



Based on the train of thought that Hunter has one hell of a swing + probably wants to stay in his role of looking out for everyone. I love watching what he does in the latest team fights, he’s just keeping everyone out of harms way. 

Camila: I appreciate your dedication to protecting your friends, mijo

Camila: (takes Hunter’s bat)  But bats are for hitting baseballs, not smashing in faces… I don’t want you to get in trouble. 

[ID: A two panel comic of Hunter and Camila Noceda from the Owl House. Hunter is wearing a jacket and fingerless gloves. The first panel is Camila gently talking to Hunter, who stares back blankly. Camila says; “I appreciate your dedication to protecting your friends, mijo.” The second panel shows Camila looking worried, and taking a baseball bat out of Hunters hands, saying; “But bats are for hitting baseballs not smashing in faces. - I don’t want you to get in trouble.” end ID]
