#jonah clemence



Hi! This is your second request! I’m sorry it took a while but hopefully you enjoy this one!

“If MC has Weaker Lungs than Normal People”

(Ray Blackwell, Jonah Clemence, Fenrir Godspeed)

Ray Blackwell

• In his eyes, you really do look weak.

• Your features are quite pale and you’re quite small.

• He has never seen anyone like you before. Who looks weak but is strong-willed.

• He loves that about you.

• He would often get worried about your well-being and told you to not overwork.

• Of course, he’s twice as protective of you considering your condition.

• If you start to have trouble breathing, he’ll stay calm and try to find the best solution, which is immediate treatment.

• He is so loving and caring, but he is very worried about the slightest thing about you.

• However, he also realizes that you have your own will and you’re strong enough for something without his help.

• Seeing you like that, he can’t control himself but to tease you.

• When you collapsed for an unknown reason, he couldn’t sleep all day and night, worrying about your health.

• You told him that you’re actually alright and he smiled and hugged you out of worry.

• He told Fenrir and the rest of the Black Army soldiers to be careful around you because you have weaker lungs than normal people and he’s afraid it could affect your health.

• But nonetheless, he treats you normally and is grateful to find someone like you.

Jonah Clemence

• As his lover, he is extremely worried about your safety.

He even once misunderstood you and thought you were dying.

• He is so overdramatic and overprotective of you that he orders you to go anywhere with a carriage and at least one of the chosen thirteen as your bodyguard.

• Your features are paler than him and he treats you like delicate glass that he’s afraid would break at any moment.

• You found it annoying at times, but you do realize how sincere he was being and how much he loves you to that extent.

• He would often ask if you’re tired, hungry, or need something for yourself and he would gladly prepare everything.

• He often bothers Kyle and fusses over about your health almost every day.

• However, you are very glad that you’re being loved by someone like him.

• Because regardless of your condition, he truly and sincerely loves you from the bottom of his heart.

Fenrir Godspeed

• The first time he met you, he had the feeling of the need to protect you because of your weak features.

• As his lover, he will try his best to assist you without being too overwhelmed about anything considering your condition.

• He takes care of you well and truly is a gentleman when being with you.

• He is worried about your health and even has a nightmare about you leaving him all alone.

• But you reassured him that you’re healthy and more than alive because he is by your side.

• Hearing that makes his heart flutter and he’s glad that you feel that way about him.

• Though being with overly excited Fenrir is bad for your health and Sirius warned Fenrir not to be overly excited.

• He’s always worried when you run or do some heavy work and he didn’t want you to do that, so he would refrain you from such activities that could worsen your health, but you found him overly worried about you is adorable.

• Despite all of that, he loves you with all his heart and will take care of you forever.

Ikemen Revolution HC Masterlist

“If MC was a Mother of Twins in Cradle”

So, in a nutshell, basically MC is a clumsy young mother who lost her twin children.

(Ray Blackwell, Jonah Clemence, Edgar Bright)

Ray Blackwell

• He was going to go to Loki’s place to play with the cats until he met unexpected but not exactly unwanted visitors.

• He was surprised to meet two kids in front of the Spades Headquarters.

• Upon seeing him, the kids become amazed upon learning that the King of the Black Army saves them and soon fanboy around him.

• He was amused by their behavior and patted their heads gently.

• Looking around and didn’t saw anyone with them, Ray asks the twins about where their mother is.

• Around the same time Ray was asking, he suddenly heard a calling from afar.

“I finally found you two!”

• You were running towards them until you suddenly trip by your own legs as gravity pulled you to the ground.

• But before you could fall,

“Hey, watch out!”

• Luckily, Ray caught you in time as you were brought close to his chest.

• Upon getting their worlds back together, you stood up and apologized for your clumsiness.

• Ray didn’t mind and asked if you’re the twins’ older sister since they looked pretty much alike.

• You sweat dropped by Ray’s assumption and shook your head immediately.

“… Actually, I’m their mother.”

“… Pardon..?! Ah, you’re their mother….. though you look so young.”

• At first, Ray was awkward and worried about you being a young mother for the twins.

• But, he immediately accepts the fact and treats you normally.

• You thanked Ray for taking care of your children as he also wished you the best to take care of your children.

• Both bid their farewell while the twins were quite disappointed that they had to leave soon.

• But, Ray assured them they might meet again with the twins becoming brand new people.

• Which leads the twins to be aspired to become Spades Army soldiers.

Jonah Clemence

• Today was a relaxing day for him.

• He was eating his mille-feuille with strawberries at his favorite cafe until he suddenly heard children crying.

• He was pissed off that his enjoyable time was cut off but still looked in the direction of the crying.

• He found himself, two kids, standing beside a store without any guardian with them.

• His irritation soon turned into slight concern about the kids’ whereabouts of being alone.

“Don’t tell me they were lost. Honestly, who in their right mind would leave their own children on the road?”

• The concern and pity feeling soon moved him to approach the young children.

• Jonah offered them a sit at his table.

• At first, the kids were skeptical, of course, with the saying “Don’t trust a stranger.”

• But, with their stomach rumbling and soon becoming louder by the second, they hesitantly agree since food will always be number one.

• With the children eating all the food they want while Jonah constantly reminding them about table manners, Jonah still wondered where their mother might be.

• Curiously, he looked around and accidentally eavesdrop on someone who was saying worriedly,

“Excuse me, have you seen two boys at the same age of five years old wandering around here?”

• That was when he assumed that a woman might know something about the children’s mother.

• His assumption was proven right when the children’s eyes widened and immediately approached the woman eagerly.

• But, what he didn’t expect was what the children were calling her.

“We’re sorry we didn’t hold your hands as you told us, mother!”

“… Wait, ‘Mother’…?”

• Jonah was surprised as he thought you’re their older sister considering your young looks and slightly felt disgusted by the thought.

(Already become a mother… At that age??? Certainly, she should be thinking more about this?!)

• He soon becomes wary and skeptical if a woman like you could take care of the kids.

• Even with you thanked him politely and lady-like, he still thinks you’re no good role model.

Jonah : “Are you sure you are really their mother? You look too young and not to mention, you let your kids alone in the street.”

• You were quite taken aback by the hostile tone but appeared a smile, much to Jonah’s surprise.

You : “I know that I’m not at that age yet to have children. I still have a lot to learn about being a mother. But, don’t worry, I’m not giving up on learning to be at my very best.”

• Seeing how you were determined and observing the twins were grown happier around you, he couldn’t help but feel respect for you.

• But, he immediately shook the thought off and his almost widened eyes turned narrowed and pouted.

• The twins, who saw the quick gesture, chuckled while you were oblivious of the attitude.

• Nevertheless, their relationship turned out for the better as they parted ways.

“Alright, kids, I’ll make your special– Ugh-!!”

• Not even 5 seconds later, you found yourself crashing into somebody and immediately started panicking.

• While watching you helping the civilians to grab their objects, Jonah was dumbfounded with a raised eyebrows and was deeply concerned about his choice to let you go.

(… Is this woman going to be alright?)

Edgar Bright

• He was patrolling around the Cradle until he saw you walking towards him.

• You asked him worriedly if he saw two identical children with the same feature as yours around the area.

• The latter replied honestly that he doesn’t know their whereabouts.

• Nevertheless, he formed a gentleman-like smile and volunteer himself to help you find them since he is on patrol.

• Hearing this, you were beyond grateful and thanked him dearly.

• Both of you soon traveled around the streets while asking people around the town for the twins.

• With the sun started to set as the sky turned dark, you become much more worried and soon fasten your walking pace, completely unaware you were near a small hill.

• While seeing your walking pace changes, he warned you to be careful but it was too late.

• You didn’t notice a tree root beneath you and accidentally stumbled, causing you to fall near the edge of the hill.

“Hey, MC!!!”

• He, on instinct, ran towards you while wrapping his hands around yours as he let himself tumble through the ground while you were on top of him.

• After the movement stopped, he asked if you’re alright and you nodded while apologizing for your clumsiness.

• Edgar burst of small laughter and told you it was the soldier’s instinct to protect citizens.

• While they walked back towards the main town with you appearing a worried frown, they were suddenly meet with children’s voices.

• Your eyes widened as if you recognized the two voices and immediately ran towards the source followed by him.

• Your thoughts was correct as you was finally reunited with your twins in which they embrace each other warmly.

• You thanked him for his help and asked if there’s anything you could do to repay the favor.

• As the gentleman he was, he declined politely and he was just glad that you could reunite with your children.

“Is this really alright? I mean, even though you don’t mind since you were in patrol, you technically still abandoned your duty.”

“… I don’t mind abandoning my duty. And, your family needs to stay together. That’s by far enough reason to help you.”

• He reveals one last gentle smile before bidding farewell to them.

• You were glad that you could meet with your children but you couldn’t help but feel unsettled with the soldier’s words.

(Even if it was my imagination, I can’t help but feel he was desperate and troubled about something. Sure, he was smiling but… Perhaps it was just my feeling?)

• You wondered until you decided to take your children home and wished you could meet him again.

• On the other hand, he was strolling through the night while thinking back about you and the twins’ reunion.

• He smiled wistfully.

(… Having a mother caring for you like that…. It must be nice.)

Ikemen Revolution HC Masterlist


Few minutes later…

I know he can take it off with magic but still i have to do it


I think Jonah deserves a lover who won’t break up with them as soon as he runs out of money. He deserves somebody that will love him for who he is and not for his money. There’s one thing that you can offer even if you don’t have money and which is even more valuable than money and that is love
