#jeong yunho imagines


Pairing: Yunho x Reader

Word count: 1.2k

Genre: Fluff | College shenanigans

Summary: You’re used to Yunho’s antics by now as he bugs you in the middle of the night to find something to do. This could include driving to the middle of nowhere with makeshift molotovs (that you make sure to clean up after the fire’s down) or decided to fly out in the middle of your assignment season.

Warnings: Yunho makes a gross joke about his balls

Masterlist|Buy me a coffee?



Your seemingly unwavering focus towards the screen of your laptop is torn when you hear the familiar ding of your phone. You can see the notification on the screen of the gadget for a moment before it blackens as it was a few seconds before. 

A little bit 
What’s up?

You honestly don’t know what to expect, but you know that it means Yunho’s bored. You’ve gotten used to him showing up at your dorm building or right outside your room in the middle of the night when he’s feeling antsy. 

Usually, his presence ends up in the both of you driving to another state only to drive back when the sun starts rising. Either that or you’ll return to your room full from having McDonald’s, ice cream, or some other kind of food that you could find in the dead of night. 

I’m coming to your room in five
I’m bored 

I’ll leave the door unlocked

You move away from your desk to start preparing a bag. You decide against asking Yunho what he has in mind considering his decisions change as quickly as he has the ability to change his socks from the extensive collection of Adventure Time and animal themed socks that he has stored away in the bottom drawer of his closet.

Strange how you actually remember that.  

You’ve always found it strange how you would remember all the little quirky things about Yunho. 

He likes strawberry ice cream but only because of the way it looks and only if he gets blueberry sorbet right after because he likes the way it turns his tongue purple. He has a box filled with random rings that he never wears because he feels like they’re heavy, but he’s never told people to stop gifting them to him on his birthday only because he thinks it makes gifting easier for them.

Yunho can either drive for five hours straight or fifteen minutes only; nothing in between. He once went to America for a month and ended up sleeping on the streets because his friend who was supposed to house him had somehow ended up in prison, yet, Yunho came back ten times happier and a million times calmer than when before he left. 

He also hates wearing the same themed socks because he once felt guilty when “Princess Bubblegum wasn’t put with her goth girlfriend Marceline” whenever he wears one of them, so he only wears them in couples. 

The first time you noticed it, you hadn’t pointed it out. It wasn’t until the first year or so into your friendship that you had asked Yunho about it. The idea of his mismatched socks hadn’t even come as strange to you, you were honestly just curious. 

He hadn’t found it strange either. Only laughed as he stretched his legs out to show them to you. 

“I just don’t want them to feel bad, ya’know?”

“But they’re socks.”

“Yeah, but still.” 

Yunho always had a few quirks that you found quite cute. The socks were one thing, but when you found out that he would eat his burgers flipped around so that the top bun would soak the sauce more than the bottom bun, you realised that he always had a sense of reason for everything.

You never questioned that one. It seems to make sense even now as you sit in his car with some fast food joint that was still open even at three a.m.

“Should we pick up Mingi?” you ask with a mouthful of fries.

“I doubt he’s awake,” Yunho snorts. “Last I spoke to him, he said he’s going into hibernation.”

“During finals week?” 

“That’s what he wants.”  

You laugh slightly as you sip on your iced coffee—courtesy of Yunho—as you think back to the last time you had seen Mingi. The man’s in the same course as you and Yunho, but you barely ever see him in class. He only ever shows up for the exams or whenever he needs to physically submit something, but other than that, Mingi’s almost like a ghost from the way you guys barely see him on campus. 

“He’s looking into that whole prom thing,” Yunho adds. His giant hands scrunch up the wrapper of his big mac, stuffing it into the paper bag before he pulls out another burger that he begins to unwrap. 

“There’s a prom?” you glance.

“It’s being held by the music club. Mingi’s either performing or getting a date to just hang out with for the night. They’re selling tickets right now in The Meadow.” 

“Why the hell is it called The Meadow?” you scoff a laugh. 

The Meadow is a spot on campus right outside of the cafeteria. It’s concrete-floored and more of an open-air courtyard than anything else, but the university had named it The Meadow and had decorated it with a bunch of trees and plants. 

“Gotta find something fancy, I guess,” he chuckles.    

“Yeah, but ‘The Meadow’…?”

“Haven’t we already learned to not question what the university decides?” Yunho gives you a knowing look that makes you roll your eyes with a smile tugging at your lips. “I’m too lazy to actually question half of the things that happen on campus. I have enough of that with that one guy from the volunteer club taking his pants off in the cafeteria for money.”

“At least he donated it.”

“His ass cheeks were hanging out and there was a bush hiding where his dick was supposed to be.”

“You can’t blame the man for not shaving his balls, Yuns,” you laugh.

“Hey, if I was him, I would’ve groomed the hell out of my sack. Get right in the folds and everything.”

“Dude!” Your hand flies to smack him on the shoulder while the other covers your mouth. “You’re disgusting.” 

“It’s just a fact,” he giggles. 

“Yeah, right,” you roll your eyes. “What’s the plan for Summer break?” you ask, quickly changing the topic to avoid Yunho making any more gross comments. 

“I’m thinking of heading to the beach. Fly out to one of the tropical places and just camp there for a week or two,” Yunho shrugs. “Not much of a plan really… you know how I am.” 

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now,” you tease. 

“If I invited you to the Bora Bora in the middle of the night, would you come?” 

“Who the fuck would decide ot go to Bora Bora in the middle of the night?”

“Answer the question, (Y/n),” he groans. 

“I don’t know, man, it depends on how I’m feeling that day,” you shrug. 

“What if I invited you right now?” 

You pause in the middle of chewing and slowly turn to look at Yunho. He’s watching you curiously as he leans his arm against the car door, a suggesting look in his eyes. 

“How long?”

“A week.”

“What about my assignments?” 

“Cram them in right before the deadline or pay someone to do them.”

“This is a dangerous game you’re playing, Jeong Yunho,” you claim with a warning tone. 

“It’s a fun one,” he grins cheekily. 

“When do we leave?” 

“I bet I could find a ticket for two and an airBnB or a nice hotel pretty easily.”


Yunho’s eyes widen and he gives you a slightly surprised look, “really?”

“Why not?” You eye him back with the same exact teasing look, but with more challenge in your eyes. 

“Hell, let’s go then,” he concludes with a laugh while pulling his phone out from the centre console.  “You’re a hundred percent sure?”

“Why the fuck not, dude? I’m here for a good time.” 

“Alright then.” 
