#john b routledge writing


Type: One shot about John B from Outerbanks
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 3100+

She and her friends were always at the pool, getting tanned. She would never have thought that her life would change. Since her father was always the one that gave her whatever she wanted. Everything changed the day her father died. After the funeral, she was shipped out to North Carolina where her aunt lived. Her world was turned upside down and she hated every moment of it. She knew no one but at least it was the summer so she didn’t have to start a new school right away.

“You should unpack,” Becky said.
“Why?” Liz asked as she rolled her eyes.
“Because you are living here now,” Becky said.
“I don’t understand why I had to move across the country,” Liz said as she crossed her arms.
“Unfortunately since your father passed away, he wanted me to take care of you,” Becky said.
“I can take care of myself,” Liz said.
“We all know that but you are not of age so you need parental guidance,” Becky said.
“Well thank you,” Liz said as she rolled her eyes once again.
“Unpack your stuff and get settled, you’ll be here for a while,” Becky said as she left the room.

Liz sighed and laid on the bed, looking at her phone. She was missing home and missing her friends. Scrolling through photos as the tears slipped from her eyes. It just seemed like no one cared about what she wanted or how she was feeling. She finally put her phone down and started to put her stuff away. She grabbed a jacket and her phone as she left the house. Making her way down towards the beach. She made it to the shore allowing the water to flow over her feet.

“Dad I miss you” she whispered to herself.
“Go long John B,” Pope said.
“I got it,” John B said as he ran along the beach.

He was so focused on catching the ball that he didn’t see Liz standing there. He crashed into her knocking them both onto the sand.

“Watch it,” Liz said.
“Sorry didn’t see you there,” John said as he got up. Reaching his hand down to help her up.
“Thanks,” She said as she grabbed his hand.
“I’m sorry, have we met before?” John asked as he helped her up.
“No, I’m new in town,” Liz said as she brushed the sand off of her.
“I’m John B, and you are?” he questioned,
“I’m Liz,” she said as she looked up at him.
“Nice to meet you” he smiled softly as he looked down at her.
“You too,” She nodded.
“Are you ok? any injuries?” he questioned.
“No, I’m fine,” She said.
“Hey we are having a bonfire tonight, you should come,” he said.
“Sounds interesting,” she said.
“See you there?” he asked.
“Maybe,” She said as she turned to walk away.

He grabbed the ball and went back to his friends. She found another spot on the beach and sat down. Just watching the waves crash to the shore, from time to time she watched John B. She looked down at her phone realizing she had missed some texts and calls from her boyfriend. The text read that they needed to talk, she already knew a breakup was coming. She sent a quick text back saying it was over before turning her phone off. It was just another thing added to her things to be sad about. She hugged her knees to her chest as she felt the tears build up in her eyes. Allowing them to slip from her eyes onto her cheeks. She saw John B making his way over to where she was. She quickly wiped her eyes and looked at him as he finally sat down next to her.

“Hey,” He said.
“Hey,” she said.
“Why are you over here alone?” he questioned.
“I told you, I’m new here,” she said.
“But you could have come over to where we were,” he said.
“I’m not good at making new friends,” she said.
“We don’t bite,” he chuckled slightly.
“I hope not,” she said as she laid her head down on her arms. Still hugging her knees to her chest.
“Are you ok?” he asked.
“Yea just a rough few months,” she said.
“Want to talk about it?” he looked at her.
“Not really,” she sighed.
“That’s ok,” he said.
“You don’t have to stay over here, I’m ok alone,” she said.
“Now why don’t I believe that?” He asked.
“I have no clue,” she said.
“I love meeting new people” he smiled softly as he brushed the hair from her face.
“Well I’m glad I’m new,” she said.
“You should really come tonight,” he said.
“Will you be there?” she asked.
“Yea I will be,” he said.
“Then I’ll see you there,” she said.
“Good,” he smiled.  

She smiled as she stood up, as he stood up as well. They parted ways and she made her way back to her aunt’s apartment. Liz made her way to her room and sat on the bed. Looking through her messages again to make sure that she read the message right. Of course, her boyfriend sent more messages after she said it was over. She deleted his number from her phone and laid back on her bed.

“He’s an ass anyway” she rolled her eyes as she stared at the ceiling.

She sat up and grabbed her laptop out of her bag. Trying to see if her friends messaged her, but there was nothing. It was like they all forgot about her the moment she stepped foot on the airplane. She pushed it out of her mind and tried to focus on what was going on around her. She finally pulled herself from her laptop and started to get ready for the bonfire. She put on this cute romper that looked like a dress. Slipped on a pair of flats, messed with her hair a little bit.

“That should do it,” she said to herself as she looked in the mirror.
“Fancy date?” Becky said as she leaned against the door frame.
“No, just a bonfire, trying to get to know people,” Liz said.
“Nice, good way to meet people,” Becky said.
“Yea I should go,” Liz said as she grabbed her bag and left the house.

She started to walk towards the beach when a car pulled up next to her. She kept walking because she thought it was a creep trying to pick her up.

“Want a ride?” John asked.
“John B?” She stopped and looked at the car.
“Who else?” he smiled. “Jump in,” he said.
“My savior” she smiled as she got into the car.
“Can’t let a pretty girl walk alone” he said as he pulled off.
“Stop,” she said as she started to blush.
“Just telling the truth,” he said.
“Thank you” She looked at him.

He finally pulled into the parking lot and parked the van. He jumped out and rushed over to open the door for her. Reaching for her hand as he helped her out. She grabbed his hand and got out of the van. She followed him down to the bonfire, the sun setting. He introduced her to the crew and went to get them drinks.

“So new in town?” Pope said.
“Yea,” Liz said.
“Why here?” JJ asked.
“It’s complicated,” Liz nodded.
“Well John B likes you so whatever you need, we are here,” Kiara said.
“Thank you, wait, you think he likes me?” Liz asked.
“Clearly you two came together,” Kiara said.
“No we didn’t, he saw me walking and picked me up,” Liz said.
“He’s nice like that,” JJ said as he gave Kiara a look.
“Yea he is,” Kiara said as she rolled her eyes at JJ.
“What are you guys talking about?” John asked as he handed Liz a drink.
“They think you like me,” Liz said.
“Of course I do,” John said as he pushed JJ.
“Thank you for the drink,” Liz said as she walked away from the group.
“What did you guys say to her?” John asked.
“Nothing, just why she moved here,” Pope said.
“Kiara what did you do?” John said as he crossed his arms.
“Nothing, just that you liked her,” Kiara said.
“She’s not worth it,” JJ said.
“I’ll decide that,” John said.

Liz walked out to the bonfire and sat down on the log. Looking down at her drink before taking a few sips. Topper made his way over to where she was and sat down next to her.

“Why is such a pretty girl wasting her time with the pogues?” Topper asked.
“The what?” Liz asked as she looked at him.
“The pogues, the lower class,” Topper said.
“Why does it matter to you?” Liz asked.
“Just wondering. Clearly, you are new to town” Topper said.
“Yea and that has nothing to do with you or who I hang out with,” Liz said as she got up.
“Don’t be such a bitch” Topper said as he stood up.
“Stop being entitled,” Liz said as she threw her drink on him.
“Bitch!” Topper said.
“So is your mom for having you,” she said as she walked away.
“Excuse you she’s not a bitch” John said as he pushed Topper.
“She just threw her drink on me,” Topper said.
“Let’s be honest you probably deserve it,” John said.

John B went back to his friends and tried to enjoy the night. He kept thinking about Liz and started to wonder where she went. She wasn’t close to the fire nor anywhere that he could see. He grabbed himself another drink and started to walk down towards the shore. He saw her walking along the shore, he ran to catch up with her. He stayed in silence and walked behind her, not knowing if she wanted to be bothered.

“Next time it won’t be a drink, it will be my fist,” She said as she turned to see who was behind her.
“It’s just me,” John B said as he held up his hands.
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were that jerk back there,” she said.
“Yea Topper is a jerk,” John said.
“Yea” she rolled her eyes. “Why are you all the way down here?” she questioned.
“I was looking for you,” John said.
“Why?” She looked at him.
“Because I invited you here, it’s not cool for me to ignore you all night,” he said.
“It would be fine if you did,” she said.
“Why do you say that?” He stopped her from walking.
“Because” She shrugged.
“I want to be around you,” He said.
‘Thanks for making me feel welcomed" she said.
“My friends are right, I do like you,” he said.
“I kind of already knew that,” she smiled gently.
“You did?” he asked.
“Yea because I like you too,” she said as she looked away.
“Hey” he spoke softly as he tilted her chin back to look at him.
“I’m shy when it comes to my feelings,” she said.
“That’s ok, it’s cute,” he said.

He placed his hand against her cheek as he moved closer to her. Resting his other hand on her hip, she rested her hand against his chest. He leaned down towards her, allowing his lips to touch hers. She hesitated for a second before kissing him softly. He smiled against her lips as he kissed her back. She pulled away slightly and rested her forehead against his. He wrapped his arm around her waist keeping her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she leaned up kissing him again. He placed his hand against her neck as the kiss started to get more intense. He pulled away when he heard his name being called.

“Maybe you should head back,” she said.
“Come with me,” he said as he grabbed her hand.
“Sure” she smiled as she laced their fingers together.

He leaned down and peeked her lips softly before heading back to the bonfire. They sat down by the fire and she leaned her head against his shoulder. He wrapped them up in a blanket as the wind started to pick up. Coming from the water it started to get cold. She stayed close to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“You two are pretty close,” Pope said.
“Yea we are,” John B said as he kissed her forehead.
“That happened quickly,” JJ said.
“Mind your business,” John B said.
“Why are you so defensive?” Kiara said.
“I’m not being defensive,” John B said.
“I just hope it works out for you,” Pope said.
“Thanks,” John B said.
“I’m going to go get something to drink,” Liz said.
“I’ll go with you,” John said as he stood up.

They went inside the beach house and made their way into the kitchen. She put ice in her cup and poured herself a drink. He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Leaning his head against her shoulder. He grabbed a piece of ice and rubbed it gently against her lips. She giggled softly as she turned to face him, kissing him softly. He giggled against her lips before kissing her back.

“What do you want to drink?” She asked.
“You” he smiled as he kept her close to him.
“John B” she giggled and peeked his lips softly.
“I’ll just drink some of yours,” he said.
“Alright,” she said as she pulled away from him to grab her drink.

Before they could leave the beach house it started to rain. Everyone was rushing to get out of the rain. John B grabbed her hand and ran out into the rain with her. Grabbing her hips pulling her to him, she wrapped her arms around him. He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her softly in the rain. She kept the kiss between them until she had a flashback. Her and her ex used to do this in the rain back home. She pulled away from John B and started to walk away, he grabbed her arm but she pulled away. She grabbed her bag and started to walk away from the beach. He rushed behind her trying to figure out what was going on but she wouldn’t stop walking.

“Stop,” John B said as he grabbed her arm.
“Let me go,” She said.
“What happened?” he asked as he tried to put his hand on her chin but she pulled away.
“I just want to go home,” she said.
“Let me drive you at least,” he said.
“Fine,” she said.

He led her back to the van and pulled off from the beach. He didn’t know where she lived so he drove around until the rain got too intense. He pulled over and turned the car off, turning to face her. She was looking out the window, he reached over and gently took her hand into his. She looked at him but then quickly looked away as she fought back tears.

“Did I do something?” He broke the silence
“No,” She said.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Just a memory,” she said.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“My ex and I used to kiss in the rain” she looked down. “He just broke up with me today,” she said.
“I’m sorry Liz,” he said.
“It’s for the best, he’s an ass anyway but the memories are still there,” she said.
“I understand,” he said.
“Come here,” he said as he got up and moved to the back of the van.
“How?” She smiled slightly before getting into the back of the van with him.

He pulled her close to him and wrapped a blanket around them. She rested her head against his chest as they started to talk. She finally opened up and told him why she moved. They stayed in the van and talked for hours until she started to drift off to sleep. He leaned back and kept her close as he also fell asleep. She woke up once the sun started to peek through the window. She gently shook him as he started to wake up, she cuddled back to him. He smiled and kept her close to him as she checked her phone.

“Morning” he whispered.
“Morning” She looked up at him.
“Sleep well?” he questioned.
“Yea I did but I think we are in trouble” she nodded towards his phone.
“It’s fine,” he said as he flipped his phone over.
“My aunt texted me so many times,” she said.
“Do you need to go?” he questioned.
“Not yet” She snuggled closer to him.

He kissed her forehead and just held her close to him. She didn’t want this moment to end but she knew that she needed to get home. She finally pulled herself from his arms. They got back upfront and he drove her home. She walked inside and knew she would get questioned. Her aunt wasn’t home so she quickly texted Becky saying that she was home and that her phone died last night. She laid back on her bed and ended up falling back asleep. Later on, she woke up and Becky was back home. Liz thought Becky would question her but Becky didn’t. They were sitting down eating dinner when someone knocked on the door. Becky answered the door and John B was standing there.

“May I help you?” Becky asked.
“I was looking for Liz,” John B said.
“Who is it?” Liz asked as she went to the door. “Oh hey,” she smiled as she saw John B standing there.
“Who is this?” Becky asked.
“This is John B, John B this is my aunt Becky,” Liz said.
“Nice to meet you,” John B said as he reached out his hand to shake Beckys.
“You too,” Becky said as she shook his hand.

Liz grabbed John B’s hand and led him into the house. Making their way to her room, Liz closed the door behind them. She sat on the bed with him.

“It’s not really decorated,” Liz said.
“That’s ok, I just wanted to see you,” he smiled. “Didn’t have your number” he looked at her.
“I’ll fix that,” she said as she grabbed his phone, putting her number in it.
“So what were you doing?” He questioned.
“Just eating” she looked at him.
“Oh,” he nodded.
“Want to go out and do something or just watch a movie? ” she asked.
“We can watch a  movie and just relax,” he said.
“I like the sound of that,” she said.

He leaned back on the bed as she moved between his legs. Laying back against him as she turned on the tv. They quickly found a movie to watch. He wrapped his arms around her and just relaxed on the bed. Becky came down the hallway and opened the door, to make sure they weren’t doing anything. Becky left the door open as she walked away. Liz didn’t mind because they weren’t doing anything anyway. She felt safe with John B and felt that should be herself with him. Maybe moving here wasn’t as bad as she thought.
