#old hollywod glamour

 Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio at the Fairmont Banff Hotel in Banff, Canada on August 19, 1953. Ph

Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio at the Fairmont Banff Hotel in Banff, Canada on August 19, 1953. Photo by John Vachon.

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 Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable arriving at Ciro’s in Los Angeles, California on May 13, 1953.

Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable arriving at Ciro’s in Los Angeles, California on May 13, 1953.

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Marilyn Monroe during the filming of “The Seven Year Itch” in New York, September 1954.

Marilyn Monroe during the filming of “The Seven Year Itch” in New York, September 1954.

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 Marilyn Monroe photographed by J.R Eyerman on the heights of the Hollywood Hills circa 1950.

Marilyn Monroe photographed by J.R Eyerman on the heights of the Hollywood Hills circa 1950.

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Gene Kelly with Marilyn Monroe and Yves Montand at the 20th Century-Fox studios to do a cameo bit on

Gene Kelly with Marilyn Monroe and Yves Montand at the 20th Century-Fox studios to do a cameo bit on which he gives dance classes to Yves’ character in “Let’s Make Love” May 15, 1960.

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Marilyn Monroe arriving at the Chicago airport on March 17, 1959. 

Marilyn Monroe arriving at the Chicago airport on March 17, 1959. 

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Marilyn Monroe photographed by Andre De Dienes at Tobey beach, Long Island, Summer 1949.

Marilyn Monroe photographed by Andre De Dienes at Tobey beach, Long Island, Summer 1949.

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Marilyn Monroe at the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in New York, August 1952.

Marilyn Monroe at the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in New York, August 1952.

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