#outer banks imagines


My entry for day 10 of our Christmas Calendar.Find all the information here.

All fandoms are welcome to join!

Summary:Reader feels like it’s time for the Pogues to finally have a nice Christmas and sets up a secret santa party … only things don’t go as planned.

Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.

It’s a well-known fact, that the downside of Pogue life is being ignored and neglected. That sentiment also extends to Christmas and all that comes with it. 

While figure 8 is decked out in lights and tinsel and garland, the most you’ll find at the cut is a wreath or two hung up on a door and maybe a poinsettia perched on a windowsill.

“ This year it’s gonna be different! “ (Y/N) exclaims as she steps out of the Chateau and plops down on the couch next to JJ, who’s taking a long drag from his freshly rolled blunt.

 “ What are you talking about? “ Kie asks, holding her hand out and waiting for JJ to pass the joint to her. “ I mean, whatever it is I’m in, just wondering. “ 

“ Christmas. “ 

“ Christmas? “ Pope asks, eyebrow raised in question.

It’s no secret that both Pope and Kie have lucked out in the parents department. The Haywards are as loving as they come. And while Kie loves to paint her parents as the evil villains in her origin story, they’re really just looking out for her. Sure, their worry might be a bit misplaced sometimes, but It comes from a place of deep unconditional love.

That’s something not all of the Pogues can say about their parents.

“Yes, Pope. You heard me right. Aren’t you guys tired of feeling - sad?  I am. Look I know we like to pretend that it doesn’t bother us and that Christmas is just a day of the year like any other. But let me be honest, because that’s what we do right? Pogues are honest with each other. ”

The group nods in unison.

“I want a nice Christmas for once. I want a tree and I want lights and good food and music and fucking hell, I think we deserve a present too!”

“ You have a plan. “ It’s not a question that leaves John B’s lips, it’s an observation. Living through shared misery makes you really get to know someone. Not just their pretty sides, all the grime and the sadness and the secrets hidden in the furthest corner of their heart. The Pogues can read each other with just a glance. 

“ What about a little Pogue Christmas party? “ 

“ I’m — “ 

“ I know Pope, “ she interrupts him as he’s about to shoot down the idea. “ I know you have a full plate on Christmas day, so does Kie. I was thinking about Christmas Eve. We already have the lights out in the backyard thanks to JJ and the Hot tub incident. “ 

“ You’re welcome, “ the blond boy chimes up next to her, a satisfied grin on his lips and blue eyes sparkling with the power of a hundred frosted Christmas lights. 

“ I was thinking maybe Kie could bring some leftover from the Wreck so all that’s left is a tree and presents. “ 

JJ raises his hand as you would in school, signaling a question coming (Y/N)’s way.

“ Yes, JJ ? “

“ How are we gonna pay for the presents? May I remind you, both John B and I lost our jobs recently and I have about 3 dollars to my name so … “ 

“ That’s why I suggest a secret Santa. That way everyone gets something but everyone only has to buy one gift, and it doesn’t have to be anything expensive or fancy either. It’s the thought that counts. “ 

She looks around the group of friends, eyes meeting different shades of blue and brown and hazel. None of them seem too convinced. And really it was a long shot. But there’s a nagging in her heart, clawing at the walls of her chest, knocking against her ribcage. A distant longing that long lay dormant and asleep inside her but something has awoken it and no matter how much she tries to ignore it, she can’t. 

Maybe everything changing so quickly lately has her confused. Maybe seeing John B going after what he wants, Sarah and the gold and his father’s legacy, has opened her eyes a little. That things don’t have to be bad. That you can escape a life no matter how restricting and gloomy it is. 

And maybe the blond boy next to her has played a part in all of this too. Everything considered he should be bitter and angry and hold more hate inside himself than any other person on this earth. Life has shown him nothing but cruelty. JJ though, despite it all, is one of the softest people she knows. He’s got a heart filled with warmth and joy and so much love for his friends. Where life should’ve made him spiteful and mean it only made him loving and loyal. And while sometimes his actions end in a bit of a disaster, they always come from a place of care and unfiltered, all-consuming love for his friends, his family.

So does he not deserve a nice Christmas? Does he not deserve one night of feeling like he is enough, like they all are?

“ What do you guys say? “ 

For a moment they are quiet, contemplating her words over and over and her heart sinks knowing they don’t really want to. Maybe this is all a joke to them, maybe it doesn’t mean shit. But it does to her. So where’s the harm in trying. Right? 

And then she feels the soft touch of JJ’s hand against her shoulder. It’s barely there. If a whisper was a touch this would be it. But it doesn’t have to be more. It’s all it needs to be. It’s a reassurance, a promise, a hug, all in a soft little touch.

“ Sounds fun to me, “ he says and shrugs his shoulder before taking another drag of his joint. “ I mean, I don’t have anything else to do on Christmas Eve. You guys? “ 

He regards his friends with determined eyes. 

“ Sure, why not. “ John B shrugs and lifts his beer as if to toast on it. “ You’re right. We deserve a night of decadence. “ 

“ Guys, not to burst your bubble but I doubt whatever will be left is gonna be a decadent meal, “ Kie chimes up, lips screwed up in disappointment. 

John B takes a sip of his drink and lets out an amused chuckle. “ JJ’s been chewing on moldy toast the other day, everything’s a feast to him.“

“ I would fight you because that was rude but you aren’t wrong so I’ll let it slide. “ 

“ Very generous of you, good sir. “ 

“ You’re welcome, Darling. “ 

“ So, you guys are in? “ 

They all agree with various degrees of enthusiasm. It doesn’t matter though, not right now. They might not understand her reasoning, hell they might not even be excited. They’re in though. They agreed. They see how important it is to her, how much she longs for this one night of normalcy. And they show up. They’re there when it matters. 

“ Let me just write down our names real quick and then we draw. See who gets to buy who a present. And no cheating, guys. This stays anonymous until the party. And no switching either. John B, do you think Sarah wants to join in? “ 

“ Yeah, “ he responds, his brown curls bouncing chaotically as he nods his head in approval “ I’m sure she’d like that. To be included. “ 

(Y/N) has to admit that it was a little weird at first, to add another person to their tight-knit group. Especially someone like Sarah, who never had to deal with any of the issues the Pogues are raised with. Someone who never had to choose between putting food on the table or paying the electricity bill. Someone who never had to look in the mirror and tell themselves that sometimes a parent’s love is a handprint on a cheek. 

Someone who’s never had a Christmas without presents or a tree or lights or a family to spend it with.

But as much as she tried, she couldn’t help but fall in deep platonic love with the blonde. Sure, maybe she’s never had to deal with the same problems but she had her own issues, her own trauma. And maybe it’s not so much what you’ve been through that matters but how you grow from it, how you overcome it, how you find closure, and what you let it shape you into. That they all have in common. They overcome it together, with the help of each other and depending on the love and care their friends provide. So it only feels right to include her in this.

A few minutes later one after the other all the Pogues pull little scraps of paper from JJ’s hat, unfold them and without fail, each of them has a little smirk on their lips as they read the name of whoever it is they’re getting a present for. There’s something so comforting and familiar about their friendship. Something that is hard to explain to anyone that doesn’t live it. That isn’t included. All of them are so distinctly themselves and yet their bond is unwavering and can’t be broken so easily. 

“ I’m glad you guys decided to trust me in this. I can’t wait for Christmas Eve, “ (Y/N) exclaims before her gaze wanders to the clock on the wall. “ And on that note, I have to leave. My shift starts in 30 minutes. John B, I trust you give Sarah her piece of paper without peeking. “ 

“ Cross my heart, “ he answers and follows his words with his fingers painting an invisible cross on his chest. “ No peeking.” 

“Hey,” JJ speaks up, “think you can give me a ride to my place? ”

“Sure. Always”

As they sit in the car, driving through the sparsely decorated neighborhood, (Y/N) feels JJ’s eyes watching her intently.

“What’s up?”


“Why are you watching me?”

“Just wondering.”

“ ‘bout what?”

“Why is this so important to you? You never usually cared about Christmas”

(Y/N) takes a breath, tries to put her thoughts and feelings into words. It doesn’t really make sense to her how can it make sense to him? But truly If anyone will understand it’s JJ. 

“ I’m not sure, I just remembered the Christmases when I was little and mom was around. We didn’t really celebrate then either but she’d put me in the car and turn the radio all the way up as they played Christmas songs and we’d drive through figure 8 and look at the lights. And every year she said one day she’d give me a Christmas like that. I think seeing John B. finally going for what he wants and deserves and seeing him trying to make his dad proud. It made me think about what I wanted and what my mom would want. So yeah … it’s silly, I know.”

“Nah, it’s not,” JJ replies and reaches over to gently ruffle her hair. “It makes sense. I don’t really remember much of my life when mom was around but I remember this one Christmas when dad was working on some ship so he wasn’t around and she was - happy. And she’d make us pancakes and draw a Christmas tree with whipped cream on it. We were so happy that morning, I’d give everything to feel like that again. I get it.”

JJ doesn’t talk about his mom, ever. It’s an unspoken rule in their friendship. Partially because he doesn’t have much to talk about and partially because it breaks his heart, to know that despite how much his dad hates him, he’s the parent that stuck around. Not his mother. Not the woman who’s supposed to love him most.

At least John B. was left with one loving parent. 

So to hear him be vulnerable with her, sends an indescribable warmth through her whole body.

“Hey J, thanks for agreeing to this and having my back. Not sure the others would’ve said yes if it wasn’t for you.”

“No biggie. I think it’s a nice idea. And you’re right, we do fucking deserve something nice for once.”

His fingers keep softly stroking the back of her head, combing through her hair and making a calm settle in her bones.

“Can I tell you a secret?” She says, heart beating just a little too fast.


“Out of all of them, you’re my favorite.”

“That’s good. Cause you’re my favorite too.”

Sometimes there are moments when she thinks that there could be more. More than friendship. More than longing looks and fleeting touches and loving words sitting in the car driving down the cut. And then she remembers that they are friends and if something were to happen, the consequences could end all of it. What if it ends badly? Is she ready to give up their friendship for a maybe?

Not yet. Maybe not ever. So she’ll stay in this limbo with him, coming close but never arriving. Watching and waiting for something that never comes. Letting herself indulge in the what-ifs only in her dreams.

There’s a single window decked out in Christmas lights as they make their way to JJ’s place and it makes her smile. Maybe she isn’t the only one feeling the holiday spirit.

The backyard sparkles with lights, as the friends sit by the fire, bundled up in blankets, holding onto their steaming mugs of spiked hot chocolate. John B. licks the last drop of gravy off of his plate. When they agreed on Kie bringing leftovers, they hadn’t expected her to bring by a full-on feast. Ham and potatoes and gravy and pie. Maybe, (Y/N) thinks, maybe Kie’s dad doesn’t hate them all that much after all. None of this food seems like leftovers to her. Maybe it’s him feeling generous on Christmas eve or maybe it’s him having pity on the kids who never had a proper Christmas. Whatever it is, she’s entirely grateful.

“Time for presents?” (Y/N) asks, slightly bouncing in her seat which earns her a soft smile from JJ. If only she was brave enough to ask for more. To reach out her hand and take it. To tell him and see where it goes.

“Sounds good to me,” Sarah replies before pointing to a bag full of presents wrapped in all kinds of bright patterned wrapping paper. “As you know we had Wheezie wrap them so the wrapping skills or lack thereof wouldn’t give away the surprise.”

“Okay so you open your gift and then guess who you got it from and whoever gifted you will reveal themself. Got it?” (Y/N) explains, looking around her group of friends who all nod in understanding.

“Good, let’s see, this one is for John B.,” she says and hands the gift over to John B. who rips off the paper in one swift motion.

“Oooh Condoms and a - piece of paper?”

“Turn it over,” JJ explains, masking his words with a comically fake cough.

“It’s a - self-made coupon for a one-time board waxing. Now I wonder who that’s from.” John B. rubs his chin in mock consideration. “I’ll go with JJ?”

“Yeaaah Bree, you got it. You’re welcome by the way.”

“Uh - thanks I guess.” John B. Says and pulls the next gift from the bag. “This one is for Sarah”.

With a smile on her face, the blonde unwraps the package being met with a beautiful silver frame that holds a picture of her and John B. cuddled up to each other in the hammock taken sometime in summer, the light of the setting sun veiling them in a gorgeous golden glow. 

“Awww I love this. Well since you’re the only one who always carries around the camera I’m gonna say this was from (Y/N)?”

The girl nods “yup. I’ve been meaning to give you that picture for a while and then I found this vintage frame at the thrift store and it just all fell into place.”

“Thank you, that’s so sweet. I love it. Okay, the net one is foooor, JJ!”

“Ooh give it here,” JJ exclaims and wiggles his fingers in excitement. “Let’s seee. A sixpack and some board wax ayyy. Nice.”

“Hey look at that, you can use it to wax my board when I cash in my coupon” John B. pipes up earning him a raised middle finger from JJ. 

“How about no? You can have one of my beers though." 

"So nice. A true Christmas miracle.”

“Mmmh. Okay, so I’m not sure who got me this, maybe John B.?”

“Nope”, the brunette boy replies. “Wasn’t me. ”

“That was me.” Pope chimes in. “Thought about getting you a book but I thought this was more fitting.”

“Thanks, dude. Love it. Okay who next, ” JJ fumbles the next package from the bag. “This one’s for Kie.”

The girl gingerly opens the package to reveal a dainty silver chain with a cute little turtle pendant. 

“That’s adorable! ”

“And it’s handmade from a local business!” Sarah exclaims, which makes the group fall into a fit of laughter.

“What? Oh.”

“Yeaah. So I guess this one’s from Sarah,” Kie says between giggles. “Next one is for - Pope!”

He opens his gift, an engraved leather-bound notebook, rightly guessing that it’s from Kie.

“Next one is for - me again?”

The group looks around, each of them more confused than the next. 

“Yeah man, that’s from me. I got you.” John B. announces.

“No, I got Pope,” Kie disagrees.

“I guess we both got Pope?" 

"Then who did - oh fuck”

An uncomfortable, almost sad silence falls over the friends as they realize who must’ve been left out. 

“I guess I forgot to write down my own name. It’s no big deal really.” (Y/N) says and though she tries really hard to sound unbothered. 

“Hey I have two you can have this one,” Pope proposes holding the present out to her.

“No that’s okay. John bought it for you.”

Pope nods, his lips pulled into a sad smile “you sure?”


While they fall back into a careless conversation fueled by the spiked chocolate and the Christmas spirit running through their hearts, (Y/N) can’t help but feel her own heart breaking a little. 

Before she can dwell on it for too long, she feels JJ’s hand gently rest on the small of her back, rubbing soft, comforting circles into her skin. It sucks, it really does but it feels just a little bit better when she’s this close to him.

Pope unwraps a box holding an ugly patterned tie. So he can look “professional,” John B. says.

They finish their chocolates and as the fire dies, so does the party. One by one they leave or retire to their rooms, getting ready to spend Christmas with their families or in Sarah and John B’s case, with each other.

And in the end, it’s only (Y/N) and JJ left. looking at the dimming embers glowing faintly. 

“ I’m sorry, (Y/N). I know you wanted this so badly and then we fucked it up and you didn’t even get a present. “ 

(Y/N) shrugs, trying not to let it show how much it really hurts. How angry she is at herself for messing this up.

“ I mean, it’s my own fault. I forgot to write down my name. And anyway — I got to spend tonight with the people I love most and you all had a good time and that’s really all that matters. “ 

JJ pulls her closer and places a kiss on her head which makes her forget about everything for a second. About her fuck up. About all the heartbreak she’s ever felt. About how unfair life really is. It all melts away and she wishes, oh she wishes he could do it again. And again. And again. Over and over until no wounds are left and the cracks in her heart are healed and life doesn’t feel so shit anymore.

“ Hey, Luke’s gone and I don’t really wanna be alone on Christmas eve. Wanna stay at mine? “ 

She wonders how anyone could say no to that. Not to JJ and his gorgeous blue eyes and that sparkle of — something that keeps looking back at her.

So she says yes. Of course, she says yes. It will always be a yes with JJ. Always. 

JJ’s bed is soft. It’s so soft she wonders if he misses it while he’s staying at the Chateau. It’s like sleeping on a cloud. The pillows smell like ocean air and JJ’s shampoo. It all smells of JJ. Warm and familiar and comforting. It smells like home to her. He’s home to her. So it’s no wonder (Y/N) falls asleep approximately 10 seconds after her head hits the pillow.

It isn’t until the notes of Queen’s “Thank god it’s Christmas” echo through the small house, that (Y/N) is shaken from her slumber.

“ What the fuck? “

Gripped by curiosity, (Y/N) makes her way down the hall and turns the corner to the living room when her jaw drops. 

The whole living area is decked out in hundreds of thousands of sparkling Christmas lights. Like an ocean of colors, a sea of stars. There’s tinsel hanging from the doorways and garlands strung along the ceiling. 

“What in the -”

“You’re up!” JJ steps into the room, two plates in his hand piled with what looks and smells like delicious sweet pancakes and a smile on his face that puts all the lights to shame.

“What time is it?”

“ um like 11:30 or something.”

“And you’re making pancakes?”

“Yes. For us. For our Christmas Party,” he says like it’s the most obvious thing. Like its not strange at all.

“Our party is over JJ.”

“No, it’s not! It’s our party and it starts now. See we got the lights,” he gestures around the room then shakes the plates in his hand slightly. “The food" 

Placing the food down on the table he makes his way to the corner of the room where a sickly looking yucca plant sits covered in tinsel and sparkly plastic ornaments. 

"Here’s our very own tree,” JJ announces, a wide smile gracing his face. He is so proud of this, his enthusiasm and excitement radiating from him and pulling (Y/N) into the deep with him. There’s just something about a happy JJ that makes you feel the joy too.

“When did you make this”, she asks and gestures around the room.

“While you were sleeping.”

“Jay …”

“And I even got you a present.”

“JJ, You - ”

“No, listen! You were so excited about this and then you didn’t even get a present. I know you said it’s not a big deal but I could tell how much you were beating yourself up over making that mistake. And look if anyone, we know best that Christmas isn’t about the materialistic things. But you deserve a little something for setting this up for us and for making us happy and giving us the only Christmas some of us will have this year. I want you to be happy too. I thought since your mom never gave you the figure 8 Christmas extravaganza, I’ll try to. Pogue style of course.”

“You made this, for me?”

JJ nods and though she can’t be entirely sure due to the lights casting colors all across the room, she’s fairly certain there’s a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

“I also got you a present. I - I didn’t wanna give it to you with the others around since we said no gifts only the secret Santa ones. But um … I made this a while ago. After that one time I fixed your car I had some scraps and some time left and yeah. ”

The present he hands her is messily wrapped in brown paper. There’s no glitter or fancy patterns or anything. But it doesn’t need any of that. It doesn’t really even matter what it is. JJ made this for her. He put time and effort into something just for her. It sends her heart pounding in all the crazy beautiful ways. 

As the paper falls away, she can finally make out what it is he gifted her. While it’s got a few rough edges, it’s a surprisingly delicate flower. There are log nuts and scrap metal welded together to create something so beautiful, so intricate. 

“You made this for me?” She asks, voice but a whisper. When all your life you learn that people are selfish and cruel, the little things can shake your entire world. Leave you breathless. 

“Mmhm. Remember I took that welding class once.”

“But you made this, for me,” she repeats her words, trying to emphasize what this really is about. What it is that makes her heart do twirls and pirouettes.

“I told you, you’re my favorite. You deserve this.”

And then the world comes crashing down like a meteor, full force headed for impact.

“I have nothing for you.”

JJ shrugs and she can tell he means it. That he isn’t looking for anything. While he always liked to joke and fantasize about riches and fortune, JJ was never someone that cared all too much about any of that. Even his wildest dreams usually only extended to a little surf hut and enough free time to see the world. No big cars or houses or anything fancy.

“You’re here. Honestly, this is the best Christmas I have had in a long time. I’m not alone for once so — “ 

“ Still. There must be something I can give you to say thank you. Something you want. “ 

JJ lets out a mix between a chuckle and a scoff. As if whatever thoughts have conjured up is but the silliest thing he has ever heard in his life. The most delusional of all thoughts. Maybe it is, but she wants to hear about it anyway. Because even the chaos feels weirdly calm coming from JJ. Sometimes, (Y/N) thinks, it’s not about avoiding the storms, not about outrunning them, it’s about who’s by your side while you brave it. It’s about holding on to the people that go through the storm with you. About those that hold your hand while the dust settles and that pick you up as you assess the damage.

“ What’s that reaction for? “ 

“  I uh — what I want I don’t want like this? “ 

“ Huh? “

“ Out of pity. Because you feel bad. I gave you something because I want to make you smile and not because I expect anything in return. Especially not what I want. “ 

He casts his eyes downward, almost as if he’s embarrassed. But JJ is never embarrassed, right? He’s not bashful or shy. 

Or maybe he is.

“ JJ, “ she approaches him again and softly lifts his chin to level his face with hers. His blue eyes could rival the ocean waves crashing outside in both how bright they are and how much emotion and power seems to be caught in them. “ Tell me what you want. “ 

“ You. “ 

It’s a whisper in the dark. A secret shared. A heart ripped from a ribcage and presented to the only person that keeps it beating. It’s a silent dream come true. 

It’s two teenagers who have never known love, finding a safe place in each other surrounded by an ocean of lights.

“ And I know it’s ridiculous and silly and dumb as shit because we’re friends right and it can’t happen. No Pogue on Pogue macking. I know the rule, fuck I MADE that rule. But I just — you are all I can think about and it’s not just because you look smokin’ in a bikini. It’s everything about you, even the things that drive me crazy. So if I could wish for anything for Christmas, anything at all, I’d ask for you. For us to be more than friends. But I understand that isn’t possible, like — I get it. I — “ 

His words get swallowed by the taste of her lips on his. Time stops for a second, or speeds up, or — really nothing about the passing of time fundamentally changes but as he realizes what’s happening and lets himself fall headfirst into this feeling of joy and belonging, it makes it seems like the world has stopped spinning for a second. His hands find their way to her face, pushing a few strands of hair out of the way, and he deepens the kiss. 

Britney Spears sings a cheesy pop song telling Santa she’s been good this year, as JJ pulls away but keeps (Y/N) close. Holds onto her as if he’s worried life is playing a trick on him and will pull her away any second now.

“ Was that a pity kiss? “ 

“ Did it feel like a pity kiss? “ 

“ No. That felt really good. “ 

“ JJ, “ (Y/N) explains, “I’ve been into you for way longer than I like to admit. I just never thought you felt that way about me. “ 

“ I think I did. For a while. I just — I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like. You know I don’t have the best examples. Big feelings scare the shit out of me. “ 

“ Me too. I think they might be worth it though. “ 

“ Yeah, I think you might be right. Hey would you look at that,“ he exclaims and points above their heads where a fake holly branch dangles from a sparkly red garland. “ A mistletoe.” 

“ Uh, that’s — that’s not a mistletoe.” 

“ It’s called suspension of disbelief, okay? It’s impossible to find mistletoe on the OBX on short notice.” 

The two of them fall into a fit of laughter and for once life doesn’t send a storm their way, no gray clouds or harsh winds or downpour. Just a clear night sky and a thousand of twinkling lights shining alongside the stars.

And when he kisses her again and again and again, she thinks maybe there are Christmas miracles and maybe they aren’t made from magic but from love.

“ Hey,” JJ whispers against her lips as he pulls away for a second. 

“ What is it? “ 

“ It’s midnight. Do you know what that means? “ 

“ Hmm? “ 

“ It’s Christmas. “ 

“ Merry Christmas, JJ. I hope you like your presents. “ 

“ Yeah, “ he says and pulls her for another kiss. “ I love my presents. “ 

And when they manage to pull themselves away from each other and sit down by the kitchen table sharing pancakes and whipped cream, (Y/N) figures that this is love. 

It’s not handprints on a cheek, it’s not tears on a pillow, it’s not fancy gifts or decorated gardens.

It’s holding each other through storms and pain and heartbreak, through breaking waves and undercurrents. 

It’s sharing traditions and making your own. 

It’s promising to be better, to do better, to love more and harder and more openly.

Love is a kiss under the mistletoe. Pancakes at midnight. Whipped cream sprayed in the shape of a crooked star. A room full of lights. Bad Christmas music. It’s laughter. And friendship. And hope.

Outer Banks Masterlist

JJ Maybank:

  • Premium Subscription || JJ & (Y/N) have been best friends since kindergarten. Now that they’re older, it’s painfully obvious to their group of friends that they have feelings for each other but are too scared to admit it. Said group of friends has finally had enough and decides to give them a little nudge. 

Premium Subscription

Summary:JJ & (Y/N) have been best friends since kindergarten. Now that they’re older, it’s painfully obvious to their group of friends that they have feelings for each other but are too scared to admit it. Said group of friends has finally had enough and decides to give them a little nudge. 

TW/CW:JJ Maybank x Reader, best friends to lovers, a couple suggestive comments, 


Word Count: 989 

A/N:I day dream way too much while I work and last night’s shift was a long boring one. This imagine helped me pass the time. 


Hanging with my best friend JJ and our other Pogue friends is always entertaining. This time, however, the power is out and we have no trouble to get into. JJ and I had plenty of dastardly ideas but no one in the group bit the bait. So here we sit, twiddling our thumbs and praying the power would arise from the dead. 

Kie sat up suddenly, “What about spin the bottle? But just like kisses on the cheek or something?” 

Everyone looked around at each other but Pope was quick to dismiss the idea, “No, the last time we played that, John B and Sarah sat there macking for an hour just for shits and giggles.” 

“Okay, fine. Truth or Dare then. One person spins the bottle and they get to truth or dare whoever it lands on. Then the person who was just challenged gets to spin next,” Kie shot back. No one seemed to object so Kie grabbed the bottle and spun it. 

A few rounds went by of playful truths and easy dares before the bottle finally landed back on Kie who was dared to do a handstand without using the wall as support. It was obviously very easy for her. She quickly completed the handstand and then spun the bottle. It almost landed on John B to JJ’s right but Kie in a not-so-subtle rigging bumped it back a bit to land on JJ.  

JJ raised an eyebrow, “That was rigged but go ahead.” 

Kie had to contain her giggles before asking, “Truth or Dare.” 

“I’m not some pansy, give me a dare,” comes JJ’s quick response. 

“I dare you to kiss (Y/N) on the lips,” Kie shoots out. 

I’ll be honest here, it’s not that I don’t want JJ to do the dare, but I’m sure he doesn’t want to do it so I feel the need to speak up in an effort to save myself some embarrassment, “Ah, but the rule, Kie. No pouge on pouge macking.” 

John B is the first to speak up this time, “Well as Pogue President, I hereby deem a macking session between JJ Maybank and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be lawful due to the fact that JJ and (Y/N) were best friends before they were pogues.” He shoots JJ a look that says he knows they’ve got us cornered so JJ leans forward on the couch and rests his head on top of mine as I sit in front of him.  

He picks his head up and looks at the side of my face as I glare at Kie, “Yay or Nay, Tiny?” Looking up at him, I nod so he slowly leans forward before our lips connect and, as cliché as it sounds, fireworks erupt. When we pull apart, I prop my face up in my hands in hopes of hiding the blush.  

JJ leans back into the couch for a moment and takes a deep breath before quickly leaning back forward and whispering in my ear, “X marks the spot.” The code phrase for, “meet me at our secret place.” Our secret place is this little alcove just down the beach from here that we found when we were kids. It quickly became our favorite getaway and we pinky promised to never share it with anyone else. He and I get up and head for the door, “We’ll be back later,” JJ mumbles amongst the whoops and hollers of our friends. 

We walk down the beach, side by side in silence. The awkward tension between us hangs thick and my stomach twists itself into knots as my brain assumes the worst. However, when we finally duck into the alcove JJ pulls me into a hug, “They did that to force us to stop dancing around the bush about the feelings we have for each other.” 

I nod into his chest, “I know.” 

As we release each other I look up at him with a giant grin on my face, “I’d like to upgrade my subscription to JJ Maybank from standard to premium please.” 

He laughs wholeheartedly with a smile on his face, “I can do that for you. However, you’ll need to submit a valid form of payment. Although, I should inform you that at this time, kisses are the only acceptable method.” I stand up on my tiptoes and kiss him for the second time tonight. As he pulls me close, I slip his phone out of his pocket, pull away, and pretend to check his notifications, “You have an email. It says, ‘Congratulations, JJ Maybank you have won a free premium subscription to (Y/N) (Y/L/N).’” He grins at me as I hand him his phone back and we begin making our way back to The Chateau hand in hand. 

We’re almost there when JJ pulls me closer and throws his arm around my shoulders, “By the way, you’re not sleeping on the couch anymore.” 

I look up at him with mock surprise, “Oh really? Is that some perk of my premium membership?” 

He nods, “Yup, as a premium subscriber you get an all-expenses-paid stay at the JJ Maybank Bed and Breakfast. Betcha can’t guess what the breakfast part of that entails.” 

I shake my head and giggle at him, “JJ, is your head in the gutter again?” 

He shrugs, “It never leaves the gutter, babe.”  

Once we hit the porch of The Chateau, JJ opens the front door for me. I step into the living room before him and can feel his eyes on my ass but I don’t mind. It is in fact included in his premium subscription. Once we both plop down onto the couch and join the conversations of our friends, he throws his arm back around my shoulders and I snuggle into his side. This of course does not go unnoticed by our friends who erupt into a chorus of awwws and a great big, “Fucking finally!” from Kie. 


Ayo! Imagines incoming!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written let alone posted but are there any Outer Banks fans that follow?? I finally got the chance to binge-watch both seasons and let me tell you… the writing juices are a-flowing. I’ve already got a couple ideas for my baby JJ. You totally wouldn’t think he’d be my favorite right? I’m definitely not the type to fall for the broken boi. (If you couldn’t tell the last two sentences were pure sarcasm.) Anyway, I’m gonna try to get my ideas for JJ typed up and posted asap but lmk if you have any requests for obx that you want me to write.

As much as I feel so bad for it, if there’s any requests that I never got to from before, I probably won’t write them. I want to start with a clean slate if I’m gonna start writing again.


Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: JJ x Reader, Kie, John B, Sarah, Pope

Warnings: Language

w/c:1.7 k 

Request ( @eatingchocolatecroissants):Hey! I was wondering or you could do an outer banks imagine where like in season one the pogues leave kie, Sarah and reader on a boat, and the reader is the one getting stung by a jellyfish. The night goes on and she starts having an allergic reaction the jellyfish sting and her breathing starts to go bad and all dizzy. The girls have to call a mayday. And the sheriff/ambulance boat? Comes and gets her or the pogues come back the next morning and she is not well at all. Then hospital. The pogues feel really bad Maybe reader x jj?

Thank you you’re so sweet!! <3 so sorry this took me so long to write, hope you like it !


"Hmm,” you looked up from your spot on the floor, bored while Kie was on her knees inspecting the engine that JJ and John B had said wasn’t working.

“They’re screwing with us,” she sat up, brushing her hair out of her face with an unamused look, “There’s nothing wrong with the spark plugs- there are no spark plugs,”

“JJ! John B! What the hell?” you spin around to look for the boys, but they were already in the water swimming towards the HMS Pogue with Pope already running the engine.

“Sayonara!” John B gave the two of you a wave as Pope pulled him and JJ on board. 

“Oh, you son of a…” you started tugging at your shirt, ready to swim after the boys in your anger.

“What was that?”

You stopped what you were doing and glanced at Kie, waiting for an explanation. That’s when you heard it.

“John B! John B, let me out!” Sarah’s voice was muffled as she screamed for him below deck, “This isn’t funny anymore- open it!”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me,”

You unlatched the door leading to the deck below, coming face to face with a confused Sarah, “What the hell?” she pulled herself out, scanning the water for John B, “You asshole!” she screamed as the boys grinned back at her. 

“Get your asses back here!” Kie demanded.

John B shook his head, “We can’t, not until you guys figure it out!”

“See y'all later!” Pope waved as he drove the boat off, leaving the three of you bitter and stranded. 

“You can’t just leave!”

“JJ, you better turn that boat around or so help me…!” you trailed off, fuming as they drove off too far to hear your threats. 

“When they come back, I’m going to kill them,” Kie announced, her back sliding against the side of the boat as she took a seat and accepted that you were stranded. 

“What the hell- ugh!” Sarah yelled in frustration, turning back around to face you and Kie, “This is ridiculous!”

“God, I can’t with you, Sarah,” You rolled your eyes, pulling off your t-shirt and shorts, leaving you in your bathing suit.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Leaving,” you said simply. 

Kie stood up from where she had been sulking, “Y/N, don’t be dumb,” she said, her voice irritated, “Look at the weeds- there’s going to be jellyfish,”

“Honestly,” you said, kicking off your shoes, “I’d rather be stung than stay on this boat with Ms. Kook Princess over there,” You turned on your heel and dove off the side of the boat, determined to swim off.

“Where are you even going to go?” Sarah scoffed from the boat, “It’s miles to the shore,”

You ignored her and kept your head down as you continued swimming. 

Sarah rolled her eyes and sat down on the deck, ready to wait in silence for however long it took for the boys to return. Kie made a point to sit on the opposite side of the boat, glaring at Sarah as she did. 

“Oh shit!”

Kie and Sarah both jumped up at the sound of your cry of pain, “Y/N?” Kie called out, worry evident in her voice as she leaned off the side of the boat to get a good look. 

“Shit,” you doggy-paddled back to the boat. If your side hadn’t been in so much pain, you would have been too embarrassed to turn back from your swim. 

“Did you get stung?” Sarah asked, leaning over the deck to watch as you heaved yourself back onto the boat.

“Obviously,” Kie huffed under her breath, offering a hand to help you up.

You rolled onto your back, gasping for air and wincing at the pain, “How bad is it?” you asked through gritted teeth.

Kie did little to hide the concerned look on her face. The entire right side of your abdomen was red and inflamed from the sting. It looked much worse than any other jellyfish sting she had seen before, “I’m not gonna lie, it looks kinda bad. Have you been stung before?”

You tossed your head back onto the deck, groaning slightly at the burning sensation that felt like it was getting worse by the second, “Nope.”

“Do you want me to pee on it?” Sarah offered.

You and Kie looked up at Sarah simultaneously, giving her a glare. “That’s for a stingray, you dumbass,”

Sarah raised her hands in surrender with an eye roll, “Sorry, I was just trying to help,”

You winced, trying to breathe through the pain. Suddenly becoming aware that it was getting more and more difficult to take a solid breath. “Uh, guys?” Panic rose in your voice as you realized it was getting pretty hard to breathe, “I-I think I’m having some kind of reaction or something,”

Kie furrowed her brows, taking a closer look at your face, “Oh God… I think your face is swelling up. Maybe you’re allergic- Sarah! Sarah Quick, get the emergency radio and call for help!”

“Is she gonna be okay?” Sarah asked, her voice rising as the situation got more serious by the second.

“I don’t know, just call for help!” Kie demanded, waving Sarah away to go get help.

“It’s fine, Kie… I’m fine,” you sneezed out, still struggling to catch your breath as the pain grew, “I’m gonna be fine,”

Kiara laughed nervously, “You’re the one who’s hurt. I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, not the other way around,”


The boys were only a few minutes behind your arrival at the hospital. Kie had used a phone on the paramedic’s boat to call John B to tell him and the others what had happened to you… as well as chew them out for being to blame for the entire situation in the first place. 

The five sat outside your room, anxiously waiting for any news about how you were doing. Jj had his head in his hands, his leg bouncing nervously. 

“Hey,” Kie placed a hand on his back to comfort him, “I think she’s gonna be alright, it was scary for a minute, but she’s here now, and the doctors will be able to fix it,”

JJ looked up, eyes blurry and red from crying, “This is all my fault. I-I never should have suggested leaving you guys on the boat,” he said, running a hand through his disheveled hair.

“J, this isn’t your fault. You guys just wanted us to get along,” Kie assured. 

JJ opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it when a doctor walked out of your room, “Are you Y/N’s friends?” she continued as they nodded, “Well, she’s pretty sore from the sting, but she’s gonna be fine,” she smiled, gesturing toward the door, “You all are welcome to go see her if you’d like,”

Kie was first to the door, JJ and the others only steps behind, “Y/N?”

You looked up from the hospital bed, grinning when you saw your friends crowding the doorway, “Hi guys. Are you gonna come inside or…”

Kie laughed slightly, running toward you and nearly jumping on top of you as she hugged you. The rest of your friends were quick to follow, nearly dogpiled on top of you as they asked you a million questions at once.

“Are you okay?” “Does it still hurt?” “Is it gonna scar?” “We were so worried,”

“Yeah,” you winced, “It definitely still hurts- maybe you can hug me later?”

“Oh, shit-” they nearly jumped off of you, spewing out “sorrys” as they crowded around your bed instead. 

“Well, good news… I’m totally fine, and they don’t think it’s gonna scar. Bad news… I can’t swim with jellyfish anymore,”

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Sarah smiled and slightly squeezed your arm. 

You thanked her, feeling a little less inclined to hate her at the present moment.

“Anybody else starving?” John B interjected, “I say we go pick up some food from The Wreck. Then we can bring it back and eat with Y/N,”

“I’m starved,” Kie admitted.

“Sounds good to me,” you agreed.

“Me and Sarah will go! Be back in like half an hour, tops,” John B promised, placing a kiss on top of your head before walking out.

“I’ll come too,” Kie offered, giving you one final hug that was more gentle this time and following them. 

“Me too!” Pope was close behind, stopping in the doorway to look at you before he left, “Thank God you’re okay, Y/N, we were so worried about you,” Pope said, giving you a small smile, “Some of us maybe a little more worried than others…” his eyes fell on JJ before he disappeared from the doorway, leaving you and the blonde boy alone. 

You glanced up at JJ, finally getting a real look at him after the chaos the pogues had brought into your room. His eyes were red, and he had clearly been crying recently, “J… JJ, what’s wrong?” you grabbed his hand, pulling him down so he was sitting on the edge of your bed.

He looked away from you, fresh tears pricking his eyes, “This is my fault,” he shook his head, his eyes facing the ground, “This was my idea- it was so stupid. I shouldn’t have left you out there. I’m so sorry,”

“JJ,” your eyes softened, and you tightened your hold on his hand, “JJ, look at me….” He finally looked up, regret and pain filling his blue eyes. “This wasn’t your fault at all hell, it was a good idea. The three of us were being immature,”

“No,” he shook his head, “It is my fault, if I had just-”

“J, stop. Please. I’m going to be perfectly fine,” you promised, “Please don’t blame yourself, you were just trying to help. Plus, Kie told me I was gonna get stung, I was the one who was too stubborn to listen,” you stifled a small laugh, “I’m surprised she didn’t tell me ‘I told you so’ yet,”

JJ didn’t laugh at your attempt to lighten the mood, “Y/N-”

“Nope. No more,” you said simply, pulling back the covers of your bed and patting the space next to you, “Get in. We’re watching a movie until they get back,”


“Nope,” you popped the “p” this time and shook your head, “I’m the one in the hospital, that means you’ve gotta do what I say,” you grinned as he crawled in bed next to you. You wrapped your arm around him, pulling him close and placing a kiss on his forehead. “Now,” you grabbed the remote from the table next to you, “What should we watch?”


OBX Taglist

@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar@http-cherries@ad-infinitums@thefangirl05@obxmxybxnk@jaazzzzz@littlecxtiee@colie-babi@g000d–vib33zzz@coloradogirl07@thebendslikebendover@danicarosaline@meaganjm@shy-1234@mendesmaybank@starkeybabie@ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch@xtarkid@jeyramarie@talksoprettyjjx@asapkyndall@lovelymaybankk@outcrbcnks @popeheywardssecretgf @l-o-v-r-s @masteroperator@dad0yzgurl@lemur46@colbysbrocks


Girl Like You

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: Kie, Reader (Kie’s sister), JJ x reader (kinda)

Warnings: none

Word Count: 300

A/N: maybe i’ll do a part 2 ? lmk !

Request (anon): reader (kie’s sister) being afraid to tell jj that she likes him cause she feels like he doesn’t like her back and when kie notices she asks her sister questions and she (reader) says that she always compared herself to kie cause she thought that jj would like a girl like kie and not her


You stared at the fire, chewing at your thumbnail as you let your mind trail off. The rest of the pogues were all deep in conversation about an upcoming party. They were all too engulfed in their convo to notice how out of it you were- well, all except your sister.

Kie had noticed the last few weeks you had been abnormally quiet and too caught up in your own thoughts to really pay attention to those around you. But what had really tipped her off was that you had started biting your thumbnail again- an old nervous habit you had broken long ago.

“I’m gonna go grab some more snacks,” Kie announced, standing up and turning to the house, “Y/N, do you mind helping me?”

“Huh?” You snapped out of your daze, looking at your sister with furrowed brows as you tried to decipher what she had just said.

“Will you help me grab snacks?” She repeated with an eye roll.

“Oh yeah- sure,” you said quickly, standing up and following Kie inside.The second the door shut, she turned around to face you, “What’s going on with you?”

“What? N-Nothing,” you said, ignoring the blush forming on your face.

Your sister gave you an unamused look, “Y/N/N, come on, you’re not fooling me,” she deadpanned, “Now just tell me, what’s been going on,”

“It’s nothing really… I just,” you sighed, brushing your hair out of your eyes, “I just don’t know what to do,”

About….” Kie dragged out the word as she pried, trying to get you to tell her the truth about whatever had been going on.

“I like a guy,” your voice came out as a whisper, and you could barely look her in the eye as you said it.

“Seriously? All this over a guy?” Kie laughed, a grin across her face, “Aw, little Y/N’s got a crush!” She teased, wrapping her arm around you and giving your shoulder a squeeze.

You shook your head, “No, Kie… it’s not just any guy, okay…

"Oh, come on, Y/N,”

“It’s JJ,” you blurted out. It felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders as you finally told someone about what had been gnawing at you for weeks.

“Really?” She said, raising her brows in shock as you came clean.

You rubbed the back of your neck, “I know, I know, it’s stupid- but I can’t stop thinking about telling him how I feel. I just wanna get it off my chest,” you took a breath, “But I could never do that, ‘no pogue in pogue macking’…” you repeated the rule solemnly, “Plus, it’s not like JJ would ever like a girl like me

Like a girl like you?“ Kie gave you an odd look, "Y/N, what do you mean? Any guy would be more than lucky to have you,”

“Oh come on, Kie,” you rolled your eyes at your sister’s attempt to make you feel better, “How would JJ ever even look at me like that when you’re here,”

“Y/N,” Kie’s eyes softened as she saw how much this was bothering you.

“I can’t compete with you, Kie,” you felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, “You’re basically perfect- you’re funny, and gorgeous, and sweet, and-”

“Y/N,” she cut you off. “Y/N/N, don’t compare yourself to me, or anyone else. You’re gorgeous- and hilarious and one of the kindest people I know. And any guy would be insane not to see that,” she gently wiped the tears from your eyes and pulled you into a hug.

“Thanks, Kie,” You said, your voice muffled by her hair.



@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar@http-cherries@ad-infinitums@thefangirl05@obxmxybxnk@jaazzzzz@littlecxtiee@colie-babi@g000d–vib33zzz@coloradogirl07@thebendslikebendover@danicarosaline@meaganjm@shy-1234@mendesmaybank@starkeybabie@ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch@xtarkid@jeyramarie@talksoprettyjjx@asapkyndall@lovelymaybankk@outcrbcnks @popeheywardssecretgf @l-o-v-r-s @masteroperator@dad0yzgurl@lemur46@colbysbrocks


Shut Up

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: JJ x Reader, Rafe x Reader, Sarah, Kie, Pope, John B

WordCount: 2k (sorry went a little overboard)

Warnings:heavy language, rafe being a jerk, underage drinking, slightly spicy, did not proofread (i am sorry lol)

Summary:JJ and Y/N hit it off at the annual Boneyard bonfire, but Rafe has quite a few things to say about it.

OBX MASTERLIST / message me to join the OBX taglist !

inspired by this gif because it literally lives rent free in my mind every second of every day. // pretty please DON’T steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))


“My God Y/N, do you ever just shut the fuck up?” Rafe groaned, whipping his head around to you, “Even if you think you’re Kook Princess, no one gives a shit what you wear tonight- we’re literally going to the boneyard,”

You took a breath, at your breaking point for Rafe’s snarky comments and ready to really give him a piece of your mind. 

Sarah snapped at her brother before you had the chance, “Maybe if you had some friends you wouldn’t spend all day at home eavesdropping on our conversations that don’t concern you.”

“It’s not exactly eavesdropping when your voice is louder than the fucking TV,” Rafe complained, turning up the volume on the speakers even louder and kicking his feet up on the couch. 

Sarah glared at him, but decided it wasn’t worth it to drag it out with her brother, “Let’s just go upstairs,” she mumbled, leading the way. 

Hours later (and after some serious discussions about outfit choices) you and Sarah headed back downstairs excited about the evening ahead of you. Sarah opened her phone, sending John B a text that the two of you were about to leave the house.

“Rafe! Are you ready to go?” You yelled his name again when you got no response… then one more time for the sole purpose of pissing him off.

“Y/N,” he cursed, rounding the corner and appearing unnecessarily close to you, “I heard you the first time, no need to scream 20 times,” he snapped, glaring at you. 

Your breath caught in your throat as his warm breath fanned across your face as he spoke from merely inches from you. He paused, undoubtedly noticing the tension as well. Suddenly he stepped away, snatching his truck keys off the counter and storming outside, “Now let’s go before I change my mind and leave you two here,”

What the hell was that? Your mind was reeling, but there wasn’t time for that. You grabbed Sarah’s arm, who was still messaging John B, and quickly followed him outside, knowing damn well he would actually leave the two of you. You and Sarah climbed into the back seat and Rafe turned over the engine, music blasting.

“Is John B there yet?”

Sarah nodded, “They just got there,”

“Is JJ-”

“He told me to tell you JJ was gonna be there, yes,” Sarah stifled a laugh at your eagerness to know if the blonde boy would be coming to the party tonight. 

Suddenly Rafe turned the music down, “Are you guys talking about those low lifes again?” He snarled, glaring at the two of you from the rearview mirror, “Those pogues are good for nothing- how do you two not get that?” He exasperated, putting two fingers to his temple as he spoke. 

“Oh come on Rafe,” you scoffed, “We’re no better than them, they-”

“No better than them?” Rafe repeated your statement with wide eyes, shaking his head, “They are pogues.” He deadpanned, “I better not see either of you around Maybank or Routledge tonight, you’re too good for them,” He added that last part under his breath, but you still managed to make out his words. 

“Or what, Rafe?” Sarah raised a brow as her brother pulled into the dirt lot behind the Boneyard. 

You and Sarah jumped out, still rolling your eyes at Rafe’s ridiculous and controlling threats. Rafe was out of the truck seconds behind you, forcefully stepping in front of the two of you before you could walk away.

“I swear, if I see you around those pogues,” He stood menacingly above you and Sarah, glaring between you as he spoke, “There’s gonna be trouble.” He turned on his heel and stalked toward the crowds of people already intoxicated and enjoying the party. 

You and Sarah simeotaneously flashed your middle fingers to his back, “Asshole,”

“For real,” you agreed, “I know he’s your brother and all but man, he can sure be a douche,”


Both of you turned heads at the sound of her name being called, quickly spotting John B. Her face lit up and you both walked over to him, joining the rest of the pogues. 

You flashed a wave at John B, grinning when you found Kiara in the crowd, “Kie!” you exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. 

“Y/N,” she hugged you tightly, “You look like you’re in need of a drink,” 


She laughed, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward the keg. You grabbed a blue solo cup from the stack on the table and let Kie fill your cup, scanning the crowd around you for a certain blonde boy.

Kie playfully glared at you, “Already looking for him? What, am I not good enough?”

You quickly put your drink to your lips, hiding the blush that was forming on your cheeks, “What? No. I-”

She waved it off, “Yeah, yeah… well he’s already asked me like four times if you were coming tonight, so I’m sure he’ll appear up soon, then you two can make love,”

“Kiara!” You grimace and she laughed at the reaction she got from you.

“I’m kidding! I’m kidding! Well, unless…”

You half-heartedly smacked her on the arm for that, “Kie I swear if you don’t-”

“Speak of the devil,” Kie grinned, nodding toward the boy who was making his way toward you. 

“Y/N!” Before you could prepare yourself JJ had embraced you in a huge hug, lifting you a few inches off the ground. 

“Well, hello to you too,” you laughed, smiling up at him as he let you go.

He looked at the cup in your hand, “One beer? Is that all you’ve had?” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, jokingly giving you a hard time, “You’ve got some catching up to do. Lucky for you, I do happen to be a connoisseur in the world of illegal substances,” He waved his hand dramatically as he spoke and you couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, “Could I interest you in a shot?”

You rolled your eyes playfully, “I would be honored,” 

JJ grabbed your cup, snatching the bottle sitting on the table and taking his best guess measuring a shot as he poured. He handed it back to you, taking a cup for himself and doing the same. 

You grimaced, looking down at your drink and catching a whiff of the smell that burned your nose, “Ugh, that’s nasty,”

JJ merely grinned, tapping the plastic rim to yours, “Cheers!”

You winced, forcing the burning liquid down your throat as JJ downed it with ease. 

“You gonna be alright Y/N?” he joked. 

You narrowed your eyes, “Pour me another,” holding your cup out to him once again. He didn’t think twice, giving you what you wanted and pouring himself another shot in the process, “Cheers,” you grinned, tapping your cup to his once more, this time your drink going down much more easily. 

“Wanna dance?” JJ tossed his cup into the bag labeled trash and you followed suit, nodding at his invitation. He grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the crowd and twirling you around. 

Dancing with JJ was a blur, your intoxication adding fuel to the strong chemistry between the two of you. JJ was everything you wanted in a guy- sweet, charming, funny, and he could take a joke. Of course, it also helped that Sarah just happened to be hitting it off with his best friend. How could you not think about the possibility? But your time with JJ secured the way you felt even more, he was perfect. 

Suddenly, his hand was on your neck, fingers playing in your hair. You could feel your face growing warm- was it the alcohol or the butterflies you got from his touch? JJ’s eyes softened, asking you silently if he could kiss you. You leaned forward in response, pulling him into you. JJ’s other hand was quickly on the small of your back, deepening the kiss between you.

You felt his breath against your cheek as he pulled away, a grin splayed across his face, “I’ve been wanting to do that since, like, forever.”

You smiled, shaking your head softly, “Well it took you long enough,”

He leaned forward, his tongue making its way into your mouth as he kissed you again. This was everything you imagined it to be- JJ Maybank was everything you wanted. Your hands made your way to the nape of his neck, gently grabbing at his blonde hair. The longer you kissed, the more confident JJ got. His lips slowly trailed down your jawline, making his way down your neck as you tossed your head back, enjoying every second. 

You weren’t sure how long you and JJ had made out, but you did know how much you enjoyed it. He had mentioned something about getting his blunt from Pope, suggesting that the two of you went and chill by the water for a bit. You were more than happy to spend more time with him, offering to get more drinks. 

You reached down, filling your cup once again, still on cloud nine from your time with JJ. Already thinking about what could happen next between the two of you. 

With your cup full, you stood up straight, turning but immediately running into someone behind you, “Shit!” You hissed as your beer was crushed up against your chest, soaking your shirt, “Dude, what the hell…” You trailed off, your anger growing when you recognized that it was Rafe who had been in your way.

“Are you kidding me, Y/N?!” He fumed, looking down at his white polo that was now drenched in beer, “Watch where you’re fucking going!”

“Well maybe don’t stand an inch behind me- this is your fault,” you snapped, throwing the plastic cup against his chest in your anger. 

“Real mature, Y/N,” he narrowed his eyes at you, “You’re lucky I have an extra shirt in my truck,” 

“What about me?” 

He raised his eyebrows, “What about you?” he shrugged, “Maybe if you plan on spilling shit all over yourself, you should bring a change of clothes,”

“Screw you Rafe,” you rolled your eyes, over his attitude, “Come on, you’ve gotta have a sweatshirt or something in your truck that I can wear,”

“Not when you’re being such a bitch,”

You groaned, crossing your arms over your body to shield yourself from the wind that was making you freeze, “Rafe, please- I’m soaked!”

“Please… what?” he taunted, reveling in the fact that he was making you work for it.

You wanted to punch him so badly, “Rafe. Can I please borrow a sweatshirt- please.” If looks could kill, Rafe would be dead by the glare you were sending him. 

He gave you a tight lipped smile, “Sure- but not sure if my sweatshirt is going to live up to the standards of Kook Princessfashion,”

You didn’t engage with his dig, biting your tongue as you followed him to his truck. He grabbed the collar of his shirt, easily pulling it over his head as he opened the passenger door of his truck and tossed it inside. He ducked inside, tossing you a black sweatshirt with such force it nearly hit you in the face. He turned back towards you, raising a brow as he pulled a new shirt over his head, “You’re staring,”

You looked to the side, rolling your eyes. Yes, yes you were staring. It was hard not to when he was standing shirtless in front of you and looking as jacked as ever. You hesitated, glancing down at the tank top that was sticking to your body and reeked of beer, questioning if getting undressed in front of the eldest Cameron was something you really wanted to do. 

Screw it. 

You pulled off your top and tossed it into the truck, keeping eye contact with Rafe as you stood there for a second, just in your bra, “You’re staring.” You mocked.

“Yeah, I am,” he said without missing a beat, “You got great tits,”

“Wow, you sure do know how to make a woman feel special,” you said dryly, your voice dripping with sarcasm.

An awkward silence fell between you. Rafe opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, quickly closing it before he got the words out. 


He hesitated. “What the hell were you doing tonight?” He finally blurted out.

You frowned, “I think I’m gonna need you to be a little more clear than that,”

“Maybank,” he nearly spat as he said the name, “What the hell were you doing with Maybank?”

“Oh my god Rafe,” you groaned and tossed your head back in frustration, “Would it kill you to just let it go?” 

“Would it kill you to stop embarrassing yourself by surrounding yourselves with pogues?” he shot back, “We’re better than them. Always have been and always will be,”

“Rafe, you’re insufferable, you know that?!” You finally snapped, “You bitch, and complain, and shit on everyone and everything around you- and you know what? People are sick of it. You think you’re so special because of your daddy’s money?” You tilted your head, glare hardening as you let yourself unleash what you had been holding in for weeks. “What are you without Ward, Rafe? Nothing- you’re nothing, and you know that just as much as everyone else on this damn island does,”

His jaw hardened and he shook his head slightly, nostrils flared as he scowled at you. “You talk so fucking much Y/N,” he growled, taking a step closer to you, “What the hell does it take to get you to shut up?” 

Instinctively you backed away, heart dropping when your back pressed up against the truck. Rafe was inches from your face, agan you could feel his hot breath fanning across your face. The tension between you so thick it felt hard to breathe. 

“What the hell does it take to get you to not be such an asshole?” you countered, doing your best to hold your ground, but feeling yourself falter as he got impossibly closer.

“I hate you,” his breath was hot against your skin, and his words seemed contradictory as he leaned in closer, lips nearly touching yours. 

“I hate you more.”

Before you could register what was happening, his fingers were in your hair and lips were pressing up to yours. As if on instinct, your hands found their way to his neck, deepening the kiss. 

You closed your eyes, hating how good this felt. 

Rafe pulled you closer, his kisses nearly desperate and setting your skin on fire. He placed kisses down your neck, you’re heart racing at his touch. Your thoughts of JJ were gone as you let yourself enjoy Rafe’s touch, seemingly forgetting of the pogue who had just been in Rafe’s position. 

Shit,” you frantically shoved Rafe off of you when you heard your phone ringing, snapping back into reality. You pulled it from you pocket, looking down to see it was Sarah calling you, “It’s Sarah. Oh god. We shouldn’t have…” You ran your hands through your hair, trying to compose your thoughts, “That was-”

“Good?” He flashed a cocky grin. 

“Not what I was going to say,” you rolled your eyes, suddenly very aware that you still didn’t have a shirt on. You ignored your flushed face, pulling his sweatshirt over your head. Of course it had to be his sweatshirt. “But yes. It was good,” you finally admitted, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes, “But this can never happen again- god, if Sarah found out,”

“She doesn’t have to,” he said with a shrug.

You swallowed, letting his offer hang in silence, hating that you were racing with excitement at the thought of this happening again.

Rafe ran his tongue across the inside of his bottom lip, knowing you were contemplating his words. He broke the silence before you could, “Better get back to your pogue boyfriend before he comes looking you,”

“He’s not-” you stopped mid sentence, horrified that you were about to clarify that JJ was not in fact your boyfriend.

“Make sure you think of me next time you start macking on him,” He gave you a wink and started walking back toward the Boneyard.

“Rafe?” He glanced back to look at you as you spoke, “I still hate you.”

He smirked, shaking his head slightly, “And I still wish you’d shut the hell up.”



@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar@http-cherries@ad-infinitums@thefangirl05@obxmxybxnk@jaazzzzz@littlecxtiee@colie-babi@g000d–vib33zzz@coloradogirl07@thebendslikebendover@danicarosaline@meaganjm@shy-1234@mendesmaybank@starkeybabie@ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch@xtarkid@jeyramarie@talksoprettyjjx@asapkyndall@lovelymaybankk @outcrbcnks @popeheywardssecretgf @l-o-v-r-s @masteroperator @dad0yzgurl @lemur46@colbysbrocks


I Can Handle my Alcohol

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: JJ x Reader (kinda), John B, Pope, Kie, Sarah

Warnings: n/a

w/c: 800ish

Summary:JJ has a little too much to drink and needs a little taking care of.



You dropped your head in defeat as John B screamed your name as he ran past you. “And I think that’s my que to leave,” you offered the group of girls you had befriended a tight-lipped smile. 

They exchanged odd looks as you took off after your best friend. You didn’t manage to catch up to him until you made it to the van where Pope, JJ, and John B were already inside. You climbed in the back, taking your usual spot next to JJ.  

“What happened?” You asked, slightly out of breath, “Did you guys get into it with Rafe and Top again or…”

“No,” John B snapped, “And if we had, they would have been the ones to start it-”

Pope cut him off before he had the chance to start on a never-ending rant about the Kooks, “It’s JJ,” he nodded toward the boy next to you, giving you a look.

You turned, finally getting a real look at him and just now realizing how uncharacteristically quiet he had been. His face was flushed and his  eyes were partially closed, “Good god,” You muttered, “Somebody had wayyy too much to drink tonight,” You looked over at Pope stifling a laugh, “I didn’t know it was possible for him to drink too much-”

“I am perfectly fine, thank you for asking,” JJ’s words slurred and his head bobbed up to look at you, “I can handle my alcohol,”

You sighed as his head slumped to the side, resting against your shoulder, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this. I swear if he yacks on me-”

As if he was waiting for you to say something, JJ lurched forward and threw up his stomach contents all over your sneakers and the van floor. 

“Oh come on man!” “Not in my car, dude!”

“Oh god-JJ,” you covered your mouth, holding back the urge to puke, “These were new shoes,” 

Suddenly the van’s back door slid open again, this time revealing Kie and Sarah, “What did we miss-” Kie stopped mid-sentence when she saw the vomit, “Oh hell no.”

Sarah gagged and turned away, shaking her head, “We’re gonna walk home,” She quickly decided, Kie eagerly nodded in agreement. 

“Wow thanks guys,” you said sarcastically as the two slowly backed away from the van, “So helpful.”

“Sorry, I just remembered we have this thing that we said we’d do…” Kie lied and gave you a small smile before she and Sarah sped away and back toward the party. 

“You guys suck,” John B muttered, turning over the engine and driving to the chateau. 

You groaned looking down at the mess on your shoes, but then snapped out of it, remembering how sick the boy next to you was. “JJ?” you said softly, gently grabbing his face so he’d look at you, “You okay now?”

He blinked, “Think so,” he slurred, “S-sorry about the shoes,”

“Its okay- but I’m definitely going to make you wash them when your hangover wears off-”

“I do not get hungover,” he mumbled, “I am JJ Maybank. I can handle-”

“Yes. Yes, you can handle your alcohol- you’ve mentioned it,” you held back another laugh, shaking at his stubbornness, “We’ll see about that tomorrow.”

John B peeled into the front yard and took the keys out of the ignition.

“JJ, come on,” you nudged him slightly and followed Pope out of the van, extending your hand out to JJ. It took him a few seconds, but he finally grabbed hold and stumbled out towards you and Pope. He leaned forward into you, nearly knocking you over with his weight. “Woah, there JJ,” 

Pope managed to grab one of JJ’s arms to take some of the weight and you put his other arm around your shoulder, “Come on J, let’s get you inside,”

You and Pope managed to practically drag JJ inside, you made sure to kick off your ruined sneakers before getting indoors, “Do you need to yack again?” You looked toward the blonde boy, figuring getting the remainder of the alcohol in his system out was the best decision.

He shrugged in response, but you nodded to Pope in the direction of the bathroom. The two of you slowly lowered JJ to the ground, who was quick to lunge for the toilet and finish getting the liquor out of his system. 

The color in Pope’s face drained at the sight and he decided to head outside with John B. 

“Y/N?” JJ groaned, still leaned over the bowl, “I don’t feel very good,”

“Really?” you raised a brow and rubbed his back, “I never would’ve guessed,”


“What’s up J?”

“Thank you,” he mumbled, sitting up.

“For what?” you furrowed your brows at his words.

“For always being here for me,”

You smiled, “Of course JJ, always.” Your heart fluttered at his sweet words, “Alright, let’s get you in bed, huh?”

He nodded weakly and you wrapped an arm around him, helping him stand up and get his bearings. He wrapped his arm tightly around you and stumbled toward the guest room, you helped keep him upright. The moment you stepped inside JJ flopped forward onto the bed, taking you with him from his hold on your waist.

“JJ?!” Your words came out muffled by the pillows and blankets you were lying face down in. He only groaned and you sighed in defeat, pinned under his arm. Guess you were spending your night with JJ- and not in a way you had ever anticipated.


Best Friend’s Brother

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: Rafe x Reader, Topper, Sarah

Warnings: Language, Suggestive Themes

WordCount: 1.5 k

Summary:Y/N and Rafe had never liked each other and Y/N is less than thrilled when Rafe gets into a fight at a party and she’s the one who has to help fix him up.

a/n: enjoy this enemy to lover type beat :) it’s a little spicier than i normally write, hope you all like it !


please DON’T steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))

“Sarah!” Topper rounded the corner, a worried look on his face as he waved her over.

Sarah groaned, “Now what?” She huffed under her breath. She walked over to him and you followed close behind.

“How much do you wanna bet it’s Rafe again?” you raised your eyebrows at your best friend as the two of you shared a look.

“It’s Rafe. Some guy said something to him and a fight broke out.” Topper confirmed your suspicions as he led the two of you to the kitchen.

You scoffed slightly, of course, it was Rafe causing problems. When was he not?

Several of your friends liked Rafe and enjoyed hanging out with him- you were quite the opposite. While many thought Rafe was charming and hot, you saw him for the cocky and selfish asshole that he was. He didn’t care for you much either, always seeing you as his little sister’s annoying friend.

You and Sarah pushed through the crowd that had formed in the kitchen, still following Topper. The fight had cooled down, but both boys were still reeling with anger as they tried to catch their breaths.

Rafe was leaning against the marble countertop, his lip and knuckles bloody. His hair was strewn about, much different than his usual slicked back style, and his forehead was lined with sweat. His shoulders rose up and down as he stood heaving, still trying to steady his breathing.

“All right enough!” Sarah yelled, trying to disperse the crowd and get things to settle down before anything else happened. “Everybody outside now, there’s nothing to see here!”

“Gonna make your sister bail you out of a fight, Cameron?” The boy Rafe had just been fighting taunted, “Fight me!”

Rafe’s face grew red and he stepped toward the boy. Luckily, Topper stepped in front of him first, nipping the problem in the bus before they started again. A few other guys grabbed the other kid and ushered him outside.

You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you looked around the kitchen. The bowl of punch and several other drinks had been knocked off the counter during their brawl and were now covering the tile floor, “Dammit, Rafe,”

Rafe ignored you wiping the blood on his lower lip away with his thumb. He shoved Topper aside so he could grab his beer, which conveniently hadn’t been knocked to the ground like most everything else.

“No,” Sarah shook her head and grabbed the bottle first, dumping the remainder into the sink, “No more. Just go upstairs before you ruin something else,”

“Screw you, Sarah,” he snapped back, “I don’t take orders from you-”

“Rafe, just go upstairs!” She glared at her older brother, “It’s the least you could do while I clean up this mess,”

“I don’t-”

“Y/N,” she interrupted him and looked at you for some help, “Can you please just take him upstairs and make sure he stays there?”

You hesitated, knowing that spending more time with Rafe than necessary was something you desperately wanted to avoid. But, you also knew how fed up Sarah was with him and the disaster he’d created in the kitchen. “Come on Rafe,” you finally said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him toward the stairs and up to his room.

He scoffed, pulling out of your grip and storming ahead of you up the stairs, making a point to be as loud as possible.

You gave Sarah a look, saying something along the lines of “your brother is literally the biggest asshole I have ever met.“ She mouthed a “thank you” before you followed him upstairs.

You finally made it to his room, he shoved open the door and stomped inside.

“Genuine question Rafe, do you enjoy making mine and Sarah’s night’s hell?” You shut the door behind you as you followed him inside.

Rafe rolled his eyes, “How about you mind your business,” he spat.

“Well, it’s pretty hard to stay out of it when you ruin every party by starting a fight,” you snapped back.

“You know what?” He spun around to face you and you could practically feel the anger coming off of him, “Fuck you, Y/N. I didn’t ask you to come up here. I’m not a stupid child, you don’t have to sit up here and babysit me,”

“Well, maybe if you stopped acting like an 8-year-old, Sarah and I could actually enjoy our night instead of having to watch your every move.” You glared at him, feeling your nails dig into your palms as your clenched fists tightened. “You’re a spoiled prick, and one day, all you’re friends are gonna realize that.”

“Funny, hearing that coming from you Y/N,” he said, his voice low as he took a step closer to you, “You and Sarah are so stuck up-” he abruptly stopped when he raised a finger to point at you, wincing in pain.

Your mouth had been open, ready to take another dig at him, but you hesitated when you saw the flash of pain across his face.

“ What’s wrong?” You asked impatiently.

Rafe gritted his teeth and shook his head, “Nothing, I’m fine,”

You rolled your eyes, “Obviously you aren’t, what is it?” Your voice softened slightly as you stepped toward him.

“Y/N, seriously. It’s nothing, okay?” He stepped back, but you didn’t miss the way he winced when he moved his shoulder. “I swear I’ll stay up here the rest of the night. Just go and enjoy your night with Sarah,” He huffed, “And my sincerest apologies for ruining the party” he added, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he gave you a tight-lipped smile.

You ignored him and didn’t say a word, reaching forward and unbuttoning his navy blue button-up, determined to see what was wrong with him.

“Y/N, quit it,” he tried to brush you away but you were relentless, “I told you I’m fine-”

“Oh my God, Rafe,” you breathed out as you pulled away the shirt to reveal a nasty gash going from the top of his shoulder to almost the middle of his chest.

“It’s not that bad,”

You ignored him and rolled your eyes, tugging at his shirt as you took it off of him. You dropped it to the floor, looking at your red hands. The shirt’s dark color had disguised the blood, blending in with the sweat that had covered the shirt as a result of his fight.

“Sit down,” you ordered, this time Rafe didn’t refute you and sat down on the end of his bed.

You left for a moment, entering his connecting bathroom and rummaging through the cabinets until you found a first aid kit. You tossed the plastic container on the bed next to Rafe and took a closer look at his chest, “What the hell even cut you?” You wondered aloud.

Rafe shrugged, “When he shoved me I hit the counter pretty hard but it doesn’t even hurt- ow,” he hissed as you touched the gash while trying to get a better look at it.

“Doesn’t hurt, huh?” You repeated, raising a brow. You popped open the first aid kit and pulled out a prepackaged alcohol pad. “This is gonna sting,” you informed him as you ripped it open and went to work cleaning his wound.

Rafe took a sharp breath and tried to pull away at the burning sensation.

“Don’t be a little bitch,”

If looks could kill, you’d be dead by the way Rafe was glaring at you as you continued to work at the awkward angle. Once you were sure that it was cleaned up enough, you turned and grabbed a few bandages from the box. You held up the first bandage, eyeballing the size to make sure it would cover the gash.

“Dammit,” you muttered under your breath, getting frustrated with how difficult it was to get a good angle to put the bandage on him.

“What?” He snapped his glare still unwavering.

“It’s nothing- I just can’t get a good angle I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to wrap this up well enough,”

Rafe rolled his eyes and before you could comprehend what he was doing his left hand had grabbed your waist. He guided your hips and plopped you down so you were straddling him in his lap.

“Rafe! What are you-”

“Fixing the problem,” he replied simply, “Now you have a good angle. Bandage me up.”

You didn’t miss the smirk playing on his lips, but you swallowed the lump in your throat and went back to work. He winced as your hands smoothed out the bandage covering his chest. You grabbed some medical tape and taped the edges down so they wouldn’t peel up when he put his shirt back on or moved around.

“Okay,” you looked up at him, still sitting on his thighs as you spoke, “I think you’re all good-” That’s when you felt it. Oh my god.

Rafe’s smirk only grew when he watched you notice the hardness in his pants. He couldn’t help but relish the moment as you shifted uncomfortably under his stare, “You gonna help me with that too?” He asked with a smug grin.

Rafe had always been one cocky son of a bitch.





Best Friend’s Brother

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: Rafe x Reader, Topper, Sarah

Warnings: Language, Suggestive Themes

WordCount: 1.5 k

Summary:Y/N and Rafe had never liked each other and Y/N is less than thrilled when Rafe gets into a fight at a party and she’s the one who has to help fix him up.

a/n: enjoy this enemy to lover type beat :) it’s a little spicier than i normally write, hope you all like it !


please DON’T steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))

“Sarah!” Topper rounded the corner, a worried look on his face as he waved her over.

Sarah groaned, “Now what?” She huffed under her breath. She walked over to him and you followed close behind.

“How much do you wanna bet it’s Rafe again?” you raised your eyebrows at your best friend as the two of you shared a look.

“It’s Rafe. Some guy said something to him and a fight broke out.” Topper confirmed your suspicions as he led the two of you to the kitchen.

You scoffed slightly, of course, it was Rafe causing problems. When was he not?

Several of your friends liked Rafe and enjoyed hanging out with him- you were quite the opposite. While many thought Rafe was charming and hot, you saw him for the cocky and selfish asshole that he was. He didn’t care for you much either, always seeing you as his little sister’s annoying friend.

You and Sarah pushed through the crowd that had formed in the kitchen, still following Topper. The fight had cooled down, but both boys were still reeling with anger as they tried to catch their breaths.

Rafe was leaning against the marble countertop, his lip and knuckles bloody. His hair was strewn about, much different than his usual slicked back style, and his forehead was lined with sweat. His shoulders rose up and down as he stood heaving, still trying to steady his breathing.

“All right enough!” Sarah yelled, trying to disperse the crowd and get things to settle down before anything else happened. “Everybody outside now, there’s nothing to see here!”

“Gonna make your sister bail you out of a fight, Cameron?” The boy Rafe had just been fighting taunted, “Fight me!”

Rafe’s face grew red and he stepped toward the boy. Luckily, Topper stepped in front of him first, nipping the problem in the bus before they started again. A few other guys grabbed the other kid and ushered him outside.

You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you looked around the kitchen. The bowl of punch and several other drinks had been knocked off the counter during their brawl and were now covering the tile floor, “Dammit, Rafe,”

Rafe ignored you wiping the blood on his lower lip away with his thumb. He shoved Topper aside so he could grab his beer, which conveniently hadn’t been knocked to the ground like most everything else.

“No,” Sarah shook her head and grabbed the bottle first, dumping the remainder into the sink, “No more. Just go upstairs before you ruin something else,”

“Screw you, Sarah,” he snapped back, “I don’t take orders from you-”

“Rafe, just go upstairs!” She glared at her older brother, “It’s the least you could do while I clean up this mess,”

“I don’t-”

“Y/N,” she interrupted him and looked at you for some help, “Can you please just take him upstairs and make sure he stays there?”

You hesitated, knowing that spending more time with Rafe than necessary was something you desperately wanted to avoid. But, you also knew how fed up Sarah was with him and the disaster he’d created in the kitchen. “Come on Rafe,” you finally said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him toward the stairs and up to his room.

He scoffed, pulling out of your grip and storming ahead of you up the stairs, making a point to be as loud as possible.

You gave Sarah a look, saying something along the lines of “your brother is literally the biggest asshole I have ever met.“ She mouthed a “thank you” before you followed him upstairs.

You finally made it to his room, he shoved open the door and stomped inside.

“Genuine question Rafe, do you enjoy making mine and Sarah’s night’s hell?” You shut the door behind you as you followed him inside.

Rafe rolled his eyes, “How about you mind your business,” he spat.

“Well, it’s pretty hard to stay out of it when you ruin every party by starting a fight,” you snapped back.

“You know what?” He spun around to face you and you could practically feel the anger coming off of him, “Fuck you, Y/N. I didn’t ask you to come up here. I’m not a stupid child, you don’t have to sit up here and babysit me,”

“Well, maybe if you stopped acting like an 8-year-old, Sarah and I could actually enjoy our night instead of having to watch your every move.” You glared at him, feeling your nails dig into your palms as your clenched fists tightened. “You’re a spoiled prick, and one day, all you’re friends are gonna realize that.”

“Funny, hearing that coming from you Y/N,” he said, his voice low as he took a step closer to you, “You and Sarah are so stuck up-” he abruptly stopped when he raised a finger to point at you, wincing in pain.

Your mouth had been open, ready to take another dig at him, but you hesitated when you saw the flash of pain across his face.

“ What’s wrong?” You asked impatiently.

Rafe gritted his teeth and shook his head, “Nothing, I’m fine,”

You rolled your eyes, “Obviously you aren’t, what is it?” Your voice softened slightly as you stepped toward him.

“Y/N, seriously. It’s nothing, okay?” He stepped back, but you didn’t miss the way he winced when he moved his shoulder. “I swear I’ll stay up here the rest of the night. Just go and enjoy your night with Sarah,” He huffed, “And my sincerest apologies for ruining the party” he added, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he gave you a tight-lipped smile.

You ignored him and didn’t say a word, reaching forward and unbuttoning his navy blue button-up, determined to see what was wrong with him.

“Y/N, quit it,” he tried to brush you away but you were relentless, “I told you I’m fine-”

“Oh my God, Rafe,” you breathed out as you pulled away the shirt to reveal a nasty gash going from the top of his shoulder to almost the middle of his chest.

“It’s not that bad,”

You ignored him and rolled your eyes, tugging at his shirt as you took it off of him. You dropped it to the floor, looking at your red hands. The shirt’s dark color had disguised the blood, blending in with the sweat that had covered the shirt as a result of his fight.

“Sit down,” you ordered, this time Rafe didn’t refute you and sat down on the end of his bed.

You left for a moment, entering his connecting bathroom and rummaging through the cabinets until you found a first aid kit. You tossed the plastic container on the bed next to Rafe and took a closer look at his chest, “What the hell even cut you?” You wondered aloud.

Rafe shrugged, “When he shoved me I hit the counter pretty hard but it doesn’t even hurt- ow,” he hissed as you touched the gash while trying to get a better look at it.

“Doesn’t hurt, huh?” You repeated, raising a brow. You popped open the first aid kit and pulled out a prepackaged alcohol pad. “This is gonna sting,” you informed him as you ripped it open and went to work cleaning his wound.

Rafe took a sharp breath and tried to pull away at the burning sensation.

“Don’t be a little bitch,”

If looks could kill, you’d be dead by the way Rafe was glaring at you as you continued to work at the awkward angle. Once you were sure that it was cleaned up enough, you turned and grabbed a few bandages from the box. You held up the first bandage, eyeballing the size to make sure it would cover the gash.

“Dammit,” you muttered under your breath, getting frustrated with how difficult it was to get a good angle to put the bandage on him.

“What?” He snapped his glare still unwavering.

“It’s nothing- I just can’t get a good angle I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to wrap this up well enough,”

Rafe rolled his eyes and before you could comprehend what he was doing his left hand had grabbed your waist. He guided your hips and plopped you down so you were straddling him in his lap.

“Rafe! What are you-”

“Fixing the problem,” he replied simply, “Now you have a good angle. Bandage me up.”

You didn’t miss the smirk playing on his lips, but you swallowed the lump in your throat and went back to work. He winced as your hands smoothed out the bandage covering his chest. You grabbed some medical tape and taped the edges down so they wouldn’t peel up when he put his shirt back on or moved around.

“Okay,” you looked up at him, still sitting on his thighs as you spoke, “I think you’re all good-” That’s when you felt it. Oh my god.

Rafe’s smirk only grew when he watched you notice the hardness in his pants. He couldn’t help but relish the moment as you shifted uncomfortably under his stare, “You gonna help me with that too?” He asked with a smug grin.

Rafe had always been one cocky son of a bitch.






Based On: Outer Banks (SEASON 2 SPOILERS)

Warnings: Language, Angst, s2 spoilers

Characters: JJ x Reader, John B x Sister!Reader

Word Count: 650

Summary: JJ and Y/N both have very different ways of grieving their loss.

a/n:i’m not sure why i felt the need to write something so sad today so i would just like to apologize lol

pretty please DON’T steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))

Your leg bounced nervously from your position on the couch. The TV was on, but you were paying it no attention, instead, more focused on the dozens of things racing through your head.

You hadn’t seen JJ since the day that John B and Sarah were pronounced dead, it had been almost 3 days now.

Originally, you had tried to be patient with him, knowing he was grieving a best friend and that the loss of John B had hit him hard. But, it was starting to feel like JJ had forgotten that you were grieving as well- and John B wasn’t just a best friend to you, he was a brother. Hell, he had been the only real family you had left. You had always counted on JJ being in your corner, but now he was nowhere to be found.

You checked your phone for probably the tenth time in the past 15 minutes. You weren’t surprised, but still furious to see that JJ hadn’t bothered to call or reply to the dozens of texts and voice mails you had left him.

While part of you was fuming at the boy for disappearing and leaving you with no notice, there was a constant nag of worry for him that was eating away at you. Was he okay? Had something happened?

Kiara and Pope seemed less worried than you about JJ, figuring that he just needed time alone to figure things out. But that was easy for them to say, they had each other to find solace in. You had spent the last 3 days trying to navigate life without your big brother alone and it was devastating.

Your head snapped at the sound of the front door opening, revealing the blonde boy who had been causing you so much anguish. He looked awful- not that you were looking your best. His eyes were red and puffy and from the way he stumbled inside, it was obvious he was intoxicated.

You rolled your eyes, barely able to contain your anger. “No call? No text? What, was I supposed to just guess when you were gonna come back?”

JJ sighed, waving you off, “Sorry,” He mumbled, sounding slightly annoyed by your anger.

“Sorry’s not gonna cut it-” you scoffed, “Where the hell have you been?”

He groaned and rolled his eyes, “Y/N, just screw off,”

“Screw off?“ you repeated, your voice rising as you spoke, "I have sat on this damn couch calling and texting you for days! I had no idea where you were or if you were ever coming back!”

“Okay, well I’m back now,” he snapped, “Stop making it a big deal,”

“Look I get it,” You shook your head, “You’re grieving. But you can’t just disappear-”

“I just lost my best friend!” JJ screamed, finally looking you in the eyes, tears threatening to spill.

“I lost my brother!” you choked out, “H-He was the only family I had left! And I know you’re hurting- believe me, I know. But I thought…” You took a shaky breath, tears falling as you spoke, “God, I thought I would always have you by my side,”

JJ just stared at you, “Y/N, I’m sorry,” He ran his hand through his blonde hair, “But I just can’t. I need space and time to think. I can’t be here,” He exasperated, looking around the Chateau, “Everything- All of this, it reminds me of him. Hell, I can’t even look at you right now,”

You know he didn’t mean to hurt you, but his words stung.

“You look just like him. I-I just can’t.”

Before you could say another word, JJ had left, slamming the front door behind him and leaving you once again, alone and crying.





A Long Day (Part 3)

This is the third and final part to the “A Long Day” Series.

Somehow you had managed to calm down during your drive to Kildare. You knew that no matter what your mom tried to do, your friends would be there for you every step of the way. Besides, staying at John B’s meant you’d be able to help him keep the place up for DCS and even help him pay rent. Another bonus is the amount of time that your boyfriend already spent there. You could transfer to their school in the fall and from there you could figure it out.

As you walked towards Twinkie, it started to rain. You smiled as you rapped your hand on the door in the ‘secret code’. You were quickly greeted by JJ, Kie, and Pope.

“Everything good?” JJ asked, searching your eyes.

“It is now,” you answered wrapping your arms around him and giving him a quick kiss.

“Okay that’s enough PDA, we are still here,” Pope joked.

The four of you sat and waited, they filled you in on the newest additions to the plan. Kie complained about Sarah, and how she couldn’t be trusted again. But again, your mind started to wander.

‘I didn’t know that sluts were allowed to wear white, she’s still hot for a pogue though.’

Why did it matter where people are from, who their parents are, and the amount of money they had? Your mother’s comments about JJ resurfaced, which led you to think about JJ’s dad and the scene outside of the police station. You allowed yourself to consider for a moment how much worse it would have been if you weren’t there.

Clearly starting to get in your head, you decided to leave before JJ noticed and asked you about it. “Okay, they are taking too long, I’m going to get them,” you explained before exiting the van.

You made your way to the Hawk’s nest only to see that John B and Sarah were joined by Topper. You sprinted up the stairs, knowing that nothing good was going to come out of this, especially since he was already upset and drinking earlier.

“You are a stupid, lying whore Sarah,” you heard Topper say as you rounded the corner.

John B, pushed him out of her face, “Just stop it, man. Leave her alone.”

“Sarah you better tell him to back off, cause I’m about to beat his ass,” Topper threatened, “I’ll drown him like his old man, I swear I will,”

“No, you won’t,” you spoke before John B could respond, alerting everyone of your presence. You pushed yourself in between Topper and John B. “You guys can go, I have my car here, I’ll make sure Topper gets home okay,” you instructed without even looking back at them.

“Y/n I don’t think that’s a good idea,” John B replied.

“I’ll be fine, just go.” As soon as you heard them start to leave you looked back at your brother, “Come on Top, you’re drunk, I’ll drive us home.”

“No, I’m going anywhere with you, you knew!” he said clearly distressed.

“Knew what Top? That you were about to do something stupid? That’s kinda a given when can can’t even speak without your words slurring together.”

Topper snapped grabbed your arm forcefully, “You knew about Sarah and John B and you didn’t even tell me. What the hell?“

Your tone softened as you realized what Topper meant, "Topper, I swear I didn’t know that anything was going on between them.”

“Your lying, you’re not my sister not anymore, you’re one of them.”

"First of all, let go of me,” you said ripping your wrist free and taking a step back. The thunder clapped again, sounding closer this time, and the rain was coming down harder. You tried to remind yourself that he was drunk and heartbroken, but that didn’t stop the sting of his words, especially following the scene with your mother from earlier. “You are in no condition to drive, especially with the storm, so hate me all you want, but I am going to make sure you get home safely. Let’s go,” you said lightly touching his arm.

“I’m not leaving with you!” he yelled, anger getting the better of him, without even thinking about it he pushed you off of him and backward and you broke through the railing. Your body made a thud when it hit the sand and it was still. Too still. Topper sobered up, realizing what he had just done. He was racing down to see if you were okay, but John B was there and he knew that he needed to leave before the rest of the Pogues showed up.

John B had said goodbye to Sarah who he had convinced to go home before the storm got any worse. He was going to head back to Twinkie when he heard you and Topper yelling at each other. He doubled back to the Hawk’s nest just in time to see you fall. He sprinted to your side, “Shit, shit, shit, Y/n! Can you hear me? Y/n!” John B slid to his knees slightly moving your head to see if he could get you to come to. He was met with a small groan. He was afraid to move you too much, having no idea how injured you were.

“Help! Someone help!” he screamed, he dug his hand through his pocket for a phone that wasn’t there. He had no idea if he friends would be able to here him through the rain. He didn’t want to leave you, but he couldn’t get you help if he stayed there. A small groan escaping your lips, and he refocused his attention on you, “Hey Y/n, wake up, come on now. You’re okay, you’re going to be okay,” he promised before looking back towards the path to the Twinkie and yelling at the top of his lungs, “I need help! JJ! Pope! Kie! Help!”

It was not long before JJ and Pope came sprinting down the path, “What’s wrong John B?” JJ yelled before he rounded the corner, “What happened?” he demanded before taking John B’s place at your head.

“Topper pushed from the top of the nest. She needs help. But I don’t think we can move her,” John B explained.

“Where the hell is he?” Kie asked, looking around for any sign of your brother.

“That doesn’t matter right now, we need to call an ambulance!” JJ ordered looking between his friends.

“My phones in the van, I’ll go,” Pope says before running off.

“Hey Y/n, can you open those beautiful eyes for me? Come on sweetheart, you are going to be okay, you just need to wake up,” JJ’s hands hovered over you wanting to shake you, but being afraid to touch you. He glanced up at the top of the nest, the severity of the situation crashing into him like a 15 foot wave. He lost whatever calm that he had, “Y/n please, I need you to be okay, please, I can’t lose you,” tears were streaming down his face at how still you were.

He barely registered John B pulling him away from you so that the paramedics could get to work. He just turned and hugged his best friend, who pulled him back towards the van. He didn’t register the conversations being had between his friends as they decided who would take your car. Kie heading towards the hospital in your car, Pope driving the Pogue, while John B tried to keep JJ calm in the back.

“She’ll be okay man, she’s tough,” John B to comfort JJ, who was on the verge of a panic attack.

“Yeah, she’s going to be fine,” Pope agreed.

“Totally, it’s not like she just fell from 50 feet, laying still on the ground completely unresponsive,” JJ replied harshly, raising his hand to his chest.

“JJ,“ John B said, trying to catch his focus.

“I’m sorry, I just- I can’t lose her,” he cried, pulling his knees up into his chest like he used to when he was a child.

"You’re not going to lose her man, I promise,” John B replied.

When they got to the hospital, they were told that they couldn’t see you or be told how you were doing because they were not family. Your mom had apparently called and told them that she and Topper were the only ones allowed to see you, no exceptions. JJ tried to explain that he was your boyfriend and how he just needed to know if you were okay, but considering the fact that your mom was one of the top donors towards the hospital, he never had a chance. He desperately made a dash to go back to the ICU but was stopped by the security guards. John B and Pope stepped in to try to reason with them, but it just went downhill from there until all three of them were being threatened to get kicked out or have the cops called.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Just ask her mom to come out here please and I’m sure we can work it out,” JK said calmly.

“Her mom isn’t here. You kids need to go home,” the nurse replied.

“What? That’s insane! We aren’t going anywhere!” John B argued.

“It’s okay JB, we can come back later,” JJ said calmly and everyone took his lead heading around the corridor.

“What the hell man? We are not leaving her here alone,” John B said once they were out of earshot of the guards and head nurse.

“No we’re not,” JJ said, holding up the nurse’s ID.

After managing to snag some scrubs from a locker room, JJ snuck around the hospital until he made his way back to the ICU. He tricked a nurse into giving him your room number and then snagged your chart on the way in your room.

When he saw you laying there unconscious hooked up to the machines, he realized that he had never once seen you look helpless before. You looked small and delicate, and those were not words he would ever have used to describe you. He took a seat beside you, daring to look at your chart. You had a concussion, dislocated shoulder, and broken collarbone. Pain meds, a sling, and ice and you should be good as new after a few weeks. JJ smiled at the words and took a moment to send his friends a picture of your chart with a text saying you would be okay. They text him back, but he chose to ignore them, placing your chart down and taking your hand in his.

“Y/n? Can you hear me? It’s JJ,” he spoke softly, “Babe, I need you to wake up,” he tried again. He stood up and pushed the hair out of your face before gently kissing your forehead. It was as he pulled away that you started to shift, taking in a deep breath before briefly opening your eyes.

“Good morning,” he joked softly. You forced your eyes open again, wincing as you turned your neck to see him better. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t move. Just relax,” he instructed.

“Where am I?”

“St. Olive’s. You fell from the top of the Hawk’s nest, but you’re going to be okay. Just a mild concussion, broken collarbone and a dislocated shoulder.”

“At least my nurse is cute,” you joked, causing you to laugh and move wrong. Apparently whatever drugs you were on were wearing off.

“Take it easy over there,” JJ said, taking your hand in his again, “You feeling okay? Need anything?”


“Yeah, of course. Coming right up.”

“Thanks,” you said after downing the tiny cup he handed you, “What’s up with the scrubs?”

“Your mom has this place wrapped around her finger and has decided that only she and Topper can visit. So I had to be a little creative in sneaking in.”

At the mention of Topper, you forgot where you were, that you were safe, with JJ. “Y/n, you still with me?” JJ asked, concerned with your sudden change. You didn’t even hear him as the events from Hawk’s nest flashed through your mind and caused your heart rate to skyrocket, leading a group of nurses to race into your room. Luckily JJ, ducked into the bathroom before anyone could see him.

The nurses managed to calm you down, thinking that you were just freaking out because you woke up and were alone. They gave you another round of pain meds and told you that you should be good to check out in the morning when your mother came to pick you up. You thanked them, and waited for them to leave the room before pulling the IV out of your arm.

“What do you think you’re doing?” JJ asked as you were now standing up looking to unplug the machines from the wall.

“If I unplug them from me the alarms will go off and the nurses will come back. If I unplug them from the wall they can’t give me away.”

“Why not just lay back down and let them stay plugged into you so that the doctors can make sure you’re okay?”

“Because we’re leaving,” you replied, opening cabinets looking for something besides a hospital gown to slip into, whether that be scrubs or your clothes from earlier.

“Y/n I don’t think that’s a good idea. Besides, it’s just one night and I promise to be here with you the whole time. Hospitals aren’t that bad.”

“I’m not worried about the hospital. I’m worried about what happens tomorrow when my mom comes to get me,” you let slip apparently not yet fully control of yourself.

“What is that supposed to mean?” JJ asked.

“Look it doesn’t matter J, I am not staying here. So either start helping me or get ready to be escorted out of here,” you say clearly upset.

JJ grabbed your good arm, his other hand guiding your chin so you were looking at him, “Are you sure you are okay?”

“I’ll be fine JJ, I promise.”

“And you’re sure you want to leave?”

“Yes. I am sure.”

“And are you turned on by me in scrubs?” he joked, making you smile.

“Oh, so turned on,” you replied before closing the gap between the two of you and kissing him.

“Okay, how do you want to do this?”

“I need clothes, I am not leaving in this. Are John B and them still here?”

“Yeah, they’re camping out in the parking lot in Twinkie.”

“Okay, call him and tell him to meet us at the side entrance in 5 minutes.”

“Okay, I can do that, and I know where we can get some scrubs. Just stay here.”

JJ left and was quick to return with a set of scrubs for you. While he was gone you wrote out a note saying that you left of your own accord, blah, blah, blah. He helped you change and the two of you snuck out using the stairs. There was one close call, but you made it out to where you were relieved to find Twinkie with the side door open and your friends waiting for you. Pope got out to give you the front seat. Everyone was asking you a ton of questions and telling you how glad that they were that you were okay. JJ explained how he managed to break into your room and how he managed to break you out. You tried to tune out the pain in your arm and ignore the growing pounding of your head.

“You okay?” John B said quietly so only you could hear him.

“I left after the pain meds wore off and before the next round started I pulled the IV out of my arm, so I’m consciously experiencing my symptoms for the first time,” you explained as you shut your eyes, concentrating on your breathing.

“Okay, sounds like we need to make a pit-stop,” he said, glancing over at you slightly concerned. He pulled into the 24 hour drugstore on his way to drop Pope off. “I’m going in to get Y/n some pain meds and an ice pack for her arm. Does anyone else need anything?”

“Ice cream?” you asked with puppy dog eyes.

John B rolled his eyes jokingly, “Pain meds, ice pack, and ice cream, got it.”

“I’ll come with you,” Pope started, “I want to see if they have any of those things,” he lied horribly.

JJ hopped out and went around to the driver’s seat. “How you feeling?”

“Oh you know I’m on cloud nine,” you say sarcastically.

“I would give you some of my stash, but Pope said it could mess with your concussion.”

“Yeah, probably not then.”

“I love you, you know that right?”

“Of course I do J, I love you too.”

“You wanna tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

“I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have you,” you answered, which was not a lie, just not the complete truth. One glance at JJ’s face told you that he wasn’t buying it. Luckily for you the others returned. At this point everyone was tired, John B took Pope home, before taking both you and JJ back to the chateau with him, where Kie was waiting outside in one of the hammocks. You knew that if she drove your car she knew. But instead of bringing it up she just brought you into a side hug careful not to hurt you.

"Everything’s going to be okay, I promise,” she whispered as she pulled away.

You thanked her before taking a deep breath and turning to John B, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

He nodded a bit confused, before gesturing for you to lead the way, “What’s up?”

“I was wondering if I could move into the spare room long term, at least until I can get a job or something?”

“Of course you can. Consider the guest room Casa ala Y/n.”

“I’ll help you keep everything straight for DCS and I’ll chip in for rent and groceries and everything,” you promised.

John B laughed at how serious you are, “Dude chill, it’s not a big deal. JJ practically lives here too,” he laughed.

The two of you walked back towards the others JJ clearly confused as to what was going on.

“Kie, can you help me grab Y/n’s stuff from her car?” John B asked giving you a knowing look.

You turned to JJ prepared to explain everything, but he beat you to the punch, “Okay, spill, I want to know everything that has happened since the last time I saw you because clearly you were upset and now…” he rambled before you cut him off.

“I got into a fight with my mom at Midsummer and she kicked me out, so I’m moving in here,” you explained, “I left Rixton’s to get all of my stuff before she tried to get rid of it.”

“Babe, you could have told me. I would’ve went with you,” JJ sighed. He knew that your relationship with your family had been strained since you started hanging out with the Pogues and how much that bothered you.

“It was something that I needed to do on my own.”

“Okay,” he nodded. “Are you okay though? Do you want to talk about it?”

“It’s weird, earlier I was stressed, but now I just feel freed. It’s like I know everything will work out now, because I have you and the Pogues,” you replied smiling genuinely.

“I love you, you know that?”

“Of course I do, I love you too J.”

The two of you went inside, where John B and Kiara were bringing in the last of your stuff.

“Hey guys, I’m going to take Kie home, I’ll be back in a bit,” John B said as he headed out the door. Kiara said goodbye to you and JJ and made you promise to call her if you needed anything.

After the two of them left, you yawned. JJ noticed and said through a smile, “Looks like its bedtime.” He was quick to set up the pillows so you could sleep comfortably beside him. You were trying to get the scrubs off to put on some of your pajamas but were failing miserably. “JJ?”

“Yeah, what’s up? Oh,” he said, trying not to laugh.

“Shut up and just help me,” you whined.

He came over and carefully lifted the shirt over your head and around your arm in the sling, he winced at bruises that showed, wishing he was there to stop Topper, who was a dead man walking at this point as far as JJ was concerned. He couldn’t focus on that though, not when you were laying right beside him. He watched you contently, allowing himself to relax, knowing somehow that things would be okay. He started to drift off, a smile still on his face.


AN: JJ Maybank x Reader. Mentions of blood, injuries, etc.

When you showed up to the chateau, tears streaming down your calm face, blood coating your hands and shirt, a fresher redder blood coming from the side of your head and from your nose and even from a busted lip, you honestly had no idea what you were doing. Your brain was not processing the pain, fear, and exhaustion. You weren’t consciously aware of where you were or where you were going. You were just on autopilot, going to the one place you knew you would be safe. The events of the past hours were no longer playing on repeat in your head, instead there was just a fog, a numbness. At this point you didn’t even register that someone came out the front door, nor could you comprehend who it was.

“Yo Y/n, we’ve been trying to get ahold of you. We’re all about to go on the-” JJ looked up from his phone and dropped it, jumping off of the porch to meet you.

“Shit Y/n what happened? Are you okay? Is this yours?” he asked frantically as he pulled your shirt away from your skin. What he saw made him sick.

“JJ?” you asked before passing out.

He quickly repositioned himself to keep you from hitting the ground. He shifted you in his arms to carry you in the house.

“John B!” JJ shouted desperately as he hoisted you up and inside, setting you down gently on the bed before grabbing the first aid kit, water, and a towel. He called out for his best friend again, hoping that he would come tell him what to do.

It wasn’t like JJ didn’t know how to patch you up. He had treated his own injuries and the injuries of his friends countless times. The problem was that seeing you in the position was not letting his brain function properly. He wiped the blood away from the gash about your temple, holding the rag there long enough to be able to see that it wouldn’t need stitches. He ran his fingers through your hair to make sure that there were not any serious head injuries hidden. He then continued to move down your face cleaning you up, disgusted by the bruises he was uncovering. He swore to himself that whoever did this was not going to see the light of day tomorrow.

He pulled your shirt off again and felt your ribs, making sure none of the were broken, at least as well as he could tell. He relaxed a little knowing that this significantly lessened the chance of internal bleeding. The bruises on your body were making him sick. He watched your chest rise and fall, allowing himself to calm down a bit.

“I swear if the two of you don’t get on the Pogue right now, I’m fishing without you,” John B called as he entered the back door.

This was enough noise to bother you, and as you tried to turn away from it you groaned clearly in pain.

“Shit what happened? Is she okay?” John B asked.

“I don’t know man, she just showed up covered in blood and then passed out before she could say anything?”

“Is she okay though?”

“Does she look okay man? Someone beat the shit out of her, I’m surprised she even made it here.”

The two of them talked for a bit, keeping a careful eye on you. John B took the med kit, towel, and everything up. JJ had grabbed some pain meds, fresh clothes, and water for you. He wanted to wake you up, to know what happened, to make sure that you would be okay, but he knew that it was best to let you rest for now.

It wasn’t until Pope and Kiara arrived with Pizza that you began to stir. The smell was the first think you noticed. Then the low voices from the living room. You opened your eyes, the right one sore and clearly swollen . You reached your hand up to your face, feeling the gauze over your temple, and lightly brushing your hand over your nose, causing pain to shoot through it.

You tried to sit up, inhaling sharply at the pain in your stomach. You felt like you were about to throw up. You forced yourself off the bed, downing the advil and water. You walked into the bathroom and literally burst into painful tears when you saw your reflection in the mirror. Your face was bruised and swollen, you could see the bruises on your throat, and didn’t dare to lift up your shirt, well JJ’s shirt.

Speaking of, having heard you crying, JJ rushed to the bathroom annoyed to find it locked.

“Y/n? Are you okay? Can you unlock the door?” he pleaded.

You couldn’t answer him. It was too much.

“Y/n please?” he asked voice soft as he held his head against the door. It was killing him to be out there.

You shifted over and undid the lock. JJ opened the door and his heart broke at the scene in front of him. You were wrecked. He wanted to ask you if you were in pain or if you were okay, but both of those were clearly stupid questions. He also wanted to ask what happened, but now was clearly not the time. So instead he gently pulled you into his chest whispering calmingly in your ear. He held you there until you calmed down.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, pulling away to look at your face.

“No,” you answered simply.

“That’s okay, why don’t we go get some food?” he suggested.

You nodded, weirdly nervous to see your friends. JJ stood behind you the entire time arm around your back reassuring you that you were okay.

“There she is!” John B said excitedly.

“Hey guys,” you greeted as you sat down, JJ going to the kitchen to grab both of you some pizza. You took the plate he was handing you and looked at your friends. Everyone was looking at eachother nervously, which was giving you anxiety so you decided to just answer the question that they’d all been wanting to ask, “My dad owes alot of money to his dealer, I was came home to find the place being ransacked and they did this,” you said gesturing to your current condition, “to send him a message. I’ll be fine though, I’m just gonna hang her until everything blows over. So stop staring at me like I’m about to break and eat some pizza,” you say smiling at the end.

“The queen has spoken,” JJ joked, earning laughs from the group, and everything shifted into more comfortable conversation.

It wasn’t until later that night that you allowed yourself to start thinking about what happened again. You hated your dad for putting you in that position. The fact that after undoubtedly coming home to find the place ransacked and finding blood, that he hadn’t even bothered to check in with you to see if you were okay almost hurt more than your injuries. It didn’t matter that you already knew he was a deadbeat, you still wanted to believe that he cared a little. Yet at the same time you felt guilty for hating him.

JJ noticed that you were becoming agitated and motioned for his friends to give the two of you a moment. He knelt down in front of you gaining your attention.

“What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?” he asked softly.

You explained everything to him, knowing that he would understand. JJ was your person, through and through, he was always there for you. He listened and then proceeded to berate your father which made you laugh and then winch from the pain in your ribs.

“Easy there, don’t get too excited.”

You rolled your eyes before yawning, “If you don’t want be to laugh, you better start avoiding me,” you grinned.

“I don’t know about all that,” he smiled.

“You’re cute, you know that?” you asked taking in his blonde curls and blue eyes.

“Oh my gosh!” he says excitedly, “I’m the more attractive one in this relationship for once!”

“JJ!” you say before smacking him with a pillow unable to hide your smile.

“Hey guys!” he calls out to his friends wanting to inform them of his latest discovery.

You just lay back, rolling your eyes at his antics, thinking about how lucky you were to call him yours.

JJ explained his revelation, and without missing a beat John B replied, “No, I’m pretty sure she’s still got you beat.” The others quickly agreed, laughing as JJ pouted.

You looked around you, realizing something that you’d always known deep down. At the end of the day this was your family, and you wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Foul Party

A/N: This is a JJ x Reader imagine that contains potentially triggering content related to an attempted sexual assalt.

Just to be crystal clear, the decision to go to this party was not yours. Sarah had watched her dad blow himself up and then she broke up with John B, and she just wanted to blow off some steam. That is why you let her talk you into going to a kook party. You were going to make sure Sarah was okay, because that is what good friends do. You had decided that you would have 1-2 drinks right off the bat and then switch to water so you would be good to drive whenever Sarah was ready to leave. You made sure that she had JJ’s number just in case. JJ, being the good boyfriend that he is, offered to take you guys to the party. However Sarah wanted a girls night and you weren’t going to make her third wheel, especially right after a break up.

The two of you went inside, downed the first drink, poured the second, and then Sarah led you into the crowd and you started dancing with her. She seemed to be having a pretty good time and had started talking to some girls that she had known from school. You were about halfway done with your second drink and headed back to get some water when a guy knocked into you spilling his drink on your shirt.

“Hey, I’m sorry I must have got distracted by how incredibly beautiful you are.”

“Nice line, but I have a boyfriend,” you said, finishing your drink and trying to push past him.

“Understood. Let’s get you another drink, and then I’ll show you a bathroom you can freshen up in, and I’ll leave you alone the rest of the night.”

You agreed and you made your way to the kitchen to grab some water. He then led you up to the master suite bathroom, telling you that no one else would know that it was there, so he knew that it would be free. You went into the bathroom and tried to ring the beer out of your shirt. You looked in the mirror, and the room was starting to spin, which was odd because you’d only had the two drinks.

“Are you okay?” the guy asked from the door, “You don’t look so good, maybe you should lie down for a minute, I can go get Sarah.”

You normally wouldn’t have listened, but you were feeling really out of it. It wasn’t until you watched him close the door instead of going to get help that your confused mind was able to place the pieces together.

“You slipped me something,” you slurred trying to push yourself up and find your phone.

“Not so fast,” he said, grabbing your phone and putting it on the table, “everything is going to be fine Y/n, just lay back and relax.”

“Stop it. Get off me. Help!” you tried, but there was no power behind your words.

“Shh. Everything is going to be fine. Just relax.”

You tried to fight back, but your mind wasn’t processing anything. He was in the process of pulling your shirt off when Sarah opened the door. “Get the hell away from her, you creep!”

“Get out of here Sarah,” he shouted, not expecting her to push him off of you and onto the floor.

“What did you give her?” Sarah demanded.

“I didn’t give her anything, she’s just wasted.”

“No she’s not and if you don’t tell me what you gave her now I’ll call the cops, or better yet her boyfriend,” she bluffed.

“I just slipped her a roofie, no need to overreact.”

Sarah was going to say something else, but was distracted as you started to groan. She grabbed your phone, stashing it in her back pocket before putting your arm around her neck and more or less carrying you out to your car. You kept going in and out of consciousness and she was tempted to take you to the hospital, but she knew that they would ask too many questions. She was also well aware of the fact that she was far too wasted to drive, so she pulled out her phone and called JJ. She was trying to figure out exactly what to say, but didn’t have time to think as he picked up after the second ring.

“What’s up princess? Calling to get my help getting John B back?” JJ joked.

“JJ…It’s Y/n” Sarah started, the tone of her voice already scaring the shit out of him.

“What do you mean ‘it’s Y/n’? What happened? Where are you?”

“We’re in her car in front of the party. Someone slipped her a roofie and I can’t drive right now. I need you to come pick us up.”

“Is she okay?” he asked, worry evident in his voice as he was scrambling to get his stuff together.

“She’s really out of it, and can’t stay awake. But I think that’s normal. She just needs to get home and sleep it off.”

“Are you sure we shouldn’t take her to the hospital?”

Before she could answer, she heard John B’s voice in the background, “Take who to the hospital? Is Sarah okay?”

“Sarah’s fine. Y/n was drugged and they need a ride. I’m just trying to figure out if I’m bringing her here or to the hospital. So shut up and get ready to go,” JJ instructed his best friend before returning his attention to Sarah, “Sorry about that, do you think we should take her to the hospital to be safe?”

“She was drinking earlier and they are going to ask how it happened and I really don’t think we want to get the police involved or even her parents for that matter. I’ve been reading online and since there was only one, she should be fine.”

“Oh, okay.”

There was a long pause.

“Did anything happen?” JJ asked, his voice quiet like a scared child’s.

“No JJ, I got there before he had even got her clothes off.”

“Okay, John B and I are on our way,” JJ said before hanging up the phone.

Sarah refocused her attention on you, trying to keep you somewhat cognizant while making sure your pulse was still vibing. She felt horrible for dragging you to the party. Even though she had no way of knowing that this was going to happen, she blamed herself. She let her mind wander to what could have happened if she was even a few minutes later. Tears were streaming down her face.

“‘m sorry Sarah,” you slurred.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. Just do me a favor and try to stay awake,” she saw you give it a valiant effort before starting to nod off again, “Hey Y/n guess what,” she said excitedly.


“JJ’s coming. Your golden knight in board shorts will be here anytime now.”

Instead of the happy response she was expecting, you seemed to freeze up, “He’s going to be mad,” you whimper.

“Not at you. This isn’t your fault. He’ll be so relieved to know you’re okay.”

“‘m tired and dizzy.”

“I know, I know, just try to stay awake til JJ gets here, okay?”


JJ and John B pulled up behind your car in Twinkie and JJ was out and opening your door within seconds. “Y/n?”

“JJ, knight in board shorts,” you slurred without even opening your eyes to confirm it was him.

“How you feeling?” he asked softly.

“Like shit.”

“Okay, we’re gonna get you home okay?” he promised.

JJ carefully closed your door and went to where Sarah and John B were talking awkwardly.

“So run me through this, what exactly happened?” JJ asked.

“I don’t know Y/n and I got here, we were dancing and she said that she was going to grab some water. She doesn’t come back right away so I start looking and I see her walk upstairs with this guy. I figure that he’s probably showing her the bathroom or something, Y/n’s a big girl who can handle herself. But when neither of them come back down the stairs after a couple of minutes I decide to go check on her. And I find her practically passed out with him trying to take her shirt off. He claims she’s just wasted, but obviously I knew better. So I demand that he tells me what he slipped her or I’d call the police and he said he gave her a roofie. I carried her out to the car, looked it up and figured that the best bet is probably for her to try to sleep it off. I’m too drunk to drive, so I called you.”

Normally, JJ would have already been off to kick this guy’s ass, probably beat him within an inch of his life, but he couldn’t focus on that right now. “What do I need to know to take care of her?” he asked.

“She’ll be in and out of it, probably won’t remember much of anything from tonight, might become confused. Main thing you have to watch is her breathing and heart rate. It can stay in her system for up to 24 hours, but she should be in the clear after 12. When she’s coming off it, she might have a pretty bad headache or possibly be somewhat delirious. Make sure she stays away from alcohol, drugs, even over the counter stuff. Food and water will help, but she might have a hard time keeping it down.”

JJ looked slightly overwhelmed at everything that Sarah had just said. Noticing this she put her arms on his shoulders, “She is going to be fine. I’ll send the website with all of that info, just be there for her,” she reassured.

“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head, wiping a stray tear away. He got back in your car and made sure you were buckled in. Apparently, you had forgotten where you were or that he was there and he was a little too handsy for your liking.

“I have a boyfriend,” you said firmly.

Despite the situation, a small smile formed on his face, you never really got drunk so this was new for him. He decided it was best to keep you talking until he could get you home, “Do you?” JJ asked amused.


“What’s he like?” JJ asked as John B waved him off, letting him know he was taking Sarah. John B was going to make sure Sarah was okay after everything that happened, and then take her home. Afterwards he would drive your car back to the chateau.

You paused before answering JJ, your demeanor shifting, “He’s going to be mad at me,” you remembered what happened or what almost happened, but there were gaps and you suddenly it was like you forgot how to breathe.

You started hyperventilating and JJ immediately pulled over, not even a mile away from the party yet. “Y/n it’s JJ. I’m not mad at you. I love you and you’re safe now, I promise. I need you to calm down. I need you to breathe slower. Take big deep breaths okay. I’m right here Y/n, you’re going to be okay, just breathe.” He grabbed your hand and tried to calm you down. After a few minutes, you pretty much clocked out. He checked to make sure you were okay and then started driving again just wanting to get back to the chateau where it would be easier to keep and eye on you and make sure you were okay.

The drive felt like it was taking forever. He would glance at you every few second waiting for you to move or wake up or do something. It was agonizing for him to be sitting there unable to help you.

He was in the process of picking you up bridal style to carry you inside when you spoke softly, “J?”

“Yes Y/n?”

“‘M sorry”

“You have nothing to be sorry for sweetheart, I’m just glad you are okay.”

He propped you up against the couch and went to get you water. You were asleep before he came back. JJ settled in across from you. He was going to be there, making sure you were okay as long as you needed him. He was your knight in shining board shorts after all.

A Long Day (Part 2)

If you thought that morning was bad, the night was only going to get worse. Midsummer was supposed to be your brother’s coming-out party, but apparently Sarah had other plans which upset Topper. Knowing him, he’d be completely wasted by night’s end. As far as the rest of the party went, this one was pretty typical for you. You walked around and socialized, sneaking a few drinks here or there to make things tolerable. Kie and Pope were there, which was a definite plus.

In fact, you’d have even argued that the event was going smoothly until a familiar blonde caught your eye. Your boyfriend had showed up playing the part of waitstaff, obviously something was going down. You watched as he weaved through the crowd, only to hand something to Sarah Cameron. At that point you started to close the distance between the two of you hoping to find out what was going on.

You were about to call out to him when Rafe, Topper and his goons intercepted him. JJ took off at a sprint and you were about to follow when a hand caught your wrist.

“Don’t you dare make a scene. If you embarrass this family, I will make sure one way or another that you are no longer a part of it. There is nothing that that stupid Maybank boy can give you. So just sit here and let your brother take care of him,” your mother threatened through a forced smile.

“Seriously mom?”

She stared you down for a second, “If you go after him that’s it, your cut off. You need to learn that you are better than them. JJ is destined to end up like his dad, and you, you’re going to make some rich man a very happy husband.”

Without a second thought, you ripped your wrist from her grasp. “I’d rather be a Pouge.”

You started inside the building, grabbing a security guard and following the noise to the locker room, where JJ was being held back Topper could beat him up.

“Gentlemen, is there a problem here?” the guard asked as the boys released JJ.

“No, no problem,” Rafe answered, eying JJ.

“Sir, I’m going to have to escort you out,” the guard said before pushing him out of the locker room where you were waiting.

“What are you doing? It wasn’t his fault. He’s allowed to be here, he’s with me,” you demanded, pulling the attention of everyone to you.

JJ was stunned by how beautiful you looked, having seen you for the first time that night. He was going to compliment you, but before he could he heard one of Rafe’s goons speak, “I didn’t know sluts were allowed to wear white, she’s still hot for a pogue though.”

JJ turned around ready to fight him, when the guard pushed him back towards the entrance. Rafe and Kelce didn’t dare laugh knowing that you were off-limits considering you were Topper’s sister. You didn’t care enough to react though, and just followed the guard out with JJ. You could tell that he was getting antsy. As you walked past Pope, he yelled and told him that it was a mandatory power hour at Rixton’s and to tell Kie.

He made eye contact with you before grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the party to the protest of the guard. The two of you didn’t stop until you reached the HMS Pogue. Kie and Pope not far behind.

The five of you went to Rixton’s, Pope explained to the group what had happened on figure eight and with your brother’s boat. The JJ filled in the gaps of what went down after he got arrested. John B filled everyone in on his day with Sarah and his new plan to get the gold. The whole time you struggled to pay attention though.

Your mind was racing, everything was about to change for you, and there was so much that you needed to do. You would need to go by your house ASAP to get your stuff before your mother threw it out. You would need a new place to stay, probably with John B or Kiara. You would need all of your legal documents and as much money as you could manage. You knew that your mom wouldn’t try too much, because you were aware of family secrets that could bring her down. That didn’t mean that you weren’t stressing out. In fact it was overwhelming to the point that you went into autopilot. “I have to dip for a bit,” you said out of nowhere, “JJ do you still have my keys?”

Luckily, you had noticed your car earlier. JJ must’ve drove it here and met John B who had the HMS Pogue.

“Uh yeah,” he said digging them out of his pocket. He went to hand them to you, but one look at your face told him that something was wrong, so he held them just out of reach, “I can drive you, where are we going?”

“I just need to take care of something, please JJ,” you said close to a breakdown. JJ knew that look, slight fear behind the eyes, and he knew that no matter how much he wanted to go with you and to protect you, that whatever was going on was something that you believed that you needed to do on your own. He hesitated for a moment before handed you the keys. “Be careful, I love you. Call me if you need anything.”

You turned away him, and he followed you with his eyes as you drove off before returning to his friends.

“What was that all about?” John B asked.

“I don’t know,” JJ answered before turning towards Kiara, “Did something happen tonight at the party?”

“Not that I know of.”

“I’ve never seen her just shutdown like that,” Pope added.

“She’ll be fine,” JJ decided, trying to reassure himself more than anyone.

The four of them continued to talk for a while. JJ text you asking you to let him know you were okay whenever you got to wherever you were going, to tell you their plans for the night, and to remind you that he was only a call or text away if you needed him. He couldn’t help the unsettling feeling that was building inside him. He regretted not going with you.

You were inside your house packing up everything that you owned. You put the suitcases in your car before going in again to grab your passport, insurance, some cash out of your parents safe, etc. You walked out and stood outside of your door, knowing that it would be a while before you would be back…if ever came back.

You got in your car, looking at your phone which contained missed messages from your friends. They were all in Twinkie heading to Kildare, you decided to meet them there. Whatever they were up to would probably serve as a distraction.


Author’s Note: This is the start of my new series! It features AJ Maybank, JJ’s twin sister. It is also on my Wattpad, here!

I tied it in with this request, hope you enjoy: hey love not sure if reqs are open or non but I love love your imagines and am dyinggggg for some more john b lol, maybe one where you’re jj’s sister and are sneaking around with jb but he finds out?

Keep reading

kinda want to take this character but instead of john b, make her like madly in love with rafe and rafe never giving her the time of day but she becomes close with sarah when sarah and john b become an item she starts going to the cameron’s and rafe starts to get to know her and


  • request are currently open!
  • i do not write smutordarkfics
  • i do not write male!reader. i only write female!reader. being female, it is what i am most comfortable writing.

-Bucky Barnes

#1 first time you held hands

-Steve Rogers

I Need You To Understand  (Mob!Au)  pt.2



Sam Winchester 

-Teen Wolf


Stiles Stilinski 

Theo Raeken 

Scott McCall

-The Vampire Diaries 


Damon Salvatore 

-Outer Banks 


JJ Maybank 

join my taglist!

It’s ok

Pairing:JJ Maybank x fem!reader

Summary: JJ comes to your house for comfort after he gets beaten by his dad

Word count: 967

Warnings: angst/fluff ,mentions of abuse

Authors Note: i really hope you enjoy this and please send feedback <3


(not my gif, credit to owner)

You just came back from a long day hanging out with the pouges at the chateau. You had already done your night routine and were in bed on your phone ready to go to bed. But you heard a little knock coming from your window. You sat up confused at who would be knocking at your window in the middle of the night.

You stood up from your bed and walked to your window. You saw JJ looking through your window, waiting for you to open your window and let him in. Despite it being dark outside, you can clearly see the blood and bruises covering his face. You were shocked and confused at what happened to his face. You opened the window and stepped back to let him come through. Once he was inside, he turned to you and looked anywhere but into your eyes. You look at his face and see his eyes getting teary.

“What happened, JJ?” You grabbed his face with both of your hands and forcing him to look at you.

“M-My dad,” He said hesitantly while leaning his head closer to your hand and holding your hand that was placed on your cheek. “He got fired today and took it out on me.”

“Oh, baby.” You wiped the tear that fell from his cheek with your thumb. “It’s gonna be ok.”

“I just had to see you. You make me feel better just by being around you.”

That made you smile. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms over his neck and give him a hug. You felt his arms go around your waist and squeeze you tight.

“You know you can always come to me no matter what. Right?” You say as you push your face into his neck and give it a small kiss.

“Yea, I know.”

You pull away from his grip and put your hands back on his face. You then give him a soft kiss on his lips. You pull away from his lips and rest your forehead on his.

“You know I love you right.” You whisper. “So much.”

“I know. I love you too.”

You pull away from his touch and grab his hand. You pull him to your bathroom and push him down to sit on the toilet seat that was next to the sink. You went and grab the first aid kit and a small cloth from under the sink. You turned on the faucet and put the cloth under it to wet the cloth. You turn off the water and squeezed the cloth to make sure it wasn’t to wet. You went back to JJ and put the cloth up to his face and drab it to clean on the dry blood. After cleaning all the blood off of his face, you turned back to the sink and set the cloth down, and opened the first aid kit. You grabbed the smallest band-aid and opened it. You turned back to JJ and put the band-aid on the biggest cut he had on his face, which wasn’t too big but big enough for a band-aid. You then throw the trash in the trash can and put the first aid kit back under the sink.

You grabbed JJ’s hand once again and helped him stand up. You look and him one final time before turning you back to him and walking to your connected bedroom.

You walk to your bed and lay down in it. He gets the hint that you want him to stay and join you in bed. He takes off his shirt and his pants. You see more bruises on his chest and below his ribcage. He can tell you saw the bruises through the darkness by the worried look on your face.

“Oh JJ, baby.” You gently reached over and gently touched the bruises on his lower ribs. You looked at his chest with tears in your eyes.

“Hey, it’s ok.”

“No, JJ it’s not ok. How can you keep letting him do this to you?”

“What else am I suppose to do?” He sits on the bed right where your feet are.

“Move out and live with me or John B.”

“You know I can’t do that. CSS will find out and take me away. Away from you and I can’t do that.” He grabs your hand that was placed on your lap. “I just have to wait a couple more years until I’m 18 and can leave. Promise I’ll be okay.”

You squeeze his hand and give him a small smile. He lets go of your hand and more to the opposite side of the bed. He lefts the blanket and puts his legs under it. He lays next to you and puts his arm under your head. You move closer to him, nudge your nose into his neck and put your arm over his waist. You lightly brush your hand over his whole chest and trace his abs. He put his hand, that wasn’t under you, over your cheek and looking at you in awe while rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone.

“You know i love you so much and you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.” He said with a smile on his face. “I have never met someone like you that cares so much.”

“I love you too, and I am so happy that I met you and I get to call you my boyfriend.”

You look back at him with a loving smile on your face. You two look at each other for a couple more seconds. You then put your head on his chest and your leg mix with his. He gives you a kiss on your forehead and closes his eyes, thinking of his future with you.


join my taglist and request anything! 

Sorry for my absence! I just started my first year of uni. But anyways, here it is, the last chapter of Fixation! (Theres an epilogue coming!) Definitely shorter than I originally planned, but I’m proud of it and I’m just happy to get it published. Hope you loved this series as much as I loved writing it!

Series summary:Eleanor is new to the outer banks, and the pogues are quick to take her in. But so are the kooks, and as she grows closer with Rafe, trouble emerges. Trying to balance her relationship with the pogues and the kooks, as well as dealing with her own personal problems, Eleanor falls into a hole she may not be able to dig herself out of.

Chapter Word Count: 2111

Chapter Warnings: None

Previous Parts: Ch. 1 Series masterlist

Taglist:@prejudic3@maragritatimebaybee @drewxxrudy@outerbankslove@bricksatanakinswindow@alexa-playafricabytoto@gigi-june

JJ hardly left Ellie’s side. For the entirety of the two weeks, she was in the hospital, he was there, sat by her bed. He left to shower and sleep, and that was only because the nurses told him he had to.
Of course, Ellie’s family and the pogues visited quite often as well, and Topper and Kelce. But the dedication JJ showed to Ellie melted her heart, and every day, thoughts of Rafe drifted away and were replaced with more and more of the beautiful blond-haired boy next to her.
He stayed even when withdrawal and recovery got bad, held her hand through every needle and test she had done, and told her stories from his life when she got bored. John B and Pope teased him, wondering what had happened to the JJ they knew, but it was obvious to everyone what had happened: He had fallen in love.
Now, just a few days after Ellie’s discharge from the hospital, the pair sat in her bed, the door opened just a crack from the rules her uncle laid, her head resting gently on his chest as he scrolled through her Netflix looking for a movie.
Travis had grown to like JJ, something that shocked everyone. Even if Travis didn’t already have a bias against pogues, JJ had a reputation that everyone on the island knew about, and adults didn’t usually take kindly to him. But Travis couldn’t help but notice the way JJ changed around his niece, how he was much more gentle and quiet, and Travis respected that.
“JJ, just turn on friends or something. I think I wanna have a nap,” Ellie muttered, snuggling in further onto JJ’s chest. The two weren’t official yet, Ellie still wanted to take things slow and they hadn’t gone any further than kissing, but everyone still considered her JJ’s girl.
“El, you slept for 12 hours last night, and 13 the night before! How do you sleep so much?”
“I got up to pee a couple of times,” Ellie muttered in defense, and JJ chuckled. “And it’s not my fault you’re so comfy. You make it so easy to fall asleep.”
JJ didn’t respond, instead, he just switched-on friends and rested his head lightly against Ellie’s. He reached down, grabbing her hand in his, and she slowly rubbed her fingers over his calloused palms. He too found himself growing tired, the tiny action relaxing him as he focused on the feeling of her small hands against his.
Ellie was barely drifting off when her phone rang, waking her. She groaned, barely opening her eyes to glance up at JJ. “Can you grab that?”
JJ leaned over, reaching across her body to pick up her phone which was sitting on the nightstand. “Uh, Ellie,” He exclaimed as he turned it over, looking at the caller ID. “It’s your mom.”
Ellie shot up, all traces of tiredness lost from her body. She had been here for a couple of months already, and her mother hadn’t reached out to her once. So why now?
JJ stayed quiet as she answered the phone, not really knowing what to do. He had heard lots about Ellie’s mom, but he wasn’t sure if her calling was a good or bad thing.
“What do you want?” Ellie snapped into the phone.
It was definitely a bad thing.
Ellie couldn’t help but roll her eyes as her mother’s voice echoed through the phone, slurred, just like always. “Eleanor. Travis told me what happened and I just wanted to check on my baby girl.”
“Please don’t call me your baby girl.” The words stung Ellie. She understood addiction, especially after having gone through it, but that didn’t make the neglect from her mom hurt any less.
“I love you, Eleanor. I’m sober now. I’m trying to get better, just for you. I’ve been going to meetings and-”
Ellie cut her mom off. “You’re slurring. God only knows what you’re high on right now.”
JJ shifted over, moving closer to Ellie so he could wrap his arms around her gently. Her eyes were filled with tears, threatening to overflow. Hearing from her mom unexpectedly shook her to her core, and a knot had worked its way into her stomach and showed no sign of leaving.
“Don’t reach out to me until you’re sober, mom.” Ellie hung up the phone, not bothering to listen to anything else the woman had to say. She was tired, her whole life she had been dealing with her mother’s addiction all while learning to take care of herself and her sister, and it seemed to be following her no matter where she went.
“You okay?” JJ asked quietly, brushing away a stray tear that had leaked from her eye. He tugged on her body lightly, laying her down on the bed next to him and pulling her closer to his chest. The question seemed to ake things worst though, and JJ internally swore as Ellie began to shake and sob.
He knew what it was like to have a shitty parent, but seeing someone else go through the pain was so heartbreaking, especially when it was someone he loved so much. He wanted more than anything to take all the pain away from her, but that was something he couldn’t do, so instead, he held her close and prayed that one day she could be fully happy.

It was Ellie’s first time back at the chateau since she had been discharged from the hospital. Even though it had already been a couple of weeks, the pogues had all been quite busy and there wasn’t a great time for them all to get together. Today though, everyone was free, so they planned a little celebration for Ellie.
Even with just the six of them, a few balloons and a small store-bought cake, the ‘party’ still bought a huge smile to Ellie’s face that stuck around even after the cake had been devoured and the balloons had been popped (The first was an accident by John B, the rest by JJ after he saw how much the loud pop scared everyone else).
It was beginning to get dark out, and they had made their way from John B’s tiny, and now messy, kitchen out to the small firepit he had outside. It took a while to light the fire, but once it was ablaze the laughter and chats continued.
Ellie couldn’t help but notice that for the entire day, not a drop of alcohol was involved. Even though alcohol wasn’t involved in her recent addiction and overdose, the pogues were still cautious with her recovery and she appreciated that.
As the air began to get chilly, Ellie leaned into JJ’s side, and he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her even closer. Sarah smirked, there had been no talks of a relationship between the two since Ellie had been released from the hospital but everyone could tell something was going on.
Sarah opened her mouth, ready to question the pair cuddled up together, but footsteps approaching from the driveway interrupted her. John B and Kiara heard it too, their faces contorted in confusion as they weren’t expecting anyone else to show up.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
John B noticed who it was first, and he stood up hastily, clearly trying to block Ellie’s view of who it was. But as soon as John B spoke, Ellie pulled away from the warmth of the boy beside her, standing up so she could see over John B’s shoulder. She moved forward quickly, ready to jump in to help the pogues with their unwanted guest, but quickly froze as she made eye contact with Rafe Cameron.
JJ was beside her in an instant, his hand lightly resting on her lower back. She could hear him breathing heavily, could feel the anger radiating from him. “You got a lot of nerve showing up here,” He sneered, ready to jump into a fight.
“I just want to see Ellie,” Rafe said defensively, his hands raised in the air.
“I have no interest in seeing you.” Ellie found her voice, the words coming out way harsher than intended, not that she minded.
“Ellie, I-” Rafe started to speak, moving to get closer to her, but he was blocked as John B quickly stepped to the side.
“Could you shut the fuck up?” It was clear how angry Ellie was, all the fear and uneasiness she had displaced just minutes ago nowhere to be seen. She pulled away from JJ and brushed past John B so that she was stood directly in front of her ex.
“Ellie, wha-” JJ questioned her but was cut off by a wave of her hand, and all the pogues were quiet. None of them doubted Ellie, she could handle this herself and they all knew it.
“Why are you being so fucking rude?” The softness that had coated Rafe’s face when he first arrived was gone, replaced with fury and hatred.
Ellie rolled her eyes. “You almost killed me, Rafe. You left me to die from an overdose on a drug that I never even would have taken if it wasn’t for you. Not to mention, the entirety of our relationship, you were a complete ass. So yes, I’m being rude. I have no idea why you would even think it would be okay to come here to see me.”
“Whatever. You’re a massive fucking bitch anyways,” Rafe muttered. At this, JJ’s hand balled into a fist, enraged that the kook had the audacity to talk about Ellie that way. He wanted to rush forward, to pound his fist into his face.
But he didn’t need to, because as Rafe turned to leave, Ellie reached out and grabbed his hand, turning him back towards her. Hope flashed in his eyes, Rafe’s immediate thought being that she changed her mind and was going to ask him not to leave. That thought was short-lived though because Ellie proceeded to smack him across the face.
John B gasped, shocked at the sudden physical outburst from Ellie he hadn’t seen before. Sarah snorted, glad to see her brother finally getting what he deserved. Pope blinked slowly, trying to figure out what had happened to the sweet Ellie he had got to know, not that he blamed her for hitting Rafe. JJ stared in awe, amazed at the girl he loved standing up for herself.
Rafe opened his mouth to speak, his eyes narrow as he glared at Ellie. “Don’t,” She said, shaking her head. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”
Luckily, Rafe turned to leave, no longer interested in putting up a fight. Ellie stuck up her middle finger to him as he left, and even though his back was to her and he couldn’t see it, the gesture still made her feel good.
“Woah, Ellie!” John B shouted once Rafe’s truck had sped off. “Didn’t know you had it in you!”
“That’s my girl!” JJ whooped, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around her. He lifted her in the air, spinning her around with excitement, but quickly noticed how stiff she was, her arms didn’t reciprocate the hug, her smile didn’t match his, instead, she nibbled at her lip nervously, her eyes wide.
JJ quickly backtracked and realized the mistake he made. “Oh, shit, El,” He muttered, putting her down and stepping back to look at her better. “I’m sorry, that just slipped out.”
Ellie blinked a couple of times, gathering her thoughts together before slowly smiling. “No, I- I liked the sound of it. I think I’d like to be your girl.”
JJ could hear his friends cheering around them, but at that moment, all he could focus on was her. The words took him by surprise, she had been so set on taking things slow, he didn’t expect it.
Ellie could tell he was flustered, the slight pink tinge to his cheeks giving him away. She stepped forward with a smirk, grabbing his hand to pull him closer as well. They were basically touching, she glanced up at him innocently and JJ swore he fell in love even more. “You gonna kiss your girl?” Ellie whispered.
JJ bent his head down slightly so his lips could meet hers, and even though they had kissed before, this felt different. She was finally his. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even closer, both of them forgetting about everyone around them.
JJ was absolutely and utterly in love with her, and he didn’t know it, but she was in love with him too.

Dreamy Outcomes

Summary:After spending the day with JJ you decide to head home for the night, gaining enough energy to hangout with him the next day. During the night your mind can’t help but fantasize what it might be like to have sex with you know who. Of course, him being your best friend and your feelings growing; it’d be hard to tell him. Instead of gaining the courage, you decide to ignore him the best you can but of course it’s JJ so he makes it much more difficult.



  • Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
  • The dream will be in italics
  • Might be a tad bit SMUT
  • Outfit 1/Outfit 2


  • Sexual innuendos
  • Mentions of sex

JJ Maybank x-reader

JJ hovered over me, his hands resting on either side of my head. His eyes scanned over me with a smirk sitting on his face. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead as the two us stared at one another. “I gotta tell you, you look incredibly hot,” JJ spoke, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. A small smile appeared on my face at the sound of his statement. JJ’s lips found their way to the side of my neck yet again, leaving tender loving marks.

He grinned against my neck as I ran my hands through his messy blonde hair. JJ nipped at my skin, bringing my body to his; trying to keep me close at all times. His hand brushed against my thigh. I felt the feeling of his lips trail down my neck towards my collarbone. JJ reached towards the hem of my shorts, begging for me to remove the article of clothing.

I smirked and did as his motions asked for. JJ wrapped his arm around my waist so my legs straddled his lap. His hands sat on my hips, rubbing a thumb up and down. “No Pogue on Pogue macking, remember?” JJ commented. “Woah. Way to ruin the moment, J,” I replied, chuckling softly. He gazed at me, taking in every inch of me; pushing a piece of hair away from my face.

Back to Reality:

(Outfit 1)

My alarm blared on the bedside table, the bold lettering flickering a bright red color. A tired groan escaped me as I reached over to hit the top of the noisy clock. “I gotta tell you, you look incredibly hot,” JJ’s dreamy words echoed throughout my mind, bouncing from either side of my head. I felt my brain run through the dream over and over again, rewinding to see if I had missed anything.

I gulped down the rest of my water and tore the white comforter off of me. Before I could even step foot into my bathroom to take a quick shower, my cell phone began ringing from it’s charger. Kiara’s silly face appeared on the screen with ‘Kiki’ at the top as her profile name, referencing to her childhood nickname I decided for her. “Hey, Kiki,” I greeted, bringing the phone up to my ear while I pulled out some clothes from my dresser.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said on the other side.

The boys could be heard arguing in the background, mainly consisting of JJ and John B making fun of Pope about something he did in middle school. Sarah shushed them. Kiara brought her attention back to me on the phone. “We’re heading to pick you up in about five minutes. So, be ready,” Kiara said. I nodded like she could see me.

“Oh!” Kiara exclaimed, “JJ said to wear that green bikini he likes, but if I were you; I wouldn’t listen.” I laughed and took out my favorite bikini, a matching yellow set that Sarah had gotten for me for my birthday. Kiara said her goodbye and hung up the phone with John B quickly shouting a farewell.

No matter how hard I tried to forget that dream, it still managed to seep it’s way into my thoughts. I didn’t bother to take a shower, already knowing that we were going to surf once the crew and I were together. I put on the matching bikini with a baseball cap, slipping on a brown pair of sandals once I was ready.

A loud honk sounded from the front of my house. My floral tote bag hung loose from my shoulder as I quickly made my way out of the house. John B sat in the driver’s seat, his arm hanging out of the window. JJ sent me a wink once I closed the front door behind me. “Well hello there pretty lady,” he greeted, swinging the Twinkie’s door open.

My cheeks rose to a pink color at his statement. Kiara hopped out of the car to help me grab my surfboard from the shack my father had built last summer, he called it his greatest creation; disregarding me, his only child. I opened up the door and went to grab the board from the top shelf. “Hey, you alright?” Kie asked, leaning against the door frame. I furrowed my brows and nodded in response. “Why wouldn’t I be?” I questioned.

She chuckled and grabbed the end of my board. The two of us stepped out of the shack, stopping amid the much needed cut lawn so I could close the door. I lifted the latch and set it into the lock. “Your cheeks haven’t stopped being pink since JJ’s comment, you’ve avoided eye contact with him, and….” Kiara said, using her fingers.

She followed me with her eyes as I picked up the board from the ground. John B hopped out of his adored van to help the two of us put my board with the others. “Kie, nothing is wrong. I just couldn’t sleep last night, that’s all,” I responded with shrugged shoulders. She narrowed her eyes at me before stepping into the van, sitting beside Pope.

My nonbiological brother - John B - patted me on the shoulder to tell me that he had the board taken care of. I sat beside JJ just as he put his arm around my bare shoulders. “You’re not wearing the green bikini,” he commented, his eyes scanning my figure. I scoffed and shook my head. Kiara shot JJ a look before taking a sip of her ice tea.

“I like this one. Sarah got it for me,” I responded, shrugging. Sarah twisted in her seat at the sound of her name. She gave me a pair of finger guns before looking at her her boyfriend who hopped into the driver’s seat. He smirked and put the car into drive. “Alrighty, folks. Lets get this show on the road,” he said, earning a fist bump from Sarah.

He pulled away from my house and turned up the music from the radio. JB tapped his fingers on the wheel to the melody of the song, Good Grief by Bastille to be exact. Sarah bopped her head back and forth, John B glancing at her with such admiration. I grinned at the two of them. Their relationship was adorable, the fact that the two of them could smile at each other without even saying a word just made me feel all giddy inside.

I longed for something like the two of them. Just watching Sarah and John be themselves, regardless of the rest of us judging them; well more like Pope and JJ judging them whereas Kiara and I adored it. With a few more songs blasting from the Twinkie, we finally made it to the beach we always went to.

Kiara and I hopped out first as we bolted to find a nice and shady spot. The two of us found a perfect area resting in between four palm trees. It’s leaves let out a shady shape on the tan sand, just right for my friends and I. We leaned our boards against one tree before taking off our coverups.

I couldn’t help but take notice of a certain Pogue’s eyes landing on the back of my head. I quickly glanced over my shoulder to find JJ looking at me with a sly smirk on his face. Kiara flipped him off before grabbing my hand along with Sarah’s.

My yellow and blue surfboard was tucked underneath my toned arm while we ran into the cool water. I shivered from the cool temperature of the ocean, but my goosebumps slowly faded away as I paddled beside Kiara and Sarah. Sarah stayed to the side to cheer me and Kiara on as we waited for the crisp waves to come our way.

Sarah was not really the best at surfing. Of course, we insisted on teaching her. She was getting there, but was still a little hesitant to take action on our favorite hobby. So, Sarah insisted on being our own little cheerleader. She reached up a hand and waved to the two of us.

I shook my head in amusement. Kiara motioned to a moderate sized wave just heading our way. I gave her the 'okay’ to allow her to go first. Kie began paddling and made it to the tip of the wave, the turquoise tuffs reaching the back of her yellow board as she rode effortlessly.

“Yes! Go Kiara!” Sarah and I cheered, putting our hands around our mouths so our voices appeared louder. The boys had made it out a little bit deeper than the girls and I were. Just last year, as many surfers have, I had underestimated on how big a wave was; and happened to get a fistful of water up my mouth, causing me to get a bruise on my lower back from the side of my board.

I still have no freaking clue how that happened. Luckily, a hospital visit wasn’t needed. However, the three boys were extremely concerned for a little bit but their worries slowly diminished.

A joyous grin appeared on my face as the sun beat down on me. I felt the cool wind brush against my hair, blowing it aside from time to time; slowly drying the top of my head. A little bit more waiting, and a wave began heading towards me.

Just in time, I was able to paddle quickly and ride the wave before it swallowed me and my board. My feet stayed planted on the top of my smooth board while one arm was out and the other at my side. I heard my friends cheer me on as I rode the wave.

During our whole surfing session, I hadn’t thought about that unusual dream I had last night. However - not realizing it - I had been avoiding JJ the whole day. The two girls and I sat on our towels while the sunrays hitting our bodies. Kiara hummed to the tune of Island in the Sun by Weezer, one of our favorite bands among other ones.

The boys continued to surf with the occasional pushing Pope off his board from JJ and John B. Every once and awhile I could feel JJ’s blue eyes meet me, but I continued to neglect his intent gaze. “Y/N, can’t help but notice you ignoring your best friend,” Sarah said, pushing her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose.

“I’m not ignoring him,” I denied with my head still resting on top of the white towel.

I didn’t need to pull my Ray bans off my face to know both Sarah and Kiara roll their eyes at my comment. Kiara stood up from her spot to make her way over to the cooler. She grabbed me and Sarah a bottle of water. I sat up and looked at her, swiftly opening up the lid of the plastic bottle.

“Then why are avoiding eye contact with him, not even bothering to say hello, and can’t forget the glances he’sgiving you,” Kiara stated as she leaned up against the palm tree with crossed arms but still holding her reusable water bottle.

A sigh escaped my lips as my mind wandered over to last nights dream. Would it hurt to tell my two friends? I mean, sure I’ve thought about dating JJ but it never occurred to me that those feelings would get in the way of our friendship.

My two best friends stared at me as they waited for a response. I raked a hand through my hair and sat up straighter, facing the two of them. “I had a dream about JJ last night,” I stated truthfully. Kiara and Sarah shared a glance then looked back to me with raised brows.

Kiara waved her hand, motioning for me to continue my explanation. “A sexual dream,” I added with a sigh. Sarah snorted, covering her mouth with her hand. Kiara glanced at Pope who glided across the waves without a trouble while the other two boys were having a splashing fight.

She laughed as John B managed to push JJ into the water, followed by JJ tackling his best friend practically brother. It grew quiet between my two friends and I. “JJ Maybank. The guy who literally just tried to drown his best friend,” Kiara said, pointing to the blonde Pogue.

I nodded and looked down at the ground, staring at the different colors embedded into the sand. “Was it good, though?” Sarah finally asked. “Was what good?” I inquired with confusion, looking up from the hot and cold sand. “The sex. Was it good?” Kiara went on with Sarah’s questions.

I grunted in frustration and stood up from my sandy towel, brushing off the muddy sand that had accumulated on my tan and freckled skin. Kiara watched me with her eyes as I stood there with my hands on my hips. “I-I think so,” I stuttered. “You think so?” Sarah said with her head tilted.

“It was a dream. How the hell am I supposed to know that? It wasn’t like I shifted realities and I could feel things!” I argued, waving my hands about. “So, what I’ve gathered, is you’re ignoring JJ because you had a sexdream about him,” Kiara said, putting emphasis on the word 'sex’.

I nodded my head instead of responding verbally. She let out a chuckle and set her now empty water bottle into her beach bag beside her. “You gonna tell him?” Sarah asked, grabbing her sunscreen bottle from the side pocket of her purse. I shook my head in response.

“Hell no.”

The two of them jerked their heads to me. I rolled my eyes. “Oh come on! So, you’re telling me that if you had a sex dream about someone, you’d go up tell that person?” I said with my hands. “Yes,” the two of them answered in unison.

“And you wouldn’t be worried about what they say?”

“Nope,” Sarah shook her head.

“Nada,” Kiara said.

“You two aren’t helping,” I pulled my hair into a pony tail with Kiara’s claw clip. It grew silent yet again with just the three of us looking back to see how the boys were doing. “Did you like it? The dream, I mean,” Kiara broke the silence.

I kicked the sand around, finding a small sea-shell buried underneath the sand. I reached down and picked it up. I ran my fingers over the thin ridges of the piece of nature. Sarah set the sunscreen bottle back into her bag. “I mean, I haven’t really thought about. Kind of just been freaking out about the dream,” I replied.

Sarah nodded and stood up from the ground. She walked over and stood in front of me, her arms at her side. “I think you should tell JJ,” she said and ignored my reaction, “It might be good for the two of you. You can finally tell each other how you feel.” I glanced back at the ocean to find JJ paddling to shore.

“Who knows, you might be Outer Bank’s newest hit couple,” Kiara commented, “Sarah and John B being the first.”

Sarah turned around and winked at our friend. My eyes stayed on JJ as he walked back over to our spot with John B and Pope shortly following after. “What’s the worst that could happen?” Kiara asked, standing by my side.

“Uh. A million things could happen, Kiki. He could hate me, not talk to me anymore. Oh, and maybe embarrass me in front of the whole island,” I said. “He’s been your bestfriend since fourth grade, he wouldn’t do that,” Kiara set her chin on my bare shoulder, “You should of all people know he wouldn’t do that, he’s too protective over you.”

As much as I hated to admit it, Sarah and Kiara were right. If I continued to hold this dream in my head, it might as well tear me and my friendship up with JJ. For all I knew, JJ actually liked me back. The three boys set their boards beside one another. Pope grabbed the volleyball as John B went to follow him.

JJ plopped down on my towel with his arms now resting underneath his head. I continued to lean against the rough bark of the palm tree. Kiara and Sarah stared at me from the side. Kiara tilted her head to JJ who laid on my towel that was once dry, but now soaking wet from the water dripping from his body.

I crushed the water bottle up into a ball and dropped it into the trashcan. Sarah set a reassuring hand on my shoulder and shot me an encouraging smile. Kiara grabbed her hand and the two of them walked towards John B and Pope, which left JJ and I there alone.

'Here goes nothing,’ I thought and pushed away my worries. I couldn’t help but glance at JJ’s toned body, the sun peaking through the trees’ leaves to shine onto his blonde hair. “Hey, J,” I said, “Can-Can we talk for a second?” He slipped his sunglasses from his face and looked up at me as I stood there, fiddling with my bracelets.

JJ jumped up from his spot once he noticed the nervous expression landing on my face. “Yeah, yeah. Did you run into Rafe? You okay?” he bombarded me with questions, probably overjoyed that I had actually spoken to him apart from this morning in the Twinkie. Kiara and Sarah stood beside Pope and John B.

Sarah reached up and gave me a thumbs up with Kiara shooting me a wink. I gave myself a mini pep talk and turned to look at JJ who was already gazing at me. “Let’s take a walk and I’ll explain,” I suggested.

JJ nodded and picked up his hat from the ground, flattening down his damp hair before putting the red and grey hat on. Our arms brushed up against each other as we walked along the shore line. “Okay,” I sighed, “I had a dream last night, and….” My sentence trailed while I tried to gather up words that would somewhat make sense.

My best friend - now crush I guess - looked down at me with his brows raised. His hands remained in the pockets of his swim trunks. He kicked sand as we walked, making sure I wouldn’t step on any sharp shells or maybe even a crab and or jellyfish. “What was the dream about?” he inquired.

I gulped again and glanced up at the sky, quickly admiring the clouds flying over the sun for a quick moment before going back to gliding about. Seagulls chirped as they flew above JJ and I. I stopped walking and stood in front of my crush.

“It was about you,” I said slowly, taking a breath in between each word. He nodded with a slight smirk appearing on his tanned face. An uncomfortable silence settled between the two of us. “What were we doing in this dream?” JJ asked.

He stepped closer, our face inches from each other but not by much since he was much taller than me. I could tell that he was getting more confident by the minute, which made this easier oddly enough. “Well…” I led him on and stepped away. I heard him grunt from behind me, soon following after me like a lost puppy.

“Long story short, we were in the middle of having-”

“Sex,” he interrupted.

I bit my lip and shook my head, arms swaying at my side. From over his shoulder I could see our friends continuing to play an intense game of volleyball. It looked liked Kiara and Sarah were winning. “Listen, Y/N/N. If this is your way of telling me that you like me, then….” he didn’t finish his sentence as he waited for my attention. I looked back at him with raised brows.

JJ set a finger underneath my chin and brought my lips to his. JJ Maybank was kissing me! The one guy that I never thought I’d kiss. The kiss grew more passionate as seconds ticked by. JJ’s hands sat on my waist as my arms remained around his neck.

The kiss deepened once he pulled me close to him. We broke for air and stared in awe at each other, not thinking that this moment would soon happen. “This is not how I thought this conversation was gonna go,” I stated. He chuckled and set a loose strand of ocean soaked hair behind my ear.

JJ glimpsed over his shoulder to see what our friends were doing which was not paying any attention to him and I. He turned back to me with our arms still around one another. “Race ya,” I said quickly, tearing me from his grasp and bolting towards our friends.

JJ fleetly picked me from the ground, sand flying from behind my feet. Kiara, John B, Pope, and Sarah looked away from their fierce game of volleyball and cheered at JJ and I. He finally let me down to Earth with my arms around his shoulders.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hey, hotstuff,” he winked.


Comfort in the One’s You Love

Summary:You and Rafe have been dating for about a year, but over the course of two months you’ve noticed that he’s been acting distant and more closed off than usual. When visiting the Cameron’s, you can’t help notice certain things that seem off. Of course it’s more worse than you could ever imagine. When your friends - and the whole island - catch wind about what happened, JJ’s there to make everything better.

A/N:Not really happy about how I wrote this, but I liked the idea so I just thought I’d role with it. Definitely not my favorite one I’ve written, but what the hell? Enjoy!



  • Y/N/N: Your Nickname
  • Y/L/N: Your Last Name
  • Y/H/C: Your Hair Color
  • Outfit 1/Outfit 2
  • You’re a Pogue, but live on the line between the Kooks and the Pogue’s side. (you mainly live with JB)

Warnings (let me know if I missed any):

  • Language
  • Underage Drinking
  • Sexual Innuendos

JJ Maybank x-reader

(Outfit 1)

The crisp wind brushed against me as I rode my skateboard on the concrete sidewalk. Cars flew past me, the driver’s occasionally waving to me or shooting me a tender smile. My boyfriend’s house came into view once I had pulled to the front. Our one year anniversary was today. Rafe and I had talked about spending the whole day together.

We planned on watching our favorite movies, well mainly his, and visiting the restaurant we went to for our first date. The only thing that seemed to seep it’s way into my mind was the way Rafe had been acting. He seemed more hostile and reserved then he was at the beginning of our relationship. I’ve learned not to ask questions when he didn’t want to answer.

I had spent over two weeks saving up money to get Rafe an anniversary gift, an expensive watch to be exact; one that he had been looking at on Chapel Hill. Fingers crossed that it works. I hopped off my board and picked up the nose as I stepped foot onto the driveway. A sport cars sat on the driveway, a bright yellow Porsche.

“Since when did Rafe get a new car?” I thought, carrying my board. A thick grey stripe was on the hood of the neon yellow Porsche which extended from the top to the emblem at the front. I knocked on the front door and waited for Rafe to open it. My foot tapped on the porch as I reached for the red velvet box from my backpack.

The front door opened up, revealing a disheveled looking Rafe Cameron. I could hear voices in the background. “Hey, what’re you doing here?” he questioned. “I uh, I wanted to give you, your-” I started, but was cut off by a girls voice from behind my boyfriend.

Rafe turned to her and told her to go back to the room. He looked back to me with my brows furrowed. “Who was that?” I asked, peering over his shoulder slightly. “Oh, the maid,” he answered. I nodded in response, not wanting to get any more information. Rafe watched me as I glanced back at the parked car in the circled driveway. “When did you get a new car?” I asked. He followed my glance, catching sight of the yellow Porsche.

He scratched the back of his neck with a hand still holding the door knob. Rafe cleared his throat and turned behind him then looked back at me. “Oh, that’s uh-that’s Sarah’s. Dad gave her it as an early birthday present,” he answered. An awkward silence settled between the two of us, something that didn’t usually happen.

“Isn’t her birthday, like three months away,” I said, laughing but earned a raise of a brow from Rafe.

“Hey, now’s not really a good time. Why don’t you come by tomorrow?” he said. I opened my mouth to speak, but yet nothing came out. My brows furrowed again, my heart clenching at the sound of his statement. “Okay. Yeah, I’ll uh see you tomorrow,” I replied.

Rafe gave me an unconvincing smile and closed the front door with the girls voice from earlier erupting. I could hear giggling from the other side of the door. Without hesitation, I grabbed my phone and dialed Sarah’s number. “Hey, love,” she greeted, using her nickname for me.

I smiled as my spirits rose slightly but dropped once I remembered what was happening. “Hey. I’m at your house, giving Rafe his anniversary gift,” I answered. Sarah shushed the boys with the help of Kiara of course.

She brought her attention back to me, telling me to continue speaking. I let out a sigh and set my skateboard onto the concrete driveway. “Listen, has Rafe had anyone over since this morning?” I asked. It went quiet on the other end of the call with Sarah trying to figure out what to say next.

I stood on my board, preparing to ride away from the house once my friend replied. “I mean he had someone come over, but I left before I knew who it was,” Sarah answered. I nodded as if she could see me respond. “Okay, thanks,” I stated.

“Everything alright?” Sarah asked before I could hang up the phone. I quickly told her I was fine then ended the call. This wasn’t the first time that Rafe had canceled our date.

Just last month Rafe had told me, he needed to cancel our movie date because something came up with his dad. Of course, I said it was alright; already knowing that if I asked anymore questions, Rafe would get all secretive and push me away just like he always did. I ignored my inner thoughts while I strolled towards the side of the house.

“Can’t believe I’m about to do this,” I muttered. My back pressed against the brick wall of the Cameron’s household. I stopped walking, peering into the window beside me. There Rafe Cameron and the girl from earlier stood in the frame of his bedroom.

His hand rested on the side of her face, his free hand resting on her bare shoulder. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I quickly whipped my head back and bolted away from the brick wall, carefully that the two wouldn’t see me.

The front door tore open with Rafe calling my name. He must’ve noticed me from the window. My so-called boyfriend roughly grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around to look at him. A small tear slid down my tanned face I looked at him. “What the fuck, Rafe?” I said.

His hookup - or whatever - stood at the front door, leaning up against the frame with her arms crossed. Rafe ran a hand across his jaw as he looked at me. “Y/N/N, it was nothing, okay?” he said.

“Really? Rafe, she’s wearing your clothes. There are literal hickeys on your neck, and I sure as hell know those aren’t from me,” I argued, “Your hair is all over the place. There’s a brand new car in the driveway, which is not Sarah’s might I add.”

Rafe’s jaw was clenched while he looked everywhere but me. I could sense he was searching his head to try and figure out some sort of explanation that would soothe the situation. A long awkward silent settled between my cheating boyfriend and I. “You could’ve just told me. We could’ve just settled this earlier,” I spoke, breaking the pause.

He remained silent after my response. Rafe didn’t try to stop me when I hopped on my board, heading straight home. I felt my throat grow sore as I tried to withhold my tears, not wanting to cry in front of people that passed me. I wasn’t prepared to explain to some random person what just happened.

They were sure to figure it out soon enough. I already knew that I was going to me bombarded with questions once I got to the chateau. Rafe and I were supposed to visit The Shore for a late lunch, but of course that wasn’t happening anymore. When I arrived home JJ was sitting on my front porch, flipping through his phone.

My best friend looked up from his cell phone, greeting me with a large grin. He got up from the rocking chair. “Hey, what’re you doing here?” I asked, walking up the front steps. He leaned against the pillar and slipped his phone into the pocket of his swim shorts.

“Why didn’t you just use the key I gave you?” I inquired, pulling my own keys out to unlock the front door. He chuckled and ran a hand down the back of his neck. “Forgot it at John B’s,” JJ answered. His smile got bigger when I softly chuckled, trying to do my best at convincing him that I was alright.

JJ Maybank always seemed to figure out what I was thinking. It was a blessing and a curse. Guess that’s what happens when you’ve been friends since third grade. “You alright? You seem quiet,” JJ mentioned as I opened the front door. I nodded in response and set my purse on the kitchen counter.

He didn’t push even more, realizing that I didn’t want to answer truthfully. JJ knew that I would open up when I was ready. “I’m gonna get changed then we can head to John B’s,” I stated, walking towards the steps. My childhood best friend sent me a wink and plopped on the living room couch.

I felt my cheeks rise to a light shade of pink at the sudden action. I ignored the feeling and stepped into my room to get changed. It had been - what felt like - a long day, and all I wanted to do was to change into some clothes and hangout with my friends. I found my favorite pair of jean shorts and a grey tank top (Outfit 2).

The charm bracelet Rafe had gifted me for my birthday stayed around my wrist. It didn’t take long until I unclasped it, dropping it into the bottom drawer of the jewelry box. JJ was still sprawled out on the sofa when I walked out. “Ready to go?” I asked, taking my bag from the granite counter.

JJ jumped up from the patterned couch with two thumbs up. I laughed and followed him out to his truck. The two of us sat in comfortable silence, watching the houses and thick trees fly past the truck. JJ tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as his favorite song played on the radio.

He happened to glance down at my arm that rested on the seats rest. JJ furrowed his brows at the missing sight of the bracelet. “You aren’t wearing Rafe’s gift,” he commented. I hummed in response and looked up at him. JJ motioned towards my arm once he was stopped at a red light.

“Oh! It broke while I was at work,” I answered, “I’ll get it fixed.”

All JJ did was nod in response. I just hope he didn’t ask any further questions. However, I should know by now that JJ doesn’t take no for an answer. “Thought you were gonna go to that Kooklandia restaurant,” he thought, glancing at me then to the road ahead of us.

I shrugged and looked out of the window to find a family of three playing in the front yard of their unique house. JJ sighed and ran a hand through his messy blonde hair. “Rafe was preoccupied with something, so we had to cancel the reservations,” I answered.

“On your anniversary?” JJ said.

“On our anniversary,” I repeated, nodding along. He scoffed and shook his head. JJ’s hair tossed slightly when he shook his head. JJ pulled the truck down John B’s street, meaning we had exactly four minutes until the others would ask me more questions. “You’d tell me if something was going on, right?” he asked.

“Yeah, of course,” I replied. JJ smiled and pulled into the pebbled driveway of the chateau. Pope and John B stood across from one another, passing a football back and forth while Kiara and Sarah sat on the hammock with drinks in their hands.

My four friends looked away from what they were doing and smiled when JJ and I arrived. I opened the passenger door with JJ following pursuit. Sarah and Kiara moved over so I could sit in the middle of the two of them. “I’ll go get you a drink,” John B said, giving me a fist bump.

Pope picked up the football and went to help JJ grab some stuff from the truck. “Hey, did Rafe tell you whose Porsche that was?” Sarah asked, taking the last sip of her drink. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded my head. “Whose was it?” Kiara inquired, sitting back so she could face me.

I looked up from the ground and huffed, despite my lip beginning to quiver. Pope and JJ each grabbed a bag of groceries and walked into the chateau which left the two girls and I outside. “Um, Rafe and I broke up,” I shakily spoke. Both of them sat up straight and looked at me with raised brows.

“That Porsche belonged to some random girl. It looked like he had been cheating on me for awhile,” I continued speaking. Sarah threw her arm around my shoulders and brought me to her side. Kiara rubbed my back in a soothing motion. Sarah waved her hand when John B stepped out of the screened in porch with my drink.

It felt like forever until I pulled away from Sarah with my cheeks puffy from tears. Kiara set her drink as well as Sarah’s onto the ground below the hammock. “Something tells me I should’ve seen it coming,” I added, earning a kind smile from the two of them.

Kiara set a sisterly kiss on my forehead. Sarah fixed the strap of my shirt that had dropped from my shoulder. “Don’t say that. Sure Rafe’s an asshole, but - Y/N you always see the best in people. Rafe just isn’t someone who is good?” Sarah said, trying her best to make me feel better.

“Thanks?” I spoke. Kiara chuckled and swung her legs over the hammock. She stood up and knelt in front of me, taking my hands into hers. “What Sarah’s trying to say, is you shouldn’t blame yourself for something that you can’t control, alright? This isn’t your fault, got that?” Kiara said, “Rafe is stupid to pass a chance on the Y/N train.”

Her smile got bigger when I laughed at her cheesy statement. Sarah tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, setting a hand on my lower back. “Now, John B’s throwing a kegger tonight, and I don’t know about you, but I could really use a drink,” Kiara said, bringing me up from the hammock.


(Time Skip: Four hours later - Third Person View)

The sun had set and the moon hung loose in the dark sky. Teenagers spread across the boneyard, dancing with their friends or their significant others. Y/N felt so much better then she did about four hours ago. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, but she wasn’t complaining.

Her arms swayed above her head to the music coming from some Tourons speaker. Sarah and Kiara had stayed by her side the whole night, keeping a close eye on their friend just incase something bad were to happen. Luckily, neither of them had caught sight of Rafe and his posse. JJ, Pope and John B stood near a small bonfire, teasing the Kooks and Tourons that passed by.

As usual, JJ’s attention was always on the new Tourons that were attending the keggers; but now since JJ had heard that Y/N and Rafe had broken up, his attention was only on the Y/H/C girl. “Dude, you awake over there?” John B asked, nudging his best friend’s shoulder. JJ stumbled a bit and looked at JB with raised brows.

“You’ve been staring at Y/N like she’s going to poof out of existence,” John B said.

JJ rolled his eyes and glanced back at the girl to find her stumbling over to the keg. He cursed underneath his breath, telling the two boys that he’d be right back. JJ grabbed Y/N’s cup before she could get more. “Yo, pretty boy!” she exclaimed, “Give it!” JJ set the red Solo cup onto the ground and held Y/N up straight.

“Oh! JJ! How you doin’?” Y/N slurred, smiling.

“I think you’re done for the night,” JJ said, ignoring her drunk glare. He motioned to his friends that he was taking Y/N Y/L/N back to the chateau. He wrapped an arm around Y/N to help her walk, but she still managed to stumble over pebbles.

Within about ten minutes, JJ had successfully gotten to the chateau. He withheld his laugh as Y/N began humming the tune to her favorite song. JJ’s grip on her tightened as he pushed open the side door of the chateau. Y/N felt a gurgling sensation at the bottom of my stomach.

JJ Maybank didn’t hesitate to lead his best friend over to the bathroom. JJ let go of Y/N just as she leaned over the toilet, practically puking her guts out. JJ rushed over to her to hold her hair back. Y/N coughed and laughed, pressing her back against the coolness of the bathtub. “Never, ever let me drink again,” Y/N muttered.

Her best friend couldn’t help but snicker in response to Y/N’s statement. JJ reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, making sure it wouldn’t fly in her face. The Y/H/C girl covered her mouth and hovered over the toilet once more.

“Damn, thought you liked me Y/L/N,” JJ said, laughing.

Y/N responded with a flip of her finger, giving her best friend the bird. She leaned back with her arms resting on her bare knees. The two of them fell into a comfortable silence. Y/N glanced down at her wrist, her mind wandering over to the missing charm bracelet.

The corners of her mouth lowered into a frown. Her finger ran down the side of her wrist where the bracelet once was. Y/N felt a single tear slide down her face. “R-Rafe and I broke up,” she mumbled - stuttering - but JJ could still hear. He sighed and moved forward to join Y/N’s side. He looked at her with a sympathetic smile.

“I’m not asking for pity. I’m just stating the fact that it-it actually happened,” Y/N spoke, voice cracking slightly. JJ took her hand into his and lightly kissed the top, making sure he didn’t make her uncomfortable. Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat and wiped her tears away. “Is there anything I can-” JJ started.

“Just be here for me, please,” Y/N interrupted. He nodded and lightly kissed the top of her head, putting an arm around her shoulders as he continued to hold Y/N’s hand. The two Pogues sat on the cold tiled flooring in each other’s arms until Y/N was ready to stand up and go to bed.

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