#jk i love him

soh-da-meatball: Breakfast and Pollicle KissesCats with puppies! Thank you so much to @ren-the-gendesoh-da-meatball: Breakfast and Pollicle KissesCats with puppies! Thank you so much to @ren-the-gendesoh-da-meatball: Breakfast and Pollicle KissesCats with puppies! Thank you so much to @ren-the-gendesoh-da-meatball: Breakfast and Pollicle KissesCats with puppies! Thank you so much to @ren-the-gendesoh-da-meatball: Breakfast and Pollicle KissesCats with puppies! Thank you so much to @ren-the-gendesoh-da-meatball: Breakfast and Pollicle KissesCats with puppies! Thank you so much to @ren-the-gende


Breakfast and Pollicle Kisses

Cats with puppies! Thank you so much to @ren-the-genderfluid​ for naming Prestothe Puppy! o(≧▽≦)o❤❤ but those two lovecats better watch out! if they don’t stop smoochin then Presto’s gonna get to their breakfast before they can >:Dc

btw I had to add my favorite quote from the entire stream that made me die laughing thank you so much Ren AHAHA

PRESTO NO! Naughty doggo!

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