
Sudden quick shot of traditional art with the love of my life - Jojo Bizarre Adventures, precisely w

Sudden quick shot of traditional art with the love of my life - Jojo Bizarre Adventures, precisely with Bruno Bucellatti I was missing paper so mmmmuch that I couldn’t resist it today. Urgent pre-holidays-work keeps me glued to pc all day long till 3 am >_<
#ink #inkart #inkdrawing #traditionalart #art #artist #draw #drawing #instaart #instaartist #fanart #jojobizarreadventure #jjba #sketchbook #sketch #jjbafanart #sketchart #jjbabrunobuccellati #ventoaureo #markerdrawing #illustration #illustrator #loveofmylife #brunobucellati #buccellati #animefanart #anime #jojosbizarreadventure

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