#john vachon

 Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio at the Fairmont Banff Hotel in Banff, Canada on August 19, 1953. Ph

Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio at the Fairmont Banff Hotel in Banff, Canada on August 19, 1953. Photo by John Vachon.

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luzfosca:John Vachon. Rain, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1941.


John Vachon. Rain, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1941.

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hollywoodlady:This is a little kid who wants to be with the other little kids sucking lollipops and


This is a little kid who wants to be with the other little kids sucking lollipops and watching the rollercoaster, but she can’t because they won’t let her. She’s frightened to death of that public which thinks she is so sexy. My God, if they only knew. - Allan “Whitey” Snyder

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Marilyn by John Vachon for LOOK Magazine in August 1953.
Marilyn by John Vachon for LOOK Magazine in August 1953.

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Joe Dimaggio and Marilyn by John Vachon for LOOK Magazine in August 1953.
Joe Dimaggio and Marilyn by John Vachon for LOOK Magazine in August 1953.

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March 1941: A Sailor’s wife living in trailer camp near Navy yard. Portsmouth, Virginia. Mediu

March 1941: A Sailor’s wife living in trailer camp near Navy yard. Portsmouth, Virginia. Medium format acetate negative by John Vachon.

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