#join the party pod


im bored so heres dnd podcasts im listening/will listen to + ones that were not my cup of tea- pls dont kill me for those

dungeons and daddies (ep 45/45)

amazing. nonstop shits n giggles- i think its my all time favorite dndpodcast atm just because its so funny and lighthearted even in serious situations and the cast? mwah. funniest people in the world and beth is like a cherry on a sundae + possibly has the best one-liners in history

naddpod (ep 57/100 and currently taking a break)

another fav- love the story and the plot twists, theres so many inside jokes you really feel a part of the journey/game. idk smth about the only girls in an all male dnd cast- they become the star of the show. emily is so chaotic you really just have to see her terrorizing other dms in other podcasts. cast are absolute sweethearts i love them all they make me soft. only thing is that i take between saga breaks otherwise i get burned out.

join the party (ep 7/63 quit but might try again)

was a good podcast theres literally nothing wrong with it- the theme song is so catchy i could listen to it for hours. the characters and cast have this like cozy feeling to them? idk how to explain. but despite this i really couldn’t get into the podcast- i didnt really like any of the characters besides tracey(tr8c?) so its more of a personal issue rather than with the podcast. the way the dm describes shit is amazing i rlly felt like i was there. i quit listening cause of the characters but later on i might relisten in order to try and warm up to them more.

taz (stopped ep 2 of graduation)

please dont attack me for this i have a family. i loved taz balance and was okay with taz amnesty and bruh i have a good reason for not listening anymore. i didnt like the way the podcast started to work? like at the beginning of balance it was like whew! yes! adventure! puzzles! and a story?! but as the podcast went on it became like a movie- a bunch of cutscenes. and although its so good when things click into place it felt like everything was planned from the beginning in amnesty even though that’s probably not true. i just like when the players have more chances to completely destroy the dms plans than just having a forked path onto which way to go- so sorry
