

I was tagged by @dragonsaphirareads! <3

Rules: post the last line you have written and tag as many people as there are words in that line.

“With a swift movement he picked up his instrument and followed the assistant to the stage.” (From “Ten Minutes Ago” a Jolassa fic I’m working on)

16 words? Oh dear… I don’t think I’ve got 16 people to tag! So uh… if you see this and you want to do it! Consider yourself tagged!

Found another OTP Meme! This one’s source is here.

Jolassa again! :D

  • 1. Who laughs at their own joke and who deadpans at the joke?
  • Jove absolutely laughs at his own jokes, Thalassa tries to deadpan but she tends to fail at this, Jove is very, very cute.
  • 2. If they had a secret handshake, how would it go?
  • I don’t think they would, Jove’s a hugger so whenever he sees Thalassa he’s pretty one track minded about having her in his arms again. He’s also very big on contact, so holding hands, standing close enough to brush her arm, things like that.
  • 3. It’s movie night, what movies are they gonna watch together?
  • Something soft and sweet, there’s enough hardship in their lives so I imagine they default to things like disney movies or romantic comedies. That way neither of them fall into critiquing it in a work sense.
  • 4. It’s time to name their pet they adopted together, who gets to name it? How do they come to this decision?
  • Whoever comes up with the cutest name first. Though really, Jove is most likely to go along with whatever Thalassa suggests. She’s better at naming things than he is.
  • 5. Who would they love to go on a double date with?
  • In the AU where Jove lives? Phoenix and Miles. Otherwise, Dhurke and Amara would be pretty epic. (Or Dhurke and Datz later on!)
  • 6. Who wakes the other up in the morning? How do they wake them up?
  • If Jove is lucky enough to wake up first he wakes Thalassa with kisses. On the more likely occasion it’s Thalassa who wakes up first, she tends to wake Jove softly, brushing his bangs out of his eyes or with very soft touches to his face and a gentle call of his name.
  • 7. How do they celebrate Halloween?
    By dressing up in some pretty neat costumes, Thalassa loves going all out on something pretty and she’ll make Jove something to match.
  • 8. Who is more likely to call their partner ‘dude’?
  • Neither.
  • 9. During a thunderstorm how do they react? Is one scared? Do they both love it? Do they take pictures? ECT.
  • They both enjoy it, they might cuddle up and just listen to the storm for awhile.
  • 10. Who would looking lovingly at their partner and call them ‘idiot’?
  • Thalassa all the way (and Jove would have earned that, so he’d be all smiles back).
  • 11. It’s time to get groceries, who likes to look at everything and who just wants to power through and get everything done so they can go back home?
  • They’re BOTH wanderers in the store so they’re likely to lose track of time and just browse. Thalassa keeps them on time if they’ve got to be somewhere.
  • 12. Who is more likely to make a mess in the kitchen?
  • Jove, but he’ll clean it up too. He loves to cook, and over time becomes pretty good at it! He tends to clean as he goes though, so the mess isn’t overwhelming later.
  • 13. Who likes to try to prank their partner?
  • Thalassa is more mischievous than Jove is, and he’s far more likely to fall for it too.
  • 14. When scrolling on their phone, who is more likely to show their partner a cute picture/video of an animal?
  • Thalassa. Especially once she gets her sight back, she follows a lot of blogs with pretty photography!
  • 15. Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?
  • Thalassa causes it, Jove mostly goes along but might express concern if things get too wild. (Then again he’s been known to leap before he looks too, so I’m not sure either of them are good at stopping any tomfoolery!)
  • Found a ship question thing, decided to do a Jolassa (Jove Justice/Thalassa Gramarye) set of answers! AU where Jove lives (Though a lot of these do stem from their relationship in canon).

    • Who is more excited for Halloween?
      • Thalassa, she likes dressing up in pretty costumes!
    • Who gives the best gifts?
      • Each of them would argue that the other does, both of them always take a lot of time to find something that’s heartfelt and meaningful for the other. Their gifts can be very simple and are often things they’ve made themselves (including songs!).
    • Who sings along to the radio the loudest?
      • Jove. No contest.
    • Who actually finishes a book they’ve started?
      • Thalassa, she reads a lot when she travels (she’s still into audiobooks too, which she used to listen to a lot when she was blind.) and tends to make it through a lot of books throughout the year. Jove does like to read but he’s more easily distracted and might be on the same book for months (barely touching it).
    • Who falls asleep during a movie?
      • Jove. He always snuggles up with Thalassa and is usually out before the end of the film, since he’s so comfortable.
    • Who plans a surprise getaway vacation?
      • Both have been guilty of this. When they were young and first married they really didn’t have the money for vacations and tended to travel around to play shows. Later in life while they’re successful, they probably work with each other’s agents to make sure the other person has an open schedule.
    • Who comes home with useless decorative knick knacks for the house every single day?
      • Neither of them really, they got so used to not spending both tend to be pretty careful about purchases for their home. Though both tend to be very generous to others with their money.
    • Who takes more pictures?
      • Thalassa, though Jove takes a lot too. Ever since Thalassa got her eyesight back she doesn’t want to take anything for granted, she sees beauty in so many things. She takes up both painting and photography as hobbies.
    • Who likes baths? Who likes showers?
      • Their jobs make showers a necessity, but they love a bath together. It’s very romantic and lets them finally slow down and really enjoy each other’s company.
    • Who keeps a weekly planner?
      • Jove, but it’s in a basic college rule notebook. He goes through tons of those. Thalassa commits her schedule to memory.
    • Who actually watches the discovery channel?
      • Thalassa, I feel like she’d enjoy nature documentaries.
    • Who brings up having kids first?
      • Jove. He loves kids and wanted a big family, though he and Thalassa always intended to get their careers going and to have a stable income before they started. Apollo was a happy accident.
    • Who fixes things around the house when they break?
      • Neither. They both aren’t very handy so they’d have to call someone who knew what they were doing, depending on what it was. They might try something simple together (though probably end up making it worse by accident).
    • Who leaves dirty towels on the floor?
      • Neither, they have a hamper for those and when they’re completely done with a towel it just makes it in there, they don’t think about it.
    • Who makes the coffee in the morning?
      • Jove, he likes a cup first thing. Thalassa is more of a tea person, but she’s happy to sit with him in the morning while they both enjoy their beverages.
    • Who gets jealous over very petty things?
      • Thalassa is more likely to, though I can’t see it as something that happens very often. Jove’s a flirty person in general but he’s especially affectionate with her.
    • Who exercises more?
      • Jove. Gotta keep those abs of steel looking good, that takes work!
    • Who starts listening to Christmas music in October?
      • I want to say Jove, but Thalassa is right there with him. He probably starts it, playing a Christmas carol on his guitar and she smiles and will sing along with him. She will call him a dork afterward.
    • Who actually reads the newspaper?
      • Thalassa, she reads quite a few papers, though digitally these days. She keeps up with the goings on in Borginia daily.