#jimmy speaks


Hey, long time no see. Sorry I’ve been pretty much M.I.A for a while. I’ve been busy with my new job. Aside from that, I’ve also been going through a lot of stress with my current living situation. It’s nothing bad or anything. Just trying to keep up with rent and bills. That sort of thing. Adult life isn’t the easiest. 

I’ll try to be more active. I’m mostly active on Discord. If you want to add me, feel free to shoot me a DM and maybe we can exchange Discords. 

I’ve just been going through a lot of my own mental issues. I feel like I’m under a lot of pressure a lot of the time. Don’t worry, this has absolutely nothing to do with my relationship with Frizz. In fact, we couldn’t be happier. This is just my first time being on my own, you know? Having to maintain my own household. And having a job. This is all very new to me. But I’m getting the hang of it slowly each day. Especially with the help from Frizz. I couldn’t have asked for a better life partner. 

I honestly haven’t been keeping up with art. And I genuinely and sincerely apologize for that. I just can’t find the motivation to get anything done. I’ve been so stressed out. Sometimes I even feel homesick. 

I’ve been doing pretty good for myself. I don’t have to worry about anymore drama between myself and someone on tumblr. I just can’t deal with that anymore. I would always put myself into situations that get so testy. And then I don’t know if it’s me personally or what. But I always end up making people hate me. And it just makes me feel worse. Like.. it’s honestly the last thing I need when I’m already at my limit with so many other things. Basically, I just can’t do it anymore. And I won’t. I’m trying to focus on me. And getting my life together. I’m literally done with all this negativity and toxic behavior. 

So anyway enough about my personal issues. The point is, I’m back. And I’m ready to start posting art again. 

- Jimmy

#jimmy speaks    #not art    #long post    

So to those that I owe art to, I will be a little slow with completing them. I literally just started a new job. And a lot of my time will be preoccupied with work. But they will still get done, so no worries! Thank you for being patient with me!
