


I was playing around with their ages on this one. General consensus is that Hilda takes place in the late 90s so I was wondering what the character’s would look like present day (plus kid Johanna)


This is my rough idea for the mural Johanna eventually paints in my fic A Monster.


Here’s her painting outfit.

Ponytail Johanna supremacy


Johanna and Hilda would both fall for updog.


Johanna’s wallet has at least 15different baby pictures of Hilda, that she will show to anyone who asks with little to no hesitation.

Kaisa has baby pictures of Frida.




No one knows how she got those.


Idk what it is I just look at this woman and I go yeah she deserves a large arsenal of weaponry. And she deserves to use it.

Heroes of the Storm UltimateFan Art Contest SubmissionEeep! Had SO much fun making this! I love the

Heroes of the Storm UltimateFan Art Contest Submission

Eeep! Had SO much fun making this! I love the Blizzard art style and the characters. I put in tons of hours these past couple of weeks that I’m pretty sure I’ve erased my bum from existance.

High Res: http://fantaisie-triste.deviantart.com/art/Heroes-of-the-Storm-Fan-Art-Contest-Dat-Tank-Doe-541506984

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