#jethro gibbs x jack sloane




AN: This is just a little beginning for me to slowly get warm with this :) I hope u like it.

Warnings: none, maybe cursing if u squint

“So when did you two meet?”

Jack carefully examined the variety of bonbons that took over the whole wall in shelves.

“Hm?” She expertly pulled a brown-colored packet out. Caramel.

“You and your husband. How did you meet?”

She forced gerself out of the sweet world in front of her and turned around to face the blond women who happened to be owner of her favourite shop around here.

The way the storm made her shiver and a raindrop rolling down her face. The way he opened the door and let her in with a welcoming smile. And the coffee. God, the coffee was good. The way he innocently told her to “Lock up when you’re going.”

She had been so proud to have succeeded in her technics until the elevator talk revealed that he knew where she was that day since the moment she flashed her ID.

The elevator. A place that was so full of current memories that gave her goosebumps.

Even though they may have happened a longer time ago it still felt like yesterday.

She strode between the shelves toward the cash register. A pair of warm lined socks magically found their way into her hand.

This store would make her poor. But she liked the ambience. And you could get everything from caramels to socks. Considering that Jack was more than happy to support the local economy.

She put the chosen items on the counter.

“We worked together.”

The women smiled warmly. “Oh! Me and my husband too. But we still do… So what did you do?”

Jack huffed internally. When she moved here she could’ve already guessed how curious these villagers would be. It was a small town and new people are unusual in this place.


It had been surprising how fast she learned to love this place.

Silence, bright sun, wonderful nature.

Even though she needed more social interaction than Gibbs did, the town they lived in was beyond satisfying to fulfil that. And on top of that, nothing was better compared to live with the man that she was in love with.

It had been a long and stone-plastered road, but they did it. Of course there were still a few obstacles on their way to  overcome. But they didn’t come a long road to surrender on those. Living together was awhole new thing and they’d need to get used to it. But right now, it was the happiest place to be.

Her hand slipped in her pocket to pull the money coins out of her jeans.

“He’s a carpenter and I’ve been his accountant.”

That was her lie.

Always had been since they moved here. She knew it was better not to tell everybody who they had worked for. It would just raise suspisions. Luckily everybody believed her without a doubt. Gibbs could play the carpenter- role too well. Not that he knew about the lie. She never told him but there was no need to. He would only get into civilisation when he was with her anyways.

Jack hurried to grab her new bought items from the counter. She threw a smile to the watching women behind it and passed the variety of treasures towards the door. “Thank you and see you soon.”

Before she could say something else Jack was already out the door.

The soft breeze stroked her cheeks and she exhaled loudly. She had fallen in love with the wind long ago. In Alaska the breeze that made the leafs swing lightly was even more special because at the same time it brought the scent of fir forests and cristal clear water in raging streams.

She quickly made her way to the old truck Gibbs was so obsessed with. It was funny just how much the choice of a car betrayed about someones personality.

She got in and placed her groceries on the passenger seat. Pulling the seat over her body she started the car and left the little uneven road.

It was only a five-minute-drive from the village but the cabin always felt like a whole new world.

Empty streets, forest and large areas that spring greenish grass had taken over lead her through Alaska.

A moment later she arrived at the home. In the back it was sourrounded by dark green-colored trees. Their height made it seem like they wanted to proove the superiority of mother nature.

In comparison the big grass area in front of the house was a good and welcoming contrast to the dark forest in the back.

From the outside you could see that the cabin wasn’t brandnew. The wall had started to darken because the wet air slowly made it’s way through the veins of the wood. The roof was full of moss and here and there little flowers slipped through the thick organic blanket.

The cabin, for all its rough edges, was wonderfully perfect for Jack. The furnishings were incredibly cozy and provided a comforting and welcoming atmosphere that saved Gibbs and Jack all too often when it rained. And when the sun was shining, they could go fishing nearby or simply stroll through the breathtaking landscape.

In other words: The cottage and Alaska were home.

Turning off the noisy engine, Jack grabbed her purchase and slipped out of the driver’s seat. A first cold raindrop hit her cheek and rolled down her skin. A moment later, she heard water pounding down on the truck’s windows like so many small stones. Jack quickly shoved the box of candy and socks under her sweater before the water would be able to hit them.

She squinted her eyes and kept a lookout for Gibbs as she hurried to the rescue shelter outside the door. “Gibbs?” A resigned sound from around the corner told her that he had just been chopping wood and was now trying to get his work dry under the caport.

She threw her haul into the safe house after hurriedly unlocking the door and ran outside to help her significant other. She held an arm protectively over her face, but that didn’t stop the rain from drenching her entire hoodie in a 5 meter path. Gibbs was stowing a few pieces under the roof when Jack met him with the rest of the wood. He took it from her without a word, stowed it away, and, pulling her along by the hand, hurried to the door.

But just as they hurried around the corner, the door slammed in their faces with a loud ‘thump’.

“Oh for gods sake!” Jack cursed. Blue eyes searched hers. “Key?”

She shook her head. “Threw it in with my stuff.”

He sighed, searching in his pockets for the redemption. When he just found his knife he pulled cursed too. “What do we do now?” Jacks hazel brown’s searched his face for some of his genious ideas. Gibbs squeezed her hand reassuringly.

“Stay here. I’ll find us a way in.” Then he was already around the corner. Jack leaned on the wall, wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm at least a little longer.

Gibbs strode around the house, trying to find a way in. He expertly checked every window. And then he was lucky. The window to the bathroom was half opened. But it was small. He surely wouldn’t fit but maybe Jack was small enough.

He hurried back. Jack stood rattling, leaning against the wooden wall of the hut, convulsively trying to keep all the warmth with her through her soaked sweater. He stripped off his weatherproof jacket and put it on her. “But what about you? You’re going to get sick!” He laughed. “You need it more than I do right now. Besides, I’m not going to get sick. I never will.”

After he had told her what to do she slipped around the corner. A moment later the door in front of him opened, revealing the small corridor. Jack hurried to peel herself out of her wet clothes, creating a path of them along her way to the bathroom.

Gibbs got out of his shoes when he detected the caramels and thick socks on the floor. He couln’t hold back a chuckle. Whenever she told him she’d drive down to the village to 'see whats going on there’ she always returned with bonbons and socks. It was just her way of getting out. And he could never get mad about that.

He grabbed her treasures and placed them on the kitchen counter. He wiped a wet strand of hair out of his face. “Coffee?” The door to the bathroom stood open an inch. A women voice appeared out of it a moment later.

“It’s crazy you’re still asking that.”

He chuckled and turned on the coffee machine. When he finished pouring the coffee into two cups suddenly the now running water and steam in the bathroom seemed much more inviting than just hot battery acid. Not to mention the women wasting the water drops.

He took both cups with him and entered the bathroom quietly. The steam was hot and the air had already turned thick. He carefully placed the coffee on the sink. He took a sip, the bitter liquid running down his throat when he undressed himself.

Jack had just started washing her hair when she suddenly felt two hands coming to rest on her waist and a warm front pressed against her back.

“Hi cowboy.”

He chuckled behind her, kissing her neck gently.

“What are you trying to do, huh?” She let the water collect the soap and rinsed her soft blonde hair.

She could feel him smirk against her skin.

“Saving water.”

Gibbs tag-list:



Series tag-list:

none yet


Would any of you be interested in a Slibbs series?

Sometimes I can’t decide if I wanna be Gibbs’ wife or if I want him to be with Jack
