
https://jinhao.fountain-pens.biz/Jinhao 51A Calligraphy Fountain Pen, 0.38 - 2.9 mm nibs, Translucen


Jinhao 51A Calligraphy Fountain Pen, 0.38 - 2.9 mm nibs, Translucent Blue

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2021, 23 December. Like an eggshell covering a hurricane. Another quote from “Unstrictly Ballroom” by @ariaste

2021, 22 December. Slowly creep into her whole life like ivy growing over a ruined building[…]Better to be green and lush and full of life than dry, crumbling, and dark. Another quote from the same fanfiction

2021, 21 December. As if his whole body were a laugh of pure delight given movement and form. A quote from “Unstrictly Ballroom” by @ariaste

2021, 20 December. Is there anything so undoing as a daughter.

2021, 13 December. Virtuous and beautiful. A real noble and gracious special someone that I’ve liked since I was young. I’ve had that crush for many years, and pursued really hard before I was able to win that person over.
For the @starofsolitude-huachengevent

2021, 7 December. All art has meaning. Most of it means “I’m horny and have religious trauma.”

2021, 6 December. “I can fix him” good for you, I’m joining him.

2021, 2 December. Tailoring himself to perfection for his god. A quote from “our silver lining gleaming red and white” by coudric

2021, 28 November. Four Season, written by @thesongsmithtumbles, read by silverbluefic

If you’re also looking for someone to help you create the perfect cover for your fantastic podfic, feel free to DM me or send me an email at [email protected]

2021, 27 November. The naked man fears no pickpocket!

2021, 25 November. Get better day by day. Commission for @feelingsandtaxes
If you’re interested in a custom-made quote of your choice to frame on the wall, DM me or contact me at cinnamaldeide [@] gmail [.] com to place an order

2021, 23 November. When I grow up, I want to be… carried away by owls.

o2021, 19 November. Il fallimento è la cazzata dell'ultimo decennio.

2021, 14 November. E allora devi a lungo cantare per farti perdonare, e la pulce d'acqua, che lo sa, l'ombra ti renderà.
La pulce d'acqua, Angelo Branduardi
