#jesse mccartney


Song Request

# 14 Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney

Dick Grayson x Reader

Requested by @nerd-dgirland@eternal-apricot

Sorry the audio is a bit rough it’s the best one I could find. Sorry this took so long school has me swamped on top of the stress of the ACT which I have to take this Saturday. Anyway I really hope you both like this!

Dick’s POV

I watch over Gotham on a ever so familiar roof. It seemed like forever ago.

— Flashback —

“Well Bird Boy I got to be going now.” A girl dressed in her signature cat costume says smiling ear to ear standing a top the edge of a building. I have chased across the city while Batman dealt with Cat Woman.

“Cat Girl give me the gems.” I demanded looking Cat Woman’s side kick in the eyes. Those shockingly pretty eyes… Focus Dick.

She taps her gloves finger on her chin tilting her head to one side, “How about no.” She leans backwards falling from the building. I run forward yelling out but by the time I reached the edge she was gone.

— End Flashback —

She disappeared after that night. Even Cat Woman had no clue where she had vanished to. She did take those stolen gems with her and with them she could have gotten far. I never did learn her name, but behind that mask I could tell there was more than just a thief. And it didn’t help that I had a crush on her back then which my have carried over to know. I always try and imagine what she would look like now.

“Looks like someone got a costume upgrade.” A voice says from behind me. I whip around weapon out. A woman dressed in cat themed costume sat a top the roof access.

“Who are you?” I question ready to fight.

She smiles at me, “I’m Kattehelt, and don’t you forget cutie.” She flips off the back and by the time I reach the backside of the access point she was gone. I searched Gotham high and low for this new… well I don’t know. Hero hopefully, Gotham has enough villains.

— Time Skip — In The Batcave

“Well according to this Kattehelt is a hero but she is popular in Europe countries, China, and Asia. Her first appearance was in Tibet though.” Tim reports to Dick sipping on coffee. “This is the first sighting of her in the U.S.”

“So she’s a hero for sure?” I question, it’s easy to fake a reputation.

Tim raise a brow, “I just said that, she has saved a countless number of children, women, families, animals, heck you name it a she probably has saved it at some point. Kattehelt is the real deal.”

Dick crosses his arms, “She knows me.”

“Well you must know her from somewhere.” Tim comments shrugging and going back to what ever he was doing on the Bat Computer.


“I try.”

— Time Skip — The Next Night

“Hey Bird Boy need some help.” An all to familiar voice says from beside me making me jump. Bird Boy… no way.

I point at her mouth open in shock, “It’s you.”

She places her hand on my finger, “It’s rude to point you know.”

“Cat Girl?” I question with a smile making its way on to my face.

“The cute birdy has brains.” She laughs covering her mouth with hand to quite herself. “Took you long enough.” Kattehelt gives me a quick kiss on my lips, “Been wanting to do that since we were young, see you later.” She gives a waves and runs off jumping to the next building.

I smile a chase after her. She’s not getting away from me every again.

— Time Skip — 6 Months Later

“Dick I swear if you don’t get your dirty dishes to the sink I’m going to kick your sexy butt.” The voice of my lovely girlfriend shouts playfully.

“Coming (F/N)!” I shout back grabbing the dishes from the table. I kiss placing the fish in the sink.

She pushes me away gently, “Let’s get a move on Bird Boy we have a city to protect.”

“Of course Kattehelt.” I spin her around pulling her into my chest a kiss her once more.

Leavin’ by Jesse McCartney

Jesse McCartney live in Manila


everyone. what was your first concert.
