#jk rowling is a terf



So…JK Rowling’s essay basically boiled down to this:

“I looove trans people. I know a trans person! But loads of autistic girls are told they’re trans and they can’t be trusted to make their own decisions!! Women transition to men so they don’t have to face their own womanhood!! I’m a sexual abuse survivor and domestic abuse survivor which means I am allowed to be a TERF and to attack a minority group that are already abused and face danger daily! Men only say they’re women because they want to break into women’s changing rooms and r*pe them!! Ofc trans women are women BUT BUT BUT it’s not that simple!!1!”

Anyway, I never thought I’d say this, but I hope she shuts the fuck up. I truly do. At this rate, it wouldn’t shock me if Fantastic Beasts got cancelled because of her.


anyway Rick Riordan saw JK R*wling posting her bullshit again and decided to be a king we can trust and show support for trans creators publicly. a true ally

I can accept differences in opinion, but I will not accept if said “opinion” involves bigotry, discrimination and killing of others deemed not socially acceptable by some. 

J.K. Rowlingfromwritingwrote My Immortal!

Requested by anon

Yes I know it goes against my ‘no transphobes’ rule, but honestly, it’s too funny to pass up. Besides, we all know that My Immortal is better written than anything she’s come up with anyway.





Hey, so they’re making a Netflix Harry Potter.

With that in mind, we’re all gonna remember that JKR is a terf who has literally been cited by legislators engaged in legislation that actively harms trans people, and we’re not gonna give her any more money.

That means not streaming the new show on Netflix, because regardless of how much influenceshe has on the production, she gets paidfor it.

We’re gonna make the show flop. We’re gonna show Warner Brothers that we don’t forget (of course, how would we forget, it isn’t as if she’s stopped), and that their business association with terfs is no longer profitable.

It is NOT like Lovecraft, because Lovecraft is very dead and his works are in the public domain. By consuming Lovecraft media, you are not giving any money to old Howard.

reblogging this again to say some googling led to the tentative conclusion that the new remake will be on HBO max, which is owned by WarnerMedia. Netflix hasn’t hosted anything Harry Potter since early 2020, presumably because Warner is trying to direct the hp audience to their own streaming service.

Remember she also takes any support of her work as agreeing with her bigotry

^ link to the post/full thread of where I got this tweet

She actively funds anti-trans causes and is basically the spokesperson for UK terfism and quite honestly her influence probably was related to the recent UK anti-trans laws. Part of the reason she’s so powerful is because she has money. Cut off her money supply. Please boycott her.

The only interaction I have with Harry Potter these days is poking holes and pointing out the flaws, or propping up the characters that Rowling didn’t like.

Internalised Misogyny in Harry Potter

Better Character Development than all of Rowling’s Faves

The Representation Rowling Never Intended
