
joannalannister:Look at this beautiful book by @chaouenmadrid and @kitamere that I got in the mail.


Look at this beautiful book by @chaouenmadridand@kitamere that I got in the mail. It’s so beautiful and so well done!

Thank you for your kind words about Ink & Roses!  You’ve taken a beautiful picture.  I hope you enjoy it!

Post link

joannalannister said: I assumed you’d been recruited into a covert spy operation or something

We can talk about this later, Lauren ( ・_・)

Hey guys,

I’m really sorry for my prolonged absence. I’ve recovered from my leg injury(no,Kate, I did not die from it :D) quite well, and I’m feeling much better.

The reason why I’m not around at all these days is because I moved back home (Edinburgh) and started my master’s degree. I’ve not only been busy with moving back + school + new job, but I also try to fly to London every weekend to see my girlfriend.

It’s been crazy busy, but things are finally calming down a little. I promise that I’ll be much more active after a fortnight or so.

Thanks for bearing with me.
