#job applicant gothic

  • you open your resume in microsoft word. your qualifications have been replaced with the words “NEVER ENOUGH.” the cursor winks.
  • the website asks you to fill in your basic information. the website asks you for your resume and cover letter. the website asks you to answer additional questions. the website asks you to fill out an applicant questionnaire. the website asks you to sacrifice your family. you click “submit” with bloody hands.
  • everyone is hiring. no one is hiring. the signs disappear when you look at them too closely, but you can see them in distant shop windows. only a few blocks more and you will be safe.
  • you attend a job fair hiring individuals in your field and are offered several jobs on the spot. your dream-self accepts the position and shakes the manager’s hand as you awaken in your bed. there is still a hand in yours.
  • “are you a student?” yes. “are you between the ages of 18-24?” yes. “are you human?” you were. you don’t know now.
  • the hiring manager has listed their contact information. phone number: blank. email: blank. sacrifice: three rabbits. you stop by the pet store on your way home.
  • a cacophony of voices scream wordlessly into the void. these are your cover letters. these are your only hope.
  • you are waiting for your interview. you watch as other applicants go into the office. none of them come out.
  • your name is never called. you are still waiting.