#jerry aint taking any shit


is there a chance, a small chance, that Jerry threw Diana into the fire because he was mad for the way she had insulted him. 

Jerry could’ve easily played it off innocently. Jerry knows Anne would protect him and comfort him because that’s the type of person she is. 

Jerry is known to be confident and outgoing. 

Let’s not forget, he openly flirted with Diana every single chance he got. 

He never seemed to care that she was too good for him. He approached Diana first, each time.

He’s way more advanced for his age, compared to Gilbert. This season had taught us, that he’s not afraid of taking risks, and doesn’t care about the consequences. Which makes me think he’s not as innocent as we think.

reasons (evidence) why I think he told Anne on purpose

  • (episode 5) when Jerry approached Diana while she was speaking to Anne. Diana had brushed him off in front of Anne, but Anne had no idea what was going on between them.
  • (episode 6) Diana & Jerry openly flirted with each other, and danced together. (Anne prob should’ve realized something was going on). 
  • (episode 6) when Anne pulled Diana away so she could confide in her about the psychic’s prediction. Diana glanced at Jerry without listening to Anne. 
  • (episode 7) when Jerry approached Anne for advice about ‘his girl’, Anne was so surprised she repeated “your..your girl? you have a girl?
    • ANNE DIDN’T KNOW. Jerry kept talking about his girl, and not once did Anne mention her best friend (she would’ve if she knew.) 
    • when Jerry said “she’s rich, I’m poor, so how could she ever like me?”
      • I feel like at this point, he confirmed the fact thatAnne didn’t know. 
  • when Anne started comforting Jerry saying how cruel this girl was and how she doesn’t deserve him because she sounds like an awful person.
    • all innocently, Jerry says “but Diana is your best friend.”

Why would he keep talking about his girl, if he was sure Anne knew it was Diana? 

We could say he assumed Anne knew. But it still doesn’t make any sense. Jerry knows Anne would automatically defend the people she cares about, while he let her go on and on about how mean this girl was. 

JerryknowsAnne would never badmouth Diana,ever

could it be sloppy writing? or is it the writers’ foreshadowing?

what are your thoughts on this?

people,episode 8 comes out tomorrow. we are going to see this issue unfold deeper from Diana’s point of view. prepare yourselves for the waterworks!
