#jonah marais


“Dear, Lavender May. The moment I laid my eyes on you I fell in love. A new type of love that was so powerful I could feel it in every bone of my body. Lavender, YOU are the love of my life. I promise to protect you at all costs. No matter what the situation may be. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on I will be there for you before your tears can even fall down your face. If you ever need help with anything EVER in your life I will be there. I’m all yours. Forever. Thank you for changing my life in the best way I could possibly ask for. I’m sorry I couldn’t see you today on your 1st birthday, but i’m only 8 minutes away from you being quarantined. 7 days left baby girl and then we can throw another bday party for you I hope you have the best birthday ever beautiful princess. I’ll see you as soon as I possibly can.

Love, Dad.”

another new family member - Coco Chanel Seavey


Listen up you little fuckers, and listen very closely.

If one of you happen to be one of the following: Jack Avery, Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson, Daniel Seavey or Zach Herron you best believe that I love you with my entire heart and soul and that you own me now, you can’t go back. Deal with it.


If you happen to roll up on my blog you better hit me up or send a message or something cuz a bitch just really out here trying to say hello and give you all of my love and affection.

That is all, thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

LMAO SAME HERE. AND ESPECIALLY NOW. if anyone wants to HMU and be friends, I’d love that rn because my bf and I broke up and I’m dying inside :(


Basic Jonah Lockscreens


First Christmas Together


  • Okay so you told him you wouldn’t be able to see him for Christmas because your parents wouldn’t let you, eventually you talked them into it and decided to suprise him
  • The only way your parents would agree was if they came too
  • So you brought up the idea to his family and they were hype
  • His mom was a saint and helped you plan everything
  • She sent him to the store last minute on Christmas Eve so you could sneak into his room and wait
  • His little sister rushed to put a bow on your head before running back out of the room
  • Finally, he was home and the minute he saw you he pulled you in for a kiss
  • “Does the bow mean I get to keep you?”
  • “definitely”
  • The two of you joined his family again to help with Christmas baking, and your family showed up (they had gone out so zach wouldnt see them)
  • Mama herron kicks the two of you out of the kitchen after a minor sprinkle fight
  • Christmas movie marathons with his little siblings!
  • A huge christmas dinner with both of your families
  • Your family making little jokes about the way he looks at you
  • “I can’t help it, she’s beautiful”


  • The two of you were going to spend christmas with your families but a bunch of flights were cancelled
  • So instead, you decide to spend time at the WDW house with the other guys since they couldn’t leave either
  • You invite pretty much every friend in town and it turns into a giant party
  • Christmas music is blasting through the speakers, everyone is is pj’s
  • Hanging up christmas lights throughout the house while dancing along
  • You and jack have matching onesies
  • Karoke but like christmas music edition
  • Dancing around with Jack while Daniel plays some old christmas song on the piano
  • You pretty much never stop laughing and smiling because he’s just goofing off the whole time
  • Anytime he goes to talk to a friend he’ll lace your hands and introduce you as his girl
  • Mistletoe kisses!!!!
  • Friends cheering as the two of you kiss!
  • Flipping them off in response
  • Later when everyone’s gone, you curl up on the couch with hot chocolate and christmas movies
  • It wasn’t the christmas you planned at all, but it was one of your favorites


  • The two of you are the embodiment of Christmas spirit
  • Since neither of you could spare Christmas away from your families, you decided to have your own little Christmas early
  • A friend was out of town and you were watching her apartment so you decided to spend the day there
  • Christmas music filled the apartment and the two of you are definitely wearing ugly christmas sweaters while dancing around
  • Christmas cookies! Flour is everywhere, green frosting ended up being used as a weapon
  • Instead of having an official christmas meal there’s so many baked goods and you end up ordering pizza because you forget to buy actual food
  • “Merry Christmas baby.”
  • “It’s December 20th but go off I guess.”
  • “Shut up I’m being cute.”
  • It becomes a tradition for the two of you to have a mini celebration on Dec 20th every year


  • The two of you were flying out together to his family
  • Except your flight got cancelled so the two of you were stuck at the airport on Christmas Eve
  • You were hella disappointed and he knows how much you love Christmas so the two of you decided to improvise
  • It was like 11pm so the two of you bought Christmas cookies from any place that was open and parked yourselves on one of the little couches
  • Listening to christmas music through shared headphones while your head lay on his chest and his arms are wrapped around you
  • Right as the clock strikes midnight the two of you kiss and he seems sad
  • “I’m sorry. I know this isn’t the best Christmas.”
  • “I’m with you. I’m happy.”
  • The two of you don’t want to leave the airport due to security
  • however there’s a little outdoor smoking area so the two of you go out there for an impromptu snowball fight
  • Soft giggles as the snow’s falling on the two of you and you’re chasing eachother around the small area.
  • “I’m just glad I’m here with you.”


  • He came to suprise you for christmas
  • He had planned everything out with your parents, except the things is you were gonna suprise him so your parents had to make up excuses so you couldnt
  • So you were kinda pissed
  • Then he shows up and you’re ???? Shook
  • When you wake up christmas morning you come downstairs to see jonah sitting by the tree with a bow on his head
  • You are ready to cry because you haven’t seen him in a few months
  • Your friends/family is recording as you run into his arms
  • “I missed you baby.”
  • You pretty much don’t leave his side the entire day
  • Mistletoe kisses! But like shy bc your family is there
  • He’s wearing a jingly elf’s hat and it makes sounds everytime he walks
  • Helping make dinner while you both dance around listening to christmas music


Roadtrip HC

  • after the boys finally return from tour, daniel admits he loves to travel but he hates that they don’t get much time to explore whenever they’re touring
  • thus the idea of a roadtrip is born, mostly because you insist that you guys all do something together and Daniel loves the idea 
  • so all the boys quickly agree on a list of cities, and you all hit the road (the main ones being Las Vegas, Seattle, Portland, New Orleans but of course there’s much more)
  • because you guys are extra, you rented an RV that Zach insisted is filled with food
  • Jonah ends up driving like 70% of the time because he’s the best driver (plus Zach doesn’t drive at all because his driving is terrible) 
  • Corbyn promised to drive but he’s sleeping like 99% of the time and only wakes up for food 
  • To help Jonah stay up, you stay up front with him jamming out to throwback 1D songs, not caring that Zach is yelling at you for ruining his beauty sleep
  • So many adventures
  • In new orleans corbyn heard about this museum of serial killers and dragged you guys there
  • You guys were all like ok fine
  • But daniel ended up shook af bc he didn’t expect that amount of gore in the pictures/videos
  • Meanwhile corbyn was having a blast
  • You guys also went on so many ghost tours in new orleans
  • You discovered Jonah is a giant baby
  • He practically threw Daniel in front of him when he heard a noise
  • Later on in the roadtrip is Disney
  • This is more of Jonah’s pace
  • Matching mickey mouse ears
  • So many roller coasters + dragging the boys to the biggest ones
  • Harry potter land with Jonah geeking out every two seconds
  • Buying the house robes + wands
  • Running around using the wands on everything
  • At some point y’all go to Florida literally for no reason other than beaches
  • “Guys there’s beaches in Cali.”
  • “So?”
  • Sand castles!!
  • So much surfing & failing
  • The whole trip is fun but the driving is the best because there’s so many inside jokes and at night you’ll all play card games at the little table before going to bed



  • From the first time Jonah saw this baby OH LORD HE’S IN LOVE
  • it still amazed him how the two of you could make something so beautiful and small 
  • Jonah would NEVER leave their side
  • you and jonah would be laying in your bed and jonah has the baby resting on his chest
  • your heart would literally melt inside your chest
  • he’s rubbing the babies back and looking down with so much adoration 
  • he would love to be around your child 24/7
  • he would love bath time because he can hear your child’s laugh as they play with the bubbles 
  • jonah loves dressing your child up in cute little clothes
  • “babe please!” 
  • “no jo, we already have enough clothes to last of years”
  • “unfair”
  • there would be times where you come back to your room after showering and jonah is cuddled up with your baby in the bed
  • you HAVE to take a picture of it and send it to the boys
  • the boys LOVE this child 
  • “can i have my child back?” 
  • “y/n you knew what you were signing up for when you got pregnant, now leave us alone”
  • skip to a few years and your baby is now older
  • he or she is just starting to walk and you and jonah are so happy
  • when the baby said her first words you and jonah were actually crying
  • “my precious baby.” 
  • jonah is still so attached to this child
  • “look at these cute matching clothes we could get!” 
  • “jonah no.” 
  • you end up getting them and everyone loves them
  • jonah ABSOLUTELY LOVES posting about your baby
  • “ jonah stop sending me pictures ive already seen them”
  • where ever jonah goes so does the baby
  • this baby has jonah wrapped around their finger and they don’t even know it


Sound on

Yo Limelights know this one

You know you have too many photos of a celebrity when you’re photos app recognizes their face
