#ikemen fanfiction


“Genderbend for a Day”

(Lancelot Kingsley, Sirius Oswald, Ray Blackwell)

Both MC and the chosen Ikerev suitors got their gender bends because of magic and lasted until the end of the day.

Lancelot Kingsley

• He was clearly not happy that he turned into a girl.

• Especially if you have become the MAN and now become taller than him.

• You, on the other hand, silently blushed and pleased with your hand covering your mouth, looking down at Lancelot.

(… Lancelot looks so cute out of a sudden)

• As if Lancelot could read your thoughts, he immediately turned and raised his head towards you with a glare.

• You, in response, immediately look away to avoid the gaze while silently whistling and covering your blush.

• The Red Army soldiers’ reaction above their gender transformation:

Jonah Clemence :

“My king has been curse with this gender-switching magic?? Those disgraceful people should pay with their lives!”

(Narrowed eyes full of hatred until he saw another man besides her).

“Wait, who are you- (immediate realization) Alice, is that you?! You’re a splendid man right now?!”

Kyle Ash :

“Bwahaha, more like a lady in waiting right now. You look actually so beautiful.”

Tenderly patting Lancelot’s head, which he had the guts to do so while looking upwards to see you and slightly widened eyes.

“Wow, you’ve grown taller than before! I’m impressed with whoever makes this magic.”

Reach out his hand to start comparing the heights.

Edgar Bright :

He slightly chuckled while gripping your shoulder firmly and observing both of you.

“It seemed MC becomes taller than most of us right now and you also got good muscle tone in your arms. I bet you’ll be great in swordsmanship.”

You widened his eyes in amazement, “Eh, really?!”

Protective Lancelot appeared with him still with his male thoughts and started moving in front of Edgar, “Don’t even think about it.”

Zero :

Stay quiet but was very amused about their interaction.

He even almost laughed when Lancelot was trying to protect you as if he was a jealous girlfriend and wanting her boyfriend for herself.

(To think this would be the one change of a lifetime I could get.)

• When the news that the King had turned into a woman spread out, most of the soldiers started to wonder what Lancelot, who was known as a ruthless man, would look like in his new form.

• As a group of soldiers were walking down the hallway, they accidentally bump into a beautiful woman with majestic blond hair.

“We deeply apologized, we should have-”

• But, upon seeing the beauty of the woman, they all become awe and blush madly then soon become awkward around her(him).

“Uhh– What is a pretty lady like you doing here?”

“Oh my, did the King bring you here mercilessly? But, I’ll make you comfortable as if you were home.”

“What?! I saw her first! I should lead the way!”

• With most of them arguing about their new love, one of them secretly tried to grab Lancelot’s hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet a lady like you. Just forget about them and come with me.”

• He asked pleasantly and was about to pull Lancelot away until another hand smacked him away.

• The soldier was annoyed by the movement and thought it was the other soldiers until he looked up to see another handsome man that was you.

“MC, what are you-”

• Before Lancelot could finish his sentence, you grabbed him closer to your chest and arms wrapped around him protectively.

• Your gaze towards the soldiers was narrowed as you muttered firmly.

“Are you harassing him? I won’t forgive you that easily if you did.”

“… You…”

• Lancelot couldn’t help but blush madly at the caring gesture.

• Once you realized about him blushing, he immediately looked away from you to hide his face.

(Wait, why am I blushing madly?! It was supposed to be the other way around…)

• Lancelot was embarrassed about himself but was also secretly relieved with your protective touch around him.

• You were still spreading glare towards the soldiers until you felt Lancelot tremble as your face became massively worried.

“Lance, are you alright? Did they do something to you?”

• You asked but you’re also basically saying close to Lancelot’s ear as the latter was slightly tickled by your voice.

• Lancelot was beyond confused.

(Why am I like this?! Is this a side effect of the magic?!)

• Despite the emotion, Lancelot started to realize the situation and pushed himself away from you immediately.

• Lancelot brushed his clothes as if there were dust and immediately stared at the soldiers with familiar cold eyes.

• With the gaze, the name-calling, and the news brought back the soldiers memories, they realized too late that they were flirting with their own king.

• They soon trembled in fear and immediately bowed down to the floor begging for forgiveness.

“We deeply apologize for our imprudent behavior. We should have known better-”

“How dare you treat your king that. Know your place.”

• The soldiers flinched and couldn’t move as if they had become statues.


• Luckily, you successfully calm Lancelot down and ease the soldier’s punishment for the reason that most soldiers were aware that he was the King of Heart ‘Lancelot’.

• At the end of the day, Lancelot was glad that the horrid day was over and could cuddle with you as a Man.

Sirius Oswald

• He was stunned to find himself become a woman.

• But, he was more shocked at how he became a head shorter than you.

Bc he is the tallest in the group.

• But, with his height shrunk, he had completely lost his pride.

• You were also quite stunned and found yourself staring down towards Sirius, which you were quite taken aback by the unfamiliar form.

• After both of you calmed down, you and Sirius tried to find information about the magic that was mysteriously cast inside the library.

• You both sighed in relief that the magic only lasts for the day but was also worried that the magic could change their feminine and masculine demeanor.

• The Black Army soldiers’ reaction about their gender transformation:

Fenrir Godspeed :

“Sirius, now you no longer the father of the group. You’re the mother now!! Bwahahaha!!!”

Fenrir turned his head towards you, completely ignoring Sirius’s argument about the calling.

“And, you will be the young father of the group. How about that? Pfft-!”

Ray Blackwell :

He also laughed as if there was no tomorrow and wiped his tears off his eyes from laughing so hard.

“So, Mom, what are we going to do now about this?”


He asked jokingly as Fenrir also laughed while Sirius had already lost his cool around them.

You also slightly giggled in which you earn a light scolding from Sirius but you still laughed anyway.

Luka Clemence :

“Sirius, are you alright?”

Luka asked concernedly while looking around Sirius’s body as the latter started to calm down and chuckled.

“I’m fine, Luka. Everything is going to be alright.”

Sirius raised his hand on Luka’s head while patting him gently as if Luka was Sirius’ younger brother while Sirius was being the cool dependable sister.

Seth Hyde :

“Are you alright?! You didn’t hurt yourself, right? My dear Alice!?”

He worriedly asked while caressing your cheek gently. But, you laughed it off while explaining that you’re alright.

“I’m fine, Seth.”

Though, it was hard to convince Seth about your well-being, you finally get through with his protective brother demeanor and continued the day.

• Sirius was tidying up the garden and you decided to help him.

• Sirius was indeed surprised that you were able to lift a large bag of soil with ease and brought it there carefully.

• Yet, he didn’t think about it much and continue gardening.

• But, when Sirius founded out that one of the equipment was used is broken, he wanted to go to a store to buy another.

• Hearing that, you wanted to come with him while telling him that you might help with his new strength.

• Though, the more dominant reason you wanted to come was that there was a sudden protective feeling inside your chest and worried for Sirius’ well-being.

(… This feeling… Is this the side effect of that magic?)

• You started to wonder if Sirius might also feel this protective emotion every time you went somewhere.

• While thinking with a slight blush appearing, Sirius noticed your change of expression and started to put his hand against your forehead.

“S-Sirius?! What are you-?!”

“It looks like you’re not sick.”


“Your face was red.”

• Your blush becomes madder than before and immediately explained you’re not sick.

• Sirius has his doubts as if you awakened a parental instinct before just nodding at him.

• Along the street to the market, many women and men were looking at you and Sirius attentively as if they were fascinated by both of your presence.

Too fascinated.

• At the stores, Sirius started buying his things while you were walking around the store because curiosity has taken over.

• You never went into a garden store and thought it would be alright to check them out while waiting for Sirius.

• Little do you know, that was your biggest mistake.

• When Sirius was trying to buy the product, the cashier guy was trying to flirt with him.

• But, Sirius politely rejected him and would feel quite uncomfortable, especially counting that he is originally a man.

• Though, the man still keeps plastering Sirius, he decided that if words would not get through the man, fists can.

• Unfortunately, his punch becomes weak, leading his hand to be caught by the wrist as he realized that his true physical strength was gone.

• Unhappy that the man was punched, the man tried to hit Sirius back and Sirius closed his eyes, waiting for the impact.

• But, it surprisingly didn’t happen.

• With his eyes open once more, he found himself with you holding back the man’s hand away from him.

“What the hell??! Kids these days are-”

“Don’t you dare touch my lover like that.”


• The man was shocked ofc and winched in sudden pain when you clenched your hand tighter around the man’s wrist.

• The tension was growing between the three of you until the man finally begs for mercy as you forced him to apologize to Sirius.

• With the very last threatening, the man immediately did so and bowed down at Sirius.

• Sirius was deeply touched by the action and subconsciously looked up to you.

• When you looked back at him and smile ever so brightly, Sirius’s cheek becomes redden as he could feel his heart skipped a beat.

• Before Sirius could say anything, you brought him closer to your chest before lifting his body, carrying bridal style.

“Y-you-?! What are you doing?!”

• Sirius asked shuttered with blushed deepened as he could feel himself resting against your chest.

• You only smiled worriedly.

“You were almost got punch by that bastard, right? I’m just carrying you in case if something else happens.”

(But, my legs are fine!!)

• Sirius wanted to tell you that.

• But, seeing you already swing the grocery bags over your shoulder while he could feel the warmth of your body near him, he decided it is best like this.

“Do whatever you wish.”

• With the day finally ends, both you and Sirius finally turned back to the original gender.

• Both of you admitted it was a strange occurrence but the understanding of love grew and committed more than ever towards each other.

Ray Blackwell

•  You and Ray were going on a date in a cafe until the gender suddenly switched.

• Both think they’re hallucinating until you and Ray pinched their own arms.

• You both feel pain and that’s not a good sign.

• You and Ray were still inside the carriage and they were relieved their gender didn’t transform outside.

• Luckily, the coachmen recognized the two of you despite the changing gender and offered if you and Ray wants to go home.

• But you didn’t want to end your date there.

• After all, you and Ray had hardly spent time together since Ray becomes too busy with his works these days.

• Ray has the same feeling as you.

• In short, you two are both excited for this rare date and would not want to delay this any further.

It’s idiotic but it also calls someone longing to spend their time with the person they love.

•  And, love is blind after all.

• You two went into the cafe and started the date with desserts on the plate.

• At first, both of you were happy since you get to talk about what Ray’s been up to and enjoying the day as if you two were on honeymoon.

• But the comfortable atmosphere slightly changed the moment you felt someone staring at both of you.

• You turned around to see many girls looking at you with blush expressions before shying away.

• You were confused about the girls’ attitude until a waitress comes in with your drink and you smiled widely.

“Thank you for the drinks.”

“I- uh- Your welcome- But, I-”

“Hmmn, Is there something the matter?”


• You were confused with how shy the waitress is and how her face redden while slightly avoiding gaze from you.

• But, it wasn’t too long until she suddenly brought out a letter with a heart stamped on it.

“This is for you. Please accept this!!”


• You were surprised and awkward to received well heart-shaped chocolate. But, you didn’t want to be rude as you to take it politely.

“… Thank you very much for the chocolate. I really appreciate it.”

• The girl in front of you soon blush madly and not a while later, another girl came into your and Ray’s table.

• Not long after, most of the girls in the cafe went to your table, either to ask many questions or admiring your looks.

• Having to sit while seeing you being taken by another, Ray slowly grew annoyed how you have your attention on them instead of him.

(I’m the one dating you. Don’t give your gaze more to them than me.)

• But, no matter how many girls flocks over you with loving eyes, you still kept your attention on Ray only.

• Realizing his sad expression, your expression turned monotone until you smiled politely again towards the girls.

“I do apologize but as all of the lovely ladies can see, I have a date with someone.”

• The girls all widened and turned their heads towards Ray in which the latter suddenly felt uncomfortable with the staring.

• Feeling that it was not enough for the girls to back off, you move closer to Ray with your hand touching his palm gently.

• Ray didn’t expect the gesture and didn’t know what your reason that wants to be closer.

• With every girl having your attention, you cleared your voice and proudly stated.

“This person right here…”

“You, what are you-?!”

• Your hand was brought into his face as you caress his cheeks gently and slightly moved Ray’s head to face you.

• The usual aloof and stoic Ray slightly blushes with how close your face with his.

“… Is my lover.”

• You put your forehead against him gently, both eyes stare at each other tenderly.

• The girls didn’t know how to react other than felt touched by how you were loyal to your partner and lovingly cherish him until the end.

• With the date finished with an abnormal ending, both you and Ray enjoy the date.

• When they went home, they soon met with surprised reactions from the army:

Fenrir Godspeed :

He spends the whole remaining day making fun of Ray for being a girl and always compares their height and teased him with every chance he gets.

Ray always threatened that if Fenrir continues like this, he will do bad things to him. Though, it does not faze Fenrir as he just continues his teasing.

“Bwahahaha, The King of Spades, it’s a head shorter than me!”

“…. I’m gonna kill you when I turn back, Fenrir.”

“Sure! We can practice swordsmanship to while we have the chance. Ojou-sama~”

“Seriously, You-!!”

Seth Hyde :

He actually finds Ray to be one the most attractive girl he saw despite not his true gender.

And this was coming from someone who hangs with girls daily.

As for you, Seth imagines that you were more of the gentlemen and protective type in appearance and personality-wise.

“Now that I think about it.”

Seth formed a rectangular shape in front of him with his fingers as a smile grew through his face.

“You both really suited in both appearance and personality no matter what gender you are.”

The moment he exclaimed that, you slightly blush while Ray was turning his head away from the shyness of the compliment.

Sirius Oswald :

He only chuckled by the sight but still asked if Ray and you were alright with the chance of new genders which Ray and you replied with nodded heads.

He smiled and was glad that his companions are alright and out of instinct, patted their heads softly.

The mature and comforting atmosphere makes them calm which they were grateful for.

Luka Clemence :

He acts like he would care less about it and go back to his own things but deep down it was a massive shock for him on the inside.

“Why on cradle… Do these happen all the time?”

• At the end of the day when both of you turned back to original genders, you spend the night with Ray laughing together.

“I’m glad that we still have our date today together.”

Ikemen Revolution HC Masterlist

“If MC was a Mother of Twins in Cradle”

So, in a nutshell, basically MC is a clumsy young mother who lost her twin children.

(Ray Blackwell, Jonah Clemence, Edgar Bright)

Ray Blackwell

• He was going to go to Loki’s place to play with the cats until he met unexpected but not exactly unwanted visitors.

• He was surprised to meet two kids in front of the Spades Headquarters.

• Upon seeing him, the kids become amazed upon learning that the King of the Black Army saves them and soon fanboy around him.

• He was amused by their behavior and patted their heads gently.

• Looking around and didn’t saw anyone with them, Ray asks the twins about where their mother is.

• Around the same time Ray was asking, he suddenly heard a calling from afar.

“I finally found you two!”

• You were running towards them until you suddenly trip by your own legs as gravity pulled you to the ground.

• But before you could fall,

“Hey, watch out!”

• Luckily, Ray caught you in time as you were brought close to his chest.

• Upon getting their worlds back together, you stood up and apologized for your clumsiness.

• Ray didn’t mind and asked if you’re the twins’ older sister since they looked pretty much alike.

• You sweat dropped by Ray’s assumption and shook your head immediately.

“… Actually, I’m their mother.”

“… Pardon..?! Ah, you’re their mother….. though you look so young.”

• At first, Ray was awkward and worried about you being a young mother for the twins.

• But, he immediately accepts the fact and treats you normally.

• You thanked Ray for taking care of your children as he also wished you the best to take care of your children.

• Both bid their farewell while the twins were quite disappointed that they had to leave soon.

• But, Ray assured them they might meet again with the twins becoming brand new people.

• Which leads the twins to be aspired to become Spades Army soldiers.

Jonah Clemence

• Today was a relaxing day for him.

• He was eating his mille-feuille with strawberries at his favorite cafe until he suddenly heard children crying.

• He was pissed off that his enjoyable time was cut off but still looked in the direction of the crying.

• He found himself, two kids, standing beside a store without any guardian with them.

• His irritation soon turned into slight concern about the kids’ whereabouts of being alone.

“Don’t tell me they were lost. Honestly, who in their right mind would leave their own children on the road?”

• The concern and pity feeling soon moved him to approach the young children.

• Jonah offered them a sit at his table.

• At first, the kids were skeptical, of course, with the saying “Don’t trust a stranger.”

• But, with their stomach rumbling and soon becoming louder by the second, they hesitantly agree since food will always be number one.

• With the children eating all the food they want while Jonah constantly reminding them about table manners, Jonah still wondered where their mother might be.

• Curiously, he looked around and accidentally eavesdrop on someone who was saying worriedly,

“Excuse me, have you seen two boys at the same age of five years old wandering around here?”

• That was when he assumed that a woman might know something about the children’s mother.

• His assumption was proven right when the children’s eyes widened and immediately approached the woman eagerly.

• But, what he didn’t expect was what the children were calling her.

“We’re sorry we didn’t hold your hands as you told us, mother!”

“… Wait, ‘Mother’…?”

• Jonah was surprised as he thought you’re their older sister considering your young looks and slightly felt disgusted by the thought.

(Already become a mother… At that age??? Certainly, she should be thinking more about this?!)

• He soon becomes wary and skeptical if a woman like you could take care of the kids.

• Even with you thanked him politely and lady-like, he still thinks you’re no good role model.

Jonah : “Are you sure you are really their mother? You look too young and not to mention, you let your kids alone in the street.”

• You were quite taken aback by the hostile tone but appeared a smile, much to Jonah’s surprise.

You : “I know that I’m not at that age yet to have children. I still have a lot to learn about being a mother. But, don’t worry, I’m not giving up on learning to be at my very best.”

• Seeing how you were determined and observing the twins were grown happier around you, he couldn’t help but feel respect for you.

• But, he immediately shook the thought off and his almost widened eyes turned narrowed and pouted.

• The twins, who saw the quick gesture, chuckled while you were oblivious of the attitude.

• Nevertheless, their relationship turned out for the better as they parted ways.

“Alright, kids, I’ll make your special– Ugh-!!”

• Not even 5 seconds later, you found yourself crashing into somebody and immediately started panicking.

• While watching you helping the civilians to grab their objects, Jonah was dumbfounded with a raised eyebrows and was deeply concerned about his choice to let you go.

(… Is this woman going to be alright?)

Edgar Bright

• He was patrolling around the Cradle until he saw you walking towards him.

• You asked him worriedly if he saw two identical children with the same feature as yours around the area.

• The latter replied honestly that he doesn’t know their whereabouts.

• Nevertheless, he formed a gentleman-like smile and volunteer himself to help you find them since he is on patrol.

• Hearing this, you were beyond grateful and thanked him dearly.

• Both of you soon traveled around the streets while asking people around the town for the twins.

• With the sun started to set as the sky turned dark, you become much more worried and soon fasten your walking pace, completely unaware you were near a small hill.

• While seeing your walking pace changes, he warned you to be careful but it was too late.

• You didn’t notice a tree root beneath you and accidentally stumbled, causing you to fall near the edge of the hill.

“Hey, MC!!!”

• He, on instinct, ran towards you while wrapping his hands around yours as he let himself tumble through the ground while you were on top of him.

• After the movement stopped, he asked if you’re alright and you nodded while apologizing for your clumsiness.

• Edgar burst of small laughter and told you it was the soldier’s instinct to protect citizens.

• While they walked back towards the main town with you appearing a worried frown, they were suddenly meet with children’s voices.

• Your eyes widened as if you recognized the two voices and immediately ran towards the source followed by him.

• Your thoughts was correct as you was finally reunited with your twins in which they embrace each other warmly.

• You thanked him for his help and asked if there’s anything you could do to repay the favor.

• As the gentleman he was, he declined politely and he was just glad that you could reunite with your children.

“Is this really alright? I mean, even though you don’t mind since you were in patrol, you technically still abandoned your duty.”

“… I don’t mind abandoning my duty. And, your family needs to stay together. That’s by far enough reason to help you.”

• He reveals one last gentle smile before bidding farewell to them.

• You were glad that you could meet with your children but you couldn’t help but feel unsettled with the soldier’s words.

(Even if it was my imagination, I can’t help but feel he was desperate and troubled about something. Sure, he was smiling but… Perhaps it was just my feeling?)

• You wondered until you decided to take your children home and wished you could meet him again.

• On the other hand, he was strolling through the night while thinking back about you and the twins’ reunion.

• He smiled wistfully.

(… Having a mother caring for you like that…. It must be nice.)

Ikemen Revolution HC Masterlist

“If MC was a Rebellious Teenager”

(Sirius Oswald, Edgar Bright, Lancelot Kingsley)

Sirius Oswald

• He is surprisingly patient with your attitude.

• But, like any other man, he wanted you to at least become a proper lady.

• He would always be disappointed with your poor table manners at dinner.

• Every time you want to go out, Sirius always tells you to stay clean. Since you always comes home with dirty clothes.

• Despite the warning, you still returns with dirty clothes and would always lay down to bed with them, much to his dismay.

• Would often calmly scold you for using vulgar words.

• Though, it doesn’t faze you one bit.

Sirius: I don’t think you realized this, MC, but using those words is not-

You : Just fuck off, old man. I’m almost at my sweet seventeen. I can do whatever I want.

Sirius: …

• He mostly gave up afterward and hoped you would at least realize it at some point.

• One day, you went out and didn’t come home. Even if the day turned tomorrow at midnight.

• Worrying to death, Sirius searched the entire Cardle for you for many hours.

• But, in disbelief, he only found himself staring at you, beating people up across the street.

• Realizing fully that you spend your night getting into fights, he finally snapped, and yelled at you harshly about it until no end.

• You seemed to be frightened by the Sirius you was facing and instantly shut your mouth without speaking another word.

• After the whole scolding, you and him returned to headquarters silently throughout the road.

• With the awkward situation and feeling bad about the yelling, he sighed and approached you to apologize.

• Though, the response was different than expected as you just laughed him off and pulled your tongue out in a looking down matter.

• He doesn’t know that you was actually glad that he was not mad at you anymore and was secretly verge into tears.

• Nevertheless, with your attitude, Sirius is still relieved that you’re becoming yourself again and just wishes for your happiness.

Edgar Bright

• Honestly, at first, he would careless about your attitude.

• As long as you didn’t interfere with his own business, he thought it’s all good.

• But, with constantly finding you getting into a fight.

• Especially, if you’re caught and arrested by one of the guards from the opposing army.

• He himself was embarrassed and ashamed about it.

• Knowing enough is enough, he went his way to you and taught lessons about being a refined, gentle lady.

Edgar : I do appreciate your free-willed behavior towards yourself. But, having a gentle demeanor is good for not just yourself but everyone around-

You : Boring! Like hell, I’m not gonna be some wimpy adult like you. Can this boring school session just end already?!

Edgar : … Truly, I know that this might be the least interesting situation you wanted to be in. But, I would appreciate it if you could just listen carefully and-

You : *Doesn’t care and just went back to sleep on the table.*

Edgar: You problematic insolent child, I-

• Your behavior was one of the things that could make Edgar become out of his gentle character.

• With the fighting continuing and was always forced to see you with your unchanging poor table manner, he soon gave up and decided it would be best to let you be.

• That was until-

• When his pets consisted of family of ducks were involved.

• One day, Edgar was in a bright mood and was about to visit his beloved ducks until he saw you looking at them with a smile.

An unsettling smile to be precise.

• Edgar was confused as hell about what you’re doing until he overheard you muttering.

• “I wondered if they would taste good when they are fried.”

• As if his protective instinct was on, Edgar rushed out and grabbed his ducklings away from you.

You : Hey, what the fuck?! I saw them first!! Finders keepers, loser-

Edgar: Now, Now… It’s not nice to eat someone’s pets.

• You flinched the moment you saw Edgar’s friendly smile, but his atmosphere says the opposite.

• That was when you knew you fudge up.

• You have now spent days or a week of the everlasting lecture from the ‘gentle demon’ himself.

• “I think I just want to go home.” *sniff*

Lancelot Kingsley

• He is absolutely furious about your attitude.

• He had threatened many times to put you into the dungeon.

Nevertheless, he doesn’t actually have the heart to do that.

• Because of that, you also never found Lancelot to be terrifying and thinks he is just a stuck-up old man.

Lancelot : If you dare to get in my way again, I’ll show no mercy, Alice.“

You : Pfft- What can an old man like you do? Using your sort of magic?! Hah, you’re pathetic to rely on words without doing anything. I can kill you anytime, y'know.

Lancelot : …

• Despite having little to no patience with your attitude, he never actually advised you to be better and only threatened.

• He’ll just either order the guards to take you inside your room to think about behavior or just let you be.

• But, sooner or later, Lancelot realized that the teenager he was facing was too stubborn and self-centered to feel bad about your reaction.

• It soon became the final straw when he saw you coming back from your stroll with bruises and dirt on clothes.

• Guessing from another fight you had.

• The next night, Lancelot invited you to have a little chat in dinner.

• You were confused as hell but didn’t think much since there will be foods to eat anyway.

• While dismay about your table manner, he tried to keep his patience.

Lancelot : From now on, you will be prohibited to go outside ever again.

You : … Wait, what?!!

Lancelot : I’ll also be taking away all of your privileges and for you to clean the whole headquarters every day. Starting tomorrow.

You : –Wait, as in like a maid?! What the fucking hell are you talking about? Don’t you remember that I’m-

Lancelot : Your attitude is far much inappropriate. If you can’t comprehend this temporary measure, then I’ll really be sending you to the dungeon.

• With a short argument and you’re thrown into the dungeon for an hour Which, you couldn’t believe he actually done that. You decided to give in and work for the Red Army.

• The other members, particularly Jonah and Kyle, were laughing their heads off about this.

• You would always respond with swear and stomping their feet until you saw Lancelot coming and you returned to your work.

• Afraid to death that your punishment would be lengthened.

• This continues until Lancelot finally lifted your punishment.

• And surprisingly, you received a rare treatment from him.

• That was Lancelot, the cold King of the Red Army, who patted your head gently and left the hallway.

• You were surprised by the gesture and shown mixed emotions of disgust, confusion but also relief that the punishment was lifted.

• With Lancelot’s true intention from doing that he wanted to apologize for the hard treatment and congratulate you for making this far.

But, he was too proud to admit it.

Ikemen Revolution HC Masterlist

Rules Request

I accept requests of Ikemen Revolution Headcanons only with these conditions. Please keep in mind the conditions are :

Condition #1

I can’t accept one character at once, please specify (Black Army, Red Army, Neutral, Outsiders)

Condition #2

I will write anything except NSFW.

Please write what kind of request you want to read in detail.

Request is open for every characters!

—Thank you and send in your requests!


  • A/N: Leonardo’s birthday is coming up on April 15th and I just finished my first readthrough of his route. What better way to celebrate this man than to create something he’s the focus of?
  • I have not read anything outside of his main route and romantic ending. Any similarity to side stories is purely coincidental.
  • Pairing: Just Leonardo and his thoughts.
  • Setting: Shortly after the moment in his route where he has told MC what he is and what happened between them after that. This is pretty angst-driven.
  • Word Count: 568

Smoking is a filthy habit. I really should quit. Then again, what does it matter? It won’t kill me.

Still the cigarillo remains between my lips, unlit. I can’t quite bring myself to light it. Why not? 

I know the answer. Yeah, I do.

I sigh as I remove it, turning it between my fingers. When had I even started smoking? I can’t remember. It was so long ago. Memories from that time are hazy, half-heard melodies playing in a distant room that I can almost make out. But not quite.

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I’ll share first and will read it later ❤


Throb ~ An Ikemen Prince Story (Part 1)

Characters ~ Ikemen Princes & my OC, Evelyn

Warnings ~ Unrequited love, fluff, midnight rendezvous, flashback

Word Count ~ 1417

Synopsis ~ Evelyn wakes up with a severe headache after a night on the town for Nokto’s birthday. She contemplates the night’s events and her crush for a certain charming prince that led up to her current situation.

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