y/N, his arm securely wrapped around her waist. He closed the door behind him, and then slowly started to walk back to the Outhouse, hardly taking his eyes off of Y/N the whole way. 


Once home, Y/N stumbled to the sofa and flopped down. She patted the space beside her and Justin took no time to follow suit. “I think it was… 6 drinks. But I… I cannot be sure. There were shhhhh, shhhhhh… ots, too.”

“Jesus, Y/N.”

“Hey. Since when was Justin Foley the resp… responk… the… good one?” Y/N poked Justin’s chin, giggling when she hiccuped again.

“Since I want you to be careful, and safe, and not have me waking up past 2am to come and get you.”

She huffed. “I’m not even that bad, look.” Y/N suddenly stood, putting her arms out beside her and then bringing the tip of her finger to her nose. Her left was almost perfect, and when she did it with her right, she slipped and nearly poked her eye. “See.”

“Yeah, you look real sober.”

“I do not… like the sarcasm… mm… mm… mm.”

“Okay, well, I think you should get some sleep, so, how about you take my bed  and I’ll sleep on the sofa?”

“Mm. Sleep… sounds good, actually.” With that Y/N made her way to the bed, smushing her face into the pillow, and then started muttering.

“What’s that, babe? Can’t here ya when your face is all squished.” Justin chuckled. 

“I said… I LIKE YOUR-”

“Shhh!” Justin frowned and gestured over to Clay’s sleeping form. “No need to yell.”

“Oopsies.” She started to laugh, but quickly smacked a hand over her face to silence herself. 

“Now what was that you were going to say? You like my…?” Justin smirked.

“Your smell.”

“My smell?”

“Your bed… smells like you. It’s nice.”

Justin didn’t know how to respond to that, instead he just grabbed his duvet and pulled it over her, then went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of ice cold water, which he placed next to her on the carpet. “Do you need anything else?”

“Mmhmm.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, smirking. “A kiss, please.”

“But you reek of booze.” Y/N’s mouth dropped and she dramatically huffed, folding her arms. Justin snorted. “I’m just kidding, here.” 

He lifted her chin, leaning down to plant soft kisses on her cheek, making a swift, gentle trail to her soft, waiting lips. “There.”

“Ah, such a good boyfriend.” She smiled, and then her head dropped back to the pillow. “Such… a good… boyfriend that I love sooooo much.” 

Justin’s eyes widened, heart rate picking up as he watched Y/N’s eyes finally fall shut. He thought about waking her, asking her if she meant it, but it took merely seconds before she was snoring, and he knew he probably wouldn’t be able to wake her now. 

He walked back to the sofa, and lay down, staring at the ceiling. She said it. She said she loved him. But she was drunk, she may not have meant it. But then again, some people’s feelings do come out when drunk or not full concious. But.. she was drunk. Really drunk, and, oh man, he needed to know, because he’d been meaning to say those words to her. He’d even started coming up with ways he could tell her that she would like. Fishing his phone out from his pocket, he thought for a few minutes, and then wrote a text to his sleeping girlfriend, just in case she was gone by the time he woke.

2:38am, Justin F: hey, babe. this might sound confusing or weird, but if you go home before i wake, can you call me? or text me so we can meet? there’s something i wanna talk about

He thinks for a second more, before adding a little heart, knowing that it would cause a stir in her mind since he’d never done that before.

2:38am, Justin F: … <3


Wet T-Shirt Contest


[gif is mine via sideblog]

pairing: justin foley x reader

prompt:garden hose

A/N: writing freestyle/without a plan is usually difficult for me, but this one flowed out, i just hope it’s good :)


“Fuck, it’s hot today!” Justin yells from where he is stood in your back garden, bouncing a football on his knee. “Sweatin’ balls over here.”

"You want some water?” You shout back over the loud music that blasts from your speaker. “I’ll go grab you some from the fridge if you want.”

Justin catches the ball and glances over to nod at you. “Thanks, babe.”

“No problem.” You wander inside, heading straight for the fridge and enjoying the coolness for a while. You let out a sigh, running your hand through your hair. Apparently, you stand there too long, as you hear the calls of your thirsty boyfriend from outside.

“Y/N? Water?" 

"Yeah, shit, sorry, I’m coming. Hold ya horses.” You grab four bottles of water: two each, and then head back outside. 

You throw the bottles to Justin, and he blows you a kiss in thanks. You pretend to catch it, and he grins. You chuckle at the small gesture that had become your ‘thing’ since you had started dating. You watch as he opens the first bottle and downs it in one, then proceeds to do the exact same thing with the second. “Jeez, Justy, you’re gonna get brain freeze.”

He rubs his head as if feeling for a temperature. “Nah, I think I’m good.”

You laugh, and then your eyes make contact with something on the ground. The garden hose is sitting there, attached and ready to be used as a weapon. You smirk and giggle, and when Justin hears this, he looks over. When he notices what you are looking at, his eyes grow wide. “Y/N… no. No!”

You laugh maniacally and then dive for the hose, just as he starts to run forwards for it too. You quickly turn on the tap and then look up at your boyfriend, putting on the evilest face you can make. “You better run.” You mutter.

“Shit.” He sighs, and then you jump into action, spraying him with the freezing cold water and chasing him around the garden. He runs and yells, though he is trying very hard not to let his joy and laughter take over.


Twenty-ish minutes later, you are both sprawled out on the wet grass, trying to capture your breath. You sit up and cross your legs, and Justin follows, shaking his hair around so that droplets hit your skin. “You feel cooled down now, huh?”

“Yes…” He rolls his eyes but smiles upon seeing how amused and happy you look. “Very, thanks very much.”

“You, um, might need to change. You’re looking like you should be entering a wet t-shirt contest right now.”

“Oh, really?” Justin reaches behind him to grab one of your bottles of water from the deck chair. Before you can even try to move and run away, he grabs you by your hip, quickly uncaps the bottle and pours the entirety of it over you. “Looks like you should be entering now, too.”

“What?” Justin raises his brows at your sudden annoyance. He looks down at your chest, your black bra now showing through the dripping shirt. He smirks at you, “oh.”

Justin pulls off his own shirt, and you are momentarily distracted with ogling him. But then you feel the breeze hit you and make the wet shirt feel freezing against your skin. “Shit!” You squeal and look down at your now-soaked shirt, which is clinging to your body and basically see-through. You frown up at him. “Great.”

“Ugh!” You whine, pulling your shirt over your head, so you are left in just your bra and denim shorts. “This is.. a mess.”

“A hot mess.” Justin corrects, wiggling his brows. “I think we should go inside and get changed together; what do ya say?”

“I say…” You stand up and start to walk towards the door, but instead of going inside, you quickly turn on the hose again, plucking it off of the ground where you had thrown it before. Since Justin had been about to follow you in, he is right behind and has barely any time to run before you are dousing him in the cool water again. “Time for round two!”

A Bet Is A Bet


[gif is mine via sideblog]

pairing: justin foley x reader


A/N: it’s been a long while since i wrote any 13rw fics, i hope you like this

You line up your shot and then kick the ball so hard that your loosened shoe slips off and flies across the field. You glance around for it quickly, brushing your hair behind your ear and holding it so you can see better in the evening light. All of a sudden, you hear your boyfriend yelling your name. You look in Justin’s direction to see a massive smile on his face as he jogs towards you.

“Y/N! You scored. That was amazing!” He slams into you, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing tightly. “Damn, girl/boy, you should join the team.”

“I told you I could. Now you owe me fifty bucks.” You giggle, though you try to wriggle free from his hold, wanting to find your shoe. “Where on earth did it go?”

“What?” He looks around the ground.

You point down to your feet and wiggle your toes. “My shoe.”

“Uh…” Justin runs past you a little, looking around with his phone torch. “Ah! Here it is.”

“Oh, yay. Thanks!” You swivel around to see him plucking it from the ground and coming back towards you.

“M'lady.” He says, gesturing for you to walk with him. He points to the bleachers, and you plop down into a seat. “May I?”

“Sure.” You sigh, shaking your head.

“Here.” He is kneeling down as if he were about to propose, glancing up at you with glee in his eyes. He pats his knee. “Put your foot right here for me.”

“There we go.” He says, sliding the sneaker back on as he reties the laces. “A perfect fit, Miss Cinderella.”

“Oh, God.” You mutter, though your heating cheeks betray your faux embarrassment at Justin’s cheesy comment. 

“All done, princess.” Once he is finished, he taps your foot, and you slide it off of his leg. 

Before you know it, you are back in his arms as he swings you around in circles. You squeal, trying to hold on to him for dear life. “Justin!”

“Seriously, Y/N, you should definitely join the team.” He finally stops, letting you slide down the front of his body to put you back on your feet. “That kick was amazing.”

“Why, thank you.” You wrap your arms around his neck and peck his lips. “I told you, Foley. You shouldn’t have challenged me.”

Ah, yes.“ Justin slides one hand from your waist and into his pocket. He pulls out the money and waves it around in the minimal space between the two of you. "As promised, fifty bucks. A bet’s a bet.”

“Hm. Actually…” You take the notes from him, shoving it back into his pants pocket, before zipping it up and moving your arms down to circle his midsection. “I think…” You pull him as close as you possibly can, enough that you can feel each others’ breaths on your faces. “I would like to change my prize.”

Justin smiles. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” You whisper, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.

“Yeah?” He repeats again, his eyes darting to your mouth as his thumb comes up to gently swipe at your lip, releasing it.

You take ahold of his jaw in both hands and pull him to you, “Yes.” You breathe before kissing him, long and hard, enjoying the way he chases your lips after you pull away. You watch as his mouth hangs open and his eyes remain closed for a few seconds, lost in the heat that is palpable between you. “Come on.”

Quickly, you break free of his hold and offer him your hand instead. He smirks, taking it gladly as you head for the direction of home.

“You’re so about to lose Jensen!” Justin moves to the edge of the couch.

“Yeah right Justin!” Clay begins to frantically push buttons on his controller.

“You haven’t won a game yet, loser!” Justin starts leaning towards Clay, nudging him.

“Stop trying to mess with me!” Clay nudges back. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” Clay begins standing up as his character on the screen punches Justin’s, knocking him out. “Oh…” Clay squints his eyes and he can feel the poop he’s been holding in slip out of his butt and into his pants.

“What was that?” Justin looks up at Clay.


“You made a face… and now I’m starting to smell something.”

“You’re just upset that I won.” Clay turns around to face Justin, keeping his legs and butt cheeks together.

“You’re lying.” Justin jumps to his feet. “You pooped your pants!” Justin begins laughing.

“What…” Clay has no response.

“I can’t believe you pooped your pants.” Justin can’t stop laughing.

“I didn’t…”

“Fine. Then take your pants off.”


“I’ll pay you five bucks if you take your pants and undies off and show me your poop.”

“What?” Clay is so dumbfounded.





“Thirty, but that’s my final offer.”

“Fine.” Clay smiles.

“You were going to do it anyway weren’t you?”

“Of course.” Clay pulls his pants down.

“Whatever.” Justin takes thirty bucks out of his pants and hands it to Clay.

“Thank you.” Clay pulls his underwear down, a medium-sized piece of poop just sitting squished in the middle.

“Oh wow…” Justin licks his lips.

“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“You licked your lips.”

“No I didn’t.”

“Yes you did!”

“Fine!” Justin steps up to Clay, very close. “It smells good.”

“Really?” Clay takes a small sniff of his poop. “I guess…”

“Can I… have a taste?”

“What!?” Clay is confused but isn’t as weirded out as he thinks he should be.

“I just want a little taste.”

“Sure?” Clay hands Justin his underwear.

Justin moves down and immediately and quickly takes a bite out of Clay’s poop.

“Oh my god!” Clay freaks out and steps back.

“Oh… my… god…” Justin moans as he chews and swallows the poop.

“I can’t believe you just did that!” Clay runs his hands through his hair and sits down on his bed.

“Well… it’s not really my first time…” Justin licks the poop on the underwear like it’s a popsicle.

“I can tell!”

“Are you alright?” Justin is worried this might change things between them.

“Yeah… it just… it just… it just got me really hard seeing you do that.” Clay blurts out.

“Really?” Justin steps closer to Clay, taking a small bite out of the poop.

“Oh yeah…” Clay moans..

“Do you still have some poop to let out?” Justin asks as he walks up to the bed, looking down at Clay.

“A little.” Just then Justin flips Clay roughly around onto his knees on the bed.

Justin doesn’t waste time as he puts his face into Clay’s ass. Clay feels Justin’s tongue slip into his hole and wriggles around.

“Oh…” Clay moans and grabs his erect penis, jerking it off.

“Let it out,” Justin says as he takes a breath.

“Ok.” Clay bites his lower lip and squints his eyes as he begins pushing the little bit of poop still in him out and into Justin’s open mouth.

“Mmm.” Justin moans as he steps back, barely able to handle the surprisingly large and thick piece of poop in his mouth and throat.

Clay turns around, watching Justin handle the poop, and jerks off faster.

“Chew on it!” Clay shouts at Justin. “Chew and swallow!” Clay is getting excited as he watched Justin chew and swallow the poop.

“Oh god!” Just moans as he swallows the last bit of poop. “So tasty!”

“Come… over… here…” Clay moans, his forehead getting sweaty.

Justin listens and walks in front of Clay on the bed and just as he arrives Clay’s penis explodes and cum shoots out all over Justin. Justin is frozen still as sticky cum shoots all over his face, hair, and shirt.

“Damn.” Clay wipes his forehead with his arm and falls back on the bed.

“Wow.” Justin gives Clay a look.

“Oh don’t look at me that way… pooper scooper.” The two begin laughing.

“Whatever… pooper… watcher…”

“Nice one.” They both laugh and Justin sits down on the bed next to Clay, Clay sitting up.

“Well next time you need to poop, let me know.”

“Sure… but next time we do it in the bathroom.”

“Why?” Clay sits up and Justin sees the lines of schmeered poop on his bed. “Oh… okay.”

“We should get to bed.”

“Sure. At least let me clean that up for you first.” Justin stands up.

“It’s fine, I was gonna do it tomorrow,” Clay says as he grabs the bedsheet.

“That’s not what I was talking about.” They both smile.

“Then get going,” Clay says as he bends over the bed once again.

“Will do.”


Originally posted by olyan-mint-te


The phone chimes.


“What should I choose?” Clay is nervous, they both move to the floor on each side of the phone.

“Your choice.”


The phone beeps as it counts down.

“Um…” Clay presses on TRUTH.


Bryce looks up at Clay, who’s starring down blankly at the phone.


“I know.”


“You’re running out of time.”

I know!”



The phone starts beeping louder.

“I needed a break because I think I’m falling in love with Bryce and I believe if the secret gets out it will all end and he will leave me. I thought if we just stayed away from each other this whole thing would be over on my terms.” Clay takes a deep breath in and out.

“Clay.” They look at each other.

“Yeah.” Clay feels embarrassed and ready to run out of the room.


The phone chimes, interrupting Bryce.


“What?” Bryce and Clay both say at once.

“That’s not fair!” Clay looks around as if the person is in the room.

“It’s because you choose Truth. The second person gets the leftover.” Bryce is content and just ready to get this done with.

“It’s still not fair.”

“I know. But I’m a big boy, I can handle this.”


“Wow.” Clay chimes in, trying not to smile.

Bryce looks around for a second before reaching under his bed and grabbing an empty beer bottle. Clay chuckles a little.

“Haha.” Bryce stands up and pulls his pants down.

He doesn’t waste any time as he takes a deep breath in and starts sliding the tip of the bottle up his ass.

“Fuck!” Bryce shouts as his asshole burns in pain at the dry friction of the bottle.

He pushes it in deep, biting his lip and squeezing the side of his lip. He keeps trying to breathe deep and long breathes as he pushes it in until it won’t go any farther. He closes his eyes and starts counting. But then he feels a hand touch his. He opens his eyes to see Clay close up. He squeezes his hand.

“Time,” Clay says and Bryce slowly pulls it out.

“You good?”

“Yeah.” Bryce throws the bottle in the trash and pulls his pants up slowly. “Just a little pain.” They both go back to their spots.


The phone loudly beeps over and over for a minute.

“What?” Bryce is pissed.


“No one said that!” Clay shouts, angry as well.


Phone chimes again.


“Choose truth.” Bryce says.

“No! I’m not letting you take another dare.”

“I can handle another dare. I don’t want you to deal with that.”

“I can handle more than you think.”

“I know, but…”

“We do this 50/50 or not at all.” Clay presses DARE.


Laxatives?” Clay looks up to Bryce.

“My mom may have some in her bathroom.” They both stand up, Clay grabbing the phone, before leaving the room.

“This isn’t too bad, right?” Clay asks. “I’ll only be on the toilet all night, then it’s over.”

“Yeah.” Bryce starts looking through drawers. “Here!” Bryce finds a box and starts grabbing some pills. “Here… four doses.” He hands the pills over and a glass of water.

“Thanks. Wish me luck.” He takes the pills down.

The phone chimes.


The take a seat on the floor in the bathroom, knowing they will need it soon.



“Well…” Clay runs his hands through his hair.

“It’s okay.” Clay puts his hand on Bryce’s leg.


“When I was five I was staying with my uncle for a sleepover on his boat. He told me about a game. A game where I had to get naked. He…”

“Bryce…” Clay is worried.


“He made me suck on his penis and let him out it… in me.” The timer stops.

“Oh Bryce…” Clay starts to move forward.

“No.” Bryce stops him and sits back. “Let’s just move on.”


The phone dings again.


“I guess it’s Truth this time.” Clay looks to Bryce, who’s just looking down at the floor.

He presses the TRUTHbutton.


“Okay…” Clay thinks for a second.


“I’ve always had the fantasy of attacking and raping a man.”


“I guess it’s because I want to feel like I’ve got some power.”




The phone starts to beep loudly.


“What? But I’ve never told anyone that before!” Clay is freaking out.

“I guess it’s not what they wanted to hear.” Bryce finally looks up to Clay.



“Time for another dare.” Bryce seems quiet and not exactly there.


“It’s okay. We can get through this.” Clay goes to grab Bryce’s hand, but he pulls it back.


“Fuck!” Bryce shouts.

“Oh shit!” Clay looks up to Bryce and they both begin to laugh.

“This is crazy.” They can’t stop laughing.

“This is going to be a long night… I am full of shit.” That makes Bryce laugh even harder.

“This is truly insane! Nuts! Bananas!”
“Bananas actually make me poop.” They both laugh.

The phone begins to chime again. They both look down at it.


“Well… I guess we wait…” They sit back.


“It’s coming!” Clay breaks the silence and jumps to his feet.

“Okay. Okay. Okay.” Bryce jumps up. “To the shower!” Bryce runs over and they walk into the massive shower. “That way it will be easier to clean.”

“No more talking. It’s coming.” Clay takes his pants off.

Bryce goes to his knees and opens his mouth up wide. Clay leans over and lets Bryce take his weight as he places his hole right on top of Bryce’s mouth.

“Fuck!” Clay shouts as he opens the floodgates and begins to shoot out wet and thick liquidy poop.

Bryce begins to moan, really wanting to back away, but he doesn’t. He stays still and tries to swallow as much as he can as quickly as he can. Clay farts as more poop flies out at full force. Bryce is having trouble breathing and taking it all in, but he keeps reminding himself that if he fails Clay may get a punishment. He doesn’t want that for Clay. He finds himself wanting to vomit. The smell. The Taste. Everything about it makes Bryce’s body twinge and shake.

“Oh…” Clay moans as he feels himself finish. “I’m so sorry.” Clay stands up and turns to Bryce.

Bryce turns to the floors and begins throwing up. He can’t keep any of it in. It all just keeps coming out.

“I’m so sorry.” Clay pats Bryce on the back.

“You still have to…” Bryce wipes his mouth with his arm. “Clean your ass.”

“Oh… yeah…” Clay feels so bad as he turns around and grabs Bryce by the hair.

He quickly begins to wipe his ass with Bryce’s hair. He wipes until he’s completely clean.

“I’m so so sorry.” Clay goes to his knees and next to Bryce. “I’m so sorry.” He can’t stop saying it.

“It’s okay.” Bryce looks up at Clay, his face covered in brown poop.

Bryce then runs his hands through his hair, forgetting what just happened.

“Eww.” Bryce stops and sits down, leaning against the wall.

“Let me turn the water on.” Clay turns around.

“No. There’s no point in cleaning up. You’ll need to poop again every 30 minutes or so for the rest of the night. Just get me a towel.”


“And some water bottles. You should stay hydrated.” Clay smiles and looks back at Bryce.

“You really do care about me, don’t you?”

“Of course. I would do anything for you.” Clay smiles bigger. “For that smile.” Bryce smiles as Clay turns and leaves the room. “I love you,” Bryce whispers to himself, making sure Clay can’t hear him.

“I love you too.” Clay whispers to himself.

For the past three days, Bryce has been texting Clay a lot. Like A LOT! Over 20 texts a day. Clay didn’t respond to a single one of them. He turned his notifications off and just tried as hard as he could to ignore it. The past three days were really rough for both of them. Neither could pay attention at school. Neither hung out with friends. Neither of them really did anything. They both just really thought about everything.

Then they both received a text around noon while at school.

UNKNOWN: Go straight to Bryce’s house after school. Drive together.

At first, Clay was going to text Bryce to meet up at school to talk about it, but he couldn’t find the nerve to do it. So after school, he went outside and straight to Bryce’s car to wait for him.

“Hey!” Bryce can’t stop smiling as he walks up to his car to see Clay.

“Hey.” Clay sighs, walking into the car and trying hard not to show how excited he actually is to see Bryce.

“So…” Bryce says as they drive away from the school.

“Yeah…” The car ride is more awkward than either of them thought it would be. “How’d you do on that science test?”

“Pretty good. You?”

“Better than I thought.”

“Good.” This type of conversation continues the entire drive to Bryce’s house.

“My parents are still gone so we have the house to ourselves,” Bryce says as they walk up to the front door.

“Good.” Clay is finding it hard to keep to one-word sentences.

“Why do you think they want us alone together?”

“Another video?” Clay finally chimes in.

“Yeah… that would suck…” Bryce would love that.

“Yeah…” Though he would never admit it… Clay would kind of love it as well.

“What do you want to do while we wait?”

“Can I get a drink?”

“Sure.” Bryce walks off to the kitchen.

UNKNOWN: Go to Bryce’s bedroom

Clay sees the text and decides to head up without Bryce. He walks into his room and takes a seat on the bed.

“Here you are.” Bryce walks in with a soda and water bottle. “Why’d you come up here?”

“Oh… um…” Clay realizes the text was only to him.

UNKNOWN: Get Bryce to leave the room for a few minutes

Clay looks down at his phone.

“Is it them?” Bryce asks.

“No. My mom.” Clay thinks for a second while he pretends to text back. “I’m actually a bit hungry… any snacks?” Bryce smiles.

“Of course. I’ll be right back.” Bryce leaves.

UNKNOWN: There’s a notebook in his closet underneath a small box. Grab it and put it in your bag. Don’t read it!

Clay does exactly what the text says to do. He finds a small leather notebook and puts it in his bag before sitting back down. He looks around a sees a picture of a young Bryce sitting on a swing. He stares at it. He thinks about how happy and innocent Bryce looks. He was the cutest little kid. But he was alone. He looks around more and all of his photos are of him alone, besides one or two of him with his friends. But none with his parents.

“Hey. Pretzels, chips, or gummies?” Bryce walks in with a ton of snacks in his arms.

“All of the above.” Clay can feel himself lightning up and letting things go a bit but reminds himself to keep a distance.

Bryce drops the snacks on his bed and takes a seat at his desk across from Clay. they just sit there for a minute, waiting for the other person to say something.

Both of their phones ding.

UNKNOWN: Bryce, take out the phone in your backpack

“What phone?” Bryce says as he grabs his backpack and starts looking through the pockets.

“Is that your phone?” Clay asks as Bryce takes out an old iPhone from his bag.

“No.” Just as Bryce is about to hand it to Clay it turns on and vibrates, Bryce dropping it to the floor. “Shit.” Clay laughs and Bryce joins in a little.

“You good?”

“Haha. It just startled me.” They both go down to reach the phone, their hands touching.

The phone suddenly reads three big and bold words… TRUTH OR DARE

“What do we do?” Clay starts to panic. “Bryce?” He looks to Bryce, who is starring at the video on repeat. “Bryce!” Bryce doesn’t respond or move an inch. “Shit!” Clay runs out of the shed and runs around before running back in. “No one’s out there.” He plops down on one of the couches.

Clay sits there, thinking and waiting for Bryce to snap out of it. This goes on for a while.

“We’re missing a lot of class. We’re going to get detention.” Clay says, hoping to snap Bryce out of it.

A couple more minutes pass.

“So…” Clay is now completely calm and ready to go, but Bryce is still frozen.

A couple more minutes pass.

“Shit!” Bryce shouts and drops his phone.

Both of their phones ding. A text message.

UNKNOWN: Send me a pic of u 2 kissing. Or the video goes to the whole school.

“What the fuck?” Bryce shouts.

“This creep is… well, creepy.”

“We can’t do what this creep wants… right?” Bryce turns to Clay.

“No… we can’t.”

“Yeah. We’re both able to come out and deal with this.”

“Yeah. Yeah. We’re adults. We’re mature.”


“Yeah?” Clay smiles and turns to Bryce.

“But maybe we just send that pic. Maybe it buys us a little more time to think this over?”

“Yeah. Yeah. Totally. And what’s the harm in a pic of us kissing in the grand scheme of things? He has worse.”

“That’s true. Very true.”

“So, shall we?” Clay opens his camera and they lean in together.

“Tongue or no tongue?” They both laugh.

They lean forward and kiss, Clay taking the picture.

“I’ll send it.” Clay presses send and Bryce’s phone dings.

“Now what? We wait?”

“No. We go back to class. We continue like normal. But we be a bit more discreet. Only behind closed doors. Not at school. Only when we are 100% positive we are alone.” Clay begins panting.

“Okay.” Bryce puts his hands on Clay’s face. “It’s going to be okay.” He kisses him. “I’ll pick you up after school behind the baseball field.”

“Sounds amazing.” Clay sighs and grabs his backpack. “This is going to be a long day isn’t it?”

“Yeah…” Clay leaves the shed.


“Hey,” Clay says as he enters Bryce’s car in the shaded park area behind the baseball field.

“Hey.” They go to kiss each other but then stop. “Oops.” They both smile and sit back in their seats.

“Any texts?”


“Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?”

“Because eventually, it will. Eventually, this person will share that video or we will be forced to come out to everyone.”

“Let’s go to my place. My parents are both gone for the week on business. We can work on the project there, and be completely alone.”

“I don’t know if that’s the best idea.”


“I was thinking today, after everything, that maybe it would be best to stay away from each other a bit. Give each other some time to think about what our next step is.”

“But shouldn’t we talk about it together. This isn’t something I want to do alone.”

“But it’s something I need to do alone. I need this. And I know it may be hard for you. But please, if you care about me at all… let me leave this car without saying another word.” Bryce sits there, about to say something, but stops himself. “I’ll text you.” Clay leaves the car, leaving Bryce silently sitting in his car.

It’s the next day.

Bryce is feeling good about life. He had a real family-style dinner last night with the guy he likes. He laughed, he smiles, and he genuinely had a great time. And then he had to go home. His parents weren’t home and didn’t text or even care that he wasn’t home until almost midnight on a school night. But part of him didn’t care anymore. He knew that when he went to school the next day that he would get to see Clay again. And that after school they would go back to his place and he would have dinner with his family once again. That made him happy.

Clay, while happy, is a bit scared as well. He’s never been with a guy before, especially not someone so popular and charming. It also didn’t help that he is scared to hell that they will be caught. The memory of his mom opening his door and almost catching them kissing makes Clay’s heart race. He knows that it’s ridiculous to be scared of. He knows his parents would be completely accepting of him. But something in him is terrified about the possibility of his parents or anyone else learning about him.

“Hey.” Clay is snapped out of his daze when he hears Bryce.

“Oh. Hey.” Bryce sits down at the computer next to him.

“What you doing in the library during lunch?”

“Nothing.” Clay is nervous and stares straight at his computer, trying hard to look like he’s not talking to Bryce.

“There’s a barn behind the school that no one knows about. Wanna join me there?”

“I can’t. I’ve got homework to work on.” Clay doesn’t look away from the computer.

“What’s up? Did I do something wrong?” Bryce puts his hand on Clay’s leg.

“Stop.” Clay whispers as he pushes Bryce’s hand away.

“Oh…” Bryce feels hurt and stands up.

“Wait.” Clay immediately feels bad about that and stands up. “Where’s this shed?”

Clay arrives at the shed a couple of minutes after Bryce.

“Wow! What is this place?” Clay is surprised at the couches, tables, and TV in this hidden shed.

“I found it last year. I was going to bring my friends here, but I thought it would be better for the two of us.”

“I’m cool with that.” Clay goes to sit next to Bryce.

“Good.” They lean forward and begin kissing.

Clay runs his hands into Bryce’s hair. Bryce slides a hand onto Clay’s leg. He squeezes the leg. They continue kissing, their tongues slipping into each other. As this continues Clay can feel himself loosen up. His troubles quickly go away. He moves his hands down Bryce’s muscular body. He moves down further until his one hand starts sliding down the back of Bryce’s jeans. He slips his fingers onto Bryce’s crack.

“Oh…” Bryce moans as Clay slowly slides two of his fingers into his hole. “Wow.” Clay starts moving down and kissing Bryce’s neck.

Clay slips another finger in and starts going deeper. Bryce bites his lower lip and looks up to the ceiling. Clay starts sucking on Bryce’s neck like it’s the tastiest lollipop.

“Oh god!” Bryce loses it as Clay shoves another finger in and pushes as deep as he possibly can. “Oh my fuckin’ god!” Bryce is in major pain but is loving every second of it.

“Shh.” Clay whispers to him as he begins his to move his fingers in and of Bryce.

“Fuck!” Bryce begins to shout, but then Clay shoves his hand on top of his mouth, silencing him.

Clay begins to get more aggressive, shoving his fingers in with force and rotating his fingers around.

This continues for a while, almost 20 minutes, until both Clay and Bryce and tired and sweating hard. Clay slides his finger out of Bryce and collapses against the couch.

“Damn!” Bryce shouts as Clay removes his hand off his mouth.

“Yeah…” Clay is a little freaked as he looks at his fingers covered in a little bit of blood and tons of crap.

“Oh…” Bryce begins to laugh.

“Just grab something to clean it off with!” Bryce continues laughing as he stands up.

“Ooooh.” Bryce is a bit sore as he gets up. “Here.” He grabs a towel from his gym bag and throws it to Clay.

“Thanks.” He chuckles.

“So… do you wanna tell me what happened to you in the library earlier?” Bryce sits on the couch across from Clay.

“Wow… no segway into that?”


“Ok… Ok… Well…” Clay goes silent.

“It’s because of your mom walking in, isn’t it?”

“Whoa! How’d you know?” Clay leans forward.

“Because that freaked me out. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

“Past tense?”

“Yeah. I was freaking out until I saw you in the library. Just then I realized I shouldn’t be afraid. That I shouldn’t worry about it until it happens.”

“So… just have fun until this all falls apart?”

“No, until we’re ready. We stay hidden. We stay together. We continue without fearing what may happen. We focus on doing what makes us happy until we figure out our next step”

“Okay.” Clay stands up, Bryce right behind him. “I think I can manage that.”

Right then both Clay and Bryce’s phone’s ding. They both grab their phones and look at them. In that instant, both of their hearts stop. Their bodies freeze as they both watch a video of them kissing, and Clay’s fingers up Bryce’s ass. The video seems to have been taken from one of the shed’s dirty windows. The number it comes from looks to be fake.

“So… what’s our next step?” Clay looks to Bryce.

Since Bryce was just a baby he has been told how great he is at everything and been taught by everyone around him that because he is so amazing he can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants.

Alex, on the other hand, has never really been complimented on anything. His father has always been very critical with him, making him go into his shell. Whenever that happens, Alex heads to a park a few blocks from his house that is secluded in the middle of trees.

One night Alex’ father tears into him about bleaching his hair. He smacks him around on the head a few times and shouts in his face before sending him to his room. Alex sneaks out his window and heads straight to his usual park and into the little castle, taking a seat on the top of the slide.

At the same time Bryce is at his own party where he sits bored with a bunch of drunk people. He decides to take a walk down the street when he see’s someone familiar walking into the park. Bryce follows the person and enters the park to see Alex Sandoval sitting on top fo the slide.

“What are you doing here loser?” Bryce walks to the bottom of the slide.

“Wow, how original.” Alex just looks down at Bryce in his lettermen’s jacket. “Just like that jacket.”

“Oh don’t you think your clever.”

“No, but compared to you I feel like a genius.”

“What did you just say?”

“Wow, I guess I gave you too much credit.”

“Say that to my face faggot.” Bryce kicks the slide.

“I’m the faggot? You’re the one that wants me to come to your face.”

Bryce reaches up the slide, grabbing Alex’ leg and pulling him down the slide. Alex kicks Bryce in the chest but Bryce only holds onto Alex tighter. Bryce pulls Alex off the slide then pushes him onto his knees.

“Stop it!” Alex can’t seem to shout and only moans the response.

“You want a faggot? I’ll show you a faggot.”

Bryce turns Alex around, pushing his face onto the bottom of the slide. While Bryce hold Alex down with his knee and one hand, he pulls Alex’s jeans until the button pops off and the pants slide down. Bryce pulls down Alex’s boxers to see his pale white ass.

“Look, your butt matches your hair.” Bryce just laughs as he unbuttons his pants and lets them drop to the ground.

“Now this is a fagot! Faggot!” Bryce’s penis is growing quite quickly n adjust as it reaches it’s peak, he shoves it into Alex.

Alex begins screaming but it’s muffled by the slide. Bryce pulls one of Alex’ shoes off and then a sock, shoving it into Alex’s mouth. Bryce begins quickly moving in and out of Alex’s ass as both his hands push Alex down. Within seconds Alex seems to give up, making Bryce happier. Bryce lets go of Alex and grabs the sides of the slide.

“God your tighter than half the girls at school.” Bryce laughs at his own joke as he runs a hand through his hair.

As Bryce begins sweating Alex loses more and more hope, going to a quiet place in his mind, waiting for this to be over. It’s only a minute before Bryce bites his lip and prepares to cum. A couple more thrusts and Bryce begins to cum.

“Oh….Yeah…” Bryce moans and begins slowing down.

Once finished he shakes the excess cum onto Alex’ butt before pulling his pants back up.

“Now you’ve had the best you could ever have. Your boyfriends goona be jealous.” Bryce slaps Alex on the ass before running a hand through his one last time and turning around to walk back to his house.

Alex stays there for almost an hour before getting up and heading home. He goes home and continues his life always thinking about what just happened but never mentioning it to anyone even on his death bed.


“When did you lose your virginity?”

“First blowjob when I was 8. First time actual sex was 12.” Bryce is trying not to smirk while he says that.

“Wow… with who?”

“Blowjob was from Monty. Sex was with Amber Henderson.”

“Amber Henderson? That girl who was sent to boarding school a couple years ago?”

“That’s the one.” They both laugh.

“What do you masturbate to?”

“Either gay porn or pictures of certain people.”

“Like who?”

“Honestly, Tony Padilla. His hair is amazing!” It is silent for a second before they both begin laughing. “And more recently I’ve been looking at pictures of… you…”


“You’re blushing a little.” Clay is holding back a smile.

“Well, next question. Have you ever been in love?”


“Have you ever really liked someone before?”


“Not including me?”


“Who was she?”

“He. And his name was Michael.”

“Tell me about him.”

“We were very close friends throughout elementary and middle school. It was always Justin, Michael and I. We were always hanging out together. We did everything together. But Michael and I were closer in ways Justin and I weren’t. We talked, a lot. And we talked about some very deep things. We told each other secrets we had never shared with anyone. We never had any secrets… that is besides my big crush on him. I thought the world of him. I knew I trusted him more than anyone else. I knew I could spend the rest of my life talking to him.” Bryce gets silent.

“Then what happened? Where is he now?”

“I believe he lives in Virginia now.”


“When we got to middle school I was ready to finally lose my virginity. I couldn’t wait anymore. But I didn’t want it to happen with Monty. I wanted it to be meaningful. So one night, Michael was staying over at my house.”


“Yeah…” Bryce runs his hands through his hair. “We were sitting in my bed watching a movie when I leaned over and kissed him. I thought he would respond differently than he did. He pushed me back, jumped out of the bed and immediately left. I tried texting and calling him, but he had already blocked my number. By monday when I arrived at school, Justin told me that Michael and his family had moved to Texas.”

“What? How’d that happen?”

“His dad had apparently gotten a job offer weeks before, but Michael had begged his parents to not move, so they pushed it back. And I guess… I guess that night Michael went home and said he was ready to move. ‘Cause they did. When I went to his house after school that day it was cleaned out.”

“Wow…” Clay doesn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry.” It’s the only thing he could think of.

“It’s fine. I moved on. I’m better for it.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Pretend like it doesn’t matter? Like things don’t hurt you?”

“I don’t…”

“Remember, you told me you would tell me the complete truth.”

“Fine. It hurt. It hurt a lot. I really liked Michael and I thought he did to. When he left like that I told myself I would never feel that way again. So I had sex with Amber Henderson. It was meaningless and actually quite boring. Is that what you wanted to hear? Did you really want to hear about my dysfunctional life?”

“Yes. Yes I did.” Clay reaches over and grabs Bryce’s hand. “How about we continue this another time?”

“It’s fine. If you don’t want to talk to me again just tell me straight up.” Bryce stands up, moving his hand away.

“No. I mean that maybe we should meet up once I’m out of the hospital, and talk some more. Maybe someplace more private.”

“Oh…” Bryce feels embarrassed.

“Yeah Bryce Walker, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily.” They both laugh. “Now head out, visiting hour ends soon.”

“Fine.” Bryce grabs a napkin off the table and pulls a pen from his pocket, then writes his number down. “But text me if you get bored.”


BRYCE - Last Night

Bryce hated himself for the rest of the night, though he still let Monty finish the blowjob. Afterward, he kicked Monty out of his room and locked the door. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and started writing. He was venting everything he felt. He wrote every feeling he had. He wrote about how he felt towards Clay, about what happened that night. Opposite of how he normally acts, he wrote down his true feelings and said the complete and utter truth. Then he crumpled the piece of paper in his hands and threw it in the trash. He turned around and punched the wall as hard as he could, breaking the skin on his fist and bleeding into the wall.

CLAY - Last Night

Clay ran out of their like never before. On his way down the stairs, he grabbed a shot from someone’s hand and took it before walking out of the house. He grabbed his bike and started going. Not going anywhere specific, but just going. He can’t believe he fell for it. He fell for Bryce Walker. How could he have believed Bryce had liked him? Bryce was just playing with him and he knew it all along, but couldn’t stop thinking of the small chance it was all real. God, he was stupid! That just kept running through his head. That’s when a bright white light shocked him out of his head and into the fact that a car was right next to him and going right towards him.

BRYCE - This Morning

Bryce wakes up in his living room, on the floor, and his head on the couch. The second the sun hits his eyes, a massive headache bangs through his forehead. He looks around to see Monty, Zach, and Justin lying around him dead asleep. The rest of the living room is a complete shit show. Solo cups are all over the floor and the furniture is moved into weird positions. In front of him, the TV is playing old Looney Toons episodes.

“Up!” Bryce punches Monty and Justin in the leg before getting up.

“Ouch!” Justin winces and opens his eyes.

“Damn!” Monty opens his eyes and sits up on the couch, accidentally kicking Zach in the head.

“Dude!” Zach moves up and pushes Monty’s feet away from him. “Your feet are nasty.” They all start laughing.

“Get up. The parents will be back tonight and this place needs to look ‘better than when they left’.” Zach and Justin get to their feet, but Monty just starts laughing while he looks at his phone.

“What?” Zach looks over to Monty’s phone. “Shit.”

“What?” Justin moves over to look. “Damn.” He chuckles a little.

“What?” Bryce asks as he walks back into the room with trash bags.

“That kid that was here last night… Clay. He apparently got hit by a car down the street. Marcus said he was drunk and riding his bike.” Monty starts texting someone.

“What a doofus.” Justin grabs a trash bag from Bryce. “You okay dude?” Bryce is just staring straight into nothing.

“Bryce…” Zach walks in front of Bryce, snapping him out of it.

“Oh. Yeah. Just waiting for you dumbasses to get up and moving.”

“Damn dude.” Monty gets off the couch.

“So… is he in the hospital?” Bryce whispers.

“Who?” Monty picks up some cups.

“That kid… Clay.”

“Oh. Yeah.” They all continue to clean and Bryce just stands still thinking.

CLAY - This Morning

“Owww.” Clay opens his eyes to bright white lights and a very clean and shiny hospital room.

“Clay!” He hears his mom shout before she appears on top of him and begins hugging him.

“Mom…” Clay moans, his mom backing off.

“Sorry.” Clay sits up. “How do you feel?”

“I’ve got a bit of a headache.” He rubs his neck. “And my neck is sore. And why does my leg hurt so much?” Clay looks down to see a cast on his left leg.

“Sorry hun.”

“Dam…ng…” Clay smiles, trying to hide what he almost said.

“Nice catch.” They both laugh. “The doctors say you’ll need that cast for a month. We’re taking you home in two days. I already called the school and you can go back next week. I’m picking up your homework after work each day, so you still have stuff to do.”


“Your dad is at work and I really need to head to work to, but call me if you need anything.” Clay just smiles. “Okay?”


“Love you.”

“Love you too.” His mom leaves and he reaches for his phone.


“Clay?” Clay turns from the TV and to his room’s door to see Bryce standing in the doorway.

“Go away.”


“Go. Away. Now.” Clay turns back to the TV and Bryce turns away.

“No.” Bryce turns back around and walks right into the room, closing the door.”

“Get out of here!” Clay shouts.

“Stop it. I made a mistake. I know that. But it was just that, a mistake. I wasn’t trying to hurt you. Trust me, I want nothing more than to not hurt you. I hurt everyone, but I want that to stop. You’re the first person I care to try and stop hurting. So I’m not leaving. I’m not giving up. I’m going to keep trying as hard as I can to get you to trust me.”

“What about Monty? You two a thing?”

“God no!” Bryce begins to laugh. “Monty and I have ‘done’ stuff together since third grade. It only happens three or four times a year, and only when one of us hasn’t had any for a long time. Monty is just going through a dry spell. And he was wasted.”

“Oh…” Clay sits there thinking.

“I want you to believe every word I say and want you to want me around. So please, ask me anything, anything at all.”

“Really?” Clay is intrigued.

“I will sit here all day and night and answer every question you can possibly think of for as long as it takes for you to trust me.”


“Fire away.”

“Fine… my first question is…”
