#jethro gibbs



NCIS Imagine

AN: Thank you so much for this request, I really enjoyed writing this <3


Request: Imagine being an agent and you get a call from an insurance company giving you the name of suspect and it’s Russian, you try to spell it but you keep asking them to say it again. Before you just have them spell it out, meanwhile the team is just staring at you.

You were exhausted. You hadn’t slept in…yeah. You didn’t know. Your body was running on black bitter coffee that wasn’t even hot anymore. You collapsed on the chair behind your desk, exhaling loudly. Tony looked up immediatly and smirked. “Already tired?”

You just shot him a glare which made him duck his head before he would die.

He shouldn’t make such a comment. Sitting in the office all day, pretending to work on his computer when he did not have a single idea how to solve this case. He had probably used the time where Gibbs and you were away to check a potencial suspect to close his eyes and enjoy the quiet hours before the boss came back. At least he looked like he had just woken up. Good for him Gibbs didn’t return with you because he promised to bring a new cup of coffee.

“Leave her alone, Tony. She’s been working, you know.”

McGee snapped back.

You turned on your computer. Your eyes protested at the bright light and you closed your eyes shortly to ease the burn. Leaning back you tried to figure out your next steps. All leads had resultet in a dead end and you wouldn’t wanna risk Gibbs mood to turn bad any longer.

Ziva came back from what has probably been the toilet.

She came to a stop in front of your desk, watching you curiously. “Anything successfull?”

You shook your head. “No. She didn’t do it. But there was something-”

It must’ve looked to Ziva as if a lightbulb just lightened up above your head. Your eyes widened and you couldn’t hold back a satisfied smile. Zivas eyebrows lifted.

“Y/N. What is it?”

Your fingers immediatly found your keyboard and suddenly your burning eyes were glued to the screen.

“The insurance number…” You murmured. The web told you the number of the insurance company and your fingers reached for the phone typing in the number quickly.

As you listened to the nerve-dying waiting-music and impatiently tapped with your fingers on the top of your desk Gibbs returned from his coffee-run, placing a cup of your favourite liquid on your desk and slipped out of his coat before taking a seat behind his desk.

Gibbs had just started interrogating Tony about his progress when finally a female voice appeared on the other end of the line.

“Good Morning, how can I help you?”

“Hello, this is Special Agent Y/L/N from NCIS. I need to assign an insurance number.”

“NCIS? What does that stand for?”

You sighed. “Naval Criminal Investigative Service.”

There was a moment of silence. She was probably searching the Internet to see if this authority actually existed. Sad.

“Okay Agent Y/L/N. If you could tell me the number?”

You told her everything she needed to know whereupon she politely told you to “Please wait a moment.”

Your whole attention concentrated on finding that voice in your ear again. You nervously chewed on your lower lip. A bad habit.

“Okay Miss Y/L/N. The number is assigned to a certain  AndrejKudrjawzew.”

Your heart skipped a beat. Russian. Now it all made sense. You rushed to grab a piece of paper and a pencil.

“Could you repeat the name please?”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand. I think there was a noise in the line. Please repeat another time.”

“An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.”

You huffed. “I’m really sorry. One last time please.”

“His name is An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.” From the tone of her voice you could tell that if you’d ask her to repeat one more time, she would simply yell it into the speaker.

You allowed yourself a moment of rest and looked upward. You almost felt from the chair when ypu were confronted with four pairs of amused eyes. You instantly felt your cheeks heat up and you avoided being under their emberassing watch for any longer. Focussing on the empty piece of paper in front of you again it was almost painful to ask again.

“Could you just spell it out for me, please?”

An annoyed sigh from the other end of the line made you cringe. The women spelled it out for you extra slowly and you could tell that she was more than relieved when you wished her a good afternoon and said goodbye.

You teared your note from the blog and jumped up your chair. “Good news?” Gibbs blue eyes pierced into yours. Still that damn smirk on his face along with DiNozzos.

“Got him. His name is-” Before you could emberass yourself any further Gibbs stole the note out of your hands and read it out loud. “Andrej Kudrjawzew.”

You cleared your throat quietly. “Exactly.”

Smirking he grabbed his coat. “Let’s go.”

The team grabbed their stuff and rushed to the elevator.

Tony bumped into your side softly and grinned.

“Troubles getting the name right, doll?”

“Shut up, DiNozzo.”



AN: I know it’s a long time ago since you’ve heard from me, I just wanted to tell you I’m alive (obviously) - sorry for not posting, but I’m kind of having a massive motivational lack right now and I cannot say when it’ll be over. This is just something quick I really liked the idea of :)

Warnings: none really

The sun rays tickled the soft skin of her cheek. Slowly opening her eyes a glance to the window made her realize it was morning again. She could even hear birds sing their song to find their soulmate.

Speaking of him she felt a strong arm protectively on her waist. Moving a few inches back she felt his incredibly warm front against her back. It was like her body knew he was to warm to touch while sleeping, so she distanced herself  everytime in her sleep unconciously. A loud exhale and a squeeze of her waist told her the sun had reached him too. His hand softly pulled her closer by the waist. He felt his hot breath touching her neck, together with him nuzzeling in her hair. “‘G'morning.” His raspy voice sent a shiver down her spine.

Jack turned in his arms. “Morning Cowboy.”

He looked flawless to her. Messy bed-hair and sprakling blue eyes would ever be the most handsome combination for her. If she really thought about it, it was number one with him in dirty flannels and carharrt jackets chopping wood with an axe.

The rough skin of his hand gently stroked her cheek while he looked at her like she was the most beautiful women in this whole world. To underline his feelings his hand on her cheek stilled and Gibbs brought his lips to hers in a heated morning kiss.

They broke apart after a moment. His hand wandered from her waist further down, his fingers exploring her skin. He felt her hands softly stroking over his chest.

He turned on his back, pulling him with her. She rested her head on his chest. Listening to his calming heartbeat. The steady rythm of his chest lightly lifting up and down provided a kind of peace that made it hard not just to close her eyes again. She felt him dip down to kiss her shining blonde hair. His fingers gently loosened the knots in her hair as well as any worrys left.

She felt his thin chest hair under her fingers.

It was peaceful moments like this when she realized how good it was for them not to be in Washington. No traffic jams, hectic rushing people of the city, no investigations, no murders, no working til you’re so tired you’ll fall.

Just peace. Just quietness. Just curious villagers, fish and deers.

Just the both of them. No duty. Nothing to interupt.

“You sleep well?”

She hummed with closed eyes, enjoying the feel of his calloused fingers on her skin stroking up and down.

“Yeah. Good dream?”

She felt him chuckle. “ 'bout what?”

Jack lifted her head a bit, smirking.

“You’d like to know that wouldn’t you, Gunny?”

His head lifted a bit too, meeting Jacks gaze with an equal mischievous sparkle.

Suddenly Jack found herself pressed between his warm body and the matress, an inch of air filled with hot tension being the only obstacle between them. His lips landed on her collarbone, gently placing a kiss there while he worked his way up her neck. When he came to that  place just under her ear she shuddered. A bite into her earlope.

“Guess you’ll have to show me, Lieutnant.”

Gibbs tag-list:



series tag-list:




AN: This is just a little beginning for me to slowly get warm with this :) I hope u like it.

Warnings: none, maybe cursing if u squint

“So when did you two meet?”

Jack carefully examined the variety of bonbons that took over the whole wall in shelves.

“Hm?” She expertly pulled a brown-colored packet out. Caramel.

“You and your husband. How did you meet?”

She forced gerself out of the sweet world in front of her and turned around to face the blond women who happened to be owner of her favourite shop around here.

The way the storm made her shiver and a raindrop rolling down her face. The way he opened the door and let her in with a welcoming smile. And the coffee. God, the coffee was good. The way he innocently told her to “Lock up when you’re going.”

She had been so proud to have succeeded in her technics until the elevator talk revealed that he knew where she was that day since the moment she flashed her ID.

The elevator. A place that was so full of current memories that gave her goosebumps.

Even though they may have happened a longer time ago it still felt like yesterday.

She strode between the shelves toward the cash register. A pair of warm lined socks magically found their way into her hand.

This store would make her poor. But she liked the ambience. And you could get everything from caramels to socks. Considering that Jack was more than happy to support the local economy.

She put the chosen items on the counter.

“We worked together.”

The women smiled warmly. “Oh! Me and my husband too. But we still do… So what did you do?”

Jack huffed internally. When she moved here she could’ve already guessed how curious these villagers would be. It was a small town and new people are unusual in this place.


It had been surprising how fast she learned to love this place.

Silence, bright sun, wonderful nature.

Even though she needed more social interaction than Gibbs did, the town they lived in was beyond satisfying to fulfil that. And on top of that, nothing was better compared to live with the man that she was in love with.

It had been a long and stone-plastered road, but they did it. Of course there were still a few obstacles on their way to  overcome. But they didn’t come a long road to surrender on those. Living together was awhole new thing and they’d need to get used to it. But right now, it was the happiest place to be.

Her hand slipped in her pocket to pull the money coins out of her jeans.

“He’s a carpenter and I’ve been his accountant.”

That was her lie.

Always had been since they moved here. She knew it was better not to tell everybody who they had worked for. It would just raise suspisions. Luckily everybody believed her without a doubt. Gibbs could play the carpenter- role too well. Not that he knew about the lie. She never told him but there was no need to. He would only get into civilisation when he was with her anyways.

Jack hurried to grab her new bought items from the counter. She threw a smile to the watching women behind it and passed the variety of treasures towards the door. “Thank you and see you soon.”

Before she could say something else Jack was already out the door.

The soft breeze stroked her cheeks and she exhaled loudly. She had fallen in love with the wind long ago. In Alaska the breeze that made the leafs swing lightly was even more special because at the same time it brought the scent of fir forests and cristal clear water in raging streams.

She quickly made her way to the old truck Gibbs was so obsessed with. It was funny just how much the choice of a car betrayed about someones personality.

She got in and placed her groceries on the passenger seat. Pulling the seat over her body she started the car and left the little uneven road.

It was only a five-minute-drive from the village but the cabin always felt like a whole new world.

Empty streets, forest and large areas that spring greenish grass had taken over lead her through Alaska.

A moment later she arrived at the home. In the back it was sourrounded by dark green-colored trees. Their height made it seem like they wanted to proove the superiority of mother nature.

In comparison the big grass area in front of the house was a good and welcoming contrast to the dark forest in the back.

From the outside you could see that the cabin wasn’t brandnew. The wall had started to darken because the wet air slowly made it’s way through the veins of the wood. The roof was full of moss and here and there little flowers slipped through the thick organic blanket.

The cabin, for all its rough edges, was wonderfully perfect for Jack. The furnishings were incredibly cozy and provided a comforting and welcoming atmosphere that saved Gibbs and Jack all too often when it rained. And when the sun was shining, they could go fishing nearby or simply stroll through the breathtaking landscape.

In other words: The cottage and Alaska were home.

Turning off the noisy engine, Jack grabbed her purchase and slipped out of the driver’s seat. A first cold raindrop hit her cheek and rolled down her skin. A moment later, she heard water pounding down on the truck’s windows like so many small stones. Jack quickly shoved the box of candy and socks under her sweater before the water would be able to hit them.

She squinted her eyes and kept a lookout for Gibbs as she hurried to the rescue shelter outside the door. “Gibbs?” A resigned sound from around the corner told her that he had just been chopping wood and was now trying to get his work dry under the caport.

She threw her haul into the safe house after hurriedly unlocking the door and ran outside to help her significant other. She held an arm protectively over her face, but that didn’t stop the rain from drenching her entire hoodie in a 5 meter path. Gibbs was stowing a few pieces under the roof when Jack met him with the rest of the wood. He took it from her without a word, stowed it away, and, pulling her along by the hand, hurried to the door.

But just as they hurried around the corner, the door slammed in their faces with a loud ‘thump’.

“Oh for gods sake!” Jack cursed. Blue eyes searched hers. “Key?”

She shook her head. “Threw it in with my stuff.”

He sighed, searching in his pockets for the redemption. When he just found his knife he pulled cursed too. “What do we do now?” Jacks hazel brown’s searched his face for some of his genious ideas. Gibbs squeezed her hand reassuringly.

“Stay here. I’ll find us a way in.” Then he was already around the corner. Jack leaned on the wall, wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm at least a little longer.

Gibbs strode around the house, trying to find a way in. He expertly checked every window. And then he was lucky. The window to the bathroom was half opened. But it was small. He surely wouldn’t fit but maybe Jack was small enough.

He hurried back. Jack stood rattling, leaning against the wooden wall of the hut, convulsively trying to keep all the warmth with her through her soaked sweater. He stripped off his weatherproof jacket and put it on her. “But what about you? You’re going to get sick!” He laughed. “You need it more than I do right now. Besides, I’m not going to get sick. I never will.”

After he had told her what to do she slipped around the corner. A moment later the door in front of him opened, revealing the small corridor. Jack hurried to peel herself out of her wet clothes, creating a path of them along her way to the bathroom.

Gibbs got out of his shoes when he detected the caramels and thick socks on the floor. He couln’t hold back a chuckle. Whenever she told him she’d drive down to the village to 'see whats going on there’ she always returned with bonbons and socks. It was just her way of getting out. And he could never get mad about that.

He grabbed her treasures and placed them on the kitchen counter. He wiped a wet strand of hair out of his face. “Coffee?” The door to the bathroom stood open an inch. A women voice appeared out of it a moment later.

“It’s crazy you’re still asking that.”

He chuckled and turned on the coffee machine. When he finished pouring the coffee into two cups suddenly the now running water and steam in the bathroom seemed much more inviting than just hot battery acid. Not to mention the women wasting the water drops.

He took both cups with him and entered the bathroom quietly. The steam was hot and the air had already turned thick. He carefully placed the coffee on the sink. He took a sip, the bitter liquid running down his throat when he undressed himself.

Jack had just started washing her hair when she suddenly felt two hands coming to rest on her waist and a warm front pressed against her back.

“Hi cowboy.”

He chuckled behind her, kissing her neck gently.

“What are you trying to do, huh?” She let the water collect the soap and rinsed her soft blonde hair.

She could feel him smirk against her skin.

“Saving water.”

Gibbs tag-list:



Series tag-list:

none yet


Would any of you be interested in a Slibbs series?

Sometimes I wonder why I drink this much coffee. And then it hits me.

I’m convinced Gibbs is a master at dirty talk without saying more than 4 words in a row or even saying anything at all

Sometimes I can’t decide if I wanna be Gibbs’ wife or if I want him to be with Jack


This is part 1 [There will be a part 2!]


Warnings/tags : kissing, making-out

Pairing: Jethro Gibbs x reader

Imagine this:

It is one of those moments you recollect yourself. Your sins absorb the impression of the night. Bright lights decorate the dance floor. People feeling the need to forget the trouble of life moving their bodys to the rhytm. The drummer hitting his instruments like his life depended on it, losing several ounces of sweat. The brown haired man next to him playing the strings of his guitar with a passion that is worth living for.

The nikotine polluted air lets your eyes burn and your ears hurt from the volume of the music. Despite that you’re enjoying it. Probably because of it. Your eyes dart around, watching people have the time of their lives. It provides you with a kind of happy feeling. The serotonin making you feel lightheaded and an exciting feeling spreads in your stomach.

You just returned from the toilet where the with red lipstick smeared mirror had told you to make the most out of this night. You had reapplied your lipstick. Pressing it onto the mirroring surface you wrote a message to the world.

Taking a last look on yourself you closed your hand bag again and stepped out the door, the dump sound of joy turning into a clear baging loud noise again.

The heavy smoke wandered through the room and your eyes scanned the bar, which was perfectly set in scene by the bluish light strips. Your eyes wandered past a blonde and a brunette man, both broad shouldered and they were just taking another shot of tequila. Next to them a beautiful women with wavy hair sat on the stool elegantly, legs crossed. Her lipstick was as red as the dress she wore and it looked like she was born right out of hot fire. The man next to her had a hand on her thigh and was just as handsome. He just ran his fingers selfconciously through his dark hair and pushed another glass, of what seemed like wiskey, to the women which she gratefully grabbed with her red-colored nails.

The couple was followed by three girls laughing and taking selfies. Obviously doing this just to proove the world of the internet what an amazing life they had. Two boys on their left tried to get their attention with asking if they could make a photo. Between them and the next customer there was a free place and without thinking you ran your fingers through your hair and made your way through the cheering crowd.

When you arrived at the bar you sat down and lifted your arm to ask the bartender for a drink.

The (also) handsome man in front of you needed to bend a little towards you. The music was so loud you needed bring your lips close to his ear for him to understand something. He nodded and took a glass out of the shelve, starting to work kn your order. You turned to your left and your mouthwrinkels curled in amusement when you watched the two boys still trying to get the girls group to notice them.

You didn’t really know how long you had watched the scene, but when you turned to the bar again you accidentally hit something cold and just like in slowmotion you saw the glass fall, the liquid spilling onto surface and hitting the arm of your right neighbour. Before you could react in any way, a rough hand put your now empty drink upright again and reached for a paper towel. He cleaned his elbow with it and as you lifted your face his blue eyes hit you.

It was as if time stood still for a little moment. The color of his irises was of an ice blue you hadn’t seen before. The silver shining hair was lightened by the blue lights of the bar and in combination with the light smirk appearing on his handsome face your brain instantly decided everything he’d do tonight would be an incredible turn on for you.

“Sorry!” you yelled against the loud music in your ears.

He murmured something. You could just lipread a little and came to the conclusion he had said that “It’s okay.”

He lifted his muscular arm and signed for the bartender to come over. The two man had a silent conversation and you guessed he had just ordered a new drink for you.

“Thank you.” You blessed him with a smile of yours.

“You here alone?” You could feel his eyes on your lips, trying to figure out what you had just said. You may or may not have spoken extra quietly, so he needed to bend towards you to understand something. A mix of sawdust and coffee dazed your sins and as you brought your lips to his ear, accidentallystroking against it’s shell, you needed a moment to swallow down the sudden knot in your throat before you could say something.

“Did you come alone?”

I asked him, this time more loudly.

To your dissapointment he leaned back again but luckily his scent still lingered in the air. His deep blue eyes sparkled mischievously and his smirk widened. It looked like he needed to think about his answer for a moment but then he leaned forward. This time it was his turn to brush his lips against the shell of your ear. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine. He had hardly spoken a word yet and you would already do anything for him. What will that lead to? You didn’t care, honestly.

His voice was raspy in just the right amount and the double meaning words, that arrived in the dazed instanz that was your brain, sent something hot directly between your legs.

“I usually don’t.”

You swallowed hard and felt your cheeks heat up.

Oh Y/N. You felt like it was high school again. It was emberassing how he had turned you into a voiceless girly just with three words. Emberassing.

But he certainly looked pleased with the look on your face he catched when he leaned back again, pushing the drink he had ordered you, which the bartender had just placed in front of you, closer to you, signing you to take a sip.

His icy blues didn’t let your eyes go when you brought your lips to the glass, taking a sip. Just after a little the liquid burned down your throat. It drove tears in your eyes and he laughed. You caughed a little, putting the glass back on the counter.

Bourbon had never been your thing.

He leaned in again. “Not used to this?”

You shook your head and rushed to take in his addicting scent again. “Bourbon’s too much for me.”

He grinned lightly, lifting his hands.


You stared at him for a moment when he turned to the counter again. This man was too much for you.

You tucked on his polo shirt lightly. You wanted to ask, but when you opened your mouth nothing came out. Your voice was stolen by his eyes practically looking into your soul. You swallowed again, trying to loosen the knot in your throat.

He turned to you again, enjoying your facial expression with a slight smile. He leaned toward you. But this time not to say something in your ear. He stopped, just inches in feont of your lips. He licked his and seemed to study your face. “Yes, you can.”

Your eyebrows expressed your confusion. He chuckled.

“What’s your name?”


He smiled. “I said, yes Y/N. You can kiss me.”

You blushed. How could he possibly…? Nevermind. You would take the chance before he changed his mind.

You closed your eyes and just when you wanted to move forward he already pressed his lips to yours. They were softer than you’d have imagined. It was a sweet kiss. He took his time, not forcing you into something and giving you the opportunity to pull away the whole time.

When you pulled away, not because you wanted to but damn, your lungs needed air, his eyes had darkened. He waited for you to make a move this time and you didn’t plan on waiting.

Immediatly after your lungs filled with air you connected your lips with his again, eager to taste him. You wanted to get a taste of this man. You wanted to know what he tasted like. He only allowed you a second to explore him, because when you felt the rough skin of his hand gently force your face forward you opened your mouth automatically any he took full advantage of it, instantly dominating your kiss. His tongue explored your mouth hungrily and you couldn’t help but moan.

You placed your hand on the back of his neck, feeling his short hair between your fingers. His other hand was now placed on the former empty side of your face, making you surrender entirely to him. He tasted deliciously like Bourbon and coffee and adding the way he took control made the butterflies in your stomach explode. Your heart was pounding so fast you heard it beating to the rhytm of the drums. You ran your heart through his thin silver hair and your heart skipped a beat when you felt him moan into the kiss.

This time he was the first one to pull away. You were both panting. He unexpectedly grabbed your hand thightly and stood up.

“Come with me.”

He pulled you through the dancing crowd.


I just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you for 200 followers <3 I’m really happy you like my writings and I hope I can help you escape reality for a bit, thank you❤❤

Gibbs tag-list:

@hotch-meeeeeuppppp @alesaab @daddy-issues24-7 @zetasaturno99@lj-gibbs-lover@leroyjethrogibbsgirl@drakelover78@fanf1ctionwrit1n





as much as i love the trope of a character falling fast and hard for someone, i also love the subtle descent where they don’t really think about it; where that person is just kind of there until one day they realize that person is so ingrained in their lives and they cannot do without them. where there is no consciouseffort on either ends to become romantically involved but somehow the thought of them being with someone else is disconcerting. where “i enjoy being with you” unwittingly turns into “i want to be with you”

Tony and ziva, ladies and gentleman

“Couldn’t live without you, I guess”

“Out of everyone in the world who could have found me, it had to be you?”

“Ziva David, do you really consider me to be in your life?”

May I direct your attention to one Special Agent Jacqueline Sloane in Musical Chairs realizing that Gibbs is her go to… let’s remember Leon was still in the building, she could’ve gone to him but nope, she wanted Gibbs so she went to one of his oldest friends when he wasn’t available because she knew Ducky would give a similar (albeit much gentler) perspective. Those two are slowly realizing that they couldn’t live without each other and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


Gibbs and Sloane lighting each other up.


Diona Reasonover –> dionareasonover instagram) 
Special #behindthescenes from tonight’s #ncis. Loved this moment.

Pairing: Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: pregnant reader, pregnancy symptoms, age gap between reader and Gibbs, mentions of anxious/nervous feelings, fluff! (Wow! It’s been a while)

Word count: 1104

Request: anonymous
“can i request an “im pregnant” au with gibbs?? And how good father he is!!”

A/N: I know you requested an au, which in my head means a headcannon, but this idea is actually in my list of fics to write , so I decided to give you a one-shot Enjoy!!


It feels like your whole body is jittering as you wait in front of the small vanity in your bathroom. The cheerfully bright pink and white pregnancy test sitting on the marbled countertop is the only thing keeping you from knowing whether your life had just changed forever. Or rather, the three minutes until the test is complete is all that stands between you and the unknown.

You start drumming your fingertips along the edge of the porcelain sink, trying desperately to find some way to release your anxious energy without somehow catching the attention of your NCIS agent husband, who was known for knowing exactly what was going on at all times. The drumming of your fingers turns into tapping your feet which leads to you nervously hopping around the small bathroom, trying to distract yourself from the seconds that are slowly ticking by.

As you impatiently wait, your energy pouring out into short, vigorous strides as you pace the length of the bathroom, you can’t help but wonder what a baby would do to your life, to Jethro’s life, and the life the two of you shared together.

You hadn’t thought that children were ever going to be in the cards for you. At first, you’d thought that it was because you hadn’t found the right guy, only stumbling upon Jethro after years of dating one wrong guy after the other. In fact, you’d only met Jethro because the guy you were supposed to be meeting for a blind date stood you up. Your frustration and disappointment had led you to the ice cream aisle in the grocery store, where upon leaving, you’d accidentally bumped in a certain silver-haired, blue eyed man. You had apologized profusely, even insisting on buying the man’s groceries (a sparse selection of items that made up a bachelor’s dinner if you’d ever seen one). He had quietly refused and before you could even protest, he was asking you out to dinner that night. You had said yes without thinking, something within you calling you to get to know this man.

Then, as the two of you moved forward in the relationship, you hadn’t thought much about children because Jethro was a good twelve years older than you. You figured he’d had the chance and decided not to go that route in life.

Then, you’d learned about Shannon and Kelly and you’d buried deep within yourself that part of you that had started fantasizing about having a little boy or girl with Jethro. You couldn’t ask that of him knowing he’d lost his first, his only, child and had effectively closed the door on that part of his life. You wouldn’t ask him to confront the demons that came with having a second child that lived long past the life of his first.

As you fell deeper in love with Jethro, you began to view your dwindling chance at children as something of a sacrifice to keep Jethro in your life. It hurt, but the thought of living life without him, after you’d seen just how great life was with him, hurt more. So you threw yourself into the lives of the children around you, the number of nieces and nephews (many of them honorary) making it easy. You attended plays and concerts, ball games and parties, and freely offered up your babysitting services to all of your friends. And although Jethro raised a few eyebrows at the number of events you went to for the children in your life, he never asked why you’d started throwing yourself whole-heartedly into their lives.

A loud beep echoes throughout the bathroom, pulling you from the downward spiral your mind had been sucked into. You take a deep, slow breath before looking at the test. Two faint pink lines stare back at you, ripping the breath away from your lungs.


In an instant, a new life flashes before your eyes…

Tiny hands grasping your finger.

Bright blue eyes staring up at you.

Tottering steps taken towards outstretched hands.

A small body cradled between you and Jethro as Jethro whispers fantastical nighttime stories of dragons and knights in shining armor.

Chocolate chip pancakes and Saturday morning cartoons.
Ball games in the yard, little feet chasing after a wayward ball as Jethro’s rich laughter fills the air.

You realize with a start that you’re crying, the tears rolling down your cheeks, the pregnancy test long since forgotten on the bathroom floor. The need to tell Jethro seizes you and you’re up off the bathroom floor and into the hallway before you even have time to process what you’re doing.

“Jethro?” You call, your voice echoing out in the lowly lit house. He doesn’t answer, so you head towards the basement. The steeps creak as you make your way down into the cool basement, the heavy smell of wood calming your nerves even before you make it to the bottom.

“Jethro?” You ask, standing awkwardly at the bottom of the steps as your eyes scan over the room.

A head appears from behind the wood planks of a half finished boat, the yellow light making his silver hair shine. “Y/N? Is everything okay?” His voice is rough as he steps around the front of the boat and closes the space between the two of you. His hands are outstretched, reaching for your face as he wipes away the remaining tears with his fingers. “What’s wrong Y/N?” He asks quietly, his blue eyes searching yours for some sort of answer.

“I’m-we’re…” You stumble over the words, another lump rising in your throat as you try to form a proper sentence. “I’m pregnant Jethro.” You whisper, your gaze dropping to the floor as anxiety rises in your chest. You had no way of knowing what he would say, after all, you’d avoided the topic your entire relationship with him.

A warm, rough hand slides down your cheek, to your jaw as he delicately lifts your chin until you’re looking at him. “You’re what?”

“I’m pregnant.” The words are a little easier to say the second time but the look in his eyes prevents you from saying any more. He stares at you a beat longer, his ice blue eyes boring into yours, the emotional tides within them threatening to pull you under. Then, his arms are wrapped around you, bringing you in close, his lips pressing a faint kiss to your temple.

“Best news I’ve heard all day.” He murmurs and you let out a laugh of relief as you lift your lips up to his, giving him a long kiss.

“Me too.”


