#jerry baynard




Anne with an E ~ collaborative spotify playlist♡

Hello, lovelies! I created an Anne with an E collaborative playlist on spotify! Anyone can add any song they see fit in the playlist! Of course you can also add as many as you’d like!

I can’t wait to see what everyone added!♡

I’m very sad to inform you all that someone on Spotify thought it would be a good idea to delete all of our songs and copy their own sports playlist in it.

I didn’t have a private backup of the playlist, but I’ll be making one for my other collaborative playlists so this can’t happen again.

For now I’m deleting the “avonlea’s daydream playlist”

If anyone would like me to start a new one again please tell me! The next time I’m definitely creating a backup!

This is the person who did it. If anyone wants to report them.

I talked to some of my friends and they encouraged me to start over and create a new one. So if anyone wants to add their songs back in or add in new songs! Here’s the link!


Anne with an E ~ collaborative spotify playlist♡

Hello, lovelies! I created an Anne with an E collaborative playlist on spotify! Anyone can add any song they see fit in the playlist! Of course you can also add as many as you’d like!

I can’t wait to see what everyone added!♡

I’m very sad to inform you all that someone on Spotify thought it would be a good idea to delete all of our songs and copy their own sports playlist in it.

I didn’t have a private backup of the playlist, but I’ll be making one for my other collaborative playlists so this can’t happen again.

For now I’m deleting the “avonlea’s daydream playlist”

If anyone would like me to start a new one again please tell me! The next time I’m definitely creating a backup!

This is the person who did it. If anyone wants to report them.

Anne with an E ~ collaborative spotify playlist♡

Hello, lovelies! I created an Anne with an E collaborative playlist on spotify! Anyone can add any song they see fit in the playlist! Of course you can also add as many as you’d like!

I can’t wait to see what everyone added!♡

are the writers hoping to continue the Derry storyline into s4?

there was no apology from Diana’s side, she’s also staying!

Matthew asked Jerry to consider his offer of boarding at the Cuthberts farm, so Jerry will have a more important role in the show now?!

Does Moira hope to continue that storyline? If so, yes please!

So I didn’t want to post this to get anyone’s hopes up, but I think we Derry shippers need this desperately.

So AJ’s sweet sister posted this back when the first episode dropped.

Someone commented on his tired AJ looks, and she replied saying “last day of shooting…They were all tired!

Your thoughts?

I hope Diana stays in Avonlea and goes to Queens.

Satine, AJ’s sister, ships Derry

I tweeted her a week ago and she replied

Always wished this was a thing

Gilbert x Anne x Cole x Diana x Jerry

I feel like we were robbed of this.

Could you imagine the conversations that would’ve taken place?

Dalila and Satine on Instagram

They both commented on a Derry tribute post (3x08) that hopes Diana will apologize next episode and resolve her relationship with Jerry.

Satine is so right! They better finish Diana’s character development in the next ep. Otherwise there was no real message being sent.

Dalila is also confirming that Diana will open her eyes and realize she’s treated Jerry very wrongly and will soon apologize for her mistakes.

I get fans are angry at Diana, but for some reason I can’t be. I mean I’m surprised and astonished at the way she treated Jerry the last two eps. But during the breakup scene, where she just wanted to dump him ASAP, I think it’s because she was afraid of her parents possible reaction, Anne’s reaction was bad enough.

Diana was afraid that if anyone learned about her relations with Jerry, she knows they would handle it in a way where both parties would get heartbroken. And Diana’s mother always told her to never show your true feelings in front of others. Because it makes you look weak.

I think the reason Diana acted so harshly (and quickly) was because she put up her barriers. So that she wouldn’t get hurt first.

Dalila confirmed Diana really liked Jerry. But Diana isn’t stupid either. She immediately began to think of what would happen if someone else found out and approached her regarding the issue.

Diana would’ve rather treated Jerry like shit, than leave with a broken heart for a poor boy she only gotten to know within a few weeks. Diana’s behavior towards him was to protect herself of a broken heart. Quickly breaking up with him somehow made it easier for her to feel better about herself.

If you guys remember the scene where her aunt has just arrived and asks where Diana is, we get a 3 second cut of Diana looking depressed and feeling guilty. That was the same day she broke up with him.

is there a chance, a small chance, that Jerry threw Diana into the fire because he was mad for the way she had insulted him. 

Jerry could’ve easily played it off innocently. Jerry knows Anne would protect him and comfort him because that’s the type of person she is. 

Jerry is known to be confident and outgoing. 

Let’s not forget, he openly flirted with Diana every single chance he got. 

He never seemed to care that she was too good for him. He approached Diana first, each time.

He’s way more advanced for his age, compared to Gilbert. This season had taught us, that he’s not afraid of taking risks, and doesn’t care about the consequences. Which makes me think he’s not as innocent as we think.

reasons (evidence) why I think he told Anne on purpose

  • (episode 5) when Jerry approached Diana while she was speaking to Anne. Diana had brushed him off in front of Anne, but Anne had no idea what was going on between them.
  • (episode 6) Diana & Jerry openly flirted with each other, and danced together. (Anne prob should’ve realized something was going on). 
  • (episode 6) when Anne pulled Diana away so she could confide in her about the psychic’s prediction. Diana glanced at Jerry without listening to Anne. 
  • (episode 7) when Jerry approached Anne for advice about ‘his girl’, Anne was so surprised she repeated “your..your girl? you have a girl?
    • ANNE DIDN’T KNOW. Jerry kept talking about his girl, and not once did Anne mention her best friend (she would’ve if she knew.) 
    • when Jerry said “she’s rich, I’m poor, so how could she ever like me?”
      • I feel like at this point, he confirmed the fact thatAnne didn’t know. 
  • when Anne started comforting Jerry saying how cruel this girl was and how she doesn’t deserve him because she sounds like an awful person.
    • all innocently, Jerry says “but Diana is your best friend.”

Why would he keep talking about his girl, if he was sure Anne knew it was Diana? 

We could say he assumed Anne knew. But it still doesn’t make any sense. Jerry knows Anne would automatically defend the people she cares about, while he let her go on and on about how mean this girl was. 

JerryknowsAnne would never badmouth Diana,ever

could it be sloppy writing? or is it the writers’ foreshadowing?

what are your thoughts on this?

people,episode 8 comes out tomorrow. we are going to see this issue unfold deeper from Diana’s point of view. prepare yourselves for the waterworks!

people who are shipping Jerry & Josie together, no.

Josie is beyond mean, especially to Anne. We can forgive her now because she’s sort of “nice” to Anne. But no.

Josie would be the first person to make Diana feel like shit, if she was caught kissing Jerry.

You guys have to understand, if you think Diana is being unfair, just imagine Josie judging and saying way meaner things to Jerry.

RememberJerry deserves way better

try to understand this situation from Diana’s pov

How should I start by saying this? the last episode sucked. 

It’s amazing how close Jerry & Diana got within the span of 3 episodes. Last week, the episode left us shippers so happy we completely forgot that nothing good ever lasts. It’s like I’m watching a different version of Game of Thrones (only one character died and nobody is trying to kill each other).

This week, it was Dianne’s falling out, along with the tragic end to a romantical tale of two young lovers, Diana and Jerry. 

It’s unbelievable how quickly that ship hit the rocks and sunk down to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean (Avonlea is situated on Prince Edward Island).

This subject is so touchy, I’m sure it’s gonna piss some people off. Sorry in advance.

Diana’s character development did not take a tumble. We are all forgetting a few important facts about her.

  • She is only 16 years old. 
  • She is still afraid of her parents’ decisions. She doesn’t like to test their patience either. 
  • She genuinely likes Jerry and is attracted to him (Dalila Bela confirmed)

Only inside her head, Diana is listening to like 3 different voices telling her what to do and how to live her life.

  • “It’s your life, enjoy it. every opportunity is an adventure, blah blah blah.” - Anne
  • “Your life doesn’t have to mirror the life your parents have.” - Aunt Jo
  • “you mustn’t associate yourself with the likes of those people.” - Eliza Barry


It was ballsy enough for her to KISS JERRY in ep 6. Kisses between teenagers at that age were not common, especially for the Dianas of the world.

Girls like Diana would wait until their marriage. They wouldn’t walk home alone with a boy, unchaperoned.

Touching (skinship) would only occur at a ball while dancing. (half of the things she and Jerry do, are like scenarios from a fanfic, an alternate universe.)

Diana and Jerry are so advanced for the time they’re living in, that some of the writing doesn’t even sound realistic.

Again, Diana is still afraid of her parents, no matter what says, or what she makes us believe. Her mother can be scary when she wants to be. Her father just stares disapprovingly at almost everything, because he doesn’t want to anger his wife. Her sister snoops around her room and always eavesdrop. 

It’s no wonder Diana wants a breather. Her life has been planned out for her all her life, and she’s just about ready to combust. She has some freedom in Avonlea even though her parents are around. She gets to hang out with her best friend (who let’s face it, is not a lady.) She gets to learn, and she gets to spend her free time with a handsome boy who speaks the same language as her. It’s the most stimulation that girl has gotten in months. Once she’s in Paris at “finishing” boarding school (they didn’t mention boarding school, but seriously where is she gonna live?) she will not be able to experience any of this for a long time.

Diana is trying to live her life to the fullest in just the short amount of time she’s got left, and yeah, she is subconsciously trying to ruin her relationship with Jerry. Up until now, Diana never said anything against him ever, never insulted him. (okay that one time when he came to say hello in front of Anne, Diana was super rude, but that’s because she wasn’t sure of her feelings towards Jerry.)

She isn’t trying to be mean, but she’s kind of realized they don’t have all that much in common. They’ve kissed. Twice. So all that’s left in this secret rendezvous romance is sex, which will never happen (the writers can’t let us be that happy, also it’s a show w/ a teenage/family audience.) 

Diana wasn’t thinking straight, she’s also going through her last years of puberty, and is curious about intimate relations. That’s why she keeps insinuating kisses into their secret meetings. She should’ve told Jerry about her leaving to Paris, but I don’t think she wanted to. She was afraid he was going to get angry and ignore her altogether. I believe somewhere in her heart, she was just afraid of his reaction. She wants to be with him, but what’s the point in hanging out with a girl who is gonna move to a different country soon right after?

I’m glad there isn’t too much hate towards her. Diana she is so sweet and so kind, Anne wouldn’t have become friends with her, if she wasn’t. Diana did what all of us still do, she made a mistake in leading Jerry on, knowing very well that their romance would have to end because she was being sent away. But she followed her heart (hormones) instead of listening to reason. 

Hopefully, Jerry approaches Diana in the next episode, I know he’s hurting, but he needs to talk to her. We still don’t know if HE KNOWS that she’s leaving.

I hope he will show her his anger and not be afraid to be honest with her. Because it doesn’t help that he’s afraid to say anything around her. He needs to show her he’s still a person who matters and his feelings aren’t some sort of game for her. 

crossing my fingers this past week for some good content next episode, only thing is that means Shirbert might fight, while Derry reconciles. We can’t have both couples running off into the sunset together. 

Everyone who is putting Diana down now, listen up.

Dalila confirmed that Diana did truly like Jerry.

She also agreed her behavior was reckless. But next week we shall see everything from Diana’s POV! (I’m still not over tonight’s episode so I’m not defending her, I’m still processing it.)

I want to thank Dalila for reassuring us that Diana romantically liked Jerry and did not just approach him to rebel against her parents. She said so on Instagram.

I’m still processing what just happened from tonight’s episode.

once I’m done mourning, I’ll write my thoughts.

derry is sinking.


hello! i’m currently accepting prompts for the following ships/brotps:

lost in space

pennjay - penny robinson and vijay dhar.

penny robinson and don west (brotp only).

any dynamic inside the robinson family (obviously not shipping).

anne with an e

millis - ruby gillis and moody spurgeon.

josie pye and jerrybaynard.

dianne - diana barry and anne shirley-cuthbert.

high school musical: the musical: the series.

gini — gina porter and nini salazar-roberts.

rina— ricky bowen and gina porter.

seblos — seb and carlos rodriguez.

redky — big red and ricky bowen.

these are the ones i feel the most comfortable with when writing but feel free to request any other and i’ll see what i can do! thanks!

Since AWAE is cancelled some things im pissed off about:

-What the hell happened to Ka'Kwet?

-Yeah,yeah, shirbert and all, but Jerry and Diana???



-also, just Cole, I want to know more about his life.

-Also I want to know more of Anne’s heritage. This is one of the only shows I watch where the Scots are not brutal beasts.
