#yunho imagines



Pairing: Jung Yunho × black!fem reader


Warnings: not really proofread again lol

yunho’s smile was wide on his face, his eyes down while he tried to reign his excitement in over seeing you with a bouquet of your favorites in hand. your date night had been planned down to the last detail and his heart had been pounding from the second he’d sent his ‘on my way’ text.

but the key you’d given him opened the door to a scene he hadn’t expected.

“look, man, all i’m sayin’ is: y'all can keep it the fuck down– i’m across the damn hall from y'all, all i hear is y'all talkin’ and laughing and shit all night when i’m tryna chill and mind my business!”

you couldn’t believe the gall of this jackass, not even noticing yunho and his fading grin coming in behind you. your cousin hadn’t even been in your apartment a whole week, and he was already on bullshit. all because he had been put on academic probation and your place was closer to the university than your aunt and uncle’s. the dude was living under your roof rent free and had the nerve to complain about what you were doing in your own damn house, and your boyfriend stood in unmeasured awkwardness while you yelled back at him with all of those facts.

“…and you can leave whenever the fuck you want to! i ain’t your damn mama, this is MY house, and yunho is MY motherfuckin’ man, okay?! he could be in here blowing my back out, you don’t pay shit round here so you can take your black ass home or deal with what i do in my spot!”

yunho’s smile turned into pure shock at hearing you say that, and when you finally realized that he was there, he timidly greeted you, handing you your flowers and giving uncomfortable looks to your cousin that he tried to conceal before you both went on your way.

you noticed he was quieter than usual the entire evening, but he insisted that he was fine no matter how much you asked, and you had no choice but to let things be so that your date wouldn’t be even further ruined. but the next day passed, and his behavior was still on your mind. you hadn’t expected a text from mingi to interrupt your thoughts. and when you read it you were only more confused.

mingi: hey

mingi: you know yunho would never hurt you, right?

you answered him immediately, feeling your forehead wrinkle with how confused you were.

you: what???? where is this coming from???

mingi: he said he heard you and your cousin fighting bc he thinks he is treating you bad.

your cheeks grew hot. and you slapped your hands over your face, dropping your phone to the floor in the process. 

is that what he thought you meant by–

“oh god…”

it was at least twenty extra minutes before you could even face your phone screen again.

you: he definitely completely misunderstood what i was saying. 

mingi: really?

mingi: well that’s good

mingi: i’ll tell him

you barely paid attention to any of those texts before messaging yunho in all caps.


yunho: i know! i’m sorry!

yunho: i was just worried i didn’t know what to do!

you: that isn’t even what i meant! i said blow my back out!

yunho: oh…

yunho: mingi explained.

yunho: i’m sorry.

you sighed. even when he was being dumb, your boy was such a sweetheart. you couldn’t help but forgive him immediately, even a as embarrassed as you were. 

then your phone began buzzing again.

seonghwa: hey, i’m sorry your back is hurt, do you need anything?

hongjoong: i hope you get better soon, mingi just told us!

wooyoung: HOW DID YOU HURT YOUR BACK??;!!!!

Pairing: Yunho x Reader

Word count: 1.2k

Genre: Fluff | College shenanigans

Summary: You’re used to Yunho’s antics by now as he bugs you in the middle of the night to find something to do. This could include driving to the middle of nowhere with makeshift molotovs (that you make sure to clean up after the fire’s down) or decided to fly out in the middle of your assignment season.

Warnings: Yunho makes a gross joke about his balls

Masterlist|Buy me a coffee?



Your seemingly unwavering focus towards the screen of your laptop is torn when you hear the familiar ding of your phone. You can see the notification on the screen of the gadget for a moment before it blackens as it was a few seconds before. 

A little bit 
What’s up?

You honestly don’t know what to expect, but you know that it means Yunho’s bored. You’ve gotten used to him showing up at your dorm building or right outside your room in the middle of the night when he’s feeling antsy. 

Usually, his presence ends up in the both of you driving to another state only to drive back when the sun starts rising. Either that or you’ll return to your room full from having McDonald’s, ice cream, or some other kind of food that you could find in the dead of night. 

I’m coming to your room in five
I’m bored 

I’ll leave the door unlocked

You move away from your desk to start preparing a bag. You decide against asking Yunho what he has in mind considering his decisions change as quickly as he has the ability to change his socks from the extensive collection of Adventure Time and animal themed socks that he has stored away in the bottom drawer of his closet.

Strange how you actually remember that.  

You’ve always found it strange how you would remember all the little quirky things about Yunho. 

He likes strawberry ice cream but only because of the way it looks and only if he gets blueberry sorbet right after because he likes the way it turns his tongue purple. He has a box filled with random rings that he never wears because he feels like they’re heavy, but he’s never told people to stop gifting them to him on his birthday only because he thinks it makes gifting easier for them.

Yunho can either drive for five hours straight or fifteen minutes only; nothing in between. He once went to America for a month and ended up sleeping on the streets because his friend who was supposed to house him had somehow ended up in prison, yet, Yunho came back ten times happier and a million times calmer than when before he left. 

He also hates wearing the same themed socks because he once felt guilty when “Princess Bubblegum wasn’t put with her goth girlfriend Marceline” whenever he wears one of them, so he only wears them in couples. 

The first time you noticed it, you hadn’t pointed it out. It wasn’t until the first year or so into your friendship that you had asked Yunho about it. The idea of his mismatched socks hadn’t even come as strange to you, you were honestly just curious. 

He hadn’t found it strange either. Only laughed as he stretched his legs out to show them to you. 

“I just don’t want them to feel bad, ya’know?”

“But they’re socks.”

“Yeah, but still.” 

Yunho always had a few quirks that you found quite cute. The socks were one thing, but when you found out that he would eat his burgers flipped around so that the top bun would soak the sauce more than the bottom bun, you realised that he always had a sense of reason for everything.

You never questioned that one. It seems to make sense even now as you sit in his car with some fast food joint that was still open even at three a.m.

“Should we pick up Mingi?” you ask with a mouthful of fries.

“I doubt he’s awake,” Yunho snorts. “Last I spoke to him, he said he’s going into hibernation.”

“During finals week?” 

“That’s what he wants.”  

You laugh slightly as you sip on your iced coffee—courtesy of Yunho—as you think back to the last time you had seen Mingi. The man’s in the same course as you and Yunho, but you barely ever see him in class. He only ever shows up for the exams or whenever he needs to physically submit something, but other than that, Mingi’s almost like a ghost from the way you guys barely see him on campus. 

“He’s looking into that whole prom thing,” Yunho adds. His giant hands scrunch up the wrapper of his big mac, stuffing it into the paper bag before he pulls out another burger that he begins to unwrap. 

“There’s a prom?” you glance.

“It’s being held by the music club. Mingi’s either performing or getting a date to just hang out with for the night. They’re selling tickets right now in The Meadow.” 

“Why the hell is it called The Meadow?” you scoff a laugh. 

The Meadow is a spot on campus right outside of the cafeteria. It’s concrete-floored and more of an open-air courtyard than anything else, but the university had named it The Meadow and had decorated it with a bunch of trees and plants. 

“Gotta find something fancy, I guess,” he chuckles.    

“Yeah, but ‘The Meadow’…?”

“Haven’t we already learned to not question what the university decides?” Yunho gives you a knowing look that makes you roll your eyes with a smile tugging at your lips. “I’m too lazy to actually question half of the things that happen on campus. I have enough of that with that one guy from the volunteer club taking his pants off in the cafeteria for money.”

“At least he donated it.”

“His ass cheeks were hanging out and there was a bush hiding where his dick was supposed to be.”

“You can’t blame the man for not shaving his balls, Yuns,” you laugh.

“Hey, if I was him, I would’ve groomed the hell out of my sack. Get right in the folds and everything.”

“Dude!” Your hand flies to smack him on the shoulder while the other covers your mouth. “You’re disgusting.” 

“It’s just a fact,” he giggles. 

“Yeah, right,” you roll your eyes. “What’s the plan for Summer break?” you ask, quickly changing the topic to avoid Yunho making any more gross comments. 

“I’m thinking of heading to the beach. Fly out to one of the tropical places and just camp there for a week or two,” Yunho shrugs. “Not much of a plan really… you know how I am.” 

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now,” you tease. 

“If I invited you to the Bora Bora in the middle of the night, would you come?” 

“Who the fuck would decide ot go to Bora Bora in the middle of the night?”

“Answer the question, (Y/n),” he groans. 

“I don’t know, man, it depends on how I’m feeling that day,” you shrug. 

“What if I invited you right now?” 

You pause in the middle of chewing and slowly turn to look at Yunho. He’s watching you curiously as he leans his arm against the car door, a suggesting look in his eyes. 

“How long?”

“A week.”

“What about my assignments?” 

“Cram them in right before the deadline or pay someone to do them.”

“This is a dangerous game you’re playing, Jeong Yunho,” you claim with a warning tone. 

“It’s a fun one,” he grins cheekily. 

“When do we leave?” 

“I bet I could find a ticket for two and an airBnB or a nice hotel pretty easily.”


Yunho’s eyes widen and he gives you a slightly surprised look, “really?”

“Why not?” You eye him back with the same exact teasing look, but with more challenge in your eyes. 

“Hell, let’s go then,” he concludes with a laugh while pulling his phone out from the centre console.  “You’re a hundred percent sure?”

“Why the fuck not, dude? I’m here for a good time.” 

“Alright then.” 

ATEEZ Yunho: Better (oneshot)

Genre: angst, fluff, bestfriends to lovers au, non-idol au.

Pairing: Yunho x reader

Warnings: alcoholism/alcohol abuse, mentions of getting help professionally.


“Please stop,” you cried, reaching out to grab the bottle of alcohol from your bestfriend; he had just gotten home from a bar and was drinking again. Yunho was drinking at almost every hour of the day, not stopping at all even after he passed out multiple times. 

You really don’t know when and how your bestfriend started drinking way more than a person should, but at this point, you were sure this was alcoholism. You wanted to get him out of it, but nothing you did seemed to work out; he even refused to get help professionally, saying that he’s not gonna pay so much just to talk to someone about his problems. If he wasn’t drinking at a bar, he was drinking in his apartment and it was starting to scare you.

“Get lost,” Yunho spat, not allowing you to take the bottle away from him.

“Yunho, please, this is way too much! You’re going to pass out again!” You really wished he would talk to you about his problems; you both were bestfriends ever middle school and you knew everything about each other. You don’t know why Yunho suddenly stopped opening up to you.

“Just leave, Y/N,” he said in a cold tone, taking a sip of the alcohol.

“I’m not going any—”

“Just leave!” he yelled, making you flinch a little. “Leave me the fuck alone! Go run to that fucking asshole!”

Your eyes widened. “What? Who?”

He chuckled bitterly. “You think I don’t know that you slept with Jae?”

“Yunho, I’ve never even spoken to him!”

“Don’t fucking lie to me!” he yelled, throwing the bottle at the wall. You jumped at the sound of the glass shattering. “I saw you leaving with him at that party!”

You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down before you could calm him down. “Yunho, you’ve misunderstood! I left with Mingi, remember? You told him to drop me home! I—”

“Why am I not good enough for you? Why can’t you see how much I’m in love with you?” he mumbled, cutting you off, and you froze in place. Yunho sat down against the wall, staring at the space in front of him. “I can’t do well at my job. My friends ignore me most of the time. My family doesn’t bother contacting me. The woman I love doesn’t love me back. I only have alcohol.” So that’s what this was all about.

You kneeled beside your bestfriend, taking his face in your hands. He stared at you with his pain-filled eyes, causing your heart to ache. “Yunho, I didn’t know you fell in love with me. If I had known that, I would’ve told you that I feel the same way.”

He moved away from you. “I don’t want your pity, Y/N. Just leave me alone.”

“I love you, Yunho,” you confessed. “I’ve been in love with you for years. Why do you think I haven’t dated anyone?”

You reached out to hold his hands, but he pushed yours away harshly. “Leave me alone! I don’t give a fuck if you love me and I don’t need you in my life. I don’t want to see you ever again,” he said, slowly getting up from the floor. “So get out of my house. Now.”

You stood up from the floor, staring at him in disbelief. “Yun—” you paused. You were trying so hard to not cry, but you knew you would break down any second. You looked at his emotionless face before you nodded; you didn’t want to leave him in that state, but maybe he just needed to be alone right now.

You took your sling bag and pulled out a bottle of painkillers, knowing Yunho would need them in the morning. You left them on his dining table before you left.

It was pouring heavily outside, but you didn’t care. You walked in the rain with an aching heart and a mind filled with thoughts of Yunho.


You kept walking, eyes focused on the ground while your tears blended with the rain.

“Y/N!” Yunho grabbed your wrist, making you turn around. He was breathing heavily due to running after you. He cupped your cheeks, staring into your eyes. His eyes never left yours while took his leather jacket off, putting it over your head and then his own, shielding you both from the rain. You kept your eyes on the ground, but you could feel his eyes on you. You slowly looked up, noticing how there were only a few centimeters between you and him. Your eyes flickered between Yunho’s eyes and his lips, and he slowly leaned down, stopping at your parted lips, waiting for a few seconds to see if you would push him away. When you didn’t, he captured your lips with his own. Your hands moved down to grasp his shirt while you kissed him back; you’ve dreamed about kissing him for so many years.

Yunho pulled away after a while, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry for behaving like an asshole,” he murmured. “When you walked out the door, I felt like my whole world was shattering.” You cupped his cheek, making him look at you. “I-I can’t lose you, Y/N,” he continued. “I love you you much. I know it’s hard to love me, to be with me… but please give me a chance. I can’t see you with someone else. I promise to become better for you. I swear I’ll become better.”

“I love you and that’s why I’m willing to try,” you replied honestly. “But you have to let me help you, Yunho. You’re drinking way too much, it scares me. I almost get a heart attack whenever you pass out. I can’t lose you, Yunho, you mean the whole world to me. Please, let me help you.” your voice cracked at the end, making Yunho realize just how much his actions affected you. He took a deep breath before nodding his head; he wanted to become better not only for you, but also for himself.

Yunho wrapped his jacket around you before he lifted you bridal-style, carrying you back to his apartment to show you just how much he loves you.


[masterlist in bio]
30 january 2020

a/n: i felt good about woo’s so pls at least read his,,,also members under the cut since this is so long oops

warning: implications of sex, vulgar language


s e o n g h w a ♡

  • he finds it funny, really
  • the fact that he’d spent so much time focusing on you and you only, had given up so much for you and you just took advantage of him like it was nothing
  • it’s hilarious to him to look back on how fucking stupid he’d been to ignore the feeling in his gut and try to wait it out in hopes of his suspicions being false
  • but of course, like everything else, it was too good to be true
  • he’s been waiting for you to come home for a good few hours now
  • you haven’t been answering your phone at all and god knows where you are at this hour
  • and this isn’t the first time either. but seonghwa doesn’t like being by himself, so he always goes back to the dorms during these situations. and you know that
  • but you don’t know this time he’s decided to wait, to see what’s really going on, if it’s really worth staying and trusting you
  • when he finally hears the lock of the door clicking, he’s up against the counter in the kitchen with his arms folded over his chest that’s moving heavily up and down
  • and it only gets worse when he hears not only you giggling, but also another voice he doesn’t recognize
  • he harshly knocks down a chair on his way into the living room, storming all the way to the man whose neck you’ve attached your lips to, grabbing him by the collar and swinging his fist into his jaw as hard as he can
  • kicking him a couple more times as he falls to the ground
  • you’re terrified of what seonghwa’s going to do to him or what he’s going to do to you
  • but there’s no point. he’s too much of a gentleman to ever lay a hand on you
  • so all he does is scream and shout at you about how he shouldn’t have stayed, how dumb he was to believe your lies, how he should have been able to see right through you the whole time
  • and he hopes you’re fucking happy with the douchebag bleeding on the floor and if you want to be with him so much take him and leave, your stuff will be outside in the morning
  • after you’re gone, it’s hard for him to think. maybe it’s because he’s tired
  • or he’s completely hopeless from losing the one thing that kept him sane
  • but is now causing the worst pain he never thought he’d feel

h o n g j o o n g ♡

  • he’s been too busy with work to notice how distant you’ve become the past few weeks
  • and maybe it’s his own fault this happened since he hasn’t made time for you
  • but he’s still hurt and heartbroken and it’s still not a good enough excuse to throw away everything he’s done for you
  • hongjoong told you he’d be home before you go to bed, but he finds himself caught up in work again, losing track of time
  • he curses at himself under his breath, haphazardly grabbing his things to get to you as quickly as possible
  • he wants to make it up to you, he really does
  • but the idea’s completely thrown out the window as he opens the door to find you on the couch with another man
  • he stumbles in shock, not sure what to do or say
  • all you do is give him a small look and stand up slowly, calmly beginning to speak as if you’ve been expecting this to happen
  • it’s not that hongjoong doesn’t want to hear your explanation, just that he physically can’t
  • his breathing and heartbeat are too fast to consider safe. his vision begins to blur, but he doesn’t know if it’s from tears or because he’s beginning to feel lightheaded
  • heloved you. he gave you everything he could for you and you didn’t care
  • he told you in the beginning time management would be difficult and if it was going to be a problem to talk to him
  • you stepped on his heart and spit on it like he means nothing to you
  • he doesn’t realize he’s been screaming or crying until his fist comes in contact with the wall. he also notices you haven’t said anything or tried to justify yourself at all
  • he shakily turns his head in your direction but your eyes are somewhere else, arms folded over your chest and an almost-guilty look on your face
  • and he looks at the boy he assumes is the one you’ve been with. he’s practically in the same stance as you, trying not to get caught up in everything
  • the room feels hot. too hot for hongjoong to stay
  • so he walks past you and begins to grab some things, thanking himself for never leaving too much at your place
  • he leaves without another word. he wanted to tell you how much he fucking hates you, but then he’d be lying through his teeth
  • you don’t deserve to be hated anyway, and he silently wishes you the best because all he’s every wanted is for you to be happy
  • and if he can’t give it to you, he’s more than satisfied to let you find something else to take his place

y u n h o 

  • maybe he should have listened to the guys all the times they’d told him they’d had a bad feeling about you from the beginning
  • or maybe he should have just put in a little bit more effort, giving you more than you’d ever wanted
  • but there’s no point in thinking about that now. it’s too late.
  • he’ll never be able to describe the feeling of walking in on the love of his life with their legs wrapped around another man’s waist
  • the man you said was nothing more than a coworker. the constant meet-ups for “work purposes” were clearly just quick fucks behind yunho’s back
  • he’s angry, sure. that’s a given
  • but he’s more confused and insecure and broken-down than anything
  • what did he do wrong? what does this man give you that he doesn’t? did you ever really love him?
  • tears are already streaming down his cheeks as he screams for the man to get the fuck out of his house
  • but as soon as he’s gone, yunho goes quiet except for the sobs that escape his throat
  • he wants to talk. to know what happened when. and he’s willing to give you another chance
  • he knows he shouldn’t. he doesn’t want to think about what the guys would say about this
  • but he loves you way too much to ever let you go like this
  • his feelings for you could rival that of someone who was genuinely obsessed. a stalker, if you were willing to go that far
  • he’s willing to do anything to keep you by his side. you two can move on together
  • but when you tell him there’s no moving on, there’s nothing the world has to offer the two of you anymore
  • he falls to the ground in pieces
  • he’s crying so hard he barely makes any noise
  • he can’t breathe. he’s shaking. he wants everything to stop
  • he begs and begs and begs for you to stay. he can’t live without you
  • yunho can barely hear your apology as you step around him and walk out in the direction of your new lover, leaving him on the floor alone with his demons
  • he’d spend the next nights wondering what he did wrong
  • what he could have done differently to have made you stay
  • his body is completely drained of energy. every night he limps to the bed, alone, to cry himself to sleep
  • ever so slightly hoping he doesn’t wake up

y e o s a n g 

  • yeosang is a very attentive man. he should have been able to pick up on all the little things that would have led to this situation
  • but you’re a very secretive person. good enough to keep it from him for however long this shit has been going on.
  • it hurts that he found out through a friend. he doesn’t know if it would have been better for him to see it directly, but he’s still glad he didn’t.
  • wooyoung had pulled him aside a few weeks ago to tell him that he’d seen you kissing someone he didn’t recognize. but yeosang didn’t want to believe it
  • so he waited it out and paid close attention to your actions. he can’t really tell what’s different, but it doesn’t add up nonetheless
  • and yeosang is not a confrontational person in the slightest
  • so when he comes to you with a simultaneously angry and terrified look on his face, you already know you’re in shit
  • he’s direct and straight to the point. not that you’d expect anything else from him
  • “are you seeing someone else?”
  • it doesn’t take a psychologist to recognize the way you tear your gaze away from him and try to hide the pure guilt on your face
  • you don’t answer. so he repeats his question, but harsher and louder and more aggressive.
  • “are you fucking cheating on me? fucking answer me, y/n!”
  • he’s already zoned you out by the time you start spitting apologies from your lips
  • he doesn’t understand what he did wrong
  • he took care of you
  • he dropped everything for you the second you called
  • he put you before everything
  • he’s been through absolute hell for you
  • but you really took that for granted
  • and the fact that you’ve had the audacity to tell him you love him? you’re a fucking liar
  • yeosang doesn’t hate many things, but liars definitely top the list
  • but he’s never really encountered liars like you. nobody’s ever gone that far to rip his heart out and stomp on it
  • so he doesn’t know what else to do other than run out of the apartment and let his legs carry him as far as they can take him
  • he doesn’t know where he’s going
  • he can’t tell if he’s crying or if the cold wind is making his eyes water
  • but as long as he can get as far away from you as he possibly can, it doesn’t really matter at the moment.

s a n 

  • though san is one of the members to fall the hardest, he’s attentive and mature enough to know when things aren’t going as well as they used to be
  • he’s noticed you’ve been a bit more distant lately
  • you’ve been on your phone a lot and have been staying out later
  • and more often you have excuses to not spend time with him, so of course he already has his suspicions
  • but he’s been terrified of saying or doing something in fear of being wrong and damaging your trust
  • until now, a little past two-thirty in the morning when you get a text from a name he’s noticed on your phone before
  • and you must have not been smart enough to change your passcode, he thinks as he opens the message to find pictures of you he’s never seen even though he’s the only one who should have
  • his blood begins to boil, but not as much as it would have had he not already figured you’ve been doing things behind his back
  • he quietly slips out of bed so as not to wake you up, but the action is completely pointless once he picks up your phone and hurls it at the farthest wall as hard as he possibly can, a loud grunt escaping his throat
  • your body shoots up, confused as to what san is making such noise for
  • but it clicks when you flick the light on and see san’s stance
  • his hands are balled into fists so tight his knuckles are white, his face red and scrunched up in anger
  • there are darkness and betrayal clear in his eyes, almost making you scared of what he’s going to do
  • there’s a lot of things he wants to do, but all he can is yell and let his emotions out
  • how he shouldn’t have let this played out so long
  • how he believed you when you told him you loved him and no one else
  • he screams for you to get out, but the only direction you move in is towards him in an attempt to convince him to let you stay
  • all you did was make it worse. you don’t deserve to stay
  • he picks up the framed picture of the two of you and throws it the same way he did your phone, finally causing you to leave
  • he doesn’t care if you don’t have your stuff or if he’s sending you on your own in the middle of the night. you don’t matter to him now
  • you could get hit by a car for all he cares, and he’d think you deserved it
  • all that matters is that he’s finally gotten everything taken care of and never has to see you again

m i n g i 

  • unless there’s been a fight between the two of you, it’s rare that mingi’s in a bad mood when you’re around him, even if he’s had the literal shittiest day in all of human history
  • you’re the first person he goes to when he needs someone to lean on or listen to him rant about everything on his mind
  • you don’t even have to do anything to make him feel better. just the thought of you makes his heart beat faster with pure love and gratefulness that he found you
  • so it’s really unexpected when you, the sole person he’s willing to give up his life for, do the exact opposite of what you normally do
  • today wasn’t a particularly stressful one, but he’s still dying to lie in your arms and listen to the soft thumping of your heart right now
  • he goes to make his way to your shared bedroom, already walking a bit slowly from being so worn out from practice
  • but all of his movements cease–including his breathing and probably his heartbeat, too–when he takes his first steps into the hallway
  • there you are, pinned up against the wall by somebody he recognizes to be “just a friend” from a while back
  • he notices how you scramble away from your partner when you realize he’s standing there, so you do know that what you’re doing is wrong
  • so why are you still doing it?
  • he has so many emotions right now he doesn’t even know how he’s feeling
  • but it absolutely tears him up inside
  • did you ever really love him? was he just a toy to you?
  • he’s useless. of course it was too good to be true. nobody could ever love him. he was stupid to think that you shared the same feelings he had for you
  • the other man’s already left the house by now. i’ll stop by later, he said. it just made the situation worse.
  • he’s rambling and he’s crying and he’s bumping into things trying to back away from you
  • don’t fucking touch him. he wants to say it. he tries, but the words get caught between sobs in his throat
  • it feels almost as if he’s dreaming. it’s what he wants to believe, anyway. so he doesn’t bother stopping you when you wrap your arms around his body and pull his head into your chest, dropping to your knees on the floor where he sits now
  • he lets you cradle him even though he knows you shouldn’t. he’s so, so confused.
  • it’s a hard debate in his head, whether or not to leave
  • he loves you way too much to ever even think of letting you go
  • maybe, he thinks, there’s a solution. everyone deserves a second chance, right…?

w o o y o u n g 

  • wooyoung is someone who falls in love easily. and when he does, the feelings are extremely strong to where it takes a lot to let go
  • he forgives and forgives because he loves you so much and he’s given you his entire soul to take care of
  • but never has he expected you’d crush it just like that
  • a few hours ago, he texted you to let you know he’s coming home early
  • he didn’t get a reply, so he assumed you were busy or simply taking a nap
  • god, how he wishes that were the case
  • he gently closes the door and sets his bags down before padding to the bedroom, trying to be quiet just in case you’re asleep
  • it’s only now that he hears sounds that definitely don’t sound like snores
  • sounds that definitely aren’t coming from you
  • the feeling of his heartbeat pounding against his ribcage is almost terrifying when met with his hands shaking without rhythm
  • he prays you’re just watching a video and you’re by yourself and he can just walk in and take care of you
  • but when he opens the door, he’s greeted with the sight of you on your knees with hands that aren’t his in your hair
  • he’s flooded with so many emotions—anger, fear, heartbreak—that he doesn’t even notice your partner scrambling to pull his pants up or you walking closer with your hands out, struggling to find an explanation
  • tears completely blur his vision as he tries to back away from you, not yet knowing what to say or do
  • but his mind takes over and his voice gets loud, slamming his fist against the doorframe, screaming for the two of you to get out and never come back
  • he screams and punches his fist against the wall, not caring if you can hear from outside and not stopping until blood is visibly dripping from his knuckles down his forearm
  • he’s angry at himself for not being so naïve, angry at you for taking advantage of him, angry at god for allowing something so terrible to happen to him
  • and the anger fizzles into sorrow, and the sorrow fizzes into hopelessness
  • and all he can do from here is curl against the wall and cry until his head pounds at the tempo of his broken heart

j o n g h o 

  • it all began when you started calling someone’s name in your sleep. a name that wasn’t jongho’s.
  • he didn’t know who he assumed it to be, but he tried not to think too much of it
  • he should have, though
  • the last time he hears you call that name, you’re not asleep
  • you’re lying on the couch, yes, but you’re just as awake as he is
  • his first reaction is shocked. this was not what he expected to come home to. hell, he didn’t even know you were gonna be here, let alone cheat on him
  • his second reaction is angry. he’s fucking pissed at the person whose was sitting between your legs moments ago, a place jongho thought was reserved for him and him only. who is he to think he has the same rights?
  • then he’s pissed at you. who the fuck do you think you are, letting some stranger go down on you on the same couch you sat with your boyfriend just last night, telling him you loved him?
  • then he’s pissed at himself. he should have known better. he didn’t see any signs, but he should have picked up on them. they had to have been there
  • the way his brows furrow and his nose scrunches puts a terrifying expression on his face. you’ve never seen him like this, and it was probably for the best
  • he tells the man simply to get the fuck out. when he doesn’t do it quick enough, jongho grabs him up by the collar and knocks his fist square into his jaw before practically throwing him out the door and slamming it shut hard enough for a nearby picture to fall off of the wall
  • his third reaction is denial. he’s shaking when he turns back around to you. he begs you to tell him it’s all a dream. tell him it’s just some sick prank and none of this ever really happened and everything can go back to how it was yesterday
  • it breaks your heart to see the rivers already streaming endlessly down his cheeks
  • his last sliver of hope disappears, however, when you only respond with apologies. you can’t even think of an excuse to give him. he would find that funny if he weren’t in this current situation
  • his final reaction his heartbreak. there’s no going back. how long has this been going on? he wonders. but he doesn’t bother to ask
  • he turns just enough to be able to punch the wall hard enough to leave a hole before plodding past you to the bedroom, not even sparing a glance at you
  • “i want all your shit out of here by the time i wake up.” it’s not a suggestion, even with the lack of authority in his voice. he sounds so drained, so helpless, so broken inside.
  • he doesn’t know why he’s lying in bed. he’s not tired. he can’t sleep
  • all it does is remind him of you. but it’s a good place to cry, he supposes. locked out from the world. just him, himself, and he. nobody else.
  • especially not you

☆ko-fi au: lovestruck!au x flower shop!au yunho
find other ateez aus:here

  • you’ve sold about ten bundles of yellow carnations in the past two weeks
  • each time, the bundle is bought by the same person, jung yunho
  • he’s a sweet, tall, and rather quiet boy that comes in wearing his schools uniform and getting all clammed up when you ask him about his classes
  • you go to a school all the way across town, taking the train to the flower shop here where you’re learning about agriculture from the owner
  • you are just genuinely curious - does the other school have more sports? what kind of clubs are there?
  • the issue is, yunho has been unable to give you any kind of coherent answer
  • you think he’s just preoccupied with thoughts about other things - studying or his own friends
  • but in reality, it’s you that makes him unable to speak
  • the first time yunho had passed you by, he’d been coming from basketball practice
  • he was wearing joggers and a loose t-shirt, talking to his teammate mingi who was commenting on the use of his wrist during the free throws
  • yunho had stopped on the sidewalk to try and copy the move mingi had just shown him, imagining the hoop was across the road
  • when he’d flicked his wrist - he zeroed in on the flower shop he had used as his imaginary hoop
  • and right under it - stood you
  • you were holding a freshly potted orchid and smiling at it with adoration that yunho hadn’t ever seen on the face of a human being
  • for the minute he stood there frozen, you had checked the leaves on the plant and turned over your shoulder to go back inside to help a customer
  • mingi had to shake him out of a trance
  • “who is that?”
  • he asked and mingi shook his head and said
  • “no idea.”
  • now yunho has been working completely off trial and error, coming to understand that you worked after school tuesday through friday
  • he had stopped by every single day
  • buying the same thing
  • on the fourth day you asked, “are these for decoration?”
  • he had managed to just shake his head - wanting to say ‘i heard yellow carnations mean love’instead
  • on the ninth day when he came in, you already had them ready for him. all tied up with a nice white bow.
  • the gesture had almost made yunho turn on his heel to run out of the shop in hopes you would avoid seeing his ears blush a hard and glaring red
  • now, it’s the start of the third week. tuesday. you are wrapping up the carnations and frowning at yourself
  • “why is he buying these every day……is he visiting someone with them?”
  • the owner passes behind you with a bag of soil and groans
  • “he better not, yellow carnations mean rejection in the flower language.”
  • you gasp
  • “do you think he knows?”
  • she sets the soil down beside one of the displays and shrugs, “probably not. but if the person he’s giving them to knows then they’re probably not too excited about getting ten bundles of them! ten rejections - can you imagine!”
  • she chuckles and you set the bundle to the side
  • when five p.m. comes around, the little bell on the door jingles and yunho comes through
  • he has the same backpack over his shoulders, but this time he’s not wearing his uniformed jacket
  • instead he’s just in the buttoned down shirt - probably due to the sudden warm weather
  • “yunho!”
  • the way you say his names makes the shop flip on its head
  • “i have your carnations here!”
  • you come jogging toward him with a big bright smile that matches the sunshine yellow of the flower petals
  • yunho takes them, large hand enveloping yours before the shock of the contact makes him nearly tumble backward
  • “by the way - i don’t want to keep being nosy but - are you giving these to your crush?”
  • yunho hears the word “crush” and the figure of you standing in front of him in your little apron and big smile starts to twirl around his head
  • are you a crush? sometimes it feels like you’re something so much more serious.
  • “you don’t have to tell me-” you keep going, but yunho finally collects enough air in his lungs to respond to you
  • “yes, the- they’re for someone i like.”
  • you brighten but then your shoulders sag
  • “oh - well it’s just, you might want to buy white ones instead. in flower language, they mean a pure kind of love and yellow means - well -”
  • you don’t want to disappoint him so you try to search for a word that’s not as harsh as rejection
  • “they mean, kind of like - sorry i am not interested?”
  • the honey brown of yunho’s eyes still as if you’ve just delivered life-crushing news
  • you start to worry and mentally yell at yourself for getting involved - maybe his crush just likes yellow! why did you just have to say that!
  • “i- i mean - i mean yellow is still such a nice color, i mean i like it! i like it a lot! it’s my favorite and probably your crushes favorite too since you keep buying-”
  • yunho perks slightly
  • “they- yellow is your favorite?”
  • you nod enthusiastically, saying something about how it’s the kind of color that you can’t help but smile when you see.
  • yellow also looks nice on flowers, it’s common but comfortable.
  • this settles the expression that had darkened before on yunho, he twirls the bundle in his hands for a second
  • and then he pushes it back into your hands
  • “do-do you want to exchange them?”
  • you ask - ready to turn and get some white carnations - when he shakes his head
  • “n-no i want to add to this bundle.”
  • “oh! sure, which flowers?”
  • yunho is acutely aware of how you are holding the flowers with care, your hands compared to his are small
  • “which flower is the best to confess with?”
  • “what kind of confession is it?”
  • it takes more control than he could have imagined to look into your eyes at this close of a distance
  • but when he does, he speaks before the sentence really formulates in his mind
  • “love at first sight”
  • “oh! i think lavender roses work best for that - they’re low on stock but i think i have some in the back!”
  • yunho listens to your footsteps as you shuffle through the store, he stands in it like a tree towering among mushrooms
  • when you return, there is one beautiful lilac-colored rose in the middle of the yellow carnations
  • the prize of the bundle
  • “is this ok?”
  • “yes”
  • he pays for the bundle and you hand it to him with another gentle smile
  • yunho is going to turn around and walk out - the same way he has the ten other times he’s come in to see you
  • but this feels different and so he does what he did before, he pushes them back toward you
  • “oh should we -”
  • “they’re for you.”
  • with that. he has to leave, he can’t really stop his nervous feet from carrying him out the door and you are too busy processing the action to catch up with him.
  • by the time you do - you check outside the door holding the bouquet to no avail
  • you bring it up to stare at the center rose and feel a wave overcome you
  • love at first sight…..he fell in love with me at first sight?
  • yunho doesn’t come back after that, mostly due to his utter inhuman embarrassment
  • confessing like that and running away - he feels dumb - but every time he tries to get near the shop again his heart won’t stop thumping in his ears
  • he just can’t bring himself to do it now. he likes you so much that he feels like being near you overwhelms every sense in his body.
  • mingi gets it totally, hongjoong - another one of his friends on the team - doesn’t at all.
  • finally, you take matters into your own hands
  • outside of yunho’s school on monday, the one day you don’t have work, he almost freezes in place when he sees you standing there
  • mingi pushes him further and hongjoong rolls his eyes as yunho’s large figure looms over to yours
  • you’re holding one flower in your hand and you hand it to yunho who stares at it
  • it’s not a yellow carnation, so you’re not rejecting him - but
  • “wh-what does it mean?”
  • “it’s a pink hydrangea. it means you should have come back to the shop to hear my answer to your confession.”
  • his eyes widen and yunho tries to apologize but you just laugh and say no, that’s not what they really mean
  • “they mean i understand your emotion, i reciprocate what….you feel.”
  • yunho gapes trying to put it together until hongjoong yells from nearby
  • “it means they like you too - duh!”
  • yunho turns to hongjoong with a look of shock and you hide your next laugh in your palm
  • turning to you for confirmation, you give yunho a soft nod
  • “that’s exactly what it means.”


“I’veworked hard on myself and achieved things but then again, if they’re things that ATINY can’t recognizeorcan’t see then they’re parts of me that cannot be seen with one’s eyes. Therefore, as much as I’m feeling right now, I feel like I should become a person that ATINY can be even prouder of in the future.

And he suggested ”FROM“ as today’s song, i love him so much. We don’t deserve his pure heart.

